Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 912 Hi, Wife~~

Chapter 912 Hi, Wife~~
The earrings given by Bai Xingwei are miraculous, covering up Dabao's true appearance, but it will not completely change her appearance.

When going out, Luo Quan's appearance was fixed at Yueying's level.

The beauty in the world is so beautiful that it will not cause a sensation and riot.

When we came to the Valkyrie Temple again, it was obvious that the place had been cleared, and everyone was wearing the blue uniform of the Valkyrie Temple.

At the same time, a large number of melon-eaters gathered in the live broadcast room of the official Wushen Hall.

Yesterday, the operation of the Martial God Temple had blown out the cowhide, and today everyone came to see how beautiful this Luoquan is.

As long as there is one thing that makes them dissatisfied, it is estimated that the entire network will immediately mock them.

Maybe it's because it came too early, the Huanyuxing netizens in the live broadcast room obviously got a little impatient:
"How long do we have to wait, don't you dare to show up?"

"I've been staring at it for half an hour, and if it doesn't start within five minutes, I'll leave."

"I don't know what I'm moaning about."

"It's a mule or a horse, hurry up and take it out for a walk."

"I'm coming!"


The live broadcast finally had a picture, and the first thing that caught the eye was a head of dazzling blond hair.

"Be careful, there are hidden weapons!"

"Damn it, it's so flashy!"

"Blonde hair? That's pretty rare."


As the camera slowly moved around the camera to the front, Luo Quan's smiling face finally appeared in the camera:
"Hello, friends in the live broadcast room, I'm Luo Quan from a distant frontier planet, have you had breakfast at this time?"

A simple show of face and greetings made the audience in the live broadcast instantly blown up:

"Fuck me, beauty who are you?"

"I'll go straight to hello, my wife~~"

"It's okay to be reserved, don't just call a beautiful woman your wife, you say yes, lady."

"Who told me that Luo Quan's appearance is ordinary? You call this ordinary?"

"The Valkyrie Palace has always done a personnel matter this time. Where did they find such a beautiful woman?"

"The fly in the ointment is why is it the face of the God Bless Federation?"

"Mixed blood, these black eyes are obviously the characteristics of our Celestial Dynasty people."

"I just like the girls from God Bless Federation, you can learn an extra foreign language."

"Are you here to learn a foreign language? I'm too embarrassed to order pe!"

"Miss Luo, how old are you? You are unmarried. I will add a Lingxi number later."

"Huanyu male is a taster, don't scare people."


Numerous barrages flew across the light curtain in front of Luo Quan's eyes, because there were so many and the scrolling was too fast, she only saw a small part clearly.

However, judging from this part of the barrage, the audience still recognizes her appearance very much.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, now that the first hurdle has passed, everything else becomes easier:
"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming to watch the program "Walking with Luoquan", and it is also an honor to come and participate in the upcoming Martial God Trial.

I believe that everyone paid attention to this show at the beginning because of the so-called appearance that was promoted yesterday, but I hope that in the future, I can make you like me with my strength.

Of course, in addition to my looks and martial arts, I actually have a lot of talents, which I will show you slowly in the future. "

Luo Quan's generous and decent opening remarks immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room have a good impression of her:

"It doesn't look like stage fright at all, what did Miss Sister do before?"

"Female anchor, isn't this the hottest thing right now?"

"To be honest, I really can't see that my young lady is going to participate in the Martial God Trial. Isn't it random killing you to sign up for a beauty pageant or an acting trial like this?"

"Didn't you listen to what the young lady said? I hope we start with appearance and stay loyal to strength."

"Miss sister looks so weak, she should cry for a long time if she punches her."

"You can't be judged by your appearance. It's not uncommon to see ruthless people who are beautiful."

"Indeed, we'll have to wait until we're in a ring to say how strong we are."


It can be seen that these audiences are quite optimistic about her because of the good impression brought by her appearance.

After watching the barrage, Luo Quan replied: "The female anchor is indeed one of my careers in the home planet, besides, I can sing, perform, dance, cook, play musical instruments, compose and so on.

As for how high the level is, I don't know, after all, my hometown is a second-level civilization. "

Upon hearing this, the barrage immediately retorted:
"You can't say that. Even a first-level civilization can sometimes create movements that shock a ninth-level civilization."

"Yes, a beautiful girl like you is very rare in the ninth-level civilization."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to have so many talents. If you don't choose well, you should choose Martial God for the trial. It would be so miserable if you lose."

"Everyone has his own aspirations, maybe someone else's martial arts are stronger?"



Here, Luo Quan and the audience in the live broadcast room were chatting happily, Zhou Tu, the steward of the Martial God Temple next to him, also known as Uncle Zhou, suddenly received a message, which made his expression change slightly.

"Luo Quan, I have some new news."

Zhou Tu walked over, but did not enter the camera's shooting range: "Since you have no record of participating in the trial before, this Martial God trial needs to start from the preliminaries, and the first round will be held in half an hour."

"In such a rush?" Luo Quan raised his head, but he wasn't too surprised, "But it's okay, you have to fight early and late."

"That's right."

Zhou Tu slapped his hands angrily: "But the benefits we originally arranged for the spokesperson of the Martial God Temple were to skip the preliminaries directly. As a result, the trial committee didn't know which muscle cramped this time, so we didn't give face!"

When Luo Quan heard this, his face turned black, and then he turned his head to look at the camera: "Friends in the audience, now I understand why the Martial God Temple is so unpopular, right?
To be honest, this kind of back door stuff happens everywhere, and it’s fine to do it secretly. I broadcast it live and you still go through the back door openly. Isn’t that treating everyone as a fool? "

"Even if my generation of warriors do bad things, they will fight openly, and don't bother to cover up." Zhou Tu put his hands behind his back, with a dignified look.

Perhaps it was because the Martial God Temple was once too glorious, causing this group of people to do things without considering the consequences and impacts, so they turned into the current appearance of people hating ghosts.

But this arrogance is indeed quite accented, of course, it can also be said to be reckless.

"Let's forget about the black box operation. Since I decided to take the road of the Valkyrie Trial, I can only speak with my strength, so as not to be gobbled up if I win."

Luo Quan shook his head and sighed, directly giving up the privilege of arranging rookie opponents.

However, this move made the audience have some changes in her and Valkyrie Temple:
"That's why emotional intelligence is really important. The Valkyrie Palace didn't actually do anything harmful, but it's just that the top-to-bottom behavior style is too self-contained, and I don't think about others at all."

"I'm spoiled. After all, it was founded by the great hero who founded the Tang Dynasty. It has trained so many peerless warriors. It is also a must-go department for every warrior. The status is there."

"Miss Sister is still a freshman. If you don't want the privilege channel, you don't want it. In fact, there are quite a few people who take the privilege every time you try it."

"No way, it's all on the table. If you don't give up, it will cause dissatisfaction among the alien people."

"Shut up for Miss Luo Quan's integrity."


It can only be said that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

The Martial God Temple, which had an extremely bad reputation in the first place, reversed its reputation a little because of a piece of negative news.

During the live broadcast, the conversation between Zhou Tu and Luo Quan quickly became popular.

First of all, the Martial God Temple and the Universal Trial Committee asked for privileges, but the live broadcast was rejected.

Then the committee quickly issued a statement: "We have always adhered to a fair, just and open work policy, and will not provide privileges to the Valkyrie Temple before, now or in the future!"

Netizens flocked to it and started a heated discussion:
"The title of this news is already very outrageous, but seeing that it is the Temple of Valkyrie, then everything becomes reasonable."

"This is the Martial God Hall. If you change the department, you will be scolded to death."

"A typical dead dragon is not afraid of lightning strikes."

"One thing to say, this Luo Quan sister is very beautiful, but why can't she think about being the spokesperson of the Martial God Palace?"

"With this good looks and figure, wouldn't it be nice to go to the Empress Palace to be a guard of honour?"

"After all, I came from a remote area, and I don't understand anything. I guess I was fooled."

"Damn it, Martial God Palace, you have done all kinds of bad things!"

"Poor, such a beautiful girl, she will suffer a lot later."

"I can only pray that her opponent in the preliminaries of the Martial God Trial will be a handsome young man."


From the tone of the netizens, it can be seen that they are too lazy to spray the Temple of Valkyrie.

But still quite sympathetic to Luo Quan, appearance is justice, figure is truth.

Such a beautiful and charming little lady, everyone is willing to give her a beating, so they are all urging her to run before the game starts.

According to the trial rules, as long as there is no competition, you can change the trial track.

Based on her qualifications, if she participated in beauty pageants or performing arts and other industries that rely on her face for a living, it would be absolutely easy for her to advance.

But Luo Quan was incomprehensible to ordinary people and insisted on participating in the Martial God Trial.

When the netizens persuaded her, she had already changed into a costume for fighting with others.

This is the clothes she brought from the earth, a dark green slim military uniform.

A black belt wraps around Xiaoman's waist. Under the short skirt are two long, dazzlingly white legs. Two military boots cling to the black stockings on the calf, looking capable and beautiful.

If it is matched with a hat, it looks like the Gestapo.

Bai Xingwei, who was originally quite annoyed by Luo Quan's aggressive behavior, her eyes lit up after seeing her outfit: "It looks pretty good, and it's very energetic. But aren't you afraid that you'll lose everything when you lift your legs?"

"There are leggings." Luo Quan lifted up his skirt, and underneath was a pair of black leggings that were hailed as the worst in the history of human inventions.

"I still can't understand why you have to take such a difficult road." Bai Xingwei sighed again.

"Every road has its difficulties, and no road is absolutely easy."

Luo Quan patted Bai Xingwei's shoulder lightly: "Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

The reason why she is so confident is because she has carefully observed the combat performance of human warriors.

Even if it is a master of the bone-making realm, the maximum destructive power is only about the same as that of a missile.

If you want to move mountains and fill seas, that's something only earth-level masters can do.

That's why Luo Quan is so confident.

When she was still a flawless golden body, she was no longer particularly afraid of hot weapons.

Now that it has evolved into the Wugou Glazed Body, the missile is just a small scene for her, so she dares to go on it.

Every road is not easy, but it is not a reckless man who lacks a string in his brain. He must want to take the easiest one.

The Valkyrie Trial is the simplest one.

Moreover, she can also improve her strength by fighting with her opponents, and speed up the digestion of pills, which is killing two birds with one stone.

"That's fine, I just happened to see what level your skills are."

After Bai Xingwei finished speaking, she asked her family to book a ticket for the front row of the game.

Get closer, so that if things go wrong later, she can go up to save others.

The Martial God Trial qualifiers, like the main match, are also in the form of a ring, and they must win five people in a row to advance.

However, unlike the main match, there is no rest time in the qualifiers, and they must play five consecutive games in one go.

Although the level of players varies, the difficulty of fighting five consecutive battles is not low. Under the wheel of battle, even warriors whose strength is one level higher may overturn.

And the competition system is that everyone has to play at least five to advance, so there will be no situation where people who come out later take advantage of it.

Luo Quan turned on the camera, walked into the contestant waiting area, found a seat and sat down.

The surrounding players come from all parts of the civilization of the universe, and there are many aliens outside the civilization.

To sum it up, it is grotesque, with insects, orcs, tentacle monsters, and half of the strange creatures without entities.

Looking at them, Luo Quan thought he had come to the filming scene of the movie Men in Black.

In fact, most of the people who participated in the trial were humans, but Luo Quan was unlucky and was assigned to a contestant area full of "alien".

Fortunately, apart from her, there is still a human player around.

"Sister, are you human too?"

This young-looking boy took the initiative to come over to say hello, Luo Quan couldn't hold back when he opened his mouth: "Isn't it obvious that I am a human?"

The boy smiled honestly: "My name is Joseph, and like you, I am also from a remote planet in the universe."

"You know me?" Luo Quan asked in surprise, she didn't expect her fame to spread so quickly.

Joseph nodded with a smile: "Of course I know you, you are now a popular person on the Xinghai everything hot search list."

"So powerful?" Luo Quan has been busy with the live broadcast, and didn't pay much attention to the news from other places.

Joseph was about to say something, but he was notified of his appearance, so he smiled and said to her: "It's time for me to play, sister, I hope to see you next time in the player area of ​​the main match.

Also, sister, you are really beautiful. "

(End of this chapter)

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