Chapter 913
"This kid doesn't look like a good person at first glance, and he started flirting with you after just a few words!"

"Luo Quan, you can take care of yourself."

"Speaking of which, Luo Quan, what kind of martial arts do you practice?"


Facing the barrage of questions, Luo Quan raised his delicate fist in front of him: "I have a set of boxing skills that I learned in the countryside. It is said that if I practice it to the extreme, I will be invincible in the world. No man can resist it."

"Damn, what kind of boxing is so powerful?"

"Is it true? I don't read much, so don't fool me."

"It must be nonsense to laugh so happily."


Seeing the audience figured it out so quickly, Luo Quan also smiled: "I'm just kidding everyone, what kind of martial arts can I have as a second-level civilized person? It's all like this."

The audience was about to continue teasing, when Luo Quan suddenly stood up: "Let's talk later, it's my turn to play."

"so fast."

"come on!"

"Be careful with your fists and feet. If you can't fight, you will admit defeat. You are so beautiful, and you can develop a lot."


Amidst the blessings of the audience, Luo Quan walked out of the gate of the contestant waiting area. Inside and outside the gate were two completely different worlds.

There was silence in the door, and the contestants were almost closing their eyes and resting their minds, adjusting their status.

Outside the door, the noise almost made people dizzy.

The auditorium stretching into the distance was filled with cheering and cheering humans and humanoids.

The arena is more than ten meters high, and ordinary people can't climb it no matter what. The area is more than 1000 square meters, which is enough for two contestants to perform on it.

Luo Quan glanced at Bai Xingwei and gestured OK to her, not knowing if she could understand.

Then she walked up the stairs to the ring, which made many audience laugh:
"No way, just walk up like this?"

"There are not many people who appear in such a simple way."

"After all, it's a girl, so it's normal for her to be gentle."

"Wait, don't be scared and cry by your opponent."


Because it was too noisy, Luo Quan couldn't hear these ridicules.

But looking at the presumptuous smiles on those people's faces, Luo Quan knew that they probably didn't say anything good.

But it's normal, after all, her extraordinary way is indeed full of the feeling of a weak chicken.

After walking the stairs, Luo Quan finally saw today's first opponent.

It is a burly giant with a height of nearly four meters and brown skin.

At this time, the voice of the host sounded, overshadowing the shouts of the audience: "In the next match, Vasan from the Tavo Civilization will face Luo Quan from the Land of Light in the Aim 78 Nebula.

What I want to remind everyone is that Watson has won four qualifiers in a row, and he is only one game away from qualifying for the main match of the Valkyrie Trial.

Faced with such a formidable enemy in the first stage, can our beautiful Miss Luo Quan handle it?let us wait and see! "

After speaking, the crisp gong sounded, announcing the start of the game.

Because of the language barrier, Wa Zan didn't say hello to Luo Quan, but rushed up directly.

The huge body carried a strong wind that could overturn people. Almost in the blink of an eye, Wa Zan's huge fist came to Luo Quan's face, and there was still blood on it that might have been left by the previous players.

"Eight Gate Dunjia, Life Gate Open!"

Qi and blood in Luo Quan's body surged, and there was a frenzied flow of aura visible to the naked eye.

Facing this unstoppable heavy punch, she raised her hand to block it with a speed that the naked eye could not catch.

With a loud "bang", Luo Quan's feet sank deeply into the floor, and the circular shock wave spread in all directions.

"This kind of intensity..." Luo Quan's eyes were full of excitement, this was an intensity she could never obtain in a battle on Earth.

The Vasan in front of her is stronger than all the opponents she has encountered before, and much stronger!
With this in mind, Luo Quan also released all the restraints of his strength, and prepared to fight hard.

And Wa Zan saw that the skinny girl actually blocked his heavy blow, and his expression was very surprised.

Before he could figure out how Luo Quan did it, a ridiculously large force was transmitted from his fist, and it was Luo Quan who took the initiative to pull him over.

At any time, being actively pulled by such a superb beauty is an extremely happy and beautiful thing.

But if it happened in the ring, the lack is enough to make the hair stand on end.

At this time, Wa Zan, who was the number one warrior in the clan, found that he had no strength to resist Luo Quan's pull at all, and was pulled staggeringly.

However, before he could react, a cute pink fist not much bigger than his eyes was directly printed on his chin.

The terrifying force made his mouth crooked, and the upper and lower lips were almost completely staggered.

It was also fortunate that the Tavor had the blood of the Rock Titan. When he was hit hard, his survival instinct allowed him to instantly petrify his whole body, and he forcibly withstood the punch that almost knocked his jaw out.

However, petrification can greatly improve his defense, but the side effect is also not small. In this state, his speed will become very slow.

The top master in the group can achieve petrification and at the same time move without any restrictions, but unfortunately he has not yet reached this level.

But he confidently believes that his petrification of Tier [-] hardness is enough to withstand the heavy punch of the girl in front of him.

But soon Watson discovered that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

Luo Quan punched out, and found that the feel of Wa Zan's chin had changed dramatically in a short period of time, and immediately realized that something had changed in his body.

But the rhythm of her attack was not interrupted because of this. The first punch did not knock down Wa Zan, and Luo Quan still held Wa Zan's wrist with his left hand.

With another push, Vasan fell over again.

Like a compass, Luo Quan twisted his explosive waist on the spot, and threw out a straight whip leg, hitting Vasan's eight-pack abs.

Wa Zan's face turned ashen in an instant, this powerful and heavy kick almost kicked him out of the overnight meal, and the whole abdominal cavity seemed to have entered the third prince of Nezha, and the pain was so painful that his already petrified eyelids The son jumped wildly.

However, Luo Quan was not satisfied, he hadn't let go of the kick, and the remaining foot kicked violently, creating a circle of cobweb cracks on the floor.

Then she soared into the air, and her knees, which had been bent into sharp angles, went straight to Vasan's chin.

This is one of the ultimate moves in muay thai. With her current strength, if this knee is kicked firmly, let alone a stone, even a large piece of fine steel will be dented!

Fortunately, as a master, Vazan's sixth sense is extremely keen. He immediately sensed the great horror between life and death, so he immediately lifted the petrification, and then rolled around like a lazy donkey without image.

Seeing Wa Zan rolling fast on the ground, Luo Quan chased after him and kicked a football, but it was a pity that the kick missed.

However, she quickly adjusted her posture and quickly smashed the empty foot.

With a crisp sound of "click", Luo Quan's heel smashed the floor and the gravel splashed everywhere.

After Wa Zan fell down, he didn't stop. The majestic four-meter man was more soulful than the ground dragon, and Luo Quan's first two attacks were all missed.

But she won't make the same mistake a third time

Taking a deep breath, he let out a soft drink from his mouth.

Take a step forward and straighten your waist, and come from the ground.

Luo Quan flew out like a cannonball, and caught up to the fast-rolling Wa Zan in an instant, aiming at the waist with a Superman punch.

Even though Vasan, who was hit, went into petrification again, he still let out a cry of pain. His whole body was like a long bow fully drawn, and his head and feet were desperately bent back. It seemed that the pain was not light.

"Stop...stop!" Vasan raised a hand tremblingly, "I admit defeat!"

"I've accepted it." Luo Quan smiled and said politely to him.

Soon the medical staff came up and carried Wa Zan down for treatment. With the medical level of universal civilization, this injury is nothing.

And Luo Quan took a deep breath of air, the aura here was more than a hundred times richer than that of the earth, which made her replenish the aura from the electricity just now almost instantly.

"Next!" Luo Quan raised his arm and raised a finger.

This mad gesture made the audience stunned for a moment, and then immediately cheered:

"This sister is hot enough, it's my favorite!"

"Looking so beautiful, it's hard to beat every move."

"Wazan is at the pinnacle of the Bone-Building Realm, and he's so vulnerable."

"Damn it, this shit Wazan thought it was pretty good when he looked at five people and six people, but it turned out to be a paper tiger, causing me to lose 10 yuan!"

"This Luo Quan looks pretty good, I'm going to beat her all the way."


Contrary to the overwhelming ridicule just now, all the cheers filled my ears now.

This is how people are, you will be recognized if you show your strength, and you will be licked without thinking.

But as long as you lose, you will immediately abandon it like a shoe.

Although Luo Quan does not approve of such a utilitarian behavior, she enjoys the happiness brought by winning all the time. After all, she has never lost since her debut.

As for just now, it was because I was hilarious, so I pointed to the sky excitedly.

Now that I calm down and think about the behavior of the second child, I am really ashamed.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the second contestant to jump onto the stage.

This human being covered in light blue was only two meters tall, holding a long knife with a faint light in his hand.

Before the host finished introducing his identity, he rushed forward.

Although according to the rules, as long as you go on stage, the competition will start.

But this kind of non-martial arts behavior is still despised by the audience.

And Luo Quan naturally had no intention of showing mercy to such unruly people.

With a flick of her wrist, aura covered her fist, and then she swung it forward.

A flash of astonishment flashed in the blue-skinned man's eyes, thinking that he was still so far away, who would he hit with this punch?

However, in the next second, Luo Quan's fist shot out a half-meter-thick golden fountain, rushing towards the blue-skinned man.

He uttered a strange roar under the mixture of shock and anger, and frantically waved the long knife in his hand, cutting out blue light blades.

In a series of muffled "dong dong", more than a dozen saber lights swung by the blue-skinned man directly split Luo Quan's golden fist shadow.

Gathering energy is a sign that it is about to break through the blood quenching realm.

With this move alone, the blue-skinned man is stronger than Vasan who was beaten just now and didn't fight back.

But not much stronger, facing Luo Quan still can only act as a gesture of letting go.

Dahei is not here, she can't release the full version of the sworn victory sword.

But after releasing it last time, she had already learned the technique of exuding the aura. After so long of practice, she also learned to release the aura directly with her fists.

The power is definitely not as good as when Dahei is in hand, but it is more flexible, and it is undoubtedly enough to deal with the blue-skinned man in front of him.

After being punched seven or eight times in the air by Luo Quan, the blue-skinned man finally couldn't stand it any longer.

It is very energy-consuming to release the aura to split the knife light, and it is already his limit to do this.

However, the girl on the opposite side seemed to have endless aura, punching one after another without even taking a breath.

If he continued, even if he didn't get beaten to death by her, he would have to be beaten to death.

After blocking the new shadow of a fist, the blue-skinned man retreated tens of meters abruptly, and then shouted: "I admit defeat!"

Luo Quan's fists had already started to glow, and he could only calm down and put them down when he heard this.

To be honest, although this blue-skinned man doesn't talk about martial arts, his strength is really not bad.

As soon as she attacked, it gave her a sense of oppression, which was incomparable to that of Vasan before.

So she used the aura to release it at the first time, and now it can be regarded as easy to win.

Winning two people in a row is still a master who is one step away from being promoted. There is no need to say more about this strength.

In the past, many people thought that Luo Quan was a vase and needed weak chickens arranged by the Martial God Temple to advance.

And when the Trial Committee issued a statement that it would not favor her, most people thought that she would end in failure in the first qualifier.

Even at the moment when she was on stage, not many people actually liked her.

But at this time, no one questioned her strength anymore.

There are even many people who think that the secret operation of the Valkyrie Temple is completely superfluous.

This Luoquan has become like this, is it necessary for a proper martial artist of the official level to engage in those moths in the qualifiers?
It can only be said that Wushendian himself did not expect Luo Quan to be so good at fighting.

Obviously, it looks like a warrior in the middle of the Bone-making Realm, and he doesn't have any great skills, and his race is also an ordinary human race.

But the strength displayed is unbelievably strong, which is really incomprehensible.

This unbelievably beautiful girl must have a lot of secrets, but no one will know what the secrets are.

After all, she is now the spokesperson of the Valkyrie Temple anyway.

This organization may have a bad reputation and be unpopular.

But the strength is absolutely unquestionable. In the entire civilization of the universe, there are not many people who dare to provoke the Temple of Valkyrie.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that she is useful to the Valkyrie Temple.

If she loses the next game, the identity of the spokesperson of the Valkyrie Hall may not be preserved.

Without this layer of tiger skin, it will be much easier to deal with.

Luo Quan herself understands this, so what she has to do is to keep winning until she achieves the ultimate goal of the program "Walk with Luo Quan".

That is to get the permanent residence permit of Huanyuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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