Chapter 914
ps. Thanks to book friends Arctic Ice Dragon, sffan, and Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you for your support!

With a left kick, Luo Quan directly kicked the opponent who was already on the edge of the ring.

Exhaling lightly, Luo Quan finally showed a triumphant smile.

This is the last opponent. After winning five games in a row, she can finally advance to the official competition.

It is worth mentioning that among the five opponents she defeated, three were quasi-official players who had won four consecutive victories.

Under normal circumstances, such an opponent would usually only deal with one, but she fought three in a row.

This is obviously unreasonable.

However, it is not difficult to understand when combined with the fact that Valkyrie Hall let the committee operate in the dark.

This is probably because the committee deliberately increased the difficulty of her battle in order to separate the relationship, so that the public can also have an explanation.

And if Luo Quan's level is really not that high, this arrangement can also allow her to go offline early, so as to avoid complications.

However, Luo Quan withstood the pressure and lost his opponents in a row, and won five victories with a nearly crushing attitude. It was a win-win situation for both her and the committee.

Unknowingly, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has increased by five times compared to the beginning.

During this period, the Martial God Palace helped her buy another trending search, which publicized the powerful strength of this beauty spokesperson.

Originally, netizens were waiting to see the jokes of the Martial God Temple, but they didn't expect that Luo Quan was really not a vase.

Talented people can attract fans wherever they go, but martial arts geniuses from Huanyu civilization have never been uncommon.

It's a bit slow to reach the Bone-making Realm in his early twenties.

However, a girl as beautiful as Luo Quan is really flamboyant.

The universal civilization divides the appearance value into grades, ranging from one to nine from low to high.

The number one beauty recognized by the Holy Tang Dynasty—the Holy Tang Empress has no rank, or is above the ninth rank.

As for Luo Quan, his appearance is above the eighth level and below the ninth level.

Huanyuxing has a population of 2000 billion, and there are not twenty beauties at the ninth level.

The most astonishing thing is that Luo Quanchun can reach such a level by appearing without makeup.

Among the beauty ratings of Huanyuxing, there are no extra blessings such as makeup and plastic surgery.

Even if the plain makeup is at the first level, as long as your makeup skills are good enough, and the effect of the painting is at the ninth level, then you are a ninth-level beauty.

Luoquan Suyan is at this level, but with makeup on, wouldn't it be easy to reach the ninth level?
As we all know, appearance and body are linked to the genes of parents.

However, Luo Quan's appearance is more outstanding than that of countless natives of Huanyu Star. It is hard to believe that her hometown is a second-level civilization.

In the eyes of most Huanyu people, civilizations below the fifth level are not much different from primitive people, weak, ignorant, and backward.

It is estimated that these hominids evolved from grotesque creatures to human form in less than a million years, and their genetic makeup is also full of defects.

Their lifespans are short and they battle various diseases throughout their lives, some are born with incurable physical disabilities, not to mention their good looks.

In the entire Huanyu civilization, all nine-level beauties were born on the Huanyu star.

This is the first time an alien like Luo Quan has appeared.

So many netizens doubt whether Luo Quan is a so-called second-level civilized native.

Perhaps her parents were both natives of Huanyu Planet, and because of some incidents, they left their hometowns and settled in a remote place?

This is the most reasonable explanation for what netizens think.

And back to Eluoquan in the players' rest area, after seeing everyone's doubts, he said in a very firm tone: "My parents are definitely not natives of Huanyuxing, and my hometown is indeed a second-level civilization. Don't think about it." Too much.

Sometimes life is like this, something that seems absurd to you is actually the truth. "

This chicken soup for the soul directly brought tears to the eyes of netizens:
"You are so beautiful, of course you say that, we ugly bastards can't make you so beautiful just because of plastic surgery, woo woo woo."

"By the way, has Ms. Luo Quan ever considered participating in the Universal Beauty Contest? For a girl, this is a great honor."

"Your background is really good, you can reach the ninth level with a little makeup, and you can even compare with those in the top ten if you find a heavenly makeup artist!"

"To put it bluntly, which of the heavenly makeup artists does not charge a sky-high price? Luo Quan is new here, where can I get the money?"

"Eh... I have assets, I can invite Miss Luo Quan to work as a heaven-rank makeup artist, if you don't mind, Miss..."

"You are the only one who has assets, right? Is there such a good thing that you will be acquired by Menglun?"

"That's right, my family is a mine owner, so I haven't said anything yet."


Seeing these bullet screens that wanted to sponsor her, Luo Quan didn't know if they were telling the truth or joking, but she herself was not interested in beauty pageants.

"To tell you the truth, I have actually won the most beautiful title in my hometown for several years in a row. I was very happy when I first won it, but as the number of times increases, it's just like that."

Luo Quan paused at this point, and then said seriously: "Actually, what I hope more is that everyone not only sees my appearance, but also discovers some other shining points in me!"

"There are other shining points, such as a really good figure."

"Indeed, it makes me want to call mother."

"The legs are long, white and straight, and they are superb."

"Shou Shou Wei, this is a serious live broadcast room, if you want to drive, go to the Caoliu live broadcast platform next door."


Seeing these comments, Luo Quan's eyes darkened. He originally thought that the people of the ninth-level civilization were high-quality gentlemen, but they turned out to be no different from those LSPs on Earth.

Sure enough, is GHS the primary productive force no matter where it goes?

This made Luo Quan laugh and cry: "Anyway, the task of live broadcasting today can be regarded as a successful completion. I have successfully advanced to the main stage of the Martial God Trial. Next, I only need to win five more games to get my residence permit.

If you think this story, or me, is attractive to you, then please pay more attention to the program "Walking with Luoquan". The latest news will be released by the official account of Wushendian, and we will see you in the next live broadcast! "

After speaking, Luo Quan ended the live broadcast.

At this time, Bai Xingwei also came in: "Congratulations, Luo Quan, I didn't expect you to be so strong and win so easily. Unfortunately, I was worried that you would be beaten on stage."

"I told you before that I'm good at fighting." Luo Quan smiled proudly, "Of course it's mainly because these opponents don't have any great kung fu. In other words, they are just like me. It will be easy to use."

"You're right."

Bai Xingwei nodded and said: "If you meet those opponents with inheritance, your advantage may not be so obvious, so have you thought about how to deal with it?"

Luo Quan smiled heartily: "How else can I deal with it? Hurry up and practice while you still have time, the level has improved, even if the skills are a little behind, you can still fight. In our place, it is called one power reduction ten sessions."

"It makes sense." Bai Xingwei agreed with Luo Quan's point of view very much, and then snapped her fingers.

Luo Quan only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and found that he had returned to the square of the Martial God Temple.

Uncle Zhou Tu still had his hands behind his back, and looked at himself with a smile: "You're back? The Palace Mistress is very satisfied with your performance, and she even asked you to keep going, saying that as long as you can continue to win five games in a row in the official competition, not only It’s not impossible to get a temporary residence permit, or even a Huanyuxing Hukou.”

"Palace Master? Martial God Palace... Shouldn't it be called Palace Master?" Luo Quan accepted the good news with a smile while still being puzzled.

"You probably don't understand the structure of our Valkyrie Temple yet."

Zhou Tu smiled and explained to Luo Quan: "Our Martial God Palace is divided into four palaces and 28 gates. I am the head of the Kuimu Gate of the White Tiger Palace, and my immediate boss is the Palace Master of the White Tiger Palace.

At present, the Palace Master and the other three Palace Masters are all practicing in seclusion, and only the Palace Master of the White Tiger Palace is walking outside, so the Martial God Palace is now the largest of hers. "

"The trouble is to tell the Palace Master...My lord, I will do my best." Luo Quan's expression was unclear, but his tone was still quite respectful.

After the chat, Bai Xingwei snapped her fingers again and brought Luo Quan back to the room.

"Good guy, your name is the fifth most searched name!"

After Bai Xingwei returned to the room, she started yelling not long after.

When Luo Quan heard this, he immediately opened Xinghai Wanshi software.

"Luo Quan, a beautiful alien girl, the embodiment of beauty and strength!"

The level of the title of Huanyuxing is almost on par with those of Japan's secondary styles.

It's long and exaggerated, but it's more eye-catching, and you can know what it is without clicking on it.

The hot search content is first of all a few full-body photos of herself, from high to low angles, and it is still in 3D. Just click on the photo, and she will stand up, and then rotate and stretch at will.

Of course, if it is turned upside down, the holy light will appear under the skirt, and the protection of privacy is still in place.

This technology similar to holographic projection allows people to appreciate her appearance and figure more intuitively, 360 degrees without dead ends, and it is still close.

One of the answers with the most likes in the comment area said:

"The peak appearance of the mixed race of Sheng Tang and God's Blessing takes into account the angular facial contours and gentle and pleasant eyebrows.

Tall and plump, it is a typical god-blessed person, but there is no obvious body hair on the arms and thighs, and it is estimated that there will be no body odor. It belongs to the director of the two races.

The most rare thing is that she still shows up without makeup. After putting on makeup, it can at least improve her appearance. If she participates in the beauty pageant, there is absolutely no problem with rating nine. "

The user who wrote this answer is a judge of the Huanyu Beauty Contest, and because of her professional habits, she made a more professional evaluation of Luo Quan.

It sounds a bit like judging her, but overall it's still praising her.

And the nickname of the second user who answered was Ye Liangchen: "I, Ye Liangchen, hereby announce that I have contracted this girl, give me a face, and in the future, the idlers will stop coveting her. There will be a big thank you in the future!"

Of course, this kind of extremely arrogant words also immediately aroused the counterattack of netizens:

"Because of your grandmother's daughter, I can see you every time a beautiful woman appears."

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little power in the imperial capital. Behind you is the Martial God Palace."

"I really want to see you go to the Martial God Hall to see who is more powerful."

"Stop rubbing, rubbing around like a mad dog all day, aren't you tired?"


Seeing the abuse from netizens, Luo Quan went to search for this Ye Liangchen.

Then I found out that this seemed to be a social terrorist who liked to join in all the excitement. His quite second-year speeches can be seen below the hot news.

Especially when there is news about beautiful women, it will be more active, like a teddy that is everywhere, and it will go into heat when it sees a beautiful woman.

At the beginning, the big guys still regarded him as a clown, which was quite funny.

But over time, I got bored and started spraying him.

Some people couldn't understand it, and even made an offline appointment with him.

But the people who made the appointment basically disappeared the next day, which also let everyone know that Ye Liangchen's background is not simple.

So after that, netizens basically just sprayed him on the Internet, and no longer confronted anyone head-on in reality.

And this time Luoquan was hotly searched, of course Ye Liangchen came here just because he smelled it, and it undoubtedly aroused the group of netizens to gossip.

"Xingwei, do you know this Ye Liangchen?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Yes, it's just an extremely egotistical brat in our school. If you meet him in the future, walk around and don't get entangled by him."

When Ye Liangchen was mentioned, Bai Xingwei's face became gloomy, as if she had some bad memories.

Luo Quan asked with a smile: "It seems that this brat made you suffer before?"

"Empty?" Bai Xingwei seemed to have heard a big joke, "Who can make me Bai Xingwei? It's just that this kid has a big background and is really shameless, so he seems difficult to deal with.

But he didn't dare to mess with me too much, otherwise he would know who made who suffer. "

"It's not an easy person to deal with, so I'd better not respond to his comments."

"It's best not to even touch him. You will become unlucky when you meet him." Bai Xingwei clasped his hands together, as if I would really thank him.

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he saw it. In fact, he was really curious that this funny thing could make Bai Xingwei behave like this.

After being famous, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that she now has fans and a reputation base, and she can make a lot of money in the future whether it is live streaming or selling meat muffins.

The downside is that all kinds of rhythms will come to her.

Just like she used to be on Earth, there are many people who are popular.

Although she has told everyone, she is not very interested in the so-called beauty ranking.

But there are still many people who compare her with others.

Pulling and stepping on this kind of thing will easily cause the other party's dissatisfaction once it is carried out.

In the past on Earth, she could restrain her fans, and such things rarely happened.

But here, these fans don't listen to her very much.

(End of this chapter)

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