Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 915 The dream of ordinary people

Chapter 915 The dream of ordinary people

The good news is that she is now boarding at Bai Xingwei's house and has the Martial God Temple as her backer.

So for the time being, no one will come to touch her bad luck, but it is definitely indispensable to arrange some Internet trolls to attack her.

This is the cheapest and most effective way recently, without taking responsibility, and disgusting.

However, Luo Quan himself was almost immune to similar methods. He hadn't seen any battles when he was on Earth before, and these were just sprinkling water.

The most urgent task is to improve the strength first.

With strength, those who scold her will have no confidence...

Welcome to Frydo's live broadcast room! "

A squat, goblin-like Carlos with pointed ears and a long nose is suspended in the universe, and an assistant who looks similar to him is pointing at him with a round camera.

Behind the two of them was a huge spaceship and a huge blue planet.

"What we are now in is the powerful ninth-level civilization in the central star field-the periphery of the mother star of the universe.

This place is rich and beautiful. As far as our eyes can see, everything from stars and black holes to cosmic dust is ruled by the civilizations of the universe.

This civilization is the most populous civilization in the central star field. Under the huge base, more than [-] beauties were born.

But can everyone guess that there unexpectedly appeared a Yueying-level beauty who was born in a low-level civilization and her genes had not undergone any optimization.

Everyone knows that a Yueying-level beauty needs countless generations of genetic optimization, and then it is possible to be born under the perfect combination of two DNAs.

Each of them is the most charming flower in the universe, a gift from the Creator to the world, and a unique beauty that cannot be copied!

Speaking of which, the viewers from Huanyu should all know who the character I am going to live broadcast this time is Frydo, right?
As the most popular figure in the civilization of the universe these two days, Luo Quan has too many mysteries waiting for us to explore.

What's more interesting is that her home planet is only a second-level civilization, and she is still about to fight a group of five big and three thick muscle sticks in order to obtain a residence permit for Huanyuxing.

So, will this beautiful girl from the humblest Yueying class in this era make great strides or end up sadly? The audience is invited to lock on Fledo's camera to witness the rise of this genius! "

After finishing the opening remarks, Fledo and his assistants returned to the spaceship and headed straight for Huanyuxing...

"It's really lively these days, there are not many people here."

Zhou Tu looked at the continuous stream of favors in the Wushen Temple, and laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Ever since Luoquan became popular, many young people have come to the Temple of Martial Arts, wanting to meet this beautiful woman from a special background.

Now many geneticists and biologists on the Internet believe that Luo Quan should not be beautiful like this, which completely violates the laws of biological evolution and is an unscientific manifestation. They think that Luo Quan is definitely not plain, and even that face is not original.

But another group of experts believe that Luoquan is one of the infinite possibilities when life is born.

And it just so happens that this possibility has obvious advantages in terms of appearance, so there is such a phenomenon that goes against common sense.

Therefore, these experts also called Luoquan "a miracle like life".

And these young people gathered here just want to see this miracle of life.

Of course Zhou Tu would not let go of this opportunity to publicize the Martial God Temple, but at the same time, he asked his subordinates to maintain order on the scene.

Luo Quan is currently shooting a video in the Martial God Temple, and when it comes out later, it will probably cause quite a commotion.

But at this moment, a disc-shaped spaceship arrived over the Valkyrie Temple.

A chunky man who looked like a goblin jumped out of it, followed by two guards in armor and a round white ball of light.

"The visitor stops and explains his purpose."

A small group of Valkyrie Temple guards flew in front of him, speaking in blunt universal language.

Fledo smiled all over his face: "Don't be nervous my friend, I'm the interstellar anchor Fledo, and I'm here to cooperate with Valkyrie Temple."

"Cooperation?" The chief guard frowned.

He had vaguely heard of Fledo's name, and the name of me, the interstellar anchor, is not something everyone can call, so he didn't immediately refuse: "Wait for a while, I will let the sect master come and talk to you. .”

"Audience, it seems to be going well." Frydo turned his head and looked at the live light ball excitedly and said.

In the past, when he went to broadcast live broadcasts to those hot people, many of them rejected his request, especially in the last few times, even if he promised a very high price, he failed once.

But this time it went smoothly at the beginning, at least the people of Huanyu civilization were very qualified, and they didn't directly point a gun at his head like the civilization he visited before.

"Sect Master, there is an interstellar anchor named Fledo, and it said that it wants to cooperate with the Martial God Palace to broadcast an interstellar live broadcast to Luoquan!"

The chief guard found Zhou Tu and reported the situation to him.

"Fledo..." For him who often surfs the Internet, this name is not unfamiliar.

Just as I was about to say something, Luo Quan came out.

"Luo Quan, you came just in time. I have a good job here, do you see if you are interested?" Zhou Tu called Luo Quan to stop, and explained to her why Fledo came.

It took Luo Quan a little time to understand that this so-called interstellar anchor is a celebrity with a certain reputation in the entire universe.

Converted to the earth, it means that the civilization of the universe is quite Chinese, which belongs to China.

And this Frydo is a major international anchor, with countless fans on Youtube and Mouse Channel.

"If you can shine in his live broadcast room, it will have a positive impact on the entire civilization of the universe. This is a proper cultural export!" Seeing Luo Quan's silence, Zhou Tu thought she was not very willing .

When Luo Quan heard the four words of cultural output, it was as if his blood had awakened: "No problem, I'll take care of this!"

"This... so simple?" Zhou Tu was stunned, he didn't expect Luo Quan to agree so happily.

Luo Quan smiled proudly: "After all, cultural export is my old profession."

After waiting in the square for about 5 minutes, Fledo thought that he would meet the so-called sect master first, but unexpectedly, the protagonist of this live broadcast appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Fledo." Luo Quan, wearing an ordinary casual T-shirt and jeans, greeted Fledo.

"My god of wealth, I didn't expect you to be more beautiful than the rumors!" Fledo was obviously not a bit defensive, "Your beauty is comparable to the most beautiful flowers in the universe!"

"You're too polite, I'm not so beautiful." Luo Quan laughed until his face turned red.

There is a saying that flatters and flatters, and it is hard for Luo Quan not to laugh until he meets a big anchor who speaks so nicely.

"Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Fredo, and I am currently one of the most influential anchors in the entire Central Starfield.

And the theme of my live broadcast is to take those geniuses at the universe level as the protagonists and record their growth path.

Before that, I have already recorded a batch of geniuses such as 【Xing Xing Shen Tong】, 【Holy Qiong King Dragon】, 【Magic Energy Holy Infant】, etc.

I very much hope that you can become the next protagonist. Of course, your own will is the key. If you don't agree, I won't force it. "

Fredo talked a lot like a cannonball, but Luo Quan didn't understand it very complicatedly.

In fact, now that I am very popular, everyone plans to come over to catch the heat.

There are live broadcasts on the earth, and there are also live broadcasts from civilizations far away from light years, all of which are a way for people to entertain themselves.

Some anchors like to shoot all kinds of star spectacle, while some anchors like to shoot people.

As for Fledo, he had never heard of the nicknames Luo Quan mentioned, but it is also possible that she knew little about them.

Although the rise of these people has nothing to do with Fledo, but being able to find him to broadcast live must also recognize that he is on the same level as these geniuses.

This is actually a good thing.

But looking at Fledo like this makes me feel very stingy. She doesn't like people who are not generous and have selective amnesia.

"What about the remuneration? If you don't pay, how can I give you the exclusive right to live broadcast?" Luo Quan directly reached out and used practical actions to help him recover his memory - the basic principle of the transaction.

"Haha, look at my brain, I forgot about this." Freddo smiled awkwardly, and immediately took out a list.

Luo Quan took it over and looked at it, then immediately threw it back: "How can you send a beggar for such a small thing?
After all, he is also the top anchor in the universe. Is this a millionth of what you got from tipping this trip? "

The rewards Fledo gave were actually quite a lot, but Luo Quan couldn't understand any of them.

But what is important in business is to ask for a lot of money and pay back the money. Now let him scare him first, let him know that he is not Xiaobai, so as not to fool her when he signs the contract later.

"Just wait for a while, I will prepare my asking price."

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan immediately went back to Bai Xingwei's room through the portal, and asked her to help out with suggestions, and see how much compensation is appropriate.

After another 10 minutes, Luo Quan came out of the portal and handed his offer to Fledo.

Fredo read a few lines, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets in shock.

" are a black hole! I'm just an anchor, where can I find you so many heavenly grade seven-turn magic pills?!"

When Fredo spoke, his tongue was trembling. He never expected that Luo Quan would ask for so many things, which was more than the price he had paid before!

Luo Quan said with a smile: "For ordinary anchors, that must be unacceptable.

But you are a big interstellar anchor, and these things are just your gifts for a few months, and the price is already very good. "

"No, I can't accept it." After being an anchor for so many years, he has never had such a hemorrhage. The gene of the Carlos family who regards money as life makes Fledo very emotional.

"Calm down my friend, you don't just look at your pay, you have to look at your income.

Now I am somewhat famous anyway, and there are definitely not a few people who come to watch me in the live broadcast room.

After a while, I will also participate in the Universal Trial, and the traffic will explode even more. At that time, your gift will not be merciless. "

"That's right, but..."

Frydo bitterly said: "But can you guarantee that you can get a good ranking in the Universal Trial?

It is true that you are talented, but it is only a talent in appearance, and your strength is still only at the bone-making level.

And the opponents you will meet next are basically at the blood tempering level, and you don't know if you can survive it.

If you died directly, wouldn't I lose a lot of money? "

In business talk business, although Fredo's words are very disrespectful, they are also talking about the risks that may occur in this transaction.

Luo Quan was not angry either, and his face was still full of smiles: "How can there be a business in the world that can make a profit without losing money?

Even if you block the road and rob, you have to consider the possibility of being killed.

Doing business is all about taking risks, the key is to see if the rewards can make you ignore the risks.

You are an industry insider, so you should know better than me how much you can earn from this live broadcast. "

Fredo looked at the list, and then at Luo Quan, feeling his heart was bleeding.

"Can you have less, some things are really too precious, and you need to pay far more than the market price to buy them."

Seeing that Fledo was about to cry, Luo Quan frowned, and reduced the demand for some items as appropriate.

"That's it. If you can't accept it, then forget it." After the revision, Luo Quan declared that he did not intend to make any further concessions.

Finally, the reward came to a point where both of them were satisfied.

Fredo and Luo Quan successively left their own soul imprints on the contract, each took a copy and kept it safe.

Although the Carlos people love money, they value the spirit of contract very much because they started out as businessmen.

After the contract is established, even if you sacrifice your life for it, you will faithfully fulfill it.

Compared with some capricious and double-faced intelligent creatures, although the Kalos have all kinds of disgusting problems, they are not too bad.

"Okay, let's talk about your live broadcast plan, I will try my best to cooperate." Another large amount of resources has been paid in, and Luo Quan is in a very good mood now.

"No plan."

Fledo shook his head: "My live broadcast is mainly based on the original ecology, without any interference with the target, just as a complete bystander.

Watching you grow, fight, and even die, whatever happens, is none of my business. "

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Since you don't have one, let me make some requests, you can just give me the live broadcast light ball, and I will turn on the live broadcast at any time except for going to the toilet, sleeping and bathing.

In addition, the place where I live is quite special, and you probably won't be able to come in.

In addition, don't forget the share of the live broadcast, it must be transferred to my account on time. "

"These are all written in the contract, and I will definitely abide by it." Fredo stroked his belly, reassuring Luo Quan.

"It's best that way."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned his attention to the live light ball: "Speaking of how many people are there in your live broadcast, can you see the barrage?"

"It's tens of millions of trillions." Fledo handed a flat-panel optical machine to Luo Quan, and there were bullet screens on it, most of which were saying that he was so beautiful and wanted to have a monkey with her or something.

Luo Quan straightened up and pulled the live broadcast light ball directly in front of him: "Hello viewers in the live broadcast room, I am Luo Quan, a beautiful girl from the second level of civilization.

Starting today, this live broadcast room will be arranged by me! "

(End of this chapter)

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