Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 916 The dream of ordinary people

Chapter 916 The Dream of Ordinary People ([-])
"I'll go, sister, you're so cute."

"Very few people dare to pretend like this in front of me."

"No matter what, at least turn on the camera function, I still don't know what you look like."

"It is said that Guang Suyan is a quasi-ninth-level beauty, and I don't know if there is Fredo who blows it so beautifully."

"It's not that I don't believe you, but if you don't show everyone your true face now, it's really not convincing."


"Huh? Didn't I come with the camera function?" Luo Quan held the live light ball in his hand suspiciously.

"I haven't turned it on." Fredo said with a smile, "I will not turn on the camera function to reveal your privacy without your consent."

With that said, Fledo snapped his fingers and turned on the camera function.

Then, Luo Quan's face appeared in the live broadcast room like this, with a rosy white face staring at the camera, so close that one could see the fine fluff on her cheeks.

When Luo Quan appeared in front of all the audience, there was a brief silence in the live broadcast room, and then there was an explosive barrage.

"My God, how can there be such a beautiful girl in this world!"

"Mom, I seem to be in love."

"Goddess, please forgive me for being disrespectful just now. It was all Fledo's misleading me, and it was all his fault!"

"Goddess, this is my wish, please be sure to accept it."


Along with this barrage, a pitch-black inner spiral star appeared in the center of the screen.

"What is this?" Luo Quan turned his head to look at Fredo who was beside him.

"Pfft!" Fledo, who was drinking a drink, spewed out all of it: "This is the most valuable reward item black hole on the platform, and it can be worth [-] million universal currency!"

As Fledo explained, he said three things in his mind.

I have worked hard for half a year to broadcast live, and the highest reward from these bastards is Supernova.

Luo Quan had just taken over, and immediately became a black hole.

You know, the value of these two items is fifty to one!
"Take the money." Luo Quan was already smiling, and stretched out his hand to Fredo.

Fredo's eyes were as big as copper bells: "Are you kidding, these reward items haven't arrived yet!

Moreover, I have signed a contract with the platform, and the gift I get is [-]% with the platform, and then [-]% with you. "

After these layers of exploitation, he and Luo Quan could only get 500 million for a reward of [-] million, and they had to pay taxes.

However, Luo Quange obviously misunderstood what Fledo meant, and he regarded himself as the big head in the [-]% share, and asked, "How come the two of us add up to [-]%? This is too little."

Fredo smiled wryly: "[-]% belongs to others, and [-]% depends on other people's face."

"Whose face?"

"Interstellar live broadcast platform."

"Then we won't be begging on our knees?"

"If you want to say that, you are still begging on your knees. That's it, how many people want to kneel but there is no such way."

After the two had a conversation, Luo Quan fell silent.

She counted with her fingers, and immediately had a bitter face: "That seems to be a little too little, and in the end it won't even be a whole."

"It doesn't matter, my lord goddess, we can accumulate more."

"Yes, it just so happened that my pocket money arrived in the account this month, please accept it!"

"From now on, this live broadcast room will belong to you, so you don't have to share more with Frye, and you can earn a little more."

"It doesn't matter, my lord goddess, we can accumulate more."


The audience in the live broadcast room chatted and laughed and sent out nine more black holes.

And the supernovae, neutron stars, and stars in the lower gear are full of crazy bullets, and they can't stop at all.

In just a few minutes, the flow of gifts rushed to 20 billion universal currency.

Fledo was completely dumbfounded at this time. He has been working hard for more than half a year, and he only received five or six million rewards. Why can Luo Quan get so much when he comes here?Even now, doves occupy the magpie's nest!

"It's not so good. This live broadcast room was originally given to me by Fledo. It seems too unfair to kick him away." Luo Quan glanced at Fledo and felt that he should be kind, "No, I can't do that."

"What a big deal." Fledo was very forthright. He took out a spare live broadcast light ball, and then dragged out the host application interface of the live broadcast platform: "You can just apply for a new live broadcast room. Don't need to be paid by middlemen.

But the gift you give can belong to you, but your live broadcast room needs to be affiliated with my live broadcast room, and the advertising revenue is also mine. "

Luo Quan's eyes lit up, it was a good idea.

After a while of tinkering, there was another peerless beauty anchor in the appearance area of ​​the interstellar live broadcast platform.

Soon, more than half of the traffic from Fredo's site was diverted, and it all went to Luoquan's live broadcast room.

"It's really a group of LSPs who forget their friends after seeing their sex."

Seeing this, Fledo returned to the spaceship with the live light ball, shook his head and sighed.

"However, there are still brothers here. Sure enough, only in adversity can we see the truth!"

"I have a network card, why are there no people? Where is the goddess? I want to see the goddess!"

"The goddess has opened a new live broadcast room, room number 520520520."

"Then I'll go first."

"Brother, I'll go check first and see if I can bring the big guys back."

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"


With just a few words, the ratio of the live broadcast room was reduced by half.

At this moment, Fredo didn't know what to say.

There is no way, compared with a beautiful woman, a big man is indeed at a greater disadvantage in live broadcasting.

Even though he is a great old man with a very effective program, it is normal for the audience in his live broadcast room to like to watch beautiful sweet girls.

Wait a minute, those who like to look at beauties are gone, the rest could be...

A chill rose from Fledo's tailbone, and then quickly spread in all directions.

Now he suddenly felt that being too handsome didn't seem like a good thing.

The universe is so big, and sexual orientation is naturally extremely complex.

In terms of gender alone, Fredo knows more than 1000 kinds.

And the orientation derived from each gender can be extended downward like the Fibonacci sequence.

Facing the consolation from the loyal fans in the live broadcast room, Fledo suddenly felt a little pressure, so he could only forcefully smile and say thank you for your support.

In fact, he still made a lot of money this time. After all, the potential rookie Luo Quan is affiliated with his live broadcast room. Although the gift will be much less, the advertising fee is also very considerable.

And in the future, as long as Luo Quan becomes more and more famous, his income will also increase.

So he didn't lose money, but he didn't earn as much as before......

On the ring, Joseph was covered in blood, biting the enemy's arm strangling his neck fiercely with his teeth.

The severe pain made the opponent finally persuade him to let go, and he also took this opportunity to break free, then turned over and punched the opponent in the face with a heavy blow.

One punch, and another punch, and another punch.

Blood gushed from his opponent's nose like a faucet, and Joseph repeated the motion as if mechanically, until the referee pulled the pair apart and declared him the winner.

He looked around the cheering audience with bloated eyes, and grinned in a weary smile.

After five bloody battles, he finally won.

The fifth battle was fought all day and night, until both sides were exhausted, and could no longer mobilize any spiritual energy, so they could only use beast-like fighting skills, that is, bite with their mouths.

Fortunately for Joseph, he won the fifth round of the preliminaries, successfully advanced to the main round, and won the opportunity to compete for the right to live in the universe star.

This is the only reason why he has traveled thousands of light years to come here.

His home planet is an ordinary second-level civilization, born in an ordinary worker's family.

His father worked hard, his mother was in poor health, so he could only do some housework at home, and his younger sister had to study. He carried the hope of the whole family, but he failed the college entrance examination.

There are not many opportunities for ordinary people to change their class in their lifetime, and the college entrance examination is the only opportunity that can be grasped through hard work.

After ten years of studying hard, as long as he can be admitted to a good school, his destiny will be changed.

However, there are hundreds of millions of candidates who take the college entrance examination every year, but not one hundred of them can get a good result in the exam.

And for Joseph, who has no educational resources, the probability of being admitted to a good university is even slimmer.

The past two days of the college entrance examination can be said to be full of various states in the world. Some people started to cry bitterly after finishing the first subject.

Some directly tore up the test papers in the examination room and were expelled from the examination room, and some tried to cheat and were directly taken away by the police.

This kind of drama is staged every year, and Joseph has changed from a bystander to a person who experienced it himself.

Of course, he did not do these illegal things.

It's just that after the exam, he also knew that his student career was over. Based on the questions he did, even if he got all the questions right, he wouldn't be able to get into any good school.

It's not that there are no books to study, but they are all private pheasant universities, which are ridiculously expensive, and are useless except for a diploma.

But at this moment, another way out appeared on the top of his head.

"Our journey is the sea of ​​stars, where there are endless resources waiting to be explored. When the human beings of the future generations follow your footsteps to expand the territory, you are all pioneers and heroes!"

There is a screen on the airship that keeps playing advertisements. The words in the advertisements are extremely passionate, which directly renders this expedition into a great cause, which makes people's blood boil.

After the college entrance examination, Joseph felt that there was no future in his home planet, but he didn't want to accept his fate, and mechanically repeated the tiring and dirty work in the factory like his father.

He wants to stand out, he wants to have the luxurious life of the rich people in those videos, and he wants the whole family to live a good life.

So the advertisement broadcast by the airship in the sky moved Joseph, and he immediately signed up to join the expeditionary army, bid farewell to his parents and sister, and headed out of the galaxy with a large group of companions.

During this journey of exploration, dangers emerged one after another. How many times the fleet was on the verge of destruction, Joseph thought he was going to die several times.

However, he did not die, but became stronger and stronger, and finally met the messenger of the universal civilization

Only then did he realize that his planet was under the rule of the universal civilization, and the home planet of this ninth-level civilization had a better life than heaven.

As long as you pass the universe trial, you can enter the universe star.

It is said that there is wealth everywhere, even begging can make a lot of money.

In order to realize the wish he made when he left his hometown, Joseph signed up for the Valkyrie Trial.

And in five near-death battles, he became the final winner.

However, passing the qualifiers is just the beginning, and there are still five full races to come, and his dream will come true if he wins the race.

But Joseph was very confident. He felt that he had seen the dawn of a better life.

Even though he is already scarred and scarred, the wounds on his body have cracked and scabbed countless times, and he has lost countless drops of blood.

But hope and excitement forced him to withstand the exhaustion of his body, until the medical staff rushed to the stage to support him, who was crumbling, and began to treat him.

Media reporters are also preparing to interview him, wanting to dig out his story.

And some of the live broadcasters have to start to move around, preparing to broadcast his next game live.

Every alien player who has advanced to the main game is a potential stock, and they are the best spokespersons to explain what inspiration is.

Their success will cause all talents within the scope of the universal civilization to rush to the universe star and become the nutrient that nourishes this towering tree.

And Joseph is one of the nutrients, and it is also a very interesting nutrient.

If nothing else happened, many people would come to him and give him money.

After going through this bloody battle, the good days are indeed coming.

This was Joseph's dream as an ordinary man.

As for Luo Quan, after becoming the anchor of the interstellar live broadcast platform, it didn't have much impact on her life.

Seeing this situation, Fledo was also happy to relax, and went directly back to the spaceship to sleep.

Among the many geniuses he has worked with, Luo Quan is definitely the most caring one, with a higher enthusiasm for work than him.

The main reason is that Luo Quan often did this when he was on earth, and he can say that he is very familiar with resuming his old business.

On the first day, she still pretended to be shy, but on the second day, she was able to speak freely with the audience and fans in the live broadcast room.

Luo Quan knows that it is not enough to have good looks, but also talent.

No matter how beautiful a face is, it will get tired of looking at it for a long time.

She is so popular on earth, and it's not because of her heaven-defying appearance.

Music, it is those good music that made her achieve what she is today.

The viewers in the live broadcast room come from various civilizations, and each civilization has its own unique musical instruments and singing methods.

But the aesthetics of music are basically the same. After all, the main means of appreciation is hearing.

So Luo Quan is going to perform a song in the live broadcast room to show everyone his talent.

Although these people can't understand their own lyrics, there is absolutely no obstacle to appreciating the melody.

And the song that Luo Quan is going to sing is the extremely difficult masterpiece of coloratura soprano - "Aria of the Queen of the Night".

(End of this chapter)

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