Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 917 Soul Singer

Chapter 917 Soul Singer

"Aria of the Queen of the Night" is another name for "The Magic Flute—The Flame of Vengeance Burns in My Heart".

This is one of the four most outstanding musicals by the great musician Mozart, and "The Flame of Vengeance Burns in My Heart" is one of the excerpts.

Because this excerpt is so famous, it is also called "Aria of the Queen of the Night".

Because this selection needs to be completed with coloratura soprano, and it is extremely difficult, it is an aria for showing off skills, so it has always been called the touchstone of coloratura soprano.

When Luo Quan sang it, it was already several years ago, and it was at the art examination site of Shangyi University.

At that time, her singing skills were not as strong as it is now, and her talent had not improved too much, but with the character binding cards given by the system, she still amazed countless people.

But now, her software and hardware have been improved by an unknown amount. When she opened her voice, the eyes of all the audience in the live broadcast room lit up.

Although the singing has just started, I can't hear the clues.

But Luoquan's timbre is really wonderful, like a clear spring flowing, without any sharp feeling.

This sound reminded many well-informed viewers of a magical bird called Obi Bird in the universe.

It is said that this bird is born to speak human words, and its singing is so beautiful and moving that it has the magic power to make people fall in love with it involuntarily.

But to the audience, Luo Quan's singing was even more alluring than this Obi Bird, like a clear spring flowing, endless.

In other words, Luo Quan was born with a good singing voice, and his voice was too good to be human.

But this is just the beginning.

When the song reached its climax, Luo Quan used a gorgeous transition that was more twists and turns than the eighteen bends of the mountain road, showing how agile his singing voice is.

Every turn of her voice is so smooth and natural, without any deliberately contrived tweaks.

The most important point is that her tone is very stable and unified from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, the volume of each breath change is so small that it is almost inaudible, and the control of this breath is comparable to the singing masters recognized by the audience.

And the most shocking part is her long vibrato at the end, she effortlessly raises the original key of the song by an octave, making the high notes that can make the audience tremble!
This is the out-and-out magic sound empowerment!
Moreover, such a magic sound does not make people feel sharp, but it makes people feel extremely enjoyable from body to heart.

At this time, all the audience found a tall woman phantom behind the song at some point.

This woman has a beautiful appearance but an angry and terrifying expression, and boundless flames are burning all over her body, as if her anger has materialized.

The appearance of this woman made the audience feel a shock while being frightened.

Such a realistic phantom, the scientific name is Song Ling, and only master singers will appear after singing.

And not only the singing skills have reached the peak, the song itself must also be extremely good, the two are indispensable.

And the one that appeared in front of him can only be called the Phantom of the Singing Spirit for the time being, which means that Luo Quan's singing level and the song she sang are already close to the level of a singing master.

No one knows how many masters there are in the universe, but they are definitely a minority among the few, and each of them can receive very high respect and preferential treatment.

On the one hand, they are at the pinnacle of art, and they will be loved and admired by the common people of the universe from the bottom of their hearts.

The power of faith collected in this way can make their strength grow extremely rapidly.

This is also the reason why those art masters don't practice much, but they can still show their tyrannical strength.

A singer like this can cause huge damage directly with his singing.

Of course, at present, Luo Quan, who only condenses the phantom of the singing spirit, is still several grades away from a real master.

Only when the phantom is condensed into an entity and has enough influence can it be called a true master.

But there is no doubt that she now has the talent to become a master.

Even if it is the phantom of the song spirit who does not have much combat power, not everyone can condense it.

People who don't have artistic ability just howl and bleed, whether it should be ugly or ugly.

And a talented person, even if he writes only one word, can still shine brightly.

This is called talent.

Seeing Luo Quan who has not realized that he can condense the phantom of the singing spirit, the audience is envious but also a little emotional.

It doesn't matter if she looks so good, but her singing talent is so terrifying, she really is a natural goddess.

If anyone can marry such a goddess, he might not have saved the universe in his previous life.

"What, there's an angry woman behind me?!" Luo Quan finally turned around when he saw the barrage.

There is indeed one, the dress looks quite similar to those actresses who sang the queen of the night, but there is an extra burning special effect.

"I see."

Luo Quan looked at the live broadcast camera: "This song is also called the flame of revenge burns in my heart, so you can see that this phantom is so angry, and his whole body is on fire.

When singing this song, you really need to be angry, but the music master who created this song said that his inspiration actually came from the quarrel between his mother-in-law. "

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately stopped in Bengbu:
"Haha, this source of inspiration is too ridiculous, this master is quite interesting."

"Everything has a spirit, except the mother-in-law."

"It's true. The mother-in-law's swearing at the street is not generally scary, and I have a deep understanding."

"No wonder the song sounds so scary."

"Did Luo Quan ever be a mother-in-law? Otherwise, how could she sing so vividly?"

"What are you thinking, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers, what kind of mother-in-law should she be?"

"Actually, that person just wanted to turn the corner and ask if she was single."

"If you see it through, don't tell me it's broken."


The barrage gradually became crooked. No matter where she is, the love life of a new female star like her is attracting attention.

A beautiful woman who is single, and a beautiful woman who has a boyfriend or is married are two species.

"I'm 22 years old, and I haven't talked about a boyfriend so far."

Luo Quan gave an answer that satisfied all audiences.

"Single, that would be great, hehehehe."

"It's as if you have a chance if you're single, and it's not just about watching the live broadcast."

"You curse again!"

"Tell me, what type of boys does Goddess Luoquan like?"

"Can this be said?"


Luo Quan answered similar questions countless times when he was on Earth.

Now I need to do it all over again, I just don’t know if the aliens are politically correct.

Considering that if the answer is wrong, it will cause trouble, so Luo Quan is very careful with his words:
"I don't have any plans to fall in love yet. It's good to be single, with no worries and no worries, and no need to be afraid of getting hurt."

This answer immediately aroused the doubts and concerns of the audience:

"Ah, why?"

"Don't be afraid of getting hurt, is it because you were hurt before?"

"Have you said that? I haven't been in a relationship before, so I'm taking precautions before they happen."

"How lonely it must be to be alone."

"That's a pity too."

"I think it's pretty good. I can't get it, and neither can others."

"Ah this..."


Sure enough, after Luo Quan answered, the audience reacted strongly.

Not accusing her of anything, just curiosity and incomprehension.

Some people are actually very happy, because they know that they have no chance with Luo Quan, so if Luo Quan does not fall in love, it means that Luo Quan will always be theirs.

And some people are more uncomfortable, these are those who think they can develop with Luo Quan, as for whether they are really capable or Pu Xinnan, that is unknown.

As for Luo Quan’s answer, it’s the same as when he was on Earth before: “If you don’t want to fall in love, you just don’t want to. There is no reason. If you insist on a reason, it’s that it’s easier for a person to be happy.

In short, everyone should stop asking about this aspect, and pay more attention to my next game.

By the way, my first opponent in the race has come out. It is Mr. Kamos from the Leiden civilization. Does anyone know what special skills the Leiden civilization has? "

"Damn it, it's this civilization, Goddess Luoquan is in trouble now."

"I'm not from Huanyu, who can popularize the science?"

"It is a powerful eighth-level civilization. The main body of cultivation is warriors. There is a unique skill in the ethnic group called explosive air technique. I will post the link for the specifics. See for yourself."


In the end, the long bullet screen floated by, and Luo Quan clicked in immediately.

After reading carefully for about 5 minutes, Luo Quan finally understood.

The Leiden civilization is a powerful eighth-level civilization under Huanyu's command. It is rich in physical martial arts practitioners. The unique skill of blasting can greatly improve the body's strength and resistance to attack in a short period of time.

There are up to five ranks of explosive technique, and the second rank can allow the Leiden people to defeat masters who are one level stronger than themselves, and the fourth rank can even leapfrog the enemy!

Of course, currently there are very few Leiden people who have cultivated the air explosion technique to the fourth stage. They are all well-known masters for a long time, and it is impossible to meet her in the Valkyrie Trial.

The number of Kamos is unknown, but no more than three paragraphs.

It's just that in the materialistic world, this type of warrior can gain combat power bonuses in the idealistic world by virtue of the air explosion technique.

Just like the Super Saiyan, the seeds explode at every turn, and then the combat power soars.

That is to say, as long as your will is strong and your desire is strong, you can really become as strong as possible.

In Wang Dao Hot Blood comics, this is generally called the power of faith, also known as the protagonist's halo.

It is very difficult for a warrior of the same level to defeat a Leiden.

If you encounter a few strong-headed reckless men, you are very likely to encounter his explosive situation.

Once the seed explodes, the combat power displayed is very terrifying. It is an exaggeration to say that it is invincible at the same level, but it will be quite difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that Leiden, as an eighth-level civilization, has many complete and powerful martial arts systems.

Therefore, Kamos was born in a wild way like Luoquan, and I don't know how much solid foundation he has.

The people of Leiden are good at defeating the strong with the weak. As for the abuse of food, it is as simple as turning the palm of your hand.

That's why he was so pessimistic when he heard that Luo Quan's next opponent was from Leiden in the barrage.

It stands to reason that if the Valkyrie Palace greets her successfully, the trial committee will not arrange such a strong opponent for her.

This also showed once again that there was indeed no py transaction between the two, and even the Valkyrie Temple still wondered whether the trial committee was deliberately embarrassing Luo Quan.

For a master like Kamos, the chance of meeting Luo Quan at random is less than one in a thousand. How could it be such a coincidence that she met her?

It is estimated that few people would believe that it was not deliberately making things difficult.

After reading the introduction of the Leiden people, Luo Quan also understood his situation and showed a calm smile: "It seems that my situation is not optimistic."

The barrage scrolled quickly:

"You can still laugh. I'm the one who complained directly. How can a martial artist from a second-level civilization fight a warrior from an eighth-level civilization? The skills and growth environment are not at the same level."

"Appeal? Are you kidding me? The organizer, referee, and committee are all my people. Why do you appeal?"

"There is no absolutely fair thing in this world, and there is no rule that you must be born at the same level of civilization in the Martial God Trial, so let's resign ourselves to fate."

"Why should you accept your fate? Why do you all think that Luo Quan is doomed? I think she is quite promising."

"It's okay to deceive the brothers, but don't deceive yourself."

"If you're so confident, just bet on Luoquan. There is a special company for the Martial God Trial, and they can accept any bet."

"Hey, I have a bad temper. I'll pay my wife directly. I'll bet on Luoquan with 100 million Huanyu coins. You lose [-]. Who will be with me?"

"Brother, calm down, there is no turning back in this matter."

"Don't take me with you if you go crazy yourself."

"Sit and watch the trapeze after the game."


Although the brother who supported Luo Quan in the barrage was really handsome when he bet, but there were very few people who were willing to support him.

Including Luo Quan herself was trying to persuade him not to be impulsive, because she was the only one who fought against so many masters, and she didn't know how good they were, and she didn't know if she could win.

But this brother was obviously aroused by the barrage, even though he knew that the large sum of money bet might be in vain, he still chose to support Luo Quan.

When he showed his betting credentials, who in the barrage didn't call him brother?

Of course, it is unknown how many people secretly called him a fool.

The odds of the game have actually explained most people's views on this game.

That was Luo Quan, who came from an ordinary background, and he didn't look like Kamos' opponent.

Although both of them are at the bone-making level, one is only in the middle stage, while the other is already at the peak.

Once Kamos activates the air explosion technique, even a warrior at the peak of the blood-tempering realm will have the strength to fight.

As for Luo Quan, the martial arts she has demonstrated so far is limited to the simple use of spiritual power, plain and unpretentious, and not worth seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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