Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 918 One punch opens the sky

Chapter 918

Originally, Luo Quan thought that in the remaining few days, she could work hard to practice and narrow the gap with Kamos as much as possible.

It's a pity that people are in the arena and can't help themselves.

Became the spokesperson of the Temple of Valkyrie, and now it has finally gained popularity. If it can bring some positive influence to the Temple of Valkyrie, it is natural to make more videos to promote it.

Now the video featuring Luo Quan gets a lot of clicks on the Internet, and netizens are full of desire to explore this new big beauty.

Yes, for netizens, Luoquan is like a treasure house that has not been discovered, and there are many surprises hidden in it.

Just like her stunning song during the live broadcast two days ago, who would have thought that she could sing so well before hearing her "Aria of the Queen of the Night"?
So in fact, not only the Temple of Valkyrie, netizens also very much hope that Luo Quan can appear in front of the camera more and show some other talents.

To be honest, when I was on Earth before, Luo Quan could do whatever he wanted, and he could just turn down most of the shows if he didn’t want them to appear, and whether he appeared or not appeared depended entirely on his mood.

But it can't be like this in Huanyu, mainly because she doesn't have any status here, and there are very few options for her to make. If she doesn't work hard, no one will spoil her.

Therefore, it is definitely not possible to be a salted fish, and can only shoot some new advertising videos under the arrangement of the Martial God Temple.

But I can't say how tired I am, the words are all prepared by the Martial God Hall, she just needs to dress up a bit, and then read it in a passionate tone.

In the words of the uncle who took the video of her, just standing there and laughing can attract a lot of passionate young people.

If it was when he first debuted, Luo Quan might feel a little shy when he heard this.

But now she has become accustomed to it, and she has heard all the more aggressive words. Her appearance and figure are her advantages, and she just needs to know how to use them.

Four days before the competition, Luo Quan finally had time to practice with peace of mind.

The rest of the day she basically spent in bed... To be precise, she was meditating.

Since meditation can replace sleep, Luo Quan hardly ever lays down at night, and always meditates.

And the strong aura of Huanyuxing finally allowed her to open the fourth door of the eight-door dunjia—the door of injury.

The first three doors of the Eight Door Dunjia are all designed to maximize the physical potential of the practitioner. After opening, they will consume a lot of physical strength, but as long as they rest in time, there will be no serious problems.

But starting from the fourth door, once it is used, it will cause irreversible damage to the body, and the further the damage is, the greater the damage will be.

However, after Luo Quan opened the door of injury, he didn't find any damage to his body, and only felt a positive improvement.

After thinking about it, perhaps this is due to the Wugou Glazed Body.

Since obtaining this physique, her mental and physical recovery speed has improved several levels compared to before.

Perhaps this physique has the effect of enhancing life activity, but unfortunately the system can't speak now, or else it can ask clearly.

However, when Luo Quan found that she could maintain the injury for a long time without feeling particularly tired, she found that her inference had a high probability to be true.

At this time, Luo Quan had a bold idea in his heart.

Since her body is so strong and her resilience is so strong, can she skip the accumulation stage and force open the door directly?

Each of the previous eight Dunjia needs to break through the bottleneck bit by bit, and there must be no haste in the slightest.

Once the door is forcibly opened, it will cause considerable harm to the body.

So Luo Quan was extremely cautious when opening the door.

But now that my physique is so strong, I must give full play to its effect.

So she boldly gave up the step-by-step method of opening the door, and directly guided the aura to impact the several gates in the body where the Bamen Dunjia was located.

It can only be said that the quality of the high-level civilized bed is really good. When she broke through the fifth door, Dumen, it was as if a detonator had been detonated, and the whole room shook.

But the bed under him just shook a bit, and there was no sign of falling apart at all.

If this is on the earth, let alone the bed, the house may collapse.

After opening Dumen, Luo Quan's idea was also successfully confirmed.

The pain in her chest near the abdominal cavity lasted for about ten seconds, and then returned to normal.

This proves that his current resilience has reached a very terrifying situation, just like Tsunade who has opened the Baihao technique uses the eight gates of armor, as if there is no side effect at all.

Seeing this, Luo Quan immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue and attacked the sixth gate, Jingmen.

However, the difficulty of Jingmen is much more difficult than that of Dumen. Luo Quan worked hard for three consecutive nights before finally getting it done. The day before the competition, he finally successfully opened Jingmen.

As for the peacock, she knows how to use it, but she hasn't had a chance to use it yet, and she doesn't know how to use the effect.

If he hadn't wasted so many days before, Luo Quan felt that he might even be able to open the startling door.

But they are already on the sixth door, and it is probably enough to deal with the first game.

The next day, Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei went to the venue for the main match of the Martial God Trial.

Before going, Zhou Tu found her specifically, saying that the opponent arranged by the committee for her this time obviously broke the balance and was deliberately targeted.

So no matter whether she wins or loses this time, she has already completed the task, and the rewards promised to her before will not be less, and if Luo Quan is willing, she can temporarily register her name in the Temple of Valkyrie, waiting for the next trial of Valkyrie play one more time.

Although the words are very heartwarming, they are also a bit discouraging to listen to.

It was determined that Luo Quan would lose the game, and she had even thought about the way forward.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't dare to smack his chest to guarantee that he would win it, so he nodded and said that she would do her best.

"The next game is very dangerous. I won't say anything about taking care of yourself. I'll just watch from the audience. As long as you show signs of being overwhelmed, I will come on stage and stop the game."

Before parting, Bai Xingwei preached to Luo Quan in a non-negotiable tone, or informed her.

With her strength, it is still easy to stop the battle between two human-level warriors.

This reflected her concern for Luo Quan, and also let Luo Quan know that she must not show any signs of failure, otherwise Kamos would probably be taken down by Bai Xingwei before Kamos did anything to her.

"Since you said that, then I can only crush Kamos all the way." Luo Quan just opened the Jingmen, speaking quite confidently.

"If you can crush Kamos, I'll call you sister." Bai Xingwei curled her lips, obviously not thinking that Luo Quan had such ability.

She also knows the names of Layton's body art and air explosion art. The entire civilization has produced many heavenly masters, and their status on the universe is also a powerful one.

Moreover, this Kamos has the blood of the royal family, so he doesn't need to come here if he wants to get the Universal Star Citizenship Card. It can be easily done by asking his parents to call the Immigration Bureau.

The reason why he came to participate in the Martial God Trial is probably purely for his qualifications.

As far as she knows!The first five rounds of the Valkyrie Trial are one of the ways for aliens to obtain a temporary residence permit on the universe planet.

And after five trials of Valkyrie, it is an honor.

For those warriors, the more consecutive victories they have in the Valkyrie Trial, the brighter their honor will be.

In Huanyuxing, in every era, there will be a few fierce men who have reached the pinnacle of martial arts, and these fierce men are also called Martial Gods.

And to become a Valkyrie, all of them won at least fifteen consecutive matches in the Valkyrie Trial, without exception!

Therefore, for the young warriors of Huanyuxing, if they want to become martial arts geniuses recognized by the public, winning [-] games in a row to win the title of Young Warriors is a hard target.

This is the reason why a noble species like Kamos with a deep background came to participate in the Valkyrie Trial.

For those extraterrestrial civilians who want to obtain temporary residence permits on Huanyu, people like Kamos are far beyond their class. When they encounter almost no hope of victory, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

Luo Quan's current identity belongs to the alien commoner, the unlucky one.

For Kamos, this game was his first step in becoming the Valkyrie.

Perhaps this journey will take several years or even ten years to complete, but for a person like him who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, the first step has never been a problem.

Just like when Bai Xingwei participated in the Martial God Trial, she gave up the rest time and played five games in a day, and won each game cleanly.

At present, Bai Xingwei has won eleven games in a row in the Valkyrie Trial, and she is only four games away from being crowned a young Valkyrie.

Of course, there is no limit to the number of the honor of Valkyrie, and you can get it if you meet the standard.

But with her age and combat performance, there are not many that can be compared with her in the entire history of civilization in the universe.

As for Kamos, I dare not say that he can compete with Bai Xingwei, but he will not be defeated in the first match.

Of course, although Bai Xingwei thinks that Luo Quan is probably not the opponent, she still hopes that she can win. Maybe a miracle will happen?
The matter of warriors is not like an objective scientific law, as long as the will is strong enough, anything is possible.

So even though she made a bet with Luo Quan, she still encouraged Luo Quan and told her to cheer up when they parted.

After waving goodbye to Bai Xingwei, Luo Quan entered the player waiting area and turned on the live camera at the same time.

The whole universe doesn't know how many viewers have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Luo Quan has been watching in the live broadcast room before the broadcast started, and the bullet screen discussing the next battle situation is also rolling non-stop.

"Friends in the audience, now you can see the scene of the Valkyrie Trial. Next, I will face off against Kamos from Leiden Civilization. There is still some time before the start of the game. Let's wait patiently for a while."

Luo Quan said while paying attention to the expressions of the players around him, hoping that he didn't disturb them.

Fortunately, the contestants seemed to be more friendly. They smiled slightly after seeing her and didn't say much.

At this time, she saw an acquaintance who was not too familiar.

"Sister Luo!" Joseph sat up with a surprised expression.

The last time Luo Quan met this familiar little brother was also in the player waiting area.

He said before that he hoped to meet at the competition venue, but he did not expect to meet him.

"Damn it, it's you again, you really made it to the main match."

"It's quite familiar, boy, I haven't had time to call this Sister Luo yet."

"Luo Quan, please don't talk to him, it seems that this kid has plans for you."

"That's right, don't give him an opportunity!"


Luo Quan didn't take the barrage's objection to heart, she just responded with a normal smile: "Joseph, right? I didn't expect such a coincidence this time, this time it's the same contestant waiting area again."

"How else can it be fate." Joseph scratched his head with a smile, "I knew you were not an ordinary person when I saw Sister Luo's face last time. Sure enough, it was easy to win five games, unlike me, the fifth game Almost flipped over.

Speaking of which, Sister Luo, are you also from a second-level civilization? "

Luo Quan admitted: "That's right, are you too?"

Joseph nodded: "My hometown Kunta is also a second-level civilization, and I came to participate in the Valkyrie Trial just to make my family live a better life.

If I can win five more games in the future, I can bring my parents and sister to live here.

But this dream must come true, but I will do everything for this dream! "

Having said that, Joseph showed a determined gaze.

From the view of the audience in the live broadcast room, those piercing eyes were full of longing for the future and love for family members.

Although the old buddies in the live broadcast room were still saying that it was not a good person just now, they told Luo Quan not to talk to him.

But after hearing Joseph's wish, he was also slightly touched.

Different from those young people with high-level civilization, they want to become the gods of war, song, and wealth, and have a bright future.

However, Joseph's wish seemed so ordinary, that is, he wanted his family to live a better life.

For most people in the live broadcast room, this is actually what they want.

No matter where the upper classes are born, they are a minority.

Ordinary people like Joseph are the majority.

So Joseph's simple words resonated with quite a few viewers in the live broadcast room.

Luo Quan is also one of them.

Thinking back to when she first debuted, the only thought in her heart was to make money so that her mother could live a good life, which was similar to Joseph's pursuit.

But as I make more and more money, it becomes easier and easier.

I seem to be immersed in money and honor, and I have somewhat forgotten my original intention.

The appearance of Joseph allowed her to re-examine her heart and regain the touch she once had as an ordinary person.

"I believe in you, you will definitely be able to realize your wish!"

Luo Quan is known as a human-shaped koi on Earth, and the words he says follow suit, and the blessings he sends out are quite effective.

Here, she also naturally sent a blessing to Joseph, and hoped that this blessing would work.

But before the excited Joseph finished his thanks, Luo Quan stood up and said, "It's my turn to play, see you next time."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the gate, leaving only Joseph looking at her with admiring eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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