Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 919 One punch opens the sky

Chapter 919 Opening the sky with one punch ([-])
When she came to the competition venue again, the surrounding scenes seemed familiar to her when she came last time.

There was a lot of voices, excited expressions, and that tall ring.

Today, her opponent, Kamos, also came to the ring from another direction.

Different from Luo Quan's step by step step by step, after Kamos came off the stage, his figure was on the stage in a flash, and the speed has surpassed the level that human eyes can catch.

After about ten seconds, Luo Quan walked slowly onto the stage.

The two were several meters apart, their eyes facing each other.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that those who are strong in body training are the kind of muscular strong men, like bodybuilders.

But Kamos's figure is quite well-proportioned, muscular but not too big, and he is also quite handsome.

Probably because of his royal family background, he has better genes.

"You are more beautiful in person than you look on the screen." Kamos stared at Luo Quan and grinned without rolling his eyes.

He has seen beautiful girls and girls with a good figure, but it is really rare to see such a superb figure as Luo Quan.

Although he has never been a person who loves women and women, he is also reluctant to do anything to her at this time.

Any attempt to harm this beauty should be condemned!
Facing Kamos's compliment, Luo Quan just thanked him lightly.

"For the sake of you being a girl, I'll just stand like this and let you make three moves. If you can't make me take a step back after three moves, just admit defeat, so as not to suffer later."

Kamos put his hands behind his back, looking like a gentleman.

"You don't need to take care of me like this." Luo Quan frowned in displeasure, "I have 20 years of skill in this punch, you may not be able to withstand it."

"I really want to do it when you say that." Kamos smiled brighter.

"That's fine."

Luo Quan took a deep breath, and in the blink of an eye, all six doors opened.

The blood ran wildly in her body in an instant, staining her originally white and flawless skin with a strange pink, and the turbulent air waves that came out of her body pressed the floor around her into a big hole, and the golden hair was also blown away. Gotta fly around.

Kamos' complexion suddenly became serious, and he felt some regret.

The girl in front of her clearly only has the strength of the bone-making level, how could her aura soar so terrifyingly in the blink of an eye, it looks like she has used the explosive air technique.

However, the air explosion technique is one of the secret skills of the family, and it will not be passed on to the outside world. Where can she learn it?

However, after calming down, Kamos found that Luo Quan's situation was somewhat different from using the air explosion technique, at least the air explosion technique would not change the color of the skin.

However, before Kamos could estimate Luo Quan's true strength, she had already punched.

It was also a punch that could not be caught by the naked eye. Most of the audience could only see Luo Quanqianli's plump figure disappearing in place, and then a ball of flames exploded on Kamos' face.

At this moment, Luo Quan finally appeared, and her right fist was wrapped in a raging flame, and it was heavily imprinted on Kamos' jaw.

Kamos was beaten so that his upper body fell backwards, but his feet remained motionless as if they were embedded in the floor, and his back bent back strangely at a right angle.

"It's really not one step back." Luo Quan frowned, but he was not too surprised.

Kamos is a master in the blood-tempering realm. Before the game, everyone thought that he would crush himself to win.

It would be a strange thing if such a person was knocked down by his own punch.

"There are two more tricks." Kamos continued to maintain a weird posture, and raised his right hand and raised two fingers, sounding a little smug.

Seeing this, Luo Quan squatted down like lightning and kicked a half-moon fire fan with his toes, which was close to the speed of sound, and kicked Kamos hard on the ankle.

There was a muffled "bang", and she felt as if she had kicked a steel pillar that had been cut deep into the floor.

"You can't even kick the door open?" Luo Quan was a little startled.

She knew that Kamos was strong, but it would be an exaggeration if she was so strong that all her blows had no effect.

Originally thought that he could at least push him back a few steps.

"There is one more move!" Kamos straightened his waist at this time, and only one finger remained.

Luo Quan jumped back two steps, then kicked his right foot into the air.

When she flew to the highest point, she waved her fists to inject spiritual power, and then waved wildly.

"Towards the peacock!"

Following her loud shout, a rain of flames began to rain over the arena.

The bright red light of countless head-sized fireballs, packed with huge kinetic energy and spiritual power, converged towards Kamos on the ground.

This spectacular scene is like a fire peacock proudly opening its tail.

When the fireball hit Kamos, it shattered like a bomb and burst into dazzling light.

The rays of light from countless fireballs completely submerged Kamos in an instant.

The move towards the peacock relies on punching to rub against the air and hitting the fireball to injure the enemy.

However, Luo Quan injected spiritual power into it, so the power is greater than pure physical attacks, and the scene is more gorgeous.

In order to be sure, Luo Quan waved his fists in the air for more than ten seconds, and also bombarded Kamos for more than ten seconds.

The floor around the target has crumbled, and the flying dust has covered up everything.

Luo Quan didn't approach after landing, and her intuition told her that Kamos hadn't lost yet.

Sure enough, as she expected, when the dust settled, Kamos was still standing on the field, but the clothes on his upper body were torn to pieces, leaving only a few strips of cloth, and his arms were bruised and purple.

And the position where he was standing finally changed, taking three full steps back.

This scene caused an uproar in the audience.

On the one hand, I am amazed at Luo Quan's ferocity, and Kamos can be injured by a whole level.

On the other hand, I also lamented that Kamos was so strong. Facing such an onslaught, he only had a few bruises on his arms and took three steps back.

The move to the peacock just now, even the warriors at the beginning of the blood-tempering stage, would be deflated if they encountered it, but Kamos actually resisted, and only suffered a slight injury.

"To be so strong, Luo Quan is doomed to lose." In the auditorium, the audience who were optimistic about her all shook their heads at this moment.

"Actually, Luo Quan still has something. You can see that Kamos's temples are so high. It's obvious that he has already activated the explosive air technique. It's a lot of pressure for him to be able to take this move."

"There are five stages in the explosion technique, who knows how many stages he opened."

"It should be the second stage, and a faint yellow light will appear on the body surface of the third stage explosion technique. Kamos should only be able to open up to the third stage at the moment."

"Unfortunately, this move towards the peacock is probably Luo Quan's strongest move, and Kamos has yet to show his cards."


"Being able to knock back three steps from me who used the air explosion technique, considering your background and age, is really pretty good." Kamos said to Luo Quan with a proud face.

From the beginning to the end, he was talking to Luo Quan with such a superior attitude.

Luo Quan liked this feeling very much, but he was not angry: "You really talk a lot of nonsense."

"Haha, you are more proud than I imagined." Kamos smiled happily, "How about it, the three moves have passed, do you know the difference between us?
Admit defeat, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood. "

Luo Quan hehe: "But your current situation looks much worse than mine."

Kamos smirked and said, "I only need three seconds to make you like me."

For the shameless girls, if the boys are shameless, bickering is impossible no matter what, and it is easy to suffer.

Luo Quan, as a three-good young woman in the new century, naturally couldn't yell at Kamos shamelessly.

Continuing to bicker is also letting him take advantage of it for nothing.

So I jumped back, ready to go to the peacock again.

Kamos's reaction was also very quick. Seeing his repeated sympathy and sympathy, the other party didn't appreciate it at all, and he simply destroyed flowers with his hands.

So he stretched out his hand into a claw, and grabbed Luo Quan.

Of course, although he said that he wanted Luo Quan to be like himself, he was just talking about it, so he wouldn't be so tasteless.

So what he grabbed was not the collar, but the shoulder.

Luo Quan didn't know whether Kamos would catch it, but no matter whether he would or not, he couldn't let him touch it.

But just when she was about to dodge to the left, her right shoulder was hit hard suddenly, and she was thrown upside down in the air, faster than she could move herself.

With a loud "boom", her whole body collided with the shield on the edge of the ring, creating a large circle of energy ripples.

This shield is used to protect the spectators outside, preventing them from being affected by the fight in the ring.

However, this shield also became an obstacle for Luo Quan, making it impossible for her to relieve her strength, as if she was being attacked from both sides.

And this tragic scene made many viewers show distressed eyes.

"This Kamos talked about pity and pity, but he hit so hard."

"I didn't even see when he threw the punch. Luo Quan obviously dodged it, right?"

"Of course you can't see it clearly. This is a heaven-level martial art phantom fist. After using it, all the attacking movements will be covered by phantoms. Before the real contact, all the movements you see may be fake!"

"That is to say, we and Luo Quan thought that Kamos reached out and grabbed her left shoulder, but in fact he swung his arm round and punched Luo Quan's left shoulder?"

"That's it. I guess Luo Quan's entire left side is about to shatter. It's because of Kamos' mercy that he didn't get blown up."

"That's okay, as long as it's not a direct headshot, it can basically be saved."


Bai Xingwei was flustered when he heard what you said and what he said in the audience.

In fact, she wanted to go up to save someone just now, but was stopped by the woman next to her, who asked her to watch with peace of mind.

The woman next to Bai Xingwei had a cold and handsome face with a three-point heroic air, and she was dressed in white to outline her figure in imaginative lines.

"This girl is not as simple as you think, and the mere phantom fist can't do anything to her." The woman put her hands on her chest, her tone was very calm.

When Bai Xingwei heard this, she finally calmed down and looked at Luo Quan, only to find that she had already dismounted from the energy shield, and she was alive and kicking, no internal injuries could be seen.

"No... are you okay?" Kamos himself never expected.

He caught Luo Quan off guard with this punch. It is reasonable to say that it could break all the bones on her left side, but it seemed that it didn't achieve the expected effect at all.

"It does hurt a little." Luo Quan rubbed the shoulder that was hit, feeling like he was hit by a baseball bat.

It was a little painful at first, but the pain went away soon.

However, Kamos' punch was really powerful, and she didn't expect to hit her right shoulder at all, so her body flew out completely uncontrollably.

Such an opponent cannot be solved by opening the Jingmen alone.

"This invisible fist should be your trump card, right?" Luo Quan said softly as his muscles tensed gradually.

"Did you say Phantom Fist?" Kamos smiled slightly, "This is just one of the martial arts I have mastered, and it's not the most powerful one."

"Then hurry up and use it all, you won't have a chance if it's too late."

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, his eyes were stained with scarlet, and his whole body was covered by violently fluctuating white light.

"The seventh door is shocking, open!"

Following this low shout, Luo Quan completely opened the seventh door of the eight-door Dunjia.

Fierce battles are indeed more efficient than any meditation practice. She obviously opened the Jingmen last night, but Kamos punched her like Ren Du's second channel was opened, which made her feel shocked. The bottleneck of the door has also been loosened.

So she channeled her qi, blood and spiritual power, and directly attacked Jingmen.

Afterwards, there is Yimapingchuan, and the Yellow River flows into the sea.

"This aura..." Kamos's leisurely moment just now disappeared, and his eyes were covered with horror.

Originally thought that Luo Quan's first promotion was outrageous, but he didn't expect that there would be a second promotion.

The difference in momentum was more than five times!

The improvement of the Leiden people's air explosion technique is not so terrifying, and each section is only to the power of four.

And he is currently only at the level of the second-stage explosion technique.

In other words, he has now exerted the power of the explosion technique to the extreme.

"It's too late for you to admit defeat now."

After the shock door opened, Luo Quan's voice became extremely oppressive, which made Moss' eardrums tremble.

"Admit defeat?"

Kamos laughed when he heard this: "A real warrior can be knocked down, but he will never admit defeat!"

"It's still a man."

Luo Quan gave Kamos a thumbs-up in his heart, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will fulfill you and use my strongest boxing skills."

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan's body burst into white light, and a stream of air visible to the naked eye surrounded her body and began to gallop at top speed.

Then, she raised her right fist and swung forward suddenly:
"Day Tiger!"

In an instant, a ferocious and violent white tiger soared into the sky, and rushed towards Kamos with a roar like thunder.

For a moment, the entire arena was shrouded in black and white light, and the hard protective cover of the arena swelled violently like a blown balloon, forcefully pushing several hundred meters into the sky.

This shocking scene made the audience stand up in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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