Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 920 System Upgrade and Return to Earth

Chapter 920 System Upgrade and Return to Earth

This move of Day Tiger not only squeezed the energy shield protecting the audience to a precarious state, but also ravaged the floor of the arena until it was in tatters.

The flying dust blocked everyone's sight, including Luo Quan on the ring.

However, the law of smoke without injury has appeared once, and this time it did not work again.

When the dust was blown away by the blower on the edge of the ring, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

The dignified prince of the eighth-level civilization, Kamos, known as the reserve of the young Valkyrie, just fell face down on the ground, with his left hand stretched forward and trembling slightly, as if he wanted to struggle.

"Your Highness, what are you doing, Your Highness!"

In the audience, Kamos's subordinates all stood up, trying to cheer him up.

If he was the protagonist, with his super willpower, he might be able to explode a species, resurrect in situ or something.

Unfortunately he is not.

"Let the medical team come up." Luo Quan turned to look at the referee.

"I declare that this battle will be won by Luo Quan!" The referee read out the result of the game, and the medical staff immediately rushed to the stage to treat Kamos who was lying on the ground.

The prince, who thought he had a chance to win a minute ago, is now gritted his teeth and his face is pale.

His hands were fractured to varying degrees, and his internal organs were severely damaged in many places.

On Earth, if he didn't die of hemorrhage on the spot, he would die of multiple organ failure very soon.

However, this is a technologically advanced planet called Huanyu, so regeneration of severed limbs is not a problem, let alone treating these injuries that are not particularly serious.

In addition, Kamos is also physically strong, so there is no danger to his life.

After inquiring about the doctor, Luo Quan was relieved, as long as there was no major problem.

At this time, the audience had already started to shout her name, which was mixed with a lot of "I love you", "I want to have a monkey with you" and the like.

At this moment, Luo Quan seemed to return to the stage of the earth in a trance, and all the audience became her fans.

Out of professional habits, she showed a hearty smile and waved her hands: "Thank you, thank you for your support!"

Someone in the audience shouted loudly: "Thank you for what we are doing, I want to thank you tm, I paid 100 million to buy you to win, the odds are 22 to [-], I made a lot of money!"

As soon as the words came out, some people around were envious, some were jealous, and some were regretful, but it made Luo Quan a little embarrassed, so he could only say with a dry smile, "Congratulations."

After speaking, he stepped off the ring.

Normally, there must be a lot of reporters guarding the exit now, ready to stop her and interview a wave.

Defeating Kamos head-on, and seemingly without any injuries, this shows that Luo Quan's strength has surpassed Kamos by too much.

The most important thing is that her current level is one level lower than that of Kamos, which will be fine if she reaches the blood quenching level.

There is no doubt that this is a rising martial arts supernova, much more promising than the young Valkyrie reserve.

So interviewing her at this time will definitely gain a lot of attention and traffic.

It's a pity that with Bai Xingwei snapping his fingers, all the reporters' wishes came to nothing.

"Let me introduce, this is Ji Qingyue, the lord of the White Tiger Palace."

On the square outside the Martial God Hall, Bai Xingwei spread her hands and said to the heroic woman next to her.

Luo Quan took a quick look, and found that the lord of the White Tiger Palace had a cold and arrogant expression, quite imposing, with an appearance of keeping strangers away.

But the eyes looking at him are full of admiration, probably because his performance in the ring just now was too good.

"I thought that Zhou Tu just found a beautiful young lady, but I didn't expect that he found me a serious young warrior."

Ji Qingyue spoke very straightforwardly, she almost said the word vase.

But soon she was looking for love, obviously still in Qualuoquan.

"Palace Master, you have praised me. My strength is mediocre now, and I still have a lot to learn." Luo Quan has always been modest, and he doesn't feel complacent in the face of compliments.

"You really need to go to an academy for further study, I will arrange for you the best academy in the world..."

As Ji Qingyue was talking, she remembered that all the colleges seemed to be on holiday now, and they couldn't get into school yet.

"Then let's wait until the start of the school season arrives, but with your face, we want it from the Martial God Palace. With your talent, you must have a place in the position of the head of Qisu Sect under the White Tiger Palace!
When you break through to the blood tempering realm, you can go to the Valkyrie Hall to receive the Valkyrie blood tempering, which will definitely make you reborn! "

"That's really a big thank you, Lord Palace Master." Luo Quan cupped his hands in thanks.

Although she didn't know exactly what the Martial God's Blood Tempering was, but when she saw Bai Xingwei's eyes shining, she knew it must be a good thing, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, I'll go first, you take this token." Ji Qingyue pulled out her right hand, and a token made of white jade appeared in her hand, on which was engraved with a lifelike tiger head, very mighty .

"This is?" Luo Quan carefully took the token and asked.

Ji Qingyue smiled: "This is the White Tiger Order. If you see the order, if you see me, you can take out this thing if you encounter any trouble. In the world, not many people dare to provoke you."

Luo Quan looked surprised when he heard this.

This generous gift is much more important than the blood of the Martial God who does not know the depth.

With this token in hand, besides Bai Xingwei, she is equivalent to having a second backer, and this backer is not ordinary!
She fought life and death in the ring, didn't she just want to give herself a double insurance, and it turned out that it didn't take any effort.

But before Luo Quan could thank Ji Qingyue, the Palace Master of the White Tiger disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then Bai Xingwei snapped her fingers again and brought the two of them back to her bedroom.

"You hide very deep. The bone-making level surpasses the blood-tempering level. You can take Kamos's punch and still be unscathed. Compared with his physical training, I think your physical training is a little stronger. .”

Luo Quan smiled shyly: "Hey, actually I've already played all my cards. The day tiger move just now is one of my lower-level moves of supernatural powers. As for the higher moves, I haven't learned much yet."

"I believe you ghost!" Bai Xingwei curled her lips in disdain, "The higher move you're talking about is Ye Kai, right?

Chao Peacock, Day Tiger, Ye Kai, I'm afraid there is still a move missing here, and there is a dusk and evening time missing. "

"This little move is called Xixiang." Luo Quan didn't hide anything, and told Bai Xingwei directly.

Bai Xingwei snapped her fingers and said, "That's right, it's only one supernatural power if you have a lot of them, and you still have the Sword of Promised Victory. I'm afraid it's divided into several moves."

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "That's not the case, the sword of vowing victory has only one move."

"You can tell by the name that the power won't be bad." Bai Xingwei sat on the bed, feeling a sense of crisis.

She looked at Luo Quan and said seriously: "After you enter school, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and we may be competitors by then.

"There is more than one Martial God in each era, so your sense of crisis must have come too early." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "Can't the two of us become Martial Gods together?"

"That's true." Hearing this, Bai Xingwei finally laughed, as if she was indeed a little sensitive.

The next day, Luo Quan received an interview invitation from Xinghai Wanshi.

As the largest media portal in Huanyu, it is almost the way, or even the only way, for every Huanyu person to understand the universe.

Just like its name says, everything in Xinghai can be caught in one go.

It is worth mentioning that the company behind the Xinghai Wanshi app belongs to the God Bless Federation, and is not entirely owned by the Shengtang Dynasty.

But because it is so easy to use, Shengtang Dynasty didn't impose too many restrictions on it.

But even if two countries belong to the same civilization, they are still two countries, and there is still some small competition between them.

And Xinghai Wanshi suddenly conducted an exclusive interview with Luo Quan, the intention behind this is somewhat intriguing.

Any country hopes that there will be more and more talents in the country, and those developed countries are also very attractive to talents because of their superior living conditions.

The God Blessed Federation, in particular, attracts a large number of alien citizens who have passed the universe test every year.

These people with special skills can easily make a living on Huanyu Planet.

In addition, the social atmosphere of God Blessed Federation is relatively free, so many artistic talents choose to go to God Blessed Federation.

Although Luo Quan participated in the Martial God Trial, her artistic talent was even more astonishing, which naturally attracted the attention of the God Blessed Federation.

Xinghai Wanshi's exclusive interview is just a new account, and it is an initiative to release goodwill towards her.

In fact, after she sang "Aria of the Queen of the Night" live, many people have already followed her.

Now that the first round of the Martial God Trial is over, many people with unknown origins have privately asked her if she is interested in developing in the God Bless Federation.

Some of them also described to her how good God Blessed Federation is, how easy it is to get a permanent residence permit, and how excellent the benefits are.

Then he said that if you are interested, you can talk about it in detail.

For ordinary people, these conditions are quite attractive.

But for Luo Quan, that was actually the case.

If she has the opportunity to go to the God Bless Federation for concerts or filming in the future, she would be very willing to go there for a stroll and experience the scenery of a foreign country.

But let her immigrate, forget it.

As long as you have money, life will be easy no matter where you are.

So why go to a complete stranger?And the people she has come into contact with in Shengtang Dynasty are pretty good.

This is Luo Quan's idea.

So these people who wanted to get in touch with her, she didn't reply much, so she just pretended not to see them.

Compared with immigrants, Luo Quan is more interested in being interviewed.

An exclusive interview with Xinghai Wanshi, Hot Search will definitely arrange it.

However, she has been on the trending searches several times recently, so her improvement is limited.

But if it is the number one in the hot search, then it's another matter, and it may be truly famous all over the world by then!

So Luo Quan attached great importance to this interview and chose a beautiful outfit.

The location of the interview was in the Xinghai Wanshi Imperial Branch building. Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei went together, but Bai Xingwei wore sunglasses the whole time and was also an assistant.

The host's assistant led the two into the interview room, where the venue has been set up, and the staff used black background cloth and white floor to build a simple and refreshing environment.

The lighting engineer adjusted the brightness and angle, and the host sorted out the questions to be asked next. Everything went in an orderly manner.

When Luo Quan was ushered in by his assistant, the host immediately raised his head and greeted with a smile: "Our protagonist is here, she is such a beautiful and sexy beauty."

The word sexy is no longer exclusive to girls, and men can also be called sexy.

For men, sexy is only one step away from greasy or pussy.

As for Luo Quan, the first adjective that can be associated with her charming figure is sexy and only sexy.

"Lucy, come over and fix our protagonist's makeup!" The host was a Caucasian man, but Sheng Tang's official words were very good.

She raised her hand and greeted the makeup artist.

Although Luo Quan hopes to be glamorous without makeup, but the lighting is strong, and without makeup will affect the shooting effect.

So no matter how handsome or beautiful you are, you need makeup on a stage with strong light like this.

After tossing about ten minutes, the makeup is finished.

When Luo Quan walked under the spotlight, the eyes of all the employees on the scene froze for a moment.

Even the well-informed host couldn't help sighing: "It's really a nine-level beauty. How long has it been since I saw such a young and beautiful girl."

Luo Quan smiled and said thank you.

Sitting opposite the host, the host communicated with her in Shengtang Mandarin.

First of all, the host understands Luo Quan's life, and the first question is: what kind of place is your home planet?
Because it is an exclusive interview, the next Xinghai Wanshi Weekly will have a lot of space to write about Luo Quan, so the host will ask very detailed questions.

And Luo Quan's origin is also a matter of great concern to many netizens.

Fortunately, Zhou Tu has already forged her about the mother planet, so Luo Quan can just follow the information on it.

At the same time, some real situations on the earth are included in it, so that the truth is mixed, and others can't tell the difference at all.

Then, the host asked Luo Quan something about creation.

She has been asked too many times about this before, and she is very familiar with the answers.

The host wondered why she was so proficient, Luo Quan replied:

I was a world-renowned music genius when I was on my home planet. Compared with my talent in music, my talent in martial arts is less than one-tenth of it!

This answer surprised the host.

One-tenth of the talent in martial arts is already enough to defeat an eighth-level civilized prince like Kamos.

How powerful is Luo Quan's musical talent?
But from the "Aria of the Queen of the Night", Luo Quan was not lying.

If, as she says, she has a better song than this, it is indeed shocking.

But there is no way to verify this yet.

(End of this chapter)

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