Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 921 System Upgrade and Return to Earth

Chapter 921 System Upgrade and Return to Earth ([-])
ps. Happy National Day, book friends, I wish you all a happy National Day, happiness and health!

In addition, the author also wants to take two days off here, so everyone doesn't have to wait for the update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.


The basic information about Luo Quan was almost covered, and there was nothing else to dig out, so the host focused on Luo Quan's artistic talent again:
"As I talked about just now, you are quite talented in music, so in what areas are you good at?"

"I'm good at composing, playing, and singing." Luo Quan didn't have the slightest humility this time, almost saying that I couldn't do it.

But she was telling the truth, and her expression was quite calm.

"Then can you show it a little bit here?" It's not that the host doesn't believe in Luo Quan, it's just that he is also an audiophile himself and can play many musical instruments.

Now that I heard Luo Quan say that, I was delighted to see Lie Xin, and simply wanted to exchange ideas.

"Of course." Luo Quan said, taking out a guitar directly from the storage ring.

There are no guitars in Huanyuxing, but there are similar instruments, and the playing methods and timbres are basically the same.

"Just play an ordinary etude for everyone."

(song name: flaming)

After Luo Quan plucked the strings, a melody as clear as a wind chime and as soft as a stream flowed from her fingertips, making everyone's hearts tremble.

Her movements are sometimes extremely gentle, as if stroking the delicate skin of her lover, full of tenderness.

Sometimes it becomes extremely intense, and the speed of picking the strings is so fast that phantoms appear.

Her slender fingers are like a dancer, dancing a passionate dance on six strings.

With that dazzling fingering, Luo Quan weaves a gorgeous and beautiful piece of music.

She lowered her head, enjoying the music she made with an intoxicated expression.

This perfect face like a sculpture, surrounded by wonderful music, reminded the host of the shape of the gods in ancient myths for no reason.

She is the embodiment of light, the embodiment of talent, and the embodiment of beauty.

At this moment, all the audience in the room stopped thinking, and only admiration and appreciation remained in their minds.

As the so-called layman watches the fun, the expert watches the doorway.

As a good guitarist, the host knew better than all the audience how terrifying Luo Quan's technique was.

Just the dense and unbelievably clear artificial overtones she plays are enough to make more than [-]% of pianists sigh.

Ordinary people actually have no concept of overtones.

In layman's terms, playing without overtones is like singing with a big white voice, dry and without aesthetic feeling.

With overtones, it's like adding a singer's voice to the big white voice, and the overall sense of hearing will rise in a straight line.

To play high-quality overtones, you need extremely accurate and fast fingering, and practice for a long time.

In all fairness, the host thinks that in some familiar tracks, he can play overtones at a level similar to that of Luo Quan.

However, there are not many parts of these tracks that need to use overtones, so he can guarantee the quality.

As for the piece played by Luo Quan, not only the overtone quality was frighteningly high, but also the quantity was so large that he panicked.

This alone already made him a little daunting.

Not to mention that while playing the overtones, Luo Quan also demonstrated difficult performance skills such as clapping the overtones, pressing the left hand horizontally, and multiple sweeps.

And the melody span of the song is also very large, which belongs to the kind with a difficulty factor of eight stars or higher.

Based on these foundations, Luo Quan still performed with silky smooth technique.

There wasn't even a single mistake, or a note played.

At this age and this level, the host searched for a long time and only found two or three people who could be close to Luo Quan.

Note that it is close to, not stronger than Luo Quan.

In his opinion, those geniuses who played music so loudly on the Internet are [-]% inferior to Luo Quan!

This is simply not a technique that she should master at this age. Ordinary people don't have ten or eight years of practice. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to master so many difficult techniques.

It can only be said that talent is in the field of art, and the expressiveness is really terrifying.

It can easily surpass ten years of hard training by ordinary people, greatly shortening the distance from success.

"It's really amazing. If the technology is improved a little bit, I'm afraid the ghost song spirit can be born?" The host applauded Luo Quan and sighed.

Luo Quan smiled shyly: "It's a pity that I know a lot of musical instruments, but my level is basically on this level, and I can't go up or down."

"This is already terrifying." The host didn't even know if Luo Quan was in Versailles, "If you can really play every musical instrument with a phantom of the singing spirit, that would be outrageous.

By the way, is your level of composition compared to your level of playing an instrument? "

"Composer is even better." Luo Quan replied without hesitation, "And it's much better."

There was no need for the host to invite him anymore. Luo Quan took out his phone and turned it on, then played a song on the phone.

Although there is no Internet in Alien, most functions of the mobile phone are fine, and the downloaded songs can also be played.

Luo Quan's choice is a piece full of Chinese atmosphere.

Because he was not sure what the people of God Blessed Federation would like, Luo Quan felt that it would be better to use music that fit the style of the Holy Tang Dynasty.

And the song she played was "Memories of the Forbidden City".

At the beginning of the song, there is a rather long silence, only a slight music can be heard.

But with the sound of the drums, a huge and majestic aura rushed to the face, pulling all the audience into the thick cultural atmosphere that China has accumulated for thousands of years.

Noble, majestic, gorgeous, many words come to mind, as if the Forbidden City stands in front of you.

The most difficult thing is that this song not only has the magnificence and scenery of the prosperous age, but also the desolation and sadness of the end of a dynasty.

There is a saying in One Hundred Years of Solitude that all the splendor in life must be repaid by loneliness after all.

This is the case for any dynasty. When it is glorious, all nations come to court, and when it perishes, it is infinitely miserable.

The Forbidden City has experienced the rise and fall of two dynasties.

In the past 600 years, I saw him building Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing her building collapse.

Those who built the Forbidden City, captured the Forbidden City, and ruled the Forbidden City have all passed away, but the Forbidden City is still there, and they have to witness the rise of the next country.

In the Forbidden City, there is a bright side, and naturally there is a dark side, which can never be generalized.

Everyone in the world knows that the majestic Zhengda Guangming Palace has witnessed how many emperors ruled the people.

But they don't know how many concubines were trapped to death in the cold palace, and how many court ladies were drowned in the ancient well.

In the first half, many people who wrote songs for the Forbidden City wrote it, and they wrote it well.

But the second half is very rare.

The song Memories of the Forbidden City can be said to have composed two faces of the Forbidden City, containing two completely different emotions, and both of them have achieved the ultimate.

The song ended, and the audience, including the host, fell silent.

The song was so shocking that they didn't know how to evaluate it.

Just now, in a daze, they saw a magnificent palace group, which must be the effect of the phantom of the song spirit.

Songs that can reach this level are definitely not ordinary, and Luo Quan has already had two songs, which is really amazing.

"Heavenly talent!" The host sighed sincerely.

Just two pieces of music have fully reflected Luo Quan's talent and talent.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be really hard for him to believe that someone could have such a terrifying talent in both martial arts and art.

"I dare say that within five years, you will become a world-renowned girl star!" The host made a pun and sent Luo Quan his best wishes.

"Then I'll borrow your good words." Luo Quan smiled, thinking that this wasn't even her best song.

The interview lasted for two hours. After the end, Luo Quan followed Bai Xingwei back home.

Good things always follow one another. She had just returned to her room when the system that hadn't made any sound for more than ten days finally started to move.

"The system upgrade is complete, and the high-end mall is open! The cultivation point system is open!"

A simple notification made Luo Quan's heart almost beat with excitement.

She immediately opened the personal panel, and the attributes such as appearance, singing skills, and figure were still the same as before, without much change.

But under these, there is another cultivation panel.

The data on the panel is divided into five categories, namely:
Spirit 101
Physique 1005
force 345
Agile 268
Aura 316
The first four are relatively easy to understand, and the last aura refers to the reserve of spiritual power.

The higher this attribute is, the more times she can use the curry stick.

Because there is no reference object, Luo Quan does not know what level these values ​​are.

However, there are more than 1000 physique, far more than his other attributes, most of which are due to the Wugou Glazed Body.

And her mental power is indeed relatively weak as Bai Xingwei said.

"System, where does this attribute point come from?"

Luo Quan's heart is hot, if he adds all the points to his strength, wouldn't he be able to become One Punch Man?
"Complete the task, harvest the fans' willingness to transform, and practice to get attribute points.

You currently have 10 unallocated attribute points left, please use it with caution. "

"Why so little?" Luo Quan frowned.

"No way, this system has just been opened, and all the previous ones were wasted."

The system's answer made Luo Quan feel extremely distressed. If this function existed since his debut, how many attribute points should he gain?

"It's a pity, we have to start all over again."

Luo Quan shook his head regretfully, and then opened the upgraded mall.

Afterwards, she was shocked by the wide variety of products here.

When it comes to science and technology, such as antimatter, controllable nuclear fusion, grand unified theory and other difficult problems that have plagued the scientific community for a long time, you can exchange them in it.

There are countless medicines to prolong life, medicines to treat cancer, and medicines to improve physical fitness.

Why did she come here all this way? Isn't it just for these things?

Now that his wish was finally fulfilled, Luo Quan couldn't help crying.

However, when she saw the price tags of these medicines, she cried even harder.

"Why is it so expensive? The cheapest ones are trillions of calories. I have only accumulated tens of millions of calories since my debut. When will this last?"

Luo Quan asked the system with red eyes, the feeling of going from heaven to hell is really not easy.

"This is mainly because the place you are in is too high-level, and the more you earn, the more you spend. If you were on Earth, the unit price of these items would be much cheaper.

So the host suggests that you exchange what you want on Earth first, which is more cost-effective. "

"Scare me so much!" Luo Quan patted his chest with lingering fear, and said to himself that it was okay.

It just so happened that the Martial God Trial was over, and there was a three-month mandatory rest period.

If she doesn't choose to play the remaining four games in a row, then she will be forced to rest for three months after each game.

The Huanyu star has 24 months in a year, 30 days in a month, and arrives at the earth for two days every day.

In other words, the next game is already half a year away.

In fact, she could also choose to finish it all at once, but the first encounter with Kamos made her realize that there are too many fierce people participating in this trial.

She is not as confident as Bai Xingwei, she can do five in one go.

So to be on the safe side, let's take it one by one slowly.

In just half a year, she can also improve her combat power through the point addition system, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

And after leaving home for so many days, it's time to go back and take a look.

Without much hesitation, Luo Quan made the choice to return to Earth.

"Yingwei, I am going back to my hometown, and I will come back after the next trial begins."

Luo Quan came to Bai Xingwei's room, ready to say goodbye to her.

Bai Xingwei was not too surprised, and she was also filled with a sense of crisis by Luo Quan's martial arts talent, and originally planned to retreat for a while.

"Then you have to practice hard. You don't know whether the next match will be easy or difficult, so don't be eliminated early."

Although Bai Xingwei was a little bit reluctant in her heart, her mouth was not soft at all, and she still choked on Luo Quan.

"Tch, I will give you the same sentence!"

Luo Quan curled his lips and walked to the door.

Then she turned her head and smiled at Bai Xingwei: "Thank you for taking care of me these few days, your world will be without me in the next few days..."

"Oh, hurry up and climb..."

Bai Xingwei knew that Luo Quan was going to be sensational, so she kicked her up as if to kick her.

Luo Quan dodged it with a smile, and then ran back to his room.

In the past ten days, the energy of any door has already been fully charged.

Compared with the earth, the concentration of aura in the universe makes any door almost have no cooling time.

Open the door, the other side of the door is the familiar green hills, fields, and bamboo houses.

Luo Quan took a light breath, full of the smell of his hometown.

Although it was far less clear than Huanyuxing, it made her feel so at ease and comfortable.

"Earth, I, Luo Hansan, are back!"

Luo Quan took a step forward and stepped on the land of his hometown again.

(End of this chapter)

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