Chapter 922
"It's so hot."

Returning to the earth, before Luoquan had time to breathe the air of his hometown that he had not seen for a long time, he was so hot that he could hardly open his eyes due to the oncoming heat.

It was early August when she left, and now it is August 28, so it stands to reason that she has escaped the hottest period.

Yuzhou should not be very hot at this time.

"This temperature is not right." Luo Quan only stood in the sun for a few minutes, and his whole body was already soaked in sweat.

Originally, she thought that she was a very heat-resistant person. In order to save money when she was a child, the air conditioner was only turned on for an hour or two before going to bed in summer.

But today's weather is so hot that she can't wait to turn on the air conditioner immediately and turn it on to 16 degrees.

"The temperature is probably over forty degrees."

Luo Quan turned on his mobile phone, called a taxi, and planned to go back to the city first.

As soon as I turned it on, there were more than [-] missed calls.

Wen Xia, Leon, Dad, Manager Zhou Yangwen, and Blizzard Studio all called her.

In addition to missed calls, there were also some text messages, but they were basically asking her how she was doing, and nothing major had happened.

Open Weibo, and sure enough, Yuzhou high temperature has been trending.

Since September, it has ushered in the extremely high temperature weather once in decades, and the daytime temperature has almost remained above [-] degrees.

And not only in Yuzhou, but also in many parts of the country, such extreme high temperatures have occurred, which has never occurred in previous years.

Although it was often said before that the massive emissions of carbon dioxide lead to the greenhouse effect, the world is heating up, and even glaciers are melting.

But because most of them happen abroad, most people in China don't have a particularly clear concept of global warming.

But this year, it is estimated that the concept will be more profound!Because this summer is too hot.

Luo Quan searched and found that there are several hot searches every day reporting that the high temperature in various places has broken the record.

And those few well-known "stove" cities are even more red on the high temperature warning map, with temperatures above 40 degrees everywhere you look.

Such extreme weather is uncommon and has the potential to become the norm in the next few years.

Luo Quan originally thought that he could withstand the high temperature, but standing on the road with a temperature of more than 40 degrees, he was still a little uncomfortable from being steamed.

In addition to the wilderness, Luo Quan waited for more than ten minutes before finally getting into the car.

When the air-conditioning in the car blows head-on, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After entering the city, I took a room at the hotel. The first thing I did was to turn on the air conditioner and then take a cold shower.

After coming out again, the heat accumulated in the body was finally swept away.

Turning on the mobile phone news, Luo Quan wanted to see if any major events had happened recently.

It really does.

There was a top guy whose house collapsed because of an illegal love transaction
After the specific news was exposed, it immediately set off a heated discussion across the Internet. Many fans screamed as if their worldview had collapsed. Netizens who eat melons did not expect this person to do such a thing.

In previous years, this matter was a major event that was enough to cause an earthquake in public opinion.

But this year, it seems to be less surprising.

Because this year's theme is collapsed houses, and he is not the only star who collapsed houses this year.

Of course, after the matter was hammered out, it did cause quite a lot of discussion. After all, this person who was so popular before was almost the originator of the era of fresh meat.

Now, he must be completely cold, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history books of the entertainment industry forever, and will be ridiculed by everyone.

Netizens are also curious about how many other male artists in the circle are like this one, they look decent, but they are actually having a good time.

Many netizens believe that many celebrities are more or less involved, but some have been exposed, and some have not yet been exposed.

But if you want people not to know, unless you do nothing yourself, something will happen sooner or later.

Therefore, "collapsing houses" is not only the key word this year, it may also be the key word next year and even the year after.

As the power and accuracy of those whistleblowers grows, those tainted stars will be executed by justice sooner or later.

At this time, someone asked again, are there still clean male stars in the circle?
Some extreme netizens bluntly said no, because men don't have a good thing.

This set of punches dropped from the sky made the big guy helpless.

Then it's really not easy to refute, because it seems that the recent accidents are all male artists, and the reasons are always those things.

As for food and sex, the words of the sage are indeed very reasonable.

After analyzing the men, netizens began to analyze the female stars again.

It stands to reason that in the big environment of the entertainment industry, everyone is the same.

There are so many collapsed houses of male artists, it doesn't make sense that all female artists are pure and clean.

If it doesn't explode now, it doesn't mean there is no problem.

So everyone asked again, are there still decent stars like Huang Baoqiang in the entertainment industry?

This guy can't even come up with black information about his bedside person and manager, which shows how clean he is in private.

In fact, there are, and netizens nominate Luo Quan one after another.

Although there has been no new news for almost a month, there are still legends about sister in the world.

Relying on his impressive resume with zero rumors since his debut, Luo Quan became the only winner in this netizen questioning conference.

Like Bao Qiang, she is also considered by netizens to be a high-quality female star who is least likely to break the law.

Almost perfect, except a little lazy, a little bigger mouth, and a little more grumpy.

Perhaps knowing that Luo Quan didn't have time to look at his phone in the mountains, the fans' comments were very bold.

Obviously she should be praised, but the comment area is full of accusations against her.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, thinking that these people really tried their best to hurt her when he was not around.

Especially the nickname "Abyss Overlord Flower", I don't know which wicked thing brought her new nickname from the Tokyo Olympics back to China, and she was laughed at for a while.

It's a pity that when this nickname was circulating on the Internet, I happened to be away from the earth, so there was no way to stop its spread.

Now it has become a meme, and it is too late to stop it.

Fortunately, at least she can guarantee that this name will not appear in her comment area and live broadcast room. Whoever dares to make a mistake will directly seal the arrangement forever!
After reading the news, Luo Quan edited a post.

Originally, she thought of a lot of words to announce her return to fans, but after thinking about it, she felt that those words were too hypocritical.

So all the thoughts that went back and forth turned into one sentence in the end: "I'm back."

In less than 10 minutes, Bilibili and Weibo ranked first in the hot searches.

Maybe it's because he disappeared for too long, just a news can so pull the heartstrings of netizens.

Fans burst into tears and shouted in the comment area:
"Why did you just come back!"

"I'll wait for you until all the flowers wither."

"It can be regarded as something happened, Luo Bao."

"You really miss me."

"I'm finally back. I thought you were on maternity leave. I was so scared that I couldn't sleep all night."


Originally, the previous comments were quite sensational, but when the last one came out, the style of the painting changed suddenly.

Speaking of which, during the period of her disappearance, some good people really reported that she had gone on maternity leave, and they even carried out analysis in a serious manner, which was extremely alarmist.

Although fans scolded him for spreading rumors, because Luo Quan himself has not come forward to clarify, some netizens really think it is true.

After Luo Quan saw the comment, he quickly added a post: "I'm going on vacation in the mountains, but it's definitely not a maternity leave."

Then a photo of the stomach is attached below the feed, which is flat and flat without any problems.

I thought this matter would be over, but I didn't expect the fans to be excited:
"It seems that the matter between me and Luo Bao can no longer be hidden. That's right, I have a child with her."

"As a man, I can no longer escape in silence. Yes, she took maternity leave because of me!"

"Nonsense, it's obviously because of me!"

"Why do you join in the fun with a female number?"

"It discriminates against women, right? I stepped on the horse and warned with an iron fist."

"Ah this..."


So Luoquan fans are very strange.

When she was silent, someone made a rumor, and the fans immediately refuted the rumor and cursed at the rumor maker.

Now that she came out to clarify, everyone rushed out to admit that she did it, making Luo Quan a little speechless, and she would not have come out to clarify if she had known.

But anyway, this return is quite eye-catching.

Fans say she is "Sister Wang is back".

This is a stalk in the hit movie "Detective Chinatown" a while ago. Because of the magical accent of the supporting role, this sentence is particularly joyful, and then it became popular.

Of course, this is not the only one that exploded in "Detective Chinatown".

As the last batch of movies to be screened in the summer, everyone thought it was an absurd drama like "Lost in Thailand" after watching the trailer, and then there were some elements of reasoning and detectives.

Because both movies have strong protection, everyone is more at ease in the comedy part.

As for the investigation, not too many people had any hope, it was just for fun.

As a result, after the movie was released, everyone found that the movie was really good.

Not only are there lots of laughs, the plot is ups and downs, and the elements of horror and suspense are well grasped, which is a pretty good comedy movie.

So this movie, which was screened at the latest in the summer file, came from behind and became the front champion of this year's summer file.

So far, 15 billion box office has been harvested, and with the fermentation of audience word-of-mouth, it will be absolutely easy for the final box office to exceed 20 billion.

There is no doubt that this is another classic case of small cost and big return.

Bao Qiang is the only real big-name star in the movie, and the combined salary of the others is probably only a little higher than him.

Being able to achieve such a huge success has indeed made many domestic capital sigh.

It turns out that making a movie that makes money is so simple, and it doesn't have to be desperate to pile up traffic to hire big names.

Of course, knowing what's going on doesn't mean these people can reproduce it.

Just like the movies Luo Quan made before, many of them were small cost and big rewards, but so far no one dares to follow suit.

Because no one felt that they had the ability to replicate Luoquan's success.

However, the success of "Detective Chinatown" still has many people in China who think it can be replicated.

After all, there are not many domestic movies that combine comedy and criminal reasoning.

It's a huge void, and one that audiences seem to be embracing at the moment.

So after "Detective Chinatown" became popular, similar projects were filed soon.

It is estimated that in less than a year, various "detective cases" will appear in theaters.

Of course, many people hope that Luo Quan will also make a similar movie.

Whether or not to investigate the case is secondary, the main thing is that everyone seems to have never seen her act in a comedy.

In so many movies since her debut, her characters are all cold or deep images.

The acting skills are superb, but it always makes people feel a little monotonous.

Many netizens think that a good actor should be able to act in comedy and tragedy. He can not only be deep and melancholy, but also put down his airs to make everyone happy.

Regardless of whether this sentence is right or wrong, Luo Quan feels that it is not impossible to act in comedy.

But it's not the time yet, because she still owes a "Harry Potter" and hasn't filmed yet.

Originally, it was agreed that this movie would meet with everyone during the summer vacation, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, and it was to participate in the Olympic Games and to upgrade the system at the Star of the Universe.

Things are rushing together. Now that I am back, it seems that it will be autumn. "Harry Potter" has not been turned on yet. No matter how fast she moves, it is estimated that netizens will not be able to see this movie until the end of the year. Movie.

As for comedy movies, you can't jump the queue without warning, right?
Of course, it's not impossible for her to do it if she's a little bit more nervous.

But as we all know, she, Luo, is a famous salty fish, so just think about this kind of thing.

Eat food one bite at a time, and do things one by one.

I haven't been in charge for nearly a month, and there are probably a lot of things waiting for her to deal with at the company and at home, so let's put the movie thing aside first.

Just as Luo Quan finished thinking about it here, Wen Xia called.

"Hey, miss me?" Luo Quan said with a smile.

"I miss you dead head." Wen Xia sounded very angry, "Why have I called you and sent you a message in the past month, but there is no response. Those who don't know think you have been kidnapped."

"The signal is not good in the mountains." Luo Quan explained helplessly, "And my skills should worry about this?"

"You are amazing, you have high martial arts skills, let's go." Wen Xia complained angrily.

She was really worried that she couldn't contact Luo Quan before.

Now after hearing the voice, I finally feel relieved.

"By the way, I have some good news here, do you want to hear it?" Wen Xia suddenly said to Luo Quan as if remembering something.

Luo Quan chuckled: "There are only good ones, I thought there was one good and one bad."

"Leon is going to be a father."

Wen Xia's light words were like a thunderclap on the ground, splitting Luo Quan's outer skin and tenderness in the inner skin.

"What!" Luo Quan's eyes widened, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Wen Xia replied: "It was discovered during the examination last month that Mia had been nauseous and retching. She thought it was a stomach problem. Only after going to the hospital did she find out that she was two months pregnant."

(End of this chapter)

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