Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 91 Find the Difference

Chapter 91 Find the Difference
"Go ahead." Luo Quan said to Amuro Yu after the karate club left.

Amuro Yu nodded lightly, made it in front of the drum set, took a light breath, and then tapped.

As expected by Luo Quan, everyone in Yun Jingxiao's band is not simple.

The seemingly thin Yuu Amuro burst out with an unimaginable explosive force when he beat the drums. This force was enough to make the hearts of the audience around him rhythm. The collision of the drumsticks and the cymbals was intertwined with dense drum beats. A stunning piece of music.

It has no lyrics, but it touches the heart more easily than any lyrics!
Amuro Yu was sweating like rain during the percussion. At this time, he had completely fallen into his own world. His face was no longer as shy as before, but he became tough and devoted. He seemed to be one with the whole drum set!
At the end of the song, Amuro put down the drumstick panting lightly, and glanced at Luo Quan, as if eager for her praise.

"You're the best drummer I've ever seen!" Luo Quan applauded Amuro's performance with heartfelt admiration.

Luo Quan's encouragement was like a hymn of courage given by the goddess to the warriors, and Yuu Amuro's expression became much more confident than before: "Quan Shui... In fact, I have been..."

"You bastard!" Iwasaki Eiji had come to Yuu Amuro's side at some point, grabbed him by the collar, and lifted half of his body up. "I practiced well over there. You are knocking and beating here. It's so noisy that Uncle Ben has a headache."

"What are you doing!" Yun Jingxiao suddenly stood up and yelled loudly, "Don't think you are a karate student and we are afraid of you!"

"Roar?" Iwasaki Yoshi turned his head and looked at Yun Jingxiao with contempt, and said nonchalantly: "What? Do you want to learn from me?"

Sato Shuichi stepped forward: "Forget about Yingshi-kun, they are all classmates."

Eiji Iwasaki glanced at Yuu Amuro disdainfully: "I'm not classmates with this kind of sissy. I pretend to be weak all day long, and I'm more feminine than a woman."

"I... I didn't provoke you." Amuro Yu grabbed Iwasaki Eiji and tried to struggle away, but what he got was a kick in the chest.

Iwasaki Eiji sneered: "My uncle is in a bad mood today, and you are noisy and noisy next to you, and you have no eyesight. Who will be beaten if you don't get beaten?"

Yuu Amuro, who was kicked to the ground, clutched his chest and coughed several times, but there was nothing serious.

He just looks weak, but if he can beat the drums so well, his physical fitness is definitely not bad, but Iwasaki Eiji's kick is really hard, and Amuro Yu almost didn't catch his breath.

"Is this down?" Iwasaki Eiji stared at Yuu Amuro with a smile, "If you are a man, stand up, but if you lie on the ground obediently, maybe this uncle will let you go, and then again, shrink your head and turtle. Don't you do this often?"

"This time, I won't be a shrunken turtle again!" Amuro Yu resisted the pain in his chest and propped himself up from the ground.

"Interesting." Iwasaki Eiji sneered and stepped forward, throwing his right fist.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two fleshy sounds, Iwasaki Eiji covered his right rib and stepped back seven or eight steps in fine steps.

Everyone looked at Luo Quan in amazement, Yun Jingxiao and Shengu Lingyin even opened their mouths enough to put an egg!
"Luo Quan...knows karate!" Sato Shuichi's eyes widened, the two blows just now were definitely karate moves. One block and one push neutralized Ying Shijun's offensive. This level is a bit high!
Luo Quan looked at Iwasaki Eiji who had just slowed down: "Although I don't know where Yu-kun offended you, is it really okay for you to attack him like this?"

"I never thought you could do karate." Iwasaki Eiji rubbed his aching right rib cage, wanting to smile lightly, but couldn't.

"I have learned how to use both hands for self-defense. In addition to karate, I also know a little about kendo."

Iwasaki Eiji finally laughed: "That's why I said you should join our karate club."

Luo Quan was expressionless: "With a member like you, I have no interest in your club at all."

"Looking at you like this, do you have to give this kid a head start?"

"I don't know what kind of hatred you have with him, but people are equal. You can't just bully him just because he's weaker than you!"

"I still need a reason to bully people?" Iwasaki Eiji laughed: "This kind of person is also worthy of talking about equality with this uncle. In terms of family background and talent, how can I not be better than him? I won't talk about fighting with him. That's bullying him!"

Luo Quan didn't step back: "Everyone has something they are good at. If you judge others' strengths or weaknesses with such a standard, he will be a little narrow-minded."

"Looks like you have to take care of this business?"

"Why, do you even beat girls?"

Facts have proved that Luo Quan underestimated Iwasaki's bottom line, and he actually put on the air and was ready to do it.

"You don't really think you can beat me, do you?" Luo Quan suddenly felt amused. She thought she could help Iwasaki Inishi recognize the difference between the two just now.

"I just didn't pay attention at all." Iwasaki Inishi said and rushed forward three steps, two palms facing Luo Quan's chest.


Luo Quan frowned, and he didn't intend to keep his hands. He backhanded Iwasaki's attack, and then a high kick, almost knocking Iwasaki's unconscious.

Luo Quan looked at his legs with a straight line, and said to his heart that fortunately he didn't wear a skirt today...

"It's... so powerful..." Iwasaki Eiji lay on the ground for a long time, the pain in his jaw made his sanity a little unclear.

Luo Quan looked at Sato Shuuichi: "Where's your president? If you don't come out to take care of it, I won't be responsible for any problems?"

Sato Shuichi wondered: "The president has something to do today. In addition to the president in the karate club, Yingshi-kun is the biggest."

Luo Quan laughed in anger: "So no one can cure him?"

"Enough." Iwasaki Eiji stood up from the ground swayingly, rubbed his chin, and said softly, "Luo Quan, right, I remember you, you will be planted in my hands sooner or later."

Luo Quan retorted: "There are so many people who see me upset, how old are you?"

"You!" Iwasaki Eiji became annoyed and took a step forward, but he seemed to remember something and dared not take any further action.

"Come here if it's a man, but if you leave honestly, maybe I'll let you go." Luo Quan did not change, and returned him what Iwasaki Eishi said to Amuro Yu.

Iwasaki Yingshi's blood surged, but when he saw Luo Quan's icy eyes and slender legs, he calmed down.

Iwasaki Eiji didn't speak, turned around and went straight out of the activity room.

The atmosphere at the scene did not become relaxed because of Iwasaki's departure, but became more solemn.

Jinggong Yazuo sighed softly: "Luo Quan, you are in trouble."

Luo Quan didn't care: "What's the trouble? He can still eat me."

Kamiya Suzune's expression also became a little ugly: "You still don't know the identity of Iwasaki Eiji."

"It's nothing more than the second-generation rich and second-generation officials with a little background."

Yun Jingxiao shook his head and said, "That's not a little background, that's quite a background. He is the former chairman of the Mitsubishi Foundation and the grandson of Yugi Iwasaki."

"Mitsubishi Consortium?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little bad, "Is it the Mitsubishi Consortium of Japan's largest chaebol?"

The crowd nodded.

The Sony Corporation where Luo Quan is located is one of the subsidiaries of the Mitsui Consortium, and there are many subsidiaries of the Mitsui Consortium like Sony Corporation in the world.

And even such a business giant can only rank second in Japan, and the first is the Mitsubishi consortium.

The business of the Mitsubishi Consortium is very extensive. From electricity to oil, from light industry to military industry, almost everything that the Japanese people can use in their daily lives can be seen in the shadow of the Mitsubishi Consortium!
In Japan, the Mitsubishi Consortium is almost like a pillar of a country. As long as it stomps lightly, the Japanese stock market will experience an earthquake.

And Luo Quan is now provoking the grandson of the former chairman of the Mitsubishi Consortium, which is in big trouble.

Amuro Yu was already sweating profusely at this time: "I heard that the chairman of the Mitsubishi Foundation has been replaced, and this person is not named Iwasaki."

"It's not the same." Jing Gong Masaku shook his head, "The Mitsubishi Foundation was founded by Iwasaki Yataro, and it has been in the hands of the Iwasaki family for more than 100 years. The post of chairman was temporarily handed over to a foreigner, but he was only given the job of chairman, and the ownership of the entire consortium still belonged to the Iwasaki family.

To put it bluntly, the current chairman is just an agent, and the helm of the Mitsubishi consortium is still Yoshio Iwasaki. "

"So, what can he do to me?" Luo Quan didn't panic at all, as if such a big consortium was as common as a street shop.

Miyano Natsuko was extremely puzzled: "How did you manage to be so calm?"

Luo Quan replied, "I'm from China. In China, there is no concept of chaebol."

Although the market value of groups such as Penguin and Ali far exceeds that of the Mitsubishi consortium, in China, businessmen can only be businessmen and enterprises can only be enterprises.

Those who can shake the country's policy and rule with the power of capital are worthy of being called plutocrats, and such plutocrats will appear within 3 minutes and be wiped out within 3 minutes.

The emperor who breaks the law is the same as the common people, let alone a businessman?
Of course, paying a lawyer to make a fuss about laws and regulations, so that they can be punished lightly, is another situation.

However, normally, it is too difficult and risky for Huaxia Capital to cover the sky with one hand. If one does not believe it, it will be known to the whole network.

Luo Quan, who grew up in such a big environment, will naturally not have the slightest fear of the so-called chaebol consortium, not to mention that she has a very strong identity, that is, she is a Chinese!

(End of this chapter)

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