Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 92 Thanksgiving

Chapter 92 Thanksgiving

When such a thing happened, the band's affairs naturally couldn't go on, Yun Jingxiao could only let the members go back individually, and Yuu Amuro and Luo Quan happened to be on the way.

"So, what kind of grievance do you have with Iwasaki Eiji to make him target you like this?" Luo Quan asked Amuro Yu curiously on the way.

There is no love for no reason in the world, nor hatred for no reason. It must be what Yuu Amuro did that caused Eiji Iwasaki to target him like this.

"Speaking of which, I'm still stupid." Amuro sighed softly, her eyes looking a little lonely.

"Before there was a girl named Haruko in the Philharmonic Club. She was very cute. I liked her very much, and she could talk to me very well. Whether it was a hobby or a habit, it was like a match made by fate, at least at that time. I think so.

But last weekend, the president of the karate club, Ao Sora, invited the members of our Philharmonic Club to go to KTV to sing and drink together. At that time, everyone had a good relationship, so I readily agreed, and Haruko was among the invited people.

Because there were a lot of people, President Aozora opened two rooms, but Haruko, who was supposed to be in our room, somehow came to the room where President Aozora and the others were.

At first, I didn't care too much, I just played with myself. Later, because I drank a little wine, I thought of confessing to Haruko while drinking.

As a result, I went to the next room, Haruko just went to the toilet, and Iwasaki Eiji was secretly putting some white powder into her wine glass, which was the only scene I saw.

After Haruko came out, she didn't wait for me to speak, she picked up the wine glass and wanted to drink. I had to go up and knock over her wine glass. As a result, Iwasaki Eiji turned his face on the spot and tried to hit me. Fortunately, President Aokong stopped in time, otherwise that day I'm afraid I'm going to be taken to the hospital.

Because of this, Iwasaki Eiji has been coming to trouble me in the following days. I have not told anyone the truth, but Yunjing-senpai and everyone are very supportive of me, and you, Spring Water, thank you very much. Head out for me today. "

"So that's what happened, then this Iwasaki Yoshi is really a scum." Luo Quan suddenly realized, "By the way, what about Haruko, you should tell her about it."

"I told her about it that night, and told her to have less contact with people like Eiji Iwasaki."

"And then? Was she moved to be with you?"

"I was scolded bloody by her..."

"Sure enough." Luo Quan sneered, "I have a room in my club, but I have to go to the club next door. How is it possible that I don't have any other thoughts."

Amuro Yu could only smile bitterly: "She said can I stop harassing her like a follower, the white powder that Senior Yingshi put was probably just some gadgets to add to the fun, but I knocked it over like a fool and made her Very shameless!
I said I didn't mean anything, I just didn't want to put her in danger.

She said that no matter what happened to her, it was none of my business, and don't think that after a few words with her, you can have unreasonable thoughts.

Then she left..."

Luo Quan sneered: "This Qingzi was probably going to explode with anger at the time. It was obviously such a good opportunity for a sugar daddy, but you were screwed up."

Amuro Yu hesitated and said, "Perhaps... what difficulties does Haruko have?"

Luo Quan was taken aback: "You don't have any illusions about her, do you? She made it so clear that she just doesn't want to maintain a so-called ambiguous relationship with you, and she has a better candidate."

Amuro Yu was in a cold sweat, but he still refused to let go: "Maybe... Maybe something went wrong?"

Luo Quan was speechless for a moment, and she suddenly felt that there was a word to describe Yu Amuro: Girls don't have to deliberately lie to him in front of Licking Dog, because Licking Dog will make up reasons for her to deceive herself.

"Amuro-san, we have a saying like this: licking a dog is not good for death! If you still have fantasies about Haruko, you will end up miserably."

The so-called friendship is an offense to others, and Luo Quan is not good at having a more in-depth discussion with Amuro Yu in a serious and sincere manner.

"Let's just say goodbye. You don't have to worry about what Iwasaki Inishi will do to me, just take care of yourself."

After speaking, the two parted at the school gate. An Shiyou looked at Luo Quan's back with a dazed expression, not knowing what to think.

I don't know if he is afraid of Luo Quan's current popularity, but Eiji Iwasaki didn't take any further action after he released the words. He didn't participate in the activities of the karate club, and he couldn't be seen in the Komaba campus.

In the first few days, Luo Quan was still vigilant, going to and from school on the road with many people, and never left alone. Perhaps it was her good awareness of prevention, which made Iwasaki Inishi who was hiding in the dark unable to start.

Or maybe it was just an empty phrase thrown out by Eisei Iwasaki just to save face at the time?

After so many days without any abnormality, Luo Quan's nerves could not help but relax.

And today is a big day for her.

On September 9th, "Rite of Coming of Age" was on the shelves for 10 days, and the sales volume exceeded 20 million, breaking the highest record of Asian album sales in the past ten years. This is a terrifying record that has left countless practitioners dumbfounded. "A masterpiece that revived the glory of the Japanese record market!"

In the past ten years, no singer has been like Luo Quan. The album has already received millions of pre-sale before it was released, and no album has received so much love.

Now Luo Quan's nationality has risen to an extremely terrifying level, and it seems that a big female singer is not enough to describe her.

Compared with those diva-level singers who are famous in Asia, the only difference between Luo Quan and them is that they have not held a concert yet.

Many fans feel that with Luo Quan's current status, if he really wants to hold a concert, then Tokyo Dome Stadium is the best choice.

As one of Tokyo's landmark buildings, Tokyo Dome Stadium has always been the most desirable place for singers. There has always been a saying in the Japanese entertainment industry: Only if a concert is held in Tokyo Dome Stadium can it be called A-list star!
And Luo Quan is only one concert away from "Fengshen".

According to her current popularity, as long as it is held, it must be the result of a full house, and there is no need to worry about selling tickets, but she has to find a good time to make this concert a milestone in Luo Quan's acting career!

Luo Quan still won't hold a concert in a short period of time, and now she has to organize the fan appreciation festival first.

In order to commemorate the sales of 600 million copies of "Marriage Ceremony", Sony Corporation specially organized a fan appreciation festival for this purpose.

This is also the first time that Luo Quan has appeared in the media field in the past month.

Although she has to go to Dongda University every day, the focus of the school is that the paparazzi are generally not easy to disturb, and Luo Quan himself does not seem to like facing the camera very much, so in the eyes of ordinary Japanese people, Luo Quan has always been a person very mysterious existence.

If these people often visit station B, they probably won't feel that way. Luo Quan uploads videos of his daily life on station B's personal homepage every day.

She doesn't know much about editing. She just remembers that it's an out, and if she finds something interesting, she takes out her mobile phone to take a clip, and it's all transmitted to station B at night.

The point is that her fans at station B are still willing to buy it, and follow her daily life every day like a series. Although each episode is only two or three minutes, the number of hits can often reach 3 million.

Luo Quan himself also gave these videos a series of titles: "Quan Shui Sang's boring life", which can occupy the hot search of station B every day, and it seems that it has become a must-see drama for users of station B.

Compared with being so active in China, Luo Quan in Japan is simply too low-key to be low-key.

Every day is the apartment - the school goes back and forth between two o'clock and one line, and I don't go to the mall in my spare time. The deposits of several hundred million yen are put in the bank to earn interest. Almost every day, the young lady of the bank calls her and asks her. Do you want to do financial business?

Luo Quan knew nothing about these things, and did not dare to let the so-called professionals of the bank represent them, so Luo Quan refused all invitations to these businesses.

With her current worth, it is unimaginable that she lives such a simple life.

The main reason is that Luo Quan has never lived a life of luxury before, and he doesn't know what kind of life is for a real rich person, so now that he has money, he doesn't know how to enjoy it.

However, it is her simple lifestyle that makes her highly rated both in school and on the Internet.

Luo Quan's wealth is something that everyone in Japan knows, but she doesn't wear luxury clothes at school, she doesn't wear famous watches, and she doesn't wear makeup. She just wears her Adidas shirts every day and changes it every four days.

If you are lucky, you can still see her wearing a white dress, which is always these sets, so some students also joked that Luo Quan only has these five sets of clothes.

In the videos she shot, you can also see the decorations and furniture of her home, which are very ordinary, similar to most households, and many things are not even as valuable as the iPhone that shoots these videos.

It can be said that Luo Quan has practiced wealth and honor to the extreme, and the tens of millions of yen she just donated to the earthquake-stricken areas a few days ago has made her image in the eyes of the Japanese people quite high. to the point of.

The title of "Goddess of the Japanese People" has long been well deserved by Luo Quan.

If Luo Quan knew what these people thought, he would probably find it funny and helpless.

In fact, she also wanted to live the life of a local tyrant. Isn't it a huge waste to have so much money and not enjoy it?
But the key point is that she was originally from the bottom of the society, and her cognition of rich people probably stayed at the level of eating Kobe beef and drinking Lafite red wine. She had tasted all these, and they were not delicious at all.

Vision limits her improvement in enjoyment, which cannot be bought with money unless someone can guide her.

However, from the current point of view, Luo Quan may have to maintain the image of the "poor goddess" for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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