Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 927 Art Olympiad

Chapter 927 Art Olympiad
ps. The Easter Egg chapter is on the previous page, you can take a look.


In ancient times, pianists played with their backs to the audience.

It was not until the appearance of Liszt that the piano performance changed from facing away from the audience to facing the audience sideways.

The reason is that Liszt thinks he is handsome, so he feels that the audience should appreciate his face while enjoying his wonderful music.

And Luo Quan also felt that he was not only beautiful, but also handsome.

So in the MV of "Uptown Funk", she chose to use other aspects to reflect her handsomeness.

The aura, the dancing posture, and the arrogant dress.

When the music started, she was the prettiest boy in the whole street.

The awkward dances that were originally laughed at by netizens have also become pleasing to the eye when paired with this rhythmic music.

Music and dance are a pair of natural best partners, and together they can produce the effect of one plus one greater than three.

After the release of Luo Quan's MV, it only lasted for half a day of "full network ridicule", and instantly ushered in a major reversal.

"Luo Quan is so handsome" became the most searched entry on Weibo.

After watching the MV, Kuroko has all chosen to close the microphone, and they know that they will be severely humiliated again in the next period of time.

And the fans ushered in a carnival:
"Fan Luoquan is a peace of mind. You don't need fans to do anything about the rhythm. You can solve it yourself, and you can relieve your anger."

"What should I do, why do I think it's so appropriate to use anger on Luo Quan?"

"Sister Heisi, the coquettish queen, the big girl next door, there is always one that suits your taste."

"Tonight's Weibo is here."

"Can this be said?"


Compared with the overwhelming popularity in China, the popularity of "Uptown Funk" in foreign countries is even worse.

Less than two hours after it went online, the number of views on Youtube exceeded 1000 million.

When many media Qualuoquan mentioned the word sexy.

What is sexy, the most straightforward understanding is to be interested in the opposite sex.

But in the eyes of people, Luo Quan's sexiness is not only for the opposite sex, but also a very attractive existence for all human beings.

On the other hand, the level of brainwashing in "Uptown Funk" is beyond common sense.

In the two days since the release, the popularity continued to rise, and there was no downward trend at all. It was not like other hot songs on the Internet that quickly cooled down after the popularity.

Even video websites around the world have begun to appear a lot of follow-up content imitating Luo Quan's dancing.

No way, her dance with music is so magical, listening to it makes people want to dance along.

Following the trend and creating so much, the popularity of the song will naturally rise.

For a long time to come, this song is expected to dominate the charts.

However, these are not beyond Luo Quan's expectations. After all, this song was also one of the most popular pop music in the second decade of the 21st century.

The dance in the song's MV is also a classic in the classics, and it has evolved into a pop culture symbol.

It is completely reasonable to have such a grand occasion now.

And just when she was enjoying the joy of the new song being popular all over the world again, there was an additional email in her mailbox.

It was sent by Deputy Director He of the GD Bureau, and there was a document about a brand new international event.

The content of the file is:

"In March next year, the United States, China, Russia, Germany and other countries will jointly hold an art Olympiad, where art practitioners from all over the world can participate.

The specific competition system will be announced at a later date. "

Luo Quan was stunned when he saw this document.

Unexpectedly, just after the Olympic Games ended, the whole Art Olympics came out, and I don’t know which genius came up with it.

Because of the investment of Wuchang, the rewards of the competition are quite generous, and the authority is also very high, so it is a good opportunity for every artist to make a name for himself.

Originally, Luo Quan said that she was not qualified to know in advance, but because of her special status, He Ju told her in advance.

As for what is special about her, it is naturally because of her unparalleled creative talent.

As far as music is concerned, Luo Quan is undoubtedly the most dazzling new star in the world.

If she participates in the competition, the music in the eight major arts, let alone grasping it, is very hopeful to win the gold.

So, she got special treatment.

In fact, there is no preferential treatment, because this document was originally planned to be sent out at night, and now telling her is to prepare her heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bureau He wants to communicate with Luo Quan and ask her to apply for a few more projects.

The Art Olympiad system has no restrictions on the number of participants. As long as they have the ability, they can apply for as many items as they want.

As we all know, Luo Quan is an all-rounder. Of course, it is impossible to apply for only one project. For Huaxia, who lacks top talents, of course, the more she applies, the better.

Otherwise, such a big country would end up with only a few gold medals in hundreds of art Olympiad events, which would be too ugly.

As for the arrangement of the superior, Luo Quan is of course very willing to obey.

After all, when she knew that there was this competition, she felt it was a good opportunity for her to show off.

Zhengzhou doesn't know how to increase the rate of increase in the heat value worldwide. This is really a pillow when I want to sleep.

So Luo Quan excitedly assured He Bureau that he would win more than one gold medal this time.

In the evening, the news of the upcoming Art Olympics was on the hot search.

This kind of art competition with global participation has never happened before.

After all, the East and the West have their own unique artistic aesthetics, and it is difficult to compare with each other.

If you insist on the game, the controversy will definitely be great.

But now there is indeed a lack of an art competition that can involve the whole world.

After planning and arguing for an unknown amount of time, the Art Olympiad finally appeared.

In the current mainstream cognition, art is divided into eight categories, namely: literature, music, dance, painting, sculpture, drama, architecture, and film.

Anyone who is good at one of them can participate in the Art Olympiad.

And each of these eight categories is subdivided into more than a dozen different genres by their backs.

Just like track and field in traditional sports, there are running, long jump, high jump and so on.

Music is also divided into composition, performance, and singing. In addition, composition can be subdivided into classical composition, modern composition, and even further down.

In this way, the competition system is very strict, and players of different artistic genres can also compete fairly and justly with other players on the same track.

After the news was on the hot search, the number of discussions on the entire Internet was extremely high.

After all, this is also the name of the Olympics.

When the Tokyo Olympics was held a while ago, nine out of ten searches were related to it, and there was almost nothing that could compare to it in terms of popularity.

And now there is another Art Olympics, although no one knows what it will be like, but seeing so many big countries taking the lead in holding it, you know that the scene is definitely not bad.

The first session was held in Florence, the center of the Western Renaissance, and the cultural atmosphere was quite strong.

As long as there are no surprises, the probability of this competition being a complete success is quite high.

For this Art Olympiad, the voices of young artists are quite high.

These talented young people are often not as famous as those old predecessors because of the lack of time.

And those who are engaged in art are often less popular than those stars.

Now there is a competition that attracts global attention. For most young artists, even if they don't get any rankings, it is very profitable to just show their works on the stage.

So overnight, artistic talents all over the world are excitedly reviewing the works they have created over the years, trying to select the best ones to submit to the competition.

Of course, there are people who like this game, and naturally there are also people who don't.

Some older artists feel that there is no distinction between high and low art, and that any attempt to rank art is a blasphemy against art, which has nothing to do with art.

So they sent an article criticizing the competition, the task art should not be quantified like this, it should be canceled immediately.

However, there are still relatively few artists with objections, and most people see this as a good opportunity to promote the art world.

It will definitely be a good thing if more people can appreciate the beauty of art and attract more potential newcomers to study art.

So most sounds are supported.

Among the eight arts, the most popular ones are definitely music and movies.

Luo Quan, known as the "Angel of Music", is also curious about which projects she will participate in this time, and which works she will take part in the competition.

It is mentioned in the competition system that contestants can use previously published works to participate, as long as they are completed independently.

Before that, Luo Quan released quite a few songs, of which there are countless classics.

Of course, the most valuable music project is classical composition, and the competition is also the most intense.

Because if anyone dares to touch classical composition, nine out of ten are great gods.

After all, without three points and three points, how dare you go to Liangshan?
Of course, even if there are so many great gods, Luo Quan is definitely the most dazzling one among them.

Curious netizens will never hold back if they have any questions, just ask her to tell her which song she will use to participate in the domestic qualifiers in the comment area of ​​Art Olympiad @ Luoquan.

Originally everyone thought that Luo Quan would choose "Canon", after all, this is classical music known as the most beautiful melody.

However, Luo Quan's answer was different from what everyone expected: "For the preliminaries, I would like to use "The Second Waltz".

This is the symphony that Luo Quan released on the Queen's birthday, which is magnificent and romantic.

It also caused a stir when it was first released, being hailed as the best waltz in decades.

that's the truth.

After all, this piece was one of the most excellent waltzes in the previous life, and even in Luo Quan's opinion, this one can be removed.

This piece is the work of former Soviet musician Shostakovich.

Legend has it that the talented musician was disliked by his "loving father" because his work was too capitalist and waited his whole life to be shot.

However, when the loving father died, in his safe there was a list of people who could not be touched anyway, among them Shostakovich's name.

It is impossible to verify whether this legend is true or not, but the talent of this musician is unquestionable.

As for the so-called musical style is not correct, in Luo Quan's view is biased.

Take the "Second Waltz" as an example. The waltz is also called the waltz. It is the most common ballroom dance in European courts, symbolizing elegant and luxurious court life.

"Waltz No. [-]" does show these elements very well, but it's only a surface.

The core of this song is solemn irony, dark light, evil kindness, joyful sadness.

This is a contradictory song. It seems to be celebrating the luxury life of aristocrats and money-loving fans. In fact, it is a song written for the working people.

However, most people may not be able to hear it.

Moreover, the occasion where this song was brought out was indeed brought out at a luxurious aristocratic banquet, so it was quite misleading.

Only when she interprets the song specifically in the future will the world know its true meaning.

Of course, not everyone can understand the core of a song.

But the melody of the song can be understood by anyone with ears.

As classical music, "Waltz No. [-]" also has the ear-grabbing feeling that modern people can fall in love with.

This is something that a lot of classical music doesn't have.

Its greatest feature is the appreciation of the refined and the popular. While the artistic value is extremely high, it can also make ordinary people listen to it with relish.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan is going to use this song to participate in the Art Olympiad qualifiers.

According to the competition system, she must first participate in the domestic qualifiers, and then become a Chinese contestant after passing.

Then they compete with the contestants from various countries for a round, and finally they can officially enter the Art Olympiad.

A conservative estimate is to use at least three songs.

At present, the first song has been decided, and there are two more songs left, which will be discussed after the domestic qualifiers.

In addition, she is not only applying for classical music composition this time.

She also participates in various music genres of modern music, such as soul music, rock music, rhythm and blues, pop and so on.

As one of the organizers of this competition, the United States has added a rap to these modern music projects, which belongs to the traditional strength of the United States and is the welfare of the organizers.

Of course, Huaxia also has this privilege, and also added two items, one is Chinese-style pop music, and the other is Chinese-style pure music.

As for what is Chinese style, it is completely defined by the Chinese people themselves.

For the Chinese, the advantages in these two projects are not too big, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a question of sending points.

But if you lose the championship, it will be a real shame to lose to your grandmother's house.

Therefore, Bureau He told Luo Quan: "It doesn't matter what other projects are, but only these two must be guaranteed to be won.

The good news is that Luo Quan agreed very simply.

(End of this chapter)

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