Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 928 Crazy Racing

Chapter 928 Crazy Racing

The Art Olympiad will be held next year, and the start date of the qualifiers is also at the end of this year, which is still long enough for all the contestants to prepare.

In addition, as far as Luo Quan knows, many long-established artists will participate in the competition this time.

Compared with those young people who are underappreciated, these old guns are the real favorites to win the championship.

Because they have all been recognized and famous internationally, the maturity of the work is incomparable with that of other young people.

After all, there are only a few people like Luo Quan who have emerged in their teens.

And when netizens asked about the songs she was going to send to the preliminaries, the Divine Comedy "Second Waltz" officially became popular on the Internet.

This beautiful melody and imposing classical music can be used in the background music of most short videos, making people feel comfortable when listening to it.

The only pity is that most short video producers use it to match some more luxurious scenes, which is also related to the occasion where it first appeared in this world.

Seeing this, Luo Quan also posted a message:
"Actually, the original intention of this song is to praise the working people, but it was used for the first time at the dance party of the palace dinner, but please don't distort its original intention."

Background music can be used casually, but the meaning behind it needs to be made clear.

Just after finishing this, Luo Quan, who had planned to rest, was completely drowsy by the sound of the system in his head.

"A random mission appears, do you want to accept it?"

"There is still such a thing as random tasks now?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

After the system upgrade, there are a lot of functions, but she still hasn't fully figured it out, such as this random quest that suddenly appeared.

"Random tasks can accelerate the growth of the host. It is a new permission that the system gets after the function is completed, and it is a kind of welfare."

Luo Quan asked back, "Since it's a benefit, why don't you just give me a reward?"

"Because no pie will fall from the sky."

"..." Luo Quan didn't know how to refute at this time, "Forget it, let's see what the random task is?"

"Random task: Shoot a comedy movie and earn at least 20 billion at the box office.

Reward: 500 heat points, high-level random draw once.

Note: The task needs to be completed within four months, overdue will cause the task to fail. "

"500 million?!" Luo Quan was so surprised that he almost cried out. Such a large amount of income could almost cover her savings for more than a year.

"After the system upgrade, the amount of rewards has also increased, so don't be too surprised, after all, your expenses are now much larger than before."

"That's what I said." Luo Quan's face was full of smiles, "but this is a huge sum of money."

Although she has not made comedy films before, she knows quite a few excellent domestic comedy films.

The moment she saw the mission requirements, she had already thought about which film to make, which was "Crazy Racing".

As the second part of the crazy series, "Crazy Racing" can be called the pinnacle of domestic comedy films, with multi-line narration, wonderful plot, humorous lines and frequent golden sentences.

From this movie, an unknown number of famous scenes and hot stalks were born.

Luo Quan has seen it no less than ten times, and every time he sees it, he can't stop laughing.

The only pity is that the film did not explode at the box office because of the age of its release.

While it's a low-budget, high-return model, it's also the equivalent of a contemporary film.

And a few years later, the box office record of Huaxia Movies exceeded 50 billion, which no one could have imagined.

And if this movie is released here, Luo Quan feels that the box office of 20 billion is not enough to fit his teeth.

In her opinion, this is definitely an excellent work that is enough to refresh the box office record of domestic comedy films.

Coincidentally, aren't fans all discussing whether she has any plans to act in a comedy movie?
She has not had time to respond positively, and now that she has a task, it must make fans happy.

So at twelve o'clock at night, Luo Quan once again updated his dynamic:
"The fans had been talking about comedy movies before, and everyone seemed to want to see these kinds of movies that I've never acted in.

I think that challenging a new role is a new improvement for acting. After a few days of thinking, I came up with a very good script.

This is an absurd and funny story about a lot of people, the name and protagonist of the story, I will tell you one after another in the next time, so fans and netizens stay tuned! "

In the middle of the night, such a blockbuster came, which netizens Sun did not expect.

Many Luoquan fans have already slept at this time, so the dynamic heat is much less than during the day.

But it still ranked first in the hot search, and there was a lot of discussion at the comment area level:
"Luo Quan came back from vacation because he has opened up the second vein of Ren and Du? I feel much more diligent than before!"

"Indeed, if this was in the past, the last variety show would have to take a month or two off. Now it's a new song and a new movie. I really don't plan to take a break."

"And it's what fans want to see the most. Luo Bao is so gentle, I cry to death."

"Fan circle fans receive the taste, her tenderness can only be mine alone. Dog head.jpg"

"The dog's head is not life-saving, fork it out!"

"I'm really curious about what kind of plot could make Luo Quan describe it like this."

"It must be full of laughter, and now I have to look forward to it."


This period of time is probably the time when Luo Quan has the most praise among fans.

In the past, her behavior of catching fish would be criticized by everyone. She felt that it was a waste of talent. Although she could be fast and productive, she always liked to be lazy.

Now, new plans are released almost every day, and they have taken care of every group of fans. It's really touching. It turns out that Luo Quan would be so terrifying when he was diligent.

But they didn't know that the real horror was still behind.


"Luobao, when will your new movie be filmed?"

Early the next morning, Wen Xia, who watched Luo Quan's dynamic, asked while eating breakfast.

After the broadcast of "Under One Person" on the Penguin video, the popularity and word of mouth both exploded.

This urban fantasy TV series not only has novel settings and special effects, but also the key characters are all top-notch.

The appearance of several supporting characters in it is more beautiful than the male and female protagonists of many costume idol dramas.

In particular, Xia He played by Luo Quan and Sister Bao'er played by Wen Xia have directly become popular characters for both male and female audiences to kill.

The only fly in the ointment is that the former has too few scenes, and the audience said that it was not enjoyable enough to watch.

In addition to these, the plot of the TV series is also quite exciting.

High energy at the beginning, Wu Chi Feng Yuxiu challenged and killed martial arts masters everywhere, and he led out the whole world of aliens, and then the male protagonist appeared, showing an extremely exciting fight scene in the middle of the road.

I don't know when it started, action movies have no market in China.

It may be that the older generation of star players are inevitably aging, and their bodies can no longer support the use of young people, and they can't make those clean and neat martial arts moves.

In the current action scenes, putting on a few poss, or hanging Weiya and a few backflips is basically over, and if you are more conscientious, you can add some special effects.

Technology is going up, but the effect presented is not real at all.

Moreover, the actors who act in action scenes have no foundation in action scenes at all, and the actions they make are not good-looking.

In action movies, the most important thing is that the action must be entertaining.

The actors are as soft as slugs, can the scenes look good?

This is the biggest reason for the decline of action movies, especially Chinese Kung Fu movies.

But under this general trend, "Under One Person" has become the freak driving in the opposite direction.

None of the supporting characters in it are like martial arts masters, and the martial arts movements are even more standard than those of martial arts athletes, which are very entertaining.

And there are various ways of kung fu, which is really a feast for the eyes of the audience.

Before the start of the TV series, the publicity was to tell everyone that "Under One Person" invited many martial arts masters to participate in the show.

Originally, everyone thought that all the disciples were invited to act as a group performer.

Who knows that all the seniors who are enough to be called masters and ancestors are invited. Some of them have even appeared on Douyin Kuaishou, and they are martial arts masters recognized by the public.

They all took part in the filming and put on great performances.

Of course, the most exciting thing was the decisive battle between the protagonist and Feng Yuxiu on the road.

In a speeding car, the two fought for their lives, and they almost survived many times.

In the end, the protagonist defeated Feng Yuxiu, but did not kill the killer.

Because of the rule of law society, it is impossible to rejoice in enmity and hatred as in ancient times.

Feng Yuxiu, who was no longer bound by the law, was about to fight back, but was shot in the head by the female police officer in charge of investigating the case more than ten meters away.

This scene also announced the change of the times.

Kung Fu is indeed a killing technique, but as far as this technology is concerned, Kung Fu is outdated, and the pistol is the real king.

It is also this shot that "Under One Person" directly conferred the gods, and is known as the final peak of Chinese film and television action.

After this ups and downs began, the TV series entered the plot of the original comics.

Introduce the protagonist's college life, as well as a series of troubles caused by being targeted by the whole sex, and then participate in the Luo Tian Gala.

At present, there are still two episodes of the first season of the TV series, and the protagonist of the last episode will face off against Zhang Lingyu.

This is the hottest and most expensive episode of the first season.

Most of the special effects shots are basically used here.

At present, the broadcast volume of "Under One Man" has exceeded 30 billion. For a TV series with only [-] episodes, it is really terrifying.

The discussion on the entire Internet has been high, and when fans of the show learned that Luo Quan did not shoot at all in the second season, their mentality was bursting.

This means that even if she starts filming immediately, the second season will not be able to meet you until next spring, and the time to wait is too long.

Now that she knows that she has to open so many pits, the fans of the drama even want to cry without tears, saying that this TV series will become a series in their lifetime.

And Wen Xia, as one of the leading actors, has attracted a lot of fans with the role of Sister Bao'er, and is already the most top-notch except Luo Quan.

But she's not particularly anxious about when the next season will be filmed.

She is actually more curious about when Luo Quan's new movie will be filmed.

Because "Harry Potter" and "Under One Person" are set in the same world, she can no longer play the wizard after filming "Under One Person", and she can only wait for the two IPs to be linked in the future. Only have the opportunity to act.

However, Luo Quan does not seem to plan to make "Harry Potter" first, but another comedy movie.

This made Wen Xia very interested.

Although I don't know if this is her award-winning movie, it is a brand new genre that is very challenging no matter how you look at it.

She has been honing her acting skills hard all these years, isn't she just to be able to make a movie with monoclonal antibody one day?

Now she needs to experiment to see if her acting skills can achieve such an effect.

Hearing Wen Xia's question, Luo Quan immediately understood what she meant, and replied, "It's a purely commercial comedy, if you want to play it, I have a supporting role here, but you may need to be ugly. "

"What am I supposed to be?" Wen Xia laughed. "Whatever the character setting is, I must act like it. This is the basic quality of an actor, right?"

Luo Quan asked with a smile, "Is it acceptable for nude scenes and passionate scenes?"

"Oh, don't come here." Wen Xia blushed rarely, and it seemed that she couldn't accept these more open dramas.

She has the consciousness of the kiss scene, but for the rest, let's forget it for the time being.

"Just kidding." Luo Quan smiled, "This supporting role is a big fat man over [-] pounds. If you want to play, you need to gain weight."

"Gain weight to three hundred pounds?" Wen Xia's face twitched.

First of all, she is a dedicated person. Whether it is to gain weight or lose weight for filming, she can do it.

Although the group "Creating Girls' Generation" is still there, due to the general environment, the girl group is not very popular in China, so the activities are much less than the previous two years.

At present, she has also switched to the field of film and TV series, and has developed very well.

Compared with other idol idols, Wen Xia actually has no idol burden, and devoting herself to art is not just shouting slogans.

But gaining weight to [-] pounds is really outrageous. How many high-calorie foods do you need to eat every day to gain weight?

And after the increase, I have to spend a longer time to reduce it, and I feel tortured when I think about it.

Thinking of this, Wen Xia's face became like a bitter gourd.

Seeing her like this, Luo Quan laughed and said, "I'm kidding you, how could it make you so fat, isn't that a tank?

Then you just need to wear the special silicone leather case on the outside. "

"You scared me!" Wen Xia scolded and laughed and gave Luo Quan a small punch in the chest, but because the elasticity was too amazing, it did not cause any damage.

(End of this chapter)

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