Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 929 Two-Dimensional Theme

Chapter 929 Two-dimensional theme

"Comedy movies actually test acting skills more."

Luo Quan took a big bite of the meat bun, and said to Wen Xia, "It's easy to make people cry, but it's very difficult to make people laugh from the bottom of their hearts."

Nowadays, many language programs at evening parties are full of embarrassing jokes with blushing faces and thick necks, and some Internet memes are stitched together, which is completely worthless.

The actors are tired of acting, and the audience is also tired of watching.

Not to mention the movies, comedies have become as sensational as evening shows.

Now it's really hard to find a movie that makes the audience laugh from beginning to end, and doesn't teach everyone the value.

And this time she will shoot "Crazy Racing", she will definitely not explain the truth to the audience, but will make the audience laugh from beginning to end.

"By the way, don't expect to win awards for comedy movies. Except for "Kung Fu", no comedy movie has won any awards for many years."

Luo Quan added that this was a vaccination for Wen Xia.

Wen Xia has made some movies before and won some awards, but this time it is estimated that she will not win.

"It's okay." Wen Xia said with a smile: "It's fine if I can play such a challenging role. When the acting skills are really up to the mark, the awards will come to your door."

"Your mentality is quite casual." Luo Quan praised, "If you really want to win an award, I have a movie..."

"Let's talk about it after the filming of this film is finished." Wen Xia waved her hand, "I don't like to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot, and concentrate on finishing the filming of the movie in front of me before talking about other things."

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded, and sent Wen Xia a document on his mobile phone, which was the lines and plot of the character she played in the movie.

Speaking of "Crazy Racing", the movie is basically a man's drama, and there are very few women's dramas.

The rich woman played the most roles, and she could even be said to be the only heroine. This line is nothing to Wen Xia, and she can memorize it in a day.

But if she wants to act interestingly, it depends on how she thinks about it.

Of course, if Wen Xia really can't figure it out, isn't there still her, she has a standard answer here.

After the sole heroine was settled, Luo Quan began to contact some other supporting roles.

The movie Crazy Racing is a group portrait show, with many characters appearing on the stage, each of which must leave a deep impression on the audience.

Therefore, the image and acting skills of each supporting role cannot be stretched, otherwise the effect presented will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Chinese films now have a grade system, and she can easily browse all the actors who have taken the test on the official website, and know their acting skills according to their grades.

With the hierarchical system, the income situation of middle and low-level actors is much more comfortable than before.

In the era when there was no ceiling, the sky-high salary had nothing to do with actors like them who had no traffic.

But now that the upper limit is locked, the lower limit is guaranteed. The minimum salary for each level is clearly marked.

This is great news for them.

In the past, the alias of the old drama bone was also called an actor with good crops and low price. He was dedicated, good at acting, and cheap.

Now who dares to give such a low price again?
Of course, for investors like Luo Quan who are not short of money, these are not problems.

The more expensive it is, the more expensive it is. As long as the acting skills are good and the audience enjoys watching it, no matter how high the price is, the box office can earn it back.

And in this era when traffic can no longer bring box office, those crews who are still desperately hiring Xiao Xianrou to make bad movies don't know what they are trying to do.

In fact, someone in the entertainment industry once said that many stars do not want to do it by themselves and want sky-high salary, let alone steal SLS.

They know a lot, so the prices they ask are more reasonable.

But I can't stand someone insisting on giving a sky-high price of more than 1 million, and I can only charge so much.

But most of the more than [-] million film remuneration will not reach the hands of the stars in the end, but if the tax is paid at more than [-] million, it is equivalent to paying back for a movie.

So he had no choice but to pay tsls despite the infamy of the exorbitant salary.

It's okay to say that the matter didn't break out, but he was scolded.

But once the incident is revealed, the price to be paid will be too great.

Not only is the star path elusive, but also the loss of money and disaster avoidance.

No one knows the truth of this statement, but it makes sense for the original star's unreasonable behavior.

Luo Quan felt that this might be the truth of the matter.

But her identity is only a director, and it's not her turn to care about these things, just do her own thing.

She doesn't provoke others, and others dare not provoke her.

After breakfast, Luo Quan went to Cheng Nuo's room to check her body.

Uh... mainly to check her practice progress.

Cheng Nuo had already reached the eighth rank when she left, and now nearly a month has passed, and she is still at the eighth rank, but her foundation is much deeper than before she left, so it cannot be said that she has not improved.

"Master, I'm not lazy. I spend most of my day practicing." Cheng Nuo said timidly.

A month passed and there was no movement in the level, and she was also worried.

But there is no way, the cultivation base seems to be stuck here, and there is no way to go up.

"I don't blame you." Luo Quan patted Cheng Nuo on the shoulder: "Don't put too much psychological burden on yourself. Practice should be done in a natural way. When the fire is ripe, breakthrough will be easy, but you must not be in a hurry."

"I see." Cheng Nuo nodded heavily, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must work harder in the future, and strive to break through to at least the seventh rank when Master is out filming.

In fact, there is no such a good breakthrough at the seventh rank. Wen Xia Leon has practiced for so long, and only broke through the eighth rank a few days ago.

With so much time, Cheng Nuo is about to reach the seventh rank, and there are few people of her age who can compare with her, after all, she is not yet an adult.

So what Luo Quan said was not entirely to comfort her, because such a genius does not need to be comforted, and if he practiced step by step, all problems would be solved sooner or later.

After checking Cheng Nuo's situation, Luo Quan went back to his room and started the live broadcast.

From the beginning of the year, I said that I would have more live broadcasts and chats with fans, but the result is that I still meet with you intermittently until now.

Luo Quan felt very sorry, especially since he was about to go out to film again soon.

Before the fans started complaining, Luo Quan decided to broadcast it live as soon as he could, so that they would be less resentful.

For Luo Quan's first live broadcast after his return, Bilibili directly searched and arranged, and the popularity quickly exceeded [-] million.

"It's been a long time, everyone." Luo Quan looked at the camera and said to the fans with some emotion.

After I came back, I kept sending news, but I haven't really met the fans.

Everyone misses her a lot, and wants to know if she has gained weight in the past month.

"Do you think I'm fat?"

Luo Quan asked the fans, "Although I am in the mountains, what I eat is all natural and pollution-free organic food, and the nutritional value is so high.

It's a pity that there is no scale in the mountains, and I still don't know whether I have gained weight or lost weight. "

Faced with questions, fans responded enthusiastically:

"It's okay, no matter how fat you become, she's still my wife, and my husband doesn't dislike you."

"It's your turn to dislike it?"

"Luo Bao, remember, even if you become fat like a tiger tank, you are still the goddess in my heart."

"There's a militarized beauty to it."

"I don't know if I'm fat or not, but I feel bigger."

"What got bigger? Make it clear."

"Eyes, otherwise what are they?"


The barrage painting style in the front was quite normal at first, and it was all fans playing tricks, but it turned into a driving scene in the back.

"As soon as I come back, you will give me strength, right?" Luo Quan laughed helplessly, "If you continue to do this, don't blame me for the live broadcast room being blocked."

Ordinary anchors are usually anxious when their live broadcast room is blocked, but Luo Quan's live broadcast is to pay off the debt, and fans want to watch it.

For her, the live broadcast does not bring much income, so it doesn't matter.

But hearing what Luo Quan said, the fans in the barrage were not afraid at all, and typed one after another:
"It doesn't matter, Chaoguan said it will increase its efforts."

"It's super cool, isn't it?"

"If you say that, then I won't be sleepy."

"Haha, everyone, please take it easy. Others are female anchors and their driving studios are blocked, but we are the only ones here who are fans and their driving studios are blocked."

"Doesn't this make Luoquan talk freely in the live broadcast room?"

"Indeed, except for certain words. (funny.jpg)"

"I advise you to be careful in your words and deeds."


Sure enough, a few fans who were not afraid of death began to tease Luo Quan's nerves.

Although they didn't say exactly what it was, it was nothing more than those two words.

The huge mouth of the abyss, and the newly obtained abyss overlord flower.

It is worth mentioning that both these black titles were obtained by Luo Quan when he was in Japan.

The latter one was even taken by a Japanese netizen, which is really annoying sometimes.

But fortunately, the fans in the live broadcast room still knew how to measure, and didn't say these two words directly, otherwise, the fans would have seen Luo Quan's Great Sealing Technique today.

"Originally, I wanted to give you the whole Luoquan night talk, but now there is no night talk in broad daylight, so let's talk about it at night.

As for now, fans can post what they want to talk about and listen to on the barrage, and I will randomly select lucky viewers to fulfill your dreams! "

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, the entire computer screen was covered by dense bullet screens.

Fans who watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones would not even be able to see Luo Quan's face clearly if they didn't turn on the mask.

Everyone has topics they want to talk about and songs they want to listen to.

And Luo Quan, in the vast ocean of barrage, clicked casually, and clicked on the barrage at the beginning of a Digimon: "Luobao, have you seen Digimon?"

"Of course I have." This is a question that requires little thought.

For the vast majority of post-80s and 90s, Japanese animation is almost the main entertainment content in their childhood.

As a classic among the classics, Digimon is almost on the same level as Ultraman Tiga. They are the kind who are reluctant to change channels as soon as they appear on TV.

"I liked watching this very much when I was a child. I can't remember how many times I watched it until now. My favorite is the battle tyrannosaur in it. It looks handsome and has strong fighting power."

Luo Quan is very familiar with these Digimons. She has watched not only the first one, but also the later ones and even the theatrical version. If he really let go of the conversation, he can talk until noon.

"Actually, my favorite is the Celestial Beast, whose figure is simply amazing."

"It's not too late for the witch, the whip is too vigorous."

"Am I the only one who likes Tilumon? Cats are so cute."

"Old Fury is in control."

"I like the Iron Orangutan, the muscles look so hanging."

"How come there are homos everywhere?"


The words of the fans made Luo Quan fall into a brief silence.

This seems a little different from the painting style she imagined.

It can only be said that those children in those days have grown up and know how to discover the beauty that could not be discovered before.

"Luobaomon, can you sing the theme song of Digimon?"

"Good idea, just want to recall the feeling of childhood."

"Sing one sing one!"


She hasn't really heard of the Digimon theme song in this world, but she has another choice.

"Actually, I made a song before, and I think it's quite suitable for Digimon. Do you want to listen to it?"

Luo Quan turned the guitar out while talking, put it on his lap and was ready to play: "The title of this song is "Butterfly". It is a song about courage, friendship and dreams."

"When you're ready, come on!"

"All ears."

"Luo Quan's songs are definitely not bad."


Fans trust Luo Quan unconditionally, and they are not worried about ruining their childhood at all.

And Luo Quan did not disappoint them. She plucked the strings lightly, and the dynamic and ear-catching melody began to pour into the microphone.

"I really want to turn into a butterfly and fly high in the breeze.

Right now, I just want to meet you soon


Behind the infinitely stretching dreams, through the cruel and unforgiving world
I don't want to lose to myself, having your beautiful memory will make me work harder


Obviously, some fans of the main song are still relatively calm, and feel that this song seems to have no spark, not like the atmosphere that Digimon should have.

But as the chorus sounded, as soon as the phrase "infinity" appeared, the hearts of fans began to beat crazily.

I don't know why, but the emotion brought by this lyric is so strong.

Just like it was originally the theme song of Digimon, Luo Quan is like a guide, let it cross time and space and finally meet everyone.

At this moment, Luo Quan became the real singer of the theme song of Digimon, and all the fans who watched this anime couldn't help but tense their bodies and fell in love with her.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan's fingers were still lightly resting on the guitar strings.

The fans who were listening to the song were already in tears at this time.

This is definitely the most appropriate anime tribute song they have ever heard.

In their opinion, this song is more suitable for Digimon than the original theme song.

(End of this chapter)

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