Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 930 Spring Water Brand Milk Powder Launched

Chapter 930 Spring Water Brand Milk Powder Launched

As the first big star to officially enter Bilibili, Luo Quan is an old Two-dimensional with a very high concentration.

She can be said to be familiar with the stalks that many new users do not know.

In addition, she has sung the theme songs or ending songs of many popular dramas, so she can be called a two-dimensional goddess.

And when this song came out, the fans who were reminded of their childhood memories were so excited that they were a little incoherent, shouting Long live Luoquan in the barrage.

The only pity is that Luo Quan only planned to sing such a song. At first, everyone thought she was planning to hold a fan club.

"It's fine to sing once in a while, you can't expect me to pay tribute to all anime?" Luo Quan grinned and joked at the fans.

Then the fans answered very frankly:

"You definitely have the ability, and it's not even a difficult question."

"With Luo Bao's composition ability, he still has the ability to redo theme songs for more than a dozen popular anime, right?"

"More than that, I think the Japanese songs she sang before can basically be used as theme songs. The quality is too high."

"Luo Bao always likes to be so modest."


When Luo Quan saw these comments, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

God is sorry, she is really not being humble.

She can write songs, but if she writes a song for all the popular anime, the workload will be too much, so why not exhaust her to death?

So at this time, you must not pretend to be forceful, saying something like "with my talent, I can change the theme song for any number of anime".

If he really dared to say that, he wouldn't even think about resting for the next month.

"By the way, the accompaniment of the song "Butterfly" is actually richer than just the guitar. When I record the full version and post it on Station B tomorrow, everyone can listen to it again." Luo Quan reminded fans.

"Luo Bao, when did you endorse milk powder?"

At this time, someone suddenly posted such a barrage.

"Is there such a thing? Let's talk about it."

"No, I haven't seen Luoquan milk powder on Taobao."

"You guys really went to search?"

"I searched Luoquan on Taobao, and only some posters and clothes of the same style came out."

"What happened?"


"Where did you see this?" Luo Quan curiously asked the fan who posted the barrage first.

She hasn't made any announcements about the milk powder yet, and it's only on the shelves of some supermarkets in Shanghai, and the sales are relatively mediocre.

The main reason is that it is not well-known, and because it is a brand new product, parents are afraid to buy it lightly.

Soon this fan posted a paid top barrage:
"Walking in the supermarket yesterday, I saw a global milk powder on the shelf. When I saw the name, I searched for the manufacturer of the milk powder curiously. I didn't expect the company name to be Quanshui Foods, and the boss of the company is you!"

Seeing this designated barrage, fans were stunned:
"Damn, I didn't expect Luoquan to develop new business in places we didn't know."

"Just curious, where did this milk come from?"

"Of course it's... milked by cows."

"Wait a minute, is this the car to kindergarten?"

"Go back and buy a can and taste what it tastes like."

"How old are you and still eat milk powder?"

"It's produced by Luoquan Company, so you can eat it without worry."


Originally, Luo Quan planned to wait for the milk powder to be sold before mentioning this matter to everyone, so as not to be said to be an Internet celebrity product brought by celebrities.

It's just that I didn't expect netizens to have such sharp noses, and they could discover this.

"It seems that I can't hide it."

Luo Quan chuckled, looked at the camera and said, "This is actually a brand I got a while ago, and everyone knows the product, it's milk powder.

And this is not an ordinary milk powder. Its milk source is specially provided by the British royal family, and it is almost impossible to buy in the market.

Milk powder has just been put on the shelves recently, and you saw it unexpectedly. "

The fans looked at Luo Quan, thinking that she would pick up the plane and start selling, but after waiting for a long time, there was no further comment, so they asked directly:

"And then? It's gone like this?"

"Shouldn't we talk about the advantages of this milk powder next, and then let us place an order quickly?"

"It's not the same as the script I expected."


Seeing the doubts of the fans, Luo Quan smiled: "I never thought of bringing you live broadcasts, and my milk powder can only be purchased in offline supermarkets, and I can't place an order online.

Of course, as the owner of the company, there is no problem with the quality and safety of our company's milk powder, and the nutritional value is as high as three or four floors.

But I will not brag about the specific details, lest you say that I am a wangpo selling melons. "

Fans responded one after another:

"Haha, Luo Bao is still sincere."

"Belonging is delivered to your door so that you don't cut the leeks."

"By the way, how much is this can of milk powder?"

"880 a can."

"Not cheap, but not particularly expensive either."

"If you look at the standard of imported milk powder, 880 is quite cheap."

"If it is really a special gift from the British royal family, 880 is not only cheap, it is simply charity."

"Speaking of which, can adults eat this?"

"Babies can eat it, and of course adults can eat it too."

"Buy a can and try."


It can be seen from the barrage that almost no fans intend to buy a can for their children, even if it is produced by Luoquan Company.

To trust this thing is to see the long-term word-of-mouth established.

Luo Quan's reputation in the entertainment industry is certainly one of the best, but he is still a newcomer in the food industry.

Few parents dare to trust a newcomer in this regard.

The good news is that a bunch of male fans have volunteered to be guinea pigs.

They don't have children, and they bought this milk powder purely to support their idol's new career.

Let alone milk powder, they will buy a set even if they sell lipstick, foundation, and eye shadow.

It doesn't matter if you can't use it, the key is not to let Luo Bao lose money.

As for whether it is practical or not, milk powder is more useful than cosmetics. After buying it, mix it with a bottle to see how it tastes.

If it's not bad, then drink it for breakfast in the future.

Of course, in addition to these fans who support the idol cause, there are some people out of curiosity.

The only troublesome point is that these milk powders can only be purchased in Shanghai’s local supermarkets.

And the goods are not particularly large, and I don't know if I can buy them when I go there later.

Soon, Luoquan's new industry "spring water milk powder" appeared on Weibo's hot search list and Zhihu's hot issue hot list.

Everyone is amazed that in just one month, Luoquan has developed a hot new business that everyone did not expect.

It is often seen in the news that entertainment stars expand their business outside the circle, but others are either opening hot pot restaurants, or selling clothing as trendy brands.

But to be honest, it was the first time I saw a milk powder seller like Luo Quan.

So much so that Luoquan's own fans complained about Zhihu related issues:

"Luo Quan's behavior is actually a bold attempt, she is trying to prove to the world whether interlacing is really like a mountain.

With her peerless intelligence, will she be able to create new glories in a brand new field?

Milk powder is different from music. As long as a nice melody is posted on the Internet, eyes that discover beauty must be indispensable.

As for milk powder, you can’t just have quality, you have to have a product introduction that is all in English.

In the case of non-imported products, parents almost treat domestic milk powder equally, and they all feel untrustworthy.

However, spring milk powder is not as famous as other domestic milk powder with such four characters. How dare parents buy it?

Therefore, Luoquan had problems with its sales strategy from the very beginning.

If she packaged this milk powder as an imported product, and then changed the name to British royal family special milk powder, then the probability of it being sold is as high as 90.00%.

If I go to speak for myself again, and rely on my popularity to win the trust of parents, then 90.00% nine can be raised to [-]%.

It's a pity that Luo Quan didn't do this, and I don't know if it was negligence, or she trusted the quality of her own milk powder too much.

You have to know that you are not afraid of the deep alleys in your hometown. They are all old calendars. Now that you are doing sales, you have to shout about the quality of your products. If you don’t let everyone know that your products are good, how can you sell them?

Therefore, if Luoquan really intends to develop new business in this area, there is still a lot of homework to do. "

It can be seen that the fans who wrote this answer are seriously analyzing and helping Luo Quan to make suggestions.

Basically pointing out any problems that exist.

But as he said, Luo Quan is very confident in his products, so he didn't make any publicity in the early stage.

And now, that's even more unnecessary.

Because my traffic is too huge, a live broadcast has already made milk powder a hot search.

Many fans are planning to buy it, and after they drink it, they will know how awesome this milk powder is.

The super-power cow enhancement device is not a decoration. Under its effect, not only the milk yield of the milk specially provided by the British royal family has been greatly increased, but the nutritional value of the milk has also increased by an unknown number of times.

Improving immunity and calcium supplementation are all basic effects.

The most important thing is that it can make the human body stronger and subtly improve people's physical fitness and athletic ability.

It can only be said that babies have higher plasticity and are more suitable for eating.

Adults are past the age of development, so they cannot achieve the best effect after drinking, but it does not mean that drinking has no effect.

On the contrary, adults are more likely to notice changes in their bodies after drinking than babies.

And this kind of change can appear in one day at the earliest, and three days at the latest.

At that time, it is estimated that fans will tremble and post on Weibo in a burst of surprise to tell everyone about the magic of spring water milk powder.

Although the sales of this milk powder in supermarkets are mediocre now, even if local fans of Luoquan Shanghai rushed to buy it, compared with other milk powder, the gap is still very obvious.

However, Luo Quan believed that within seven days, the spring water milk powder would be sold out.

Facts have proved that Luo Quan's guess is still too conservative.

The milk powder was sold out, and I didn't even use it for five days.

The local male fans of Shanghai just heard about the Luoquan brand milk powder during the live broadcast, and rushed to the nearest big supermarket to buy it.

Some people who went late found that the shelves were all sold out, and they waited until the supermarket staff restocked the goods before buying them.

Some of them are out of curiosity, while others are interested in the business opportunities inside and find it profitable.

Generally speaking, products related to Luoquan can be sold at a good price.

Now spring water milk powder is not well-known, and the people who buy it are all fans.

But they believe that it won't be long before this milk powder will become famous very quickly.

In the Internet age, the ability of celebrities to bring goods is unprecedentedly strong. Nowadays, many young people like to chase after celebrities with the same style or celebrity endorsements.

Those things that are too expensive may not be able to support them, but a can of 800 yuan milk powder is still a problem.

Of course, no one realizes the real effect of this can of milk powder now.

Soon, fans who bought milk powder on station b posted a review video.

The packaging of milk powder is quite exquisite, and there are various foreign safety indicators, which is quite similar.

We all know how strict food safety audits are in foreign countries. To be able to become a qualified product in foreign countries, especially in Europe, is already better than most domestic food products.

Out of caution, this fan also specifically entered the official website of Spring Milk Powder, conducted investigations according to the food safety indicators listed one by one, and finally felt relieved after finding that they were all effective.

"Fans, Goddess Luo's milk powder doesn't seem to have any problems. The whole process of production is aseptic. The cows are from the UK and the pasture is in the United States. In China's words, it is 5A milk powder."

The up host in the video opened the milk powder can while talking: "Well, there is a scent of milk powder, very fresh, full of the free taste of the American prairie."

The barrage immediately became a joy:

"It's almost done, the milk powder is also full of the sweet smell of freedom, right?"

"The master of up is identified as Run, and it will be held."

"Hurry up and drink it with hot water, and tell me what it tastes like."

"Don't have a bottle?"


But because it's a video, the up owner couldn't see the barrage of fans, and continued to say: "First of all, this is not an Amway video, and I am not a professional evaluation agency, so no matter what I say next, everyone Just take it for fun.

Luo Quan himself said that the products endorsed by celebrities should be purchased with caution, and don't blindly consume because of fan filters. "

After speaking, he mixed half a cup with warm water.

Then, according to the ratio of one to ten, scooped two spoonfuls of yellow milk powder into the water glass and stirred evenly.

He raised his cup and took a sip, surprise flashed across his eyes: "Damn it, this milk powder tastes good, it has the umami taste of pure milk and the fragrance of the prairie.

I decided to drink this for breakfast in the future! "

After finishing speaking, he took another sip and smashed his mouth by the way.

At this time, the barrage also became suspicious:
"Is it so powerful?"

"I don't read much, don't lie to me."

"So what black technology did Luo Quan add to it?"

"As long as it's not technology and harsh words."

"Haha, I'm afraid you don't dare to add any additives to this kind of product, right?"

"Imported goods, the quality is trustworthy!"

(End of this chapter)

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