Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 931 Luoquan's Ambition

Chapter 931 Luoquan's Ambition

ps. Some content of the previous chapter has been adjusted. Book friends who have already read the previous chapter can read it again, and there will be new content.


Most people think that even if Luoquan's milk powder is really nutritious, it's impossible to have an effect just after drinking it.

So when this happens, it is either a psychological effect, or it is a deliberate entrustment after receiving money.

Everyone is more willing to believe that it is the former, after all, Luoquan's reputation is still there.

She didn't take the opportunity to promote such a good opportunity before, but now she spends money to get an up master who doesn't have a lot of fans to be her trustee, and she hasn't graduated.

But no one can think that maybe this milk powder is so delicious and nutritious?

And this point needs to wait until more and more users show their own experiences before it can attract the attention of the public.

"Lolo, I don't even know when you started selling milk powder."

During lunch, Wen Xia asked Luo Quan curiously.

"It's been done for a long time, but I basically didn't tell a few people." Luo Quan lowered his head and took a bite of his rice. "It's not good to have a side job. After all, a star who doesn't want to be the richest man is not a good cook."

"Where are you going?" Wen Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm curious as to why you sell milk powder, but I don't think there's any sign at all."

"Of course it's because milk powder is easy to sell." Luo Quan spread his hands and smiled, "Besides, I know so many things, how could there be signs every time."

"That's true." When Wen Xia was reminded like this, she immediately heard that her friend was an all-round genius.

Not to mention selling milk powder, it would not be surprising if she went to the street to sell Malatang someday.

Speaking of it, selling Malatang is really easier to make money than selling milk powder. Nowadays, many celebrities have made a lot of money by relying on hot pot Malatang.

However, Luo Quan was very resistant to this way of making money.

But it is also understandable, after all, the star hot pot restaurants have already started to have thunderstorms one by one after the earliest hot period.

Celebrities withdrew their shares and cashed out one after another, leaving only franchisees who were self-employed, hoping to make their own hot pot restaurant business boom by virtue of their star effect.

As a matter of fact, 90.00% of nine star stores will not survive half a year, and some even exploded to death after opening.

So Luo Quan's act of cherishing feathers is actually quite correct.

"Sister, save some of this milk powder for me when the time comes, I will eat this when Mia is born." Leon raised his head suddenly and raised his mouth.

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep it for you." Luo Quan immediately responded, "But isn't it still early, Mia is only in her early two months, and she will be born in more than half a year."

Leon chuckled: "Isn't it because the milk powder sells so well that we won't be able to buy it by then?"

"Whoever is missing can't be missing you." Luo Quan smiled helplessly.

Speaking of which, Leon also reminded Luo Quan that his younger sister Luo Xi is one and a half years old, and it is time for nutrition, so he will send a few cans of this milk powder to his mother later.

In fact, the nutritional supplement of this milk powder is secondary. The key point is that after drinking it, the child will become less noisy.

As we all know, the most troublesome thing about raising a child is crying at night.

Sometimes I was fine, but when I fell asleep, I started to cry loudly.

That heart-piercing sound will not only make adults suffer, but frequent night crying will also lead to lack of energy the next day.

Many parents with children collapsed in the crying of their children.

Although Luo Quan has no children, when his mother went on a trip, she took Luo Xi with her for a while.

It's okay during the day, lying in the baby's cradle and laughing, that's cute.

But as soon as the night came and she started to sleep, the nightmare began.

Babies can't talk, can't express what they want, and don't even know how to sleep.

When sleepiness struck, she could only cry loudly to attract the adults' attention, and let the adults figure out a solution.

But no matter how the adults try to coax the child, it is impossible to fall asleep if the child cries so loudly.

Therefore, most of the time, Luo Quan coaxed his younger sister softly, while waiting for his younger sister to fall asleep when she was tired of crying.

And the sister falling asleep doesn't mean it's over, sometimes it will wake her up as soon as she puts it down.

Sometimes when I sleep until midnight, I will cry because of bedwetting.

Of course, there are times when Luoxi cries for no reason at all, just because she wants to cry.

So during that time, Luo Quan basically didn't enjoy the treatment of sleeping until dawn, and his sleep was almost intermittent.

Fortunately, she didn't have to do anything during the day, so she could catch up on sleep.

It was also from then on that she deeply realized the horror of children, and even had a shadow about having children by herself in the future.

Such a lovely little life is certainly a gift from God to her parents, but during her growing up, it brought too much torture and exhaustion.

After taking Luoxi for half a month, she was on the verge of mental explosion, and the baby crying at night could last until two or three years old.

And when I grow up, I don’t know if the child is a fuel-efficient lamp. Now the children taught in the school are very individual. It will be difficult to imagine the post-80s and post-90s listening to their mothers.

Therefore, Luo Quan gave up thinking about raising children for the time being.

Of course, Mia gave birth and she can help take care of it
As for herself, let's wait until the motherhood overflows and gets out of hand.

As for spring water milk powder, the Super Niu Niu Transformer created from it has multiple transformation functions for milk.

One of the functions selected by Luoquan is to improve the situation of babies crying at night.

Not talking can stop babies from crying directly, but it can also reduce the number of times they cry meaninglessly.

I don't know if there are any parents who have bought spring water milk powder to feed their children. If so, they will soon find that their children will not cry so much.

After lunch, Luo Quan continued the live broadcast.

I had been chatting with fans this morning, and Luo Quan's mouth was a little dry at this time, so he opened the game directly, wanting to relax with his fans.

Currently the most popular online games are League of Legends and World of Warcraft, but the audience is getting tired of watching them, so Luo Quan plans to find some new games.

After searching for a long time, she chose a classic casual game, which is Plants vs. Zombies.

For many post-90s, this game is also a childhood memory. How many happy times have been spent with Angry Birds, Temple Run, Subway Surfers, and Fruit Ninja.

But in this world, Plants vs. Zombies is a new game.

After all, it wasn't long before the prototype zombie was created by Luo Quan. The developers of Plants vs. Zombies also borrowed from this villain image and developed this game.

Once released, it swept the world and made countless people love it.

As the first batch of mobile games, their capacity is not large, only tens of hundreds of megabytes, but their playability is very high, and sometimes it takes an entire afternoon to play.

The current mobile games cost more than one G, but after clicking in, people have no desire to play at all.

This is the development of technology, but the creativity has been exhausted, which has led to the popularity of skin-changing krypton gold mobile games.

This is Luo Quan's inner thoughts, and it is also the thoughts of the fans in the barrage.

After she clicked on Plants vs. Zombies, many fans scolded the domestic stand-alone environment for being bad.

The only good news is that in addition to her, there was another 3A stand-alone manufacturer in China a while ago.

Unlike Blizzard Studio's "Final Fantasy", the work produced by this studio is the theme of Chinese classical mythology, and the name is "Black Myth Wukong".

After the release of the first CG, it received tens of millions of views in less than three days, even more popular than when "Final Fantasy" came out.

Some game fans said that Blizzard Studio's "Final Fantasy" is China's first 3A masterpiece.

And "Black Myth Wukong" is the first 3A masterpiece with a Chinese theme, and they are all milestone works.

The only fly in the ointment is that the milestone of "Black Myth Wukong" may not be officially met with game fans until three or four years later.

I only hope that it can achieve the same good results as "Final Fantasy", so that investors can see the potential of China's 3A game market, and then give birth to more 3A masterpieces in China.

But in Luo Quan's view, it is almost impossible to do this.

The success of "Final Fantasy" is not only because it is China's first 3A game, it is also the first stand-alone game to use the latest engine.

It has technological advantages in the whole world, and Luoquan's star effect is why it is so popular.

As for "Black Myth Wukong", there is only a short film out now, and I don't know when it will be released, and the production company is also a small studio that doesn't have much reputation.

Based on these, I want to replicate the success of "Final Fantasy" and open up the 3A market in China. It is true that I am thinking too much.

Although "Final Fantasy" is a domestic stand-alone, its best-selling places are in Japan and the United States, and its domestic sales can only rank third.

On the one hand, the economic foundation is different, and on the other hand, it is also caused by the difference in consumption habits.

When Chinese people play games, they always like to get on the bus first and then make up for the fare.

For example, online games are free but have in-app purchases. If economic conditions permit, as long as the Chinese people find it fun, they can spend tens of thousands of yuan to recharge the game.

But for a stand-alone machine that costs around two hundred yuan, these people may not even take a look at it.

This is the difference in consumption habits.

Therefore, there is no soil for making stand-alone games in China. It is impossible to reverse the entire environment by relying on one or two works of a company.

It will take support from the top down, and possibly a decade-long effort.

So those fans who have high hopes for "Black Myth Wukong" will most likely be disappointed in the end.

But she didn't dare to say these words, because she didn't want to be the villain who cut off everyone's thoughts.

So let's wait for time to pass slowly, and maybe "Black Myth Wukong" can create miracles?

"Haha, my favorite is the cattail, 360 degrees without dead ends!"

Luo Quan smiled and planted rows of timothy in the swimming pool.

Although the attack power of this plant is not high, it can be hit anywhere, and it can solve some zombies that can't be solved by ordinary plants.

In addition, the image is really cute, so every time she plays the endless mode of the pool, she will plant this.

It's a pity that the strength of cattails is not high enough after all, it is better to set aside two rows to plant corn cannons.

Therefore, Luo Quan couldn't last long in the endless mode, and was complained by fans as a coward.

But Luo Quan thinks it doesn't matter, playing games is just for fun, there is no need to care so much about winning or losing.

After playing a small game for an hour, Luo Quan's phone vibrated.

Looking down, he found that it was a document sent by He Ju.

Originally, she thought it was about the Art Olympics, but after a closer look, she found that the document was related to the Spring Festival Gala.

Because she has been contacted for several years and has not been to the Spring Festival Gala, the director team wants to invite her this time.

As for whether it is to save the ratings that have been declining year after year, it is not known.

In short, this time Luo Quan got the invitation in a few months, and it seems that he can't avoid it now.

In addition, she was going to the Spring Festival Gala this time, and she still needed to complete a propositional composition.

The topic of "Propositional Composition" is to ask her to compose some songs with the style of ethnic minorities.

It was originally planned to have a song for each of the 56 ethnic groups according to their characteristics, forming a grand movement of Chinese ethnic music.

Later, I found that there was not enough time, and even if it was made into a skewer, it was impossible to sing 56 songs in one party.

So it was shortened to three to four songs, and Luo Quan was allowed to play freely.

The last time she was engaged in proposition creation, she still composed the theme song for the Forbidden City.

The song "Memories of the Forbidden City" directly won the praise of countless big names in the domestic music industry. Now, as long as there are videos related to the Forbidden City, this song is almost always used in the BGM.

Now let her create a proposition again. Although it seems that there are more demands, the difficulty is not very great. Luo Quan almost thought of four songs when he heard the request.

Tianlu, Tiantang, Mrs. Shexiang, and Kangding Love Songs are all beautiful and ethnic music.

That is to say, the plan of 56 songs from 56 ethnic groups was cancelled, otherwise she would really have a big package by herself!

But in that case, the more than four hours of this year's Spring Festival Gala can only be used to listen to songs.

Although for the audience, listening to songs is sometimes more interesting than watching language programs.

But if you listen to songs for four hours in a row during the Chinese New Year, it will definitely make you feel tired.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Quan was only invited to compose this Spring Festival Gala, and there are other arrangements for performing on stage.

The singing and dancing performances are just for fun, and the most popular part of the Spring Festival Gala is still sketches.

In the past, there were actually many good works in cross talk performances, but with the anti-three vulgarities and anti-there, the funny content gradually disappeared.

But Luo Quan saw Director He's intentions, and there was a high probability that he wanted her to act in a sketch.

Considering that there is no Uncle Benshan in this world, Luo Quan feels that he still has a lot of room to play.

(End of this chapter)

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