Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 932 Strange

Chapter 932 Strange

Acting in the skit in the Spring Festival Gala has actually been mentioned by fans a long time ago. They think that if a super beauty like Luo Quan is made to be funny, the contrast will be very interesting.

It's a pity that in the early years, Luoquan's idol burden was relatively heavy, and he didn't have the idea of ​​acting in this kind of show at all.

There is no burden now, but she hasn't been to the Spring Festival Gala for several years because of laziness.

This time is an opportunity. If I can perform a sketch on stage, it will probably bring a completely different experience to fans.

But when it comes to experience, it is estimated that most fans still feel that the experience of watching Luoquan cosplay is better.

This is also a request that the fans have become louder and louder since the live broadcast went into the evening.

They found that since Luo Quan returned, he might have felt guilty for disappearing for too long, so he was responsive to their requests.

If you let out a new song, you will release a new song, and if you let it be a comedy, you will act a comedy.

So if you ask her to cosplay, will she be rejected?
With such thoughts in mind, fans spoke one after another.

"Are you a little thinking that it's just a show?" Luo Quan asked with a smile, "Why do chat shows turn into cosplays while chatting?
Besides, I haven't prepared anything, how can I cosply for you guys? "

This is the truth, it's not that she doesn't want to cosplay, it's mainly because it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice.

It would have been fine if she had been notified in advance, but now that she is suddenly asked to cosplay, the difficulty is really not ordinary.

It is definitely possible to do it hard, after all, you can do anything with money.

However, spending money to cosplay just for a whim is really a bit wasteful.

However, Luo Quan was about to refuse, when he suddenly recalled that dress: "You guys reminded me, I really have a cosplay suit in my closet, but you have basically seen this outfit, so it probably doesn't feel new. "

Fans didn't dare to pick and choose when they heard this, and said quickly:

"It's okay, as long as you can cosplay, it doesn't matter if it's new or not."

"I think you are cosplaying even if you wear black silk. You look so good-looking. You look good in everything you wear."

"Serve! Luo Bao, it's time for you to learn to mature and wear silk stockings like adults."

"A mature adult......Red silk stockings and a cotton-padded jacket, right?"

"Haha, you are at least 50 years old as an adult."

"Haha, this kind of image will only appear on my mother and seven aunts and eight aunts."

"What happened to the red stockings? Red is more colorful and attractive!"

"Everything other than black silk is heresy!"

"Fart, Baisi Saigao!"


While the fans were arguing fiercely about which stockings look better, Luo Quan had already quietly changed his clothes and walked into the camera.

She was wearing the same fairy costume that she played as Elf Queen Galadriel back then.

Made of tulle, white and gold, it sets off the originally plump Luo Quan like a goddess who has fallen into the mortal world.

Sacred, beautiful, and cold, coupled with those dazzling eyes like stars, a glance can make people fascinated.

More importantly, she was still stepping on the fluffy carpet with her bare feet.

Each petite and lovely toe is shining with pearly luster under the light, from the feet to the legs to the collarbone to the neck, they are all uniform and dazzling white.

However, unlike the cold white skin that is too cold, Luoquan's white skin is more crystal clear, and it is the real ice muscle and jade bone.

At this moment, even if Luo Quan didn't show his face, he definitely deserved the title of the most beautiful in the world.

Just a simple appearance has already made countless fans unable to hide their excitement:
“Food Grade!”

"Food grade? State banquet grade!"

"Today's Station B ends here."

"It's a little early, I'll call you later."


"Luo Bao is really getting more and more beautiful, but when I think of her going to be a wife in the future, I am so jealous that I roll around on the ground."

"What is the future? She is my wife now."

"Don't just drink, come to cephalosporin."

"The elf queen's shape is indeed classic, and every frame is a wallpaper."

"I hope that Luo Bao will release such cosplays in the future, Modo Modo."


To be honest, Luo Quan didn't expect that his simple appearance could cause such a big reaction from fans.

This is when she is wearing the earrings given by Bai Xingwei to conceal her appearance.

What if I took it off?Wouldn't everyone have to be completely crazy.

"Hey, okay, I noticed that you're still wearing earrings."

"Luo Bao is really getting more and more mature, won't he get the whole tattoo in the future?"

"Don't come here with tattoos, I don't want to see Luo Bao's tattoos."

"This earring is very nice, do you have the same style?"


The fans finally discovered that there was an extra ornament on Luo Quan's ears, and the topic jumped accordingly.

Facing the question, Luo Quan replied: "This earring is made by myself, there is no similar style."

Fans responded immediately:

"It's a pity, if it is mass-produced, it will definitely sell well!"

"Indeed, seeing Luo Bao wearing earrings looks so good-looking, a boy like me wants to get his ears pierced."

"No way, no way."

"Why not? It's normal for boys to have their ears pierced?"

"Maybe it looks normal to you, but I think it's a bit sissy."

"It's just a decoration, besides, is it against the law to be a sissy?"


Seeing that the topic of the barrage chat is becoming more and more sensitive and tends to be hyped up, Luo Quan quickly stopped it:
"Don't quarrel over this kind of thing, everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, as long as it doesn't hinder others, they shouldn't be blamed.

Although China doesn't have the set of political correctness, it doesn't have as many restrictions as waiting to build a society. "

When Luo Quan said this, he had an amicable attitude.

No side supports it, no side opposes it.

But at this time, it is to make mud.

Because whichever side you stand on will lead to dissatisfaction on the other side, which will lead to scolding wars.

Luo Quan feels that harmony is the most important thing.

The live broadcast was going well, but it was really unnecessary to quarrel because of an earring.

With Luo Quan restrained, the quarrels in the barrage suddenly became much less.

Seeing this, Luo Quan also breathed a sigh of relief, of course it's best not to quarrel.

Then, she started tonight's "Luoquan Night Talk" program.

In fact, it is a chat session, where netizens can bring up some social phenomena or current political hotspots abroad, and let Luo Quan speak freely.

Tonight's theme, first of all, is the two fairy tale live-action movies that Disney is planning to remake, namely "Snow White" and "Daughter of the Sea".

For all children who have had childhood in the world, these two fairy tales are almost must-listen items, and there are not many people who don't know them.

It's actually a good thing to remake everyone's childhood memories, after all, you can see better special effects and more beautiful actors.

However, the genius Disney always likes to find another way, or to cater to political correctness, even the actors selected for your Snow White and The Little Mermaid are all black.

It's okay for black people, after all, there are not no big beauties among black people.

But the ones Disney chooses are all crooked black actresses.

After this incident came out, it not only caused ridicule from Huaxia, but also the blacks themselves complained that the looks of these actresses were too low.

Originally, they all expected to let such great beauties as Luo Bao and Carrie Lian play Snow White or The Little Mermaid.

No matter how bad it is, she must be a beautiful woman anyway, but in the end she found these two rare beasts.

It's really hard for Disney's interviewer to find such an amazing actress in the vast crowd.

Anyway, no matter whether it is a fairy tale fan or a melon eater at home and abroad, there is no one who does not complain, and there are even a few who directly scold.

Now many foreign netizens also said that they finally understand why Chinese people are so disgusted with the movie "Shang Qi", because the casting is really bad.

Even if the special effects of this movie are indeed quite explosive, and the leading actors and actresses are also good, but the appearance is not enough.

And now, this foreigner also has a feeling of being insulted by Disney.

It is the feeling of the purest dream and the best fantasy of childhood being punctured.

And not only punctured, but also stepped on the remaining bubbles by the way.

Who can bear this?

So ever since the casting news came out, the abuse from netizens has never stopped.

They tried to use public opinion to force Disney to adjust the casting, but it seems to have had little effect so far.

"Speaking of this "New Snow White", Disney really asked me to act in it at the beginning of the year." Because the incident was outrageous, Luo Quan's memory is quite deep.

When the fans heard this, they immediately joked:

"Then you have to pay full responsibility! If you didn't refuse, you wouldn't be a black princess."

"It's all Luo Quan's fault!"

"To be reasonable, Luo Quan's role as Snow White is a perfect match."

"If that's the case, there probably won't be so much controversy."


"Haha, you still take it for granted." Luo Quan laughed happily, "Actually, whether I agree to act or not, Snow White will be played by this black actress, it doesn't make any difference."

After a pause, Luo Quan continued: "As for the reason, it's because the production team wanted me to play Snow White... the stepmother, that is, the stepmother who keeps looking at her sunglasses all day and asks who is the most beautiful in the world.

Originally, I was very interested in this IP, and at that time I also had the idea of ​​picking it up and acting, but when I heard that I was going to see the stepmother, I finally forgot it. "

Immediately, the barrage popped up:

"When I think of Luo Quan asking who is the most beautiful in the world, and then a picture of a black man with buck teeth emerges in the sunglasses, I can't help laughing."

"It is indeed far away from the world."

"I don't know what the director and producer think if she doesn't play Snow White as a stepmother with such good looks."

"Political correctness, I guess it's for winning prizes."

"I don't think black people themselves would give an award to such a film."

"One thing to say, indeed."


After talking about the first topic, we soon came to the second topic today, which is UFO, which was quite popular in the past ten years.

Speaking of UFO, it is really an enduring topic of occultism.

In an era when technology was not so developed and the pixels of mobile phones and cameras were not particularly high, there were endless reports of UFO sightings.

People all over the world claim to have seen unnamed flying objects, and they have produced photos as evidence, which are usually fuzzy flying saucer objects, and sometimes even a ball of light.

Quite a few of them have been proven to be fictitious, just like the crop circles or Bigfoot back then, they were artificially created to gain attention and popularity.

Of course, there are some that cannot be investigated and do not know whether they are true or false.

Some of these things that cannot be investigated, some have such poor pixels that it is impossible to tell what they are, and their authenticity is doubtful.

There are still some that do exist, science cannot explain, and belong to unsolved mysteries.

But unsolved mysteries like this are few and far between.

With the development of technology, the pixels of mobile phones are getting higher and higher.

In the past, water snakes and driftwood couldn't be distinguished apart tens of meters away.

Now more than [-] meters, the mobile phone can take a clear picture of your face.

Since then, there have been fewer and fewer UFO sighting reports and photos.

But this year I don’t know why there are so many, and it is still global.

Moreover, the UFO that appeared this time is no longer in the shape of a flying saucer. A while ago, some witnesses said that they saw a flying sword in the sky.

Although he quickly claimed that he was cheating for the sake of traffic.

But you know, he had a photo at the time.

There is indeed a Western two-handed sword that walks in the sky in the photo, and it doesn't look like special effects or fakes.

But the witnesses themselves admitted, and the netizens didn't pursue it further.

However, there is another voice on the Internet, that is conspiracy theory.

Those who hold this point of view believe that the eyewitness report is likely to be true, so people from the relevant departments came up and asked the eyewitness to retract the confession, in order not to cause panic among the public.

However, after this kind of conspiracy theory comes out, it is more likely to cause panic among the public with you.

In fact, conspiracy theories are very popular no matter where they are, such as the fact that the US moon landing was a hoax, or that high-level Western governments and rich people are all lizard people.

Things like this sound outrageous, but there are always many people who believe them deeply.

These people feel that the whole world is controlled by a dark force, everyone's life is under surveillance, and many truths in history have been deliberately covered up or modified.

I have to say that these alarmist remarks take advantage of people's curiosity. Sometimes it sounds like that at first glance, but in fact it is pure nonsense after careful analysis.

Just like this UFO incident, the official has not made any evaluation from the beginning to the end, and it is no different from before.

Therefore, most netizens are still mainly ridiculed and curious, and do not think that there are really UFOs in the world.
After all, it is circulated every year, and I have never seen any serious aliens appear.

Only Luo Quan was stunned when he saw the flying sword.

Could it be that Dahei, who was out having fun, was photographed by a passerby?

(End of this chapter)

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