Chapter 933
"You were photographed when you flew out?"

Using the excuse of urinating, Luo Quan pulled Dahei out of the camera and asked it in a low voice.

"Wow~" Dahei hurriedly shook his head, expressing that he didn't.

After explaining for a while, Luo Quan understood that it didn't dare to show its real body when it was having fun outside.

Even if it is photographed, passers-by will only see an unlicensed husky that is too lively, not a flying sword.

"So there is another divine sword born?" Luo Quan thought about it.

Generally speaking, antiques that can awaken spiritual wisdom are already very rare, and such ones that can fly with their own energy are even more windy and water chestnut, which can definitely be called a divine weapon.

I just don't know which corner such a baby will fly to in the end, and which lucky person will pick it up.

For most people, picking up such a treasure is almost equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

Physical fitness is still secondary, the key is that it can subtly make people around you gain aura.

This is absolutely extremely important for the earth that has begun to evolve.

Of course, Luo Quan definitely doesn't need to be envious now, because she has several similar treasures, and they are all the best ones.

"Anyway, you still have to be careful, don't be photographed, or you will be in big trouble." Luo Quan lowered his head and warned Dahei again.

Dahei quickly nodded in agreement, and even Xiaoyu next to him looked serious.

Master's words are good at any time.

Back in front of the camera, the fans keenly noticed that Luo Quan's hands were dry, and immediately posted a bullet screen saying:

"Luo Bao, you don't wash your hands when you go to the bathroom, do you?"

"Dry your hands like that? Didn't you wash your hands?"

"I knew from a young age that you should wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet."

"It's okay, the fairy is clean without washing."


Although Luo Quan's skin is already very thick now, he couldn't help but blushed a little when he heard this: "I have washed my hands, but they have been wiped clean. Don't make false accusations, please. How could you not wash your hands?"

"Haha, it's okay to lie to your buddies, but don't fool yourself."

"Whether you wash it or not, you know in your own mind. (狗头.jpg)"

"It's okay, I like you even if you don't wash your hands."


Sometimes the barrage speech is really popular.

But Luo Quan knew he was wrong, so he didn't have the nerve to be impatient.

Although she didn't go to the toilet, she came out of the toilet after all, so she really should wash her hands.

"I'm not an unhygienic person, but everyone has said so, so I'll go in and wash again."

Luo Quan said as he walked into the toilet, turned on the faucet and flushed vigorously.

After sitting back again, the related discussions finally stopped.

"Luo Bao, can you take out the queen's crown for everyone to have a look at?"

At this time, a fan suggested in the barrage.

Speaking of which, this treasure has been kept here in Luoquan for so long, and I haven't really shown it to everyone.

Only Luo Quan wore it once when he went to the Oscar ceremony, and the effect was of course to reverse all sentient beings.

However, it stands to reason that this treasure has been in her mobile phone for more than half a year, and the expiry date is approaching, and the queen has never mentioned a word of taking it back.

So is this going to keep this treasure with her for a long time?After all, the queen does not only have such a crown.

Luo Quan thought so happily in his heart.

Of course, it is also possible that they just planned to wait until the last month to take it back, so as to appear more gentlemanly.

But until the time is up, she can use it as she pleases.

Since the fans wanted to see it, Luo Quan would naturally not be stingy, and Bian took out the priceless crown from the safe.

As soon as the lights were turned on, the crown was shining brightly in front of the camera, so many fans couldn't help sighing:

"There are so many gems, they really shine."

"How many countries have to be robbed to get it together?"

"This is a gorgeous treasure, and it is also evidence of colonial plunder!"

"So, this kind of criminal evidence should be left in the Huaxia Exhibition to let the world know its crimes!"

"Haha, it's so righteous to say Ming Qiang, but I like it."

"No, if we really do this, what's the difference between us and people from Bangzi Kingdom?"

"China is a huge country, and it disdains to seize antiques from foreign countries."

"Then can we use this to exchange those stolen domestic antiques?"

"That's a good idea."


This is indeed a good idea, Luo Quan nodded inwardly when he saw this barrage.

For example, the three-five female and male male and female Zhanxie swords of the Tianshi Mansion were obtained in this way.

At that time, netizens only thought that Luo Quan was going to return an antique that had been wandering abroad for many years, and they didn't feel too excited.

After all, the reputation of this sword on the Internet is much smaller than that of the animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs.

But for Huaxia Taoism, especially Zhengyi Sect, this is almost the most important event in recent decades.

This matter has to start with the No.60 third-generation celestial master, the direct blood of Zhang Daoling's celestial master, who went to Baodao to escape the war.

Also taken away is Yangping Zhidu Gongyin, which is commonly known as most of the Tianshiyin.

This move almost broke the authentic inheritance of Huaxia Taoism.

As the leader of Chinese Taoism, Zhengyi's position as a celestial master has considerable symbolism and appeal, and his status can be compared to the Pope of the Vatican.

And the treasure left by the first generation of celestial masters is the certificate of celestial masters.

In addition, to become a celestial master, one must be of direct blood.

It's a pity that the real blood relatives of the Celestial Master are currently in Baodao, competing for the position of the Celestial Master with a group of Zhang family's offshoots.

The current one on Longhu Mountain is a distant blood relative of the old celestial master, not a direct nephew, but because of his high morals and profound Taoism, he is considered the No. 60 fifth generation celestial master in the true sense.

The only point of criticism is that there is no celestial master token.

Without a token, it means that the name is not right and the word is not right, and it is difficult to convince the public.

If you can't convince the crowd, there will be no cohesion. If the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will be difficult to lead.

This is also the reason why Zhengyi has gradually declined while Quanzhen has flourished in recent years.

At present, in the Taoist Association, eight out of ten people on the rostrum are Quanzhen, which shows to what extent the former Taoist orthodox sect has withered talents.

In addition, the inheritance of the Shenxiao Sect under the Zhengyi Sect is cut off, and it is also telling the world that the life of the leader of the Taoist sect and its branches is getting worse and worse.

From a long time ago, there has been such a prophecy circulating in Taoism, which is called: never extinguished, extinguished and never extinguished, there is a rest in 63 generations.

It is said that there will be big problems when the master of heaven is passed on to the third generation of No.60, and now Ye has indeed come true.

However, in Zhouyi, there are 64 hexagrams, 64 is an end, and 65 means a new beginning.

So in fact, many people in Taoism are still looking forward to the current Celestial Master, and hope that Taoism can sprout from its generation and regain its new life.

Originally, everyone thought that Taoism would get a new life if it got a ride on the webcast.

Thanks to the spread of the Internet, more and more young people have been exposed to metaphysics and Taoist culture.

In the past, the old people were worried that young people would not be interested in the things handed down by their ancestors at all, or they would treat them as feudal superstitions.

But young people's interest in metaphysics is even greater than they imagined.

In recent years, more and more young people have devoted themselves to Taoism, some as nominal disciples, and some directly become monks and devote themselves to cultivation.

Either way, it's sure to be a good thing.

However, what really applauded all Taoists was that Daoist Yu Ting welcomed back the three-five male and female Slashing Evil Swords from London.

This seemingly unremarkable long sword is exactly the sword used by Zhang Daoling to slay demons and demons, and it is also one of the celestial master's tokens handed down to future generations.

With it, the person on Longhu Mountain finally got his name right.

Now that I am the No.60 fifth generation celestial master, those on Treasure Island can no longer find a reason to refute.

This is of great help to the cohesion of the entire Zhengyimen.

It is worth mentioning that Daoist Yu Ting, who shouldered this mission, fell to the quarterfinals early, and brought the sword back only after winning the championship with Luo Quan.

That is to say, there is no similar saying in Huaxia Taoism. If it is abroad, Luoquan High and Low can be named a guardian saint.

This kind of behavior of hers is equivalent to leading the team to win the Crusades and take back Jerusalem.

It may be slightly less important, but it can definitely be compared.

So when Luoquan was filming "Under One Man", Longhushan was able to cooperate so much that the apprentices used it as they wanted, and they didn't even charge money.

Moreover, the second season needs to be filmed on-site in Longhushan. Tianshi and his elders also agreed, and even agreed to appear in person to play the role of Zhang Zhiwei.

In fact, Luo Quan has never met Master Yu Ting, that is, the celestial master on Longhu Mountain.

But thinking that since he can get the approval of so many Taoist priests, he must be a highly respected senior.

Playing the role of the old heavenly master in Under One Man is naturally a perfect fit.

Being able to invite such a character to film the film, the cards of Luo Quan's production team can be considered full.

At present, apart from her, there is really no one who can let the leaders of these religious sects act in film and television works.

Even if it is for publicity, the most is to send disciples to battle.

However, Luo Quan himself didn't understand the powerful relationship in it, he just thought that these cultivators were easy-going and easy to talk to.

In addition, Taoist Priest Yu Ting was also very hospitable, when he brought back the Three-Five Male and Female Slashing Evil Sword, he looked so excited as if he wanted to lift himself up to Longhu Mountain to entertain him.

Now that there are tokens from the Celestial Master, and the popularity accumulated through live broadcasting and video posting, the days of Zhengyi will definitely be better and better.

"You guys have a good idea, but this crown doesn't belong to me, so I can't exchange it for anything."

Luo Quan's thoughts returned to the proposal of the barrage.

Although she usually likes to take advantage of some small things, things like crowns are really not a small advantage she can take advantage of.

At the beginning, the queen lent this thing to herself in front of the whole world, and set a deadline of one year, and she would return it when the time came.

If she used the borrowed crown to make deals with others, would her reputation still be lost?
Although this crown can be exchanged for incredible wealth with some people, for Luo Quan, fame is priceless.

Her current good reputation worldwide is a miracle that no amount of money can replace. It is obtained after combining multiple factors such as her incomparable beauty, personal charm, and talent.

Can be met but not sought, and extremely fragile.

I have maintained myself until now, not to mention walking on thin ice, that is also cautious.

After working so hard for so long, how could it be possible to destroy the Great Wall because of a crown?

So the fan's suggestion is fine, but Luo Quan will definitely not do it.

After showing the crown, perhaps because this jeweled thing is too dazzling, some fans began to sigh:

"I always feel that this thing has an unreal feeling, and it is too far away from the lives of ordinary people."

"Actually, I have always liked Luo Bao who is down-to-earth. After wearing this crown, I feel that Luo Bao is different from us."

"It's a bit like moaning for nothing, but I really want Luo Quan to make a movie about ordinary people."


Luo Quan smiled when he saw these bullet screens: "Why do you think so, is it because I am different from you?

As a people's artist, I have always regarded myself as an ordinary person.

As for the ordinary people's movies you mentioned, I do have a subject, but I'm sure I can't make one right now. "

This remark sparked enthusiastic responses from fans:
"Luo Bao doesn't need to care too much, it's just that a group of people are too sensitive and think too much."

"I think it's moaning without illness, and they themselves have said the reason."

"Just kidding, Luoquan is not down-to-earth enough, who can be considered down-to-earth? You have to be so busy in the fields every day to be called down-to-earth, right?"

"I really want to see what Luo Bao said about this ordinary person's movie."

"It feels like another tear-jerking blockbuster, the kind that can win awards."

"Stop talking, the more I talk, the more I look forward to it."


Luo Quan looked at the bullet screen and showed a smile: "I'm sure you won't be able to see the movie right now, but I can tell you the name.

This movie is called "Hiding Into the Dust and Smoke", and it tells the love story of a pair of poor people. "


""Hiding Into the Dust"?"

"It sounds so good."

"The love stories of little people are like dust and smoke that no one cares about."

"The level of Luo Bao's naming is still online as before."

"Hurry up and take pictures, it feels like you have already drawn a lot of pies this year."

"Haha, I doubt whether all the cakes you have drawn these days will be fully realized by this time next year."

"One thing to say, I think Luo Bao's speed is still trustworthy?"


The fans' words reminded Luo Quan that the pancakes she drew seemed to be a little too much.

(End of this chapter)

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