Chapter 934

Into the Dust is definitely a good movie, even though it was not well-known when it first came out, it is said that the director has no money in his pocket to promote it, so he hardly cared about it after it was released.

But relying on its excellent quality, it just managed to get a pretty good box office for a literary film, and it has been praised from top to bottom.

However, such a movie is definitely not suitable for release during the holidays.

Although Luo Quan tried to let everyone watch the movie "Farewell My Concubine" during the Spring Festival before, and it achieved a pretty good box office.

But it was not uncommon for this to be complained about, thinking that it was somewhat inappropriate for her to release a movie.

The same move must not be performed a second time, Luo Quan thought it would be better to change another day.

This kind of movie is released every Chinese New Year, which is somewhat unfestive.

Of course, this movie is definitely not festive, but it is a true portrayal of farmers in many backward areas of China.

Maybe not the same life, but with a similar fate.

And Luo Quan did not make this film to praise suffering.

Because suffering is suffering and it doesn't make people stronger or more successful.

A person can survive adversity because he is strong himself.

And there is no necessary connection between success and suffering.

She filmed this just to let the audience know what is hidden behind the suffering of a couple.

Or rather, what exactly caused their suffering.

Some people say that foreigners like to read these descriptions of the suffering days of the Chinese people, which is more convenient for them.

Some people think that these movies are made well.

From Luo Quan's point of view, it may be both.

But what is certain is that a bad movie will definitely not win the big prize, because it cannot stop the mouth of the world.

And a place does not only have a bad side, but also a good side.

Giving hope out of suffering is what Luo Quan wants to do most.

There is a saying in "This Killer Is Not So Cold": Life is always painful.

But no matter how painful it is, you have to work hard to go on, unless you say you don't want to go and want to end early.

But there are always people who will choose to keep going, no matter how difficult the road ahead is.

And what these people need is hope.

Of course, perhaps what is more needed is financial help. Unfortunately, although Luo Quan has helped many people, he cannot help everyone.

As for making movies, she also prefers to satisfy the audience with a positive ending.

However, for movies like Into the Dust, no matter how you modify them, it will be depressing.

But she just had an urge to take it out, as if there was a lump of air in her chest, and she would feel uncomfortable if she didn't spit it out.

Netizens don't know what kind of movie they are about to see at this time.

The subject matter of "Into the Dust and Smoke" is not sensitive at all, there is no politics, no war, and there is only a couple of peasants struggling to live and dying in pain.

It is estimated that this kind of hopeless movie cannot cure people's internal friction, but it can leave a scar in people's hearts forever like "To Live", the kind that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

As for whether he could win the prize, Luo Quan didn't really care.

Of course you can take it if you take it well, but if you don’t take it well, you will feel ashamed if you take it.


"You probably don't know how smart my dog ​​is."

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan flaunted his might to the fans at the camera: "Dahei, come and give us the whole job!"


The big black monster yelled, and did a backflip on the spot, causing the barrage to applaud:
"I'll go, this dog has a strong waist."

"Are you kidding, the male dog waist thought you were talking about it?"

"It's also human."

"Oh my god, it still worships people!"


Sure enough, Dahei stood up after doing a backflip, arched his front legs and bowed his head, like a busker on the street.

"Haha, Dahei is wishing everyone an early year." Luo Quan said in a tone full of showing off, "I told you before that Dahei is very smart, and it's huskies who fight."

"It's really cute, as if it can understand human speech."

"Trained dogs can act according to human voices, but generally they are smarter ones like golden retrievers and shepherds, and less huskies are trained."

"Indeed, after all huskies are notoriously stupid."

"Fortunately, Dahei belongs to the different category of huskies."

"So what, the house should be demolished or the house will be demolished."


Facing the groundless accusations from netizens, Luo Quan, the owner, of course defended it: "Don't mess around with the dog's innocence, Dahei is quiet at home, and he hasn't demolished the house yet, okay?"

"Wow!" Dahei raised his head and yelled, as if to express his approval.

Xiaoyu watched the whole process with cold eyes, as if disdainful of Dahei's overly active performance.

A divine weapon should have a subclass of a divine weapon. How can there be any compulsion if it is so close to the people?

The cause of the incident was actually that during Luoquan's live broadcast, Dahei often passed by the edge of the camera.

The audience became interested in it after a while, and Luo Quan was also quite satisfied with Dahei's tameness, so he let it show in front of the camera.

Unexpectedly, it was just a backflip and thanks to the early years, which amazed the fans.

"By the way, Luo Bao, don't you still have a pet?"

"Yes, it's the cat that looks like a lion."

"I still remember its eyes, cold and domineering."

"Can we see it?"


Of course, Luo Quan would not refuse this small request, and turned the camera directly to point at Xiaoyu who was licking his paw beside him.

And Xiaoyu, who felt the camera, lowered his paws and stood proudly, like a lion looking up at the moon, which is naturally very handsome.

Compared with the slightly ordinary-looking Dahei, Xiaoyu's popularity is undoubtedly higher:
"It's really handsome, no matter how many times I watch it, I still think it's so handsome."

"I really want to raise one myself."

"I've been to many lion cat and Maine Coon cat stores, but I can't find Xiaoyu's appearance."

"This variety must be old and precious, and it probably can't be bought with money."

"The most important thing is this look, looking at the world with disdain, I feel that if the AI ​​​​changes its face, just this look can directly play the emperor."

"The eye play of the tulle little fresh meat!"


It can only be said that this year's netizens are still of a certain level, and they can keenly perceive Xiaoyu's extraordinaryness.

But this is not a play on the eyes, but a temperament that has been cultivated by the emperor for thousands of years.

If you ask a person who has been with my emperor day and night to play the emperor, he will definitely be able to play well.

After the two pets showed up, Luo Quan turned the camera to the right and said, "I've been broadcasting live with you these days, and I don't know if you're satisfied or not.

It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied, although I will go to Hengdian to film a movie soon, but because the task this time is not urgent, I don't have to be as busy as before, and I still have time to meet everyone every day. "

Originally, when the fans heard the first half of the sentence, their faces immediately turned bitter, thinking that they would be separated after only a few days with Luo Bao.

As a result, the second half of the sentence took a turn for the worse, and I immediately smiled.

"Anyway, that's all for today's live broadcast, I have to pack my luggage, and I have a lot of things to do during the day tomorrow, so I can only see you at night.

Bye-Bye! Luo Quan looked at the camera, smiled and waved.

"Bye Luobao, sweet dream."

"Take a screenshot and sleep with your phone in your arms at night."

"Mei Mei Da Luo Bao, see you tomorrow night."


Amidst the fans' farewells, Luo Quan went down the air.

After the broadcast, she didn't go to pack her luggage, because she had already packed it, it was just an excuse, lest the fans would be reluctant to let him go, and let her continue the live broadcast.

Although after obtaining the Wugou Glazed Body, her body's recovery speed became extremely fast, and she only needed a short sleep every day to become energetic.

But it still takes at least four or five hours to fully replenish.

And even so, Luo Quan never made himself wake up early on purpose.

Because she just enjoys sleeping for seven or eight hours and then waking up in the sun.

What a beautiful thing to sleep in.

Isn't her original dream to be able to sleep late without worrying about her livelihood?

Although what we have now has far exceeded this dream, we must not forget our original intention.

Therefore, Luo Quan's work and rest remained the same as before, and did not change his biological clock due to changes in his body.

Speaking of the changes in her body, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that she was getting fatter than before.

It was the time after I went to Huanyuxing that I became fat, and there was no movement before I went.

Luo Quan couldn't figure it out, thinking that when he was there, he didn't eat much three meals a day, how could he gain weight.

After thinking about it carefully, Luo Quan thought it might be that the nutrition of Huanyuxing's food was too outrageous.

The food and meat genes of high-level civilizations are definitely not of the same grade as those of low-level civilizations.

The energy released after eating is estimated to be one in the sky and one in the ground.

On the first day when he found out that he was gaining weight, Luo Quan didn't really care much about it. He weighed himself, and it was only 120 catties.

For a girl who is 1.7 meters five, this weight is definitely not heavy.

But the next day at the same time, it has risen to 120 jin, which is a bit scary.

If he gained two catties a day, wouldn't he become a tank after a month?
The good news is that in the next few days, the weight did not continue to skyrocket, but it still jumped from 122 to 123.

The weight is still increasing, but after Luo Quan carefully looked in the mirror, he found that it was a mixed blessing.

The good news is that after gaining weight, I haven't found any fat on my body yet.

What is worrying is that the long flesh seems to have reached the most prominent place.

In Luo Quan's view, 34E is already a near-perfect number, adding a fraction would be too large, and subtracting a fraction would be too small.

Being stuck in this place is also very suitable in terms of overall body shape.

But now after eating the rice from Huanyuxing, his body has begun to grow irresistibly, and it is increasing day by day.

For most girls, this kind of development is actually a great thing.

Just like Wen Xia, she has complained more than once that her figure is not very good, and all the beautiful dresses in her closet can't hold up.

If it happened to Wen Xia that she became fat, she would definitely laugh like a morning glory.

As for myself, if I get fatter, I should become an F.

Although it has not yet developed to the point of directly jumping a size, it will be difficult to say if it does not stop.

Walking out of the room, Luo Quan met Wen Xia head-on.

"Hey, Luo Bao, you seem to have become a little plump recently." Wen Xia saw Luo Quan's tight-fitting autumn clothes, and laughed, but she couldn't open which pot and which pot to lift.

"No way, my weight hasn't changed, okay?" Luo Quan argued without blushing or panting.

"Can't I see it?" Wen Xia's eyes quickly swept Luo Quan around.

The two grew up wearing a pair of open crotch pants, slept in the same bed, and bathed in the same basin. They are so familiar that they couldn't be more familiar.

If there is a slight change in Luo Quan's body, Wen Xia can detect it immediately.

What's more, Luo Quan is still wearing tight autumn clothes now, so the change is even more obvious.

"You've definitely developed again, hurry up and tell me, what good juice did you eat in the mountains?" Wen Xia grabbed Luo Quan and threatened viciously.

Luo Quan's figure has not moved for a year or two, and it is normal at this age.

But now that it has developed suddenly, there must be something tricky in it.

After asking, maybe she can also have such a proud figure as Luo Quan.

"Probably because of the pure natural crops in the mountains. The only thing I eat in the mountains is different from what you eat."

It's hard to say that Luo Quan is the reason for the Huanyu star's food, so he changed an excuse: "If it's really because of this, next time I go to the mountains and bring some out for you, and see if you eat it and see if it has any effect."

"That must have an effect." Wen Xia's eyes were full of expectation.

After dismissing Wen Xia, Luo Quan began to mutter again.

It seems that my "getting fat" is not a psychological effect, but actually happened, and Wen Xia can tell it at a glance.

If this is the case, then your underwear should be changed.

However, after going downstairs, the other people behaved very normally, and did not show overly surprised expressions like Wen Xia did just now.

In this way, only Wen Xia noticed this.

"Master, where are we going tomorrow?" Cheng Nuo asked Luo Quan after packing his luggage.

In the morning, she was told to pack a change of clothes and to live outside for a while.

But it didn't go directly to the destination, so Cheng Nuo was more curious.

"You've been to that place before, it's Hengdian, the place where we first met." Luo Quan replied, rubbing Cheng Nuo's head.

"It turned out to be there."

After leaving for nearly half a year, Cheng Nuo felt as if he had been away there for a long time.

I don't know if I will meet that bastard director who tried to rule her friends when I revisit the old place this time.

If I can meet him, I must use my martial arts to make that bastard director look good!

(End of this chapter)

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