Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 935 Good News 2 in a row 3

Chapter 935 Good news one after another

ps. Thanks to book friends Mercury's Masked Superman and Bloodthirsty Sunflower for the book coins, thank you for your support!


After Luo Quan arrived in Hengdian with his family, he was first approached by the program group of China Film Weekly.

It is called a weekly magazine, but it is completely an online program. It is broadcast on the Six Princesses Channel and the Internet. The main content is to introduce the big and small things that happen in the Chinese film and television industry every week.

In addition, every month this program will also invite some well-known movie stars to hold symposiums and talk about various topics.

And this time I found Luo Quan, the topic I want to talk about is the plight of Chinese-language movies.

Yes, Chinese-language films have encountered difficulties.

The total box office continued to drop, and the domestic awards were pecking at each other, while the foreign awards were only supported by Luo Quan. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was a big problem.

But no one knew exactly what went wrong.

So I want Luo Quan and a group of directors and screenwriters to talk about it, not to solve the problem, but to speak out about this problem so that more people can know and participate in thinking.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to refuse, but he heard that the shooting location was on the third floor of the hotel where he was staying, and it was only a few steps away, so he went directly.

She did have a lot to say, since she was so close, she could simply say a few words. As for whether it could be broadcast, it was beyond her dream.

The program recording site was quite formal, with a round table placed in the center and five chairs around it.

Coincidentally, director Jiang Wen, an acquaintance of Luo Quan, was also here.

The other three chairs were for the host and two screenwriters.

Although according to the host, no actors were invited for this symposium, both Luo Quan and Jiang Wen had been actors, and they both did quite well.

After the two met, Jiang Wen also greeted with a smile: "Hey Luo Quan, I heard that you are going to make a comedy film. This should be your first time, right?"

"There is a first time for everything, for example, this time I came here to participate in the symposium." Luo Quan sat down directly, casually as if at home.

"Actually, I don't know what to talk about. It's as if we can change the status quo if we talk here." Director Jiang Wen lowered his voice, but his voice was already high. people heard.

Fortunately, the camera was not turned on, so this sentence was not recorded.

However, according to director Jiang Wen's personality, it doesn't matter if it is recorded, because this is what he wanted to say, and it is also true.

It's like if you call Luo Quan an ugly monster, she will probably laugh it off, because this is slander, not the truth.

But if you scold an ugly monster at an ugly monster, then she may be impatient, because you have touched her pain point.

And in the film and television circle, who will be poked at the pain point by Director Jiang Wen?

Don't know, but certainly not less.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the host reminded the guests that the cameras had been turned on, and the recording of the show officially began.

"Today is really a great honor to be able to invite such a few heavyweight guests."

The host clasped his hands together and said with a smile on his face.

Then the camera showed the guests one by one, and when it was Luo Quan's turn, she smiled and waved.

"The theme of our Chinese-language film symposium today is: What happened to Chinese-language films.

I believe everyone has seen the box office of Chinese-language movies in the new quarter, which hit a new low in the past five years. There are so many blockbusters, why did it become like this? "

After the host finished talking about today's topic, he turned his attention to director Jiang Wen.

Among the guests present today, Jiang Wen is the oldest and has the longest debut time, so he couldn't be more suitable to start.

And director Jiang Wen obviously held back his words, and directly dragged the microphone in front of him to his mouth and said: "First of all, the word "blockbuster gathering" is not particularly appropriate.

The box office is usually supported by commercial movies, so let's take a look at these commercial movies that are released, how can they be called real blockbusters?

Not to mention comparing it with Hollywood, but in horizontal comparison, it also appears to be insincere, the overall production is shoddy, the script is either plagiarized or Sinicized, and the actors are also led by a bunch of fresh meat.

If such a movie can still sell well at the box office, then it is really unreasonable! "

Sure enough, director Jiang Wen fired all his firepower as soon as he came up, and directly said everything that many people in the industry dared not say.

In fact, not only the audience, but also many practitioners have been suffering for a long time.

But there is no way, the investment body likes it, the fans like it, and for the sake of traffic, they must be invited, and the role of the show can't be too small.

But if there are too many roles, it will easily affect the overall perception of a drama, so sometimes a cup of mouse droppings can really ruin a pot of porridge.

The host was not surprised by Director Jiang Wen's firing, nor did he signal the cameraman to cut this segment.

From this point of view, the scale of today's symposium is quite large.

After having director Jiang Wen proofread, the other guests also felt a lot more at ease.

Immediately afterwards, the second guest, screenwriter Wang Hailin, took the words of director Jiang Wen and said:

"Actually, it's not impossible to put little fresh meat in the movie.

It's not like there has been a similar situation before.

At the beginning of the century, our Internet companies had not yet developed, and the film and television investment were all coal bosses.

Their request is only one, and it is also to install actors. In today's words, it is to bring money into the group.

However, the coal boss has a sense of safety in production and knows that laymen cannot direct experts, so after they installed actors, they stopped dictating everything in the crew.

How to shoot movies and TV shows is still in the hands of the director.

But these Internet companies now not only have to bring capital into the group, but also teach you how to shoot things, and tell you about big data at every turn.

You said that this way you can take pictures easily? "

Screenwriter Wang's firepower is also very fierce, and he still uses the little fresh meat as an entry point.

But what he really sprayed was the capital behind it, accusing these capitals of directing the creative process, which led to the failure of the creation.

This is indeed a point criticized by many people on the Internet.

Small fresh meat sometimes does not mean a bad movie, but after Xiao Xianrou joined the group, grabbing scenes, competing for roles, and changing the plot are the reasons for bad movies.

And they do this, of course, for their own traffic, and in the final analysis, because of capital.

The words of these two people can be said to have been sprayed on the point.

Although it is not very pleasant to many people, it is definitely what netizens and fans want to hear most.

"Luo Quan, do you have anything to say?"

The host put the words into Luo Quan's mouth, and the camera shot over.

"How should I put it, at my age, it's actually too early to dictate to the film and television industry."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "But if you are an audience member, then I think there is still quite a lot to say.

For example, today's film directors seem to like to include some crooked private goods in their works.

It’s okay to educate people, but if you use the wrong way to educate people, then no audience will be willing to buy your account.

In addition, the heart of making a movie is not pure enough.

For example, if you are a commercial comedy, you have to give the audience values ​​at the end, force tears to be sensational, and exaggerate family love and various emotions, but you only forget what kind of crowd your movie posters attracted? audience.

People want to watch a family comedy, but you have to say that the core of the comedy is tragedy, you have to deepen the theme, and you have to be artistic.

Then why don't you directly make artistic literary films?I have to come here to sell dog meat.

What I hate the most in my life is this kind of creator who is not pure enough and has a literary disease.

He dislikes the smell of copper, and he can't treat money like dung. He calls his behavior disgusting to the audience as having personality and ideas, but forgets who his parents are.

Too many movies these days are like this, under the banner of comedy, but in the end they always leave the audience dumbfounded. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present were a little exciting.

Because she accidentally didn't know how many directors and screenwriters AOE had done.

Movies are a kind of art, and those who engage in this industry are somewhat intellectual.

Carrying private goods and deepening themes are routine operations. Few people can simply regard filmmaking as a business like director Wang Jing.

But in fact, this is the most correct model for commercial movies.

Hollywood's industrial production standards are like this, so the commercial films produced can be sold worldwide, and literary films can convey values ​​to the world.

Luo Quan said these words in a different way, and invisibly scolded countless people.

The symposium lasted for half an hour, and Luo Quan continued to chat with other guests a lot.

To be honest, the scale of today's issue is the highest of the year.

After the recording, the host kept wiping the sweat off his face with a paper, showing how nervous he was, and said in his heart that fortunately this was not a live broadcast.

Originally Luo Quan also had a lot of words edited out because of today's program, but after it was aired tonight, it was discovered that Sixth Princess frequently didn't edit a single sentence, and released them all.

Luo Quan himself was stunned by this scene.

That night, the Chinese-language film symposium became the number one most searched topic on Weibo.

"This is definitely the worst show I've seen this year that smears little fresh meat."

"I'm not showing mercy. Why haven't I watched this variety show before?"

"It's always been there, but I didn't invite these people before."

"Haha, Luo Bao's mouth is still steady, and he has never spared anyone."

"One thing to say, there are almost no fresh meat in Luo Bao's movies, because she is the investor herself, and no one can bring money into the film."

"So she hasn't made a bad movie so far, while others have made one after another."

"The symposium continues and these people really recognize the idea, but is it really useful?"

"There is a high probability that it will be useless, but it can make those who are in the right seat sick for a while."

"Haha, that's true."


Undoubtedly, this symposium helped the netizens vent a bad breath, cursing a little fresh meat once.

Before that, netizens were scolding, but now some people in the industry are finally attacking Xiao Xianrou.

If there is zero tolerance for small fresh meat in the industry and outside the industry in the future, it will definitely be great news for the entire Chinese-language film industry.

This symposium is equivalent to kicking off the prelude, but whether we can continue singing depends on the efforts of others.

As for Luo Quan, this time she not only sprayed the little fresh meat, but also those screenwriters and directors who fooled the audience.

However, perhaps because of her great reputation, so far no one has taken the seat and jumped out to accuse her of saying something wrong.

Everyone knows that whoever jumps out first will definitely be targeted.

With Luoquan's current status of reputation, there is no possibility of asking for it.

Besides, what Luo Quan said was definitely recognized by most of the audience.

They can accept Yangchun Baixue and Xia Liba people, but they can't accept that when they are looking at Xia Liba people, a few paragraphs of Yangchun Baixue suddenly pop out, which affects the whole mood.

I can't accept making complaints about it on the Internet, and being complained about has no aesthetics. I only know about watching the content of brainless popcorn.

But the question is, real life is already so tiring, why can't I make the way of relaxation less brainless and more casual?

Not everyone likes to appreciate the so-called Yangchun Baixue.

This is what Luo Quan wanted to say, and it was unanimously approved by netizens.

Just like the comedy movie that Luo Quan launched today, "Crazy Racing" does not talk about the principles of family and country feelings, nor does it have any deepening themes full of literary and artistic atmosphere.

It is absurd, funny, and real, and vividly portrays the image of little people in the market.

And in the end, it also implemented China's most simple values, that is, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that the time has not come.

As for when the film will be completed, Luo Quan estimated that it should be completed within a month.

It is worth mentioning that this time the starring role is played by herself.

Like the previous shooting of Rurouni Kenshin, the makeup reduces the value of the appearance.

There is no need to change the gender, it doesn't matter if it is a male athlete or a female athlete, you just need to change the advertisements of some aphrodisiac drugs.

Fortunately, there is no emotional drama in this movie, and it relies entirely on plot and performance, which happens to be what Luo Quan is best at.

She has already found the actors who will play supporting roles in the movie, completely following the regions and accents in the original book, and even the actor Luo Quan strives to be similar to the original one.

It is a little difficult to satisfy this point, but fortunately, Huaxia lacks everything, but there is no shortage of people.

All kinds of actors can be found, so there is no big problem in restoring the original work.

But because I played the leading role, the accent of the leading role has also become the local accent of Yuzhou.

For no other reason than to speak fluently.

In fact, in the predecessor of "Crazy Racing", "Crazy Stone", the accents of many supporting characters are in the Yushu dialect.

There is no big difference between this dialect and Mandarin, it will not sound difficult to identify, and at the same time it has a sense of joy.

So there is absolutely no problem in acting in a comedy movie and speaking the Yuzhou dialect.

(End of this chapter)

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