Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 936 Grandpa, I want this

Chapter 936 Grandpa, I want this

Huanyuxing, the imperial capital of the Bai family.

Bai Xingwei had just finished retreat, and arranged a table full of meat feast, wanting to pay homage to her five viscera temple.

Although she has reached her level of practice, she can already eat bigu, eating or not eating ordinary food will not affect her cultivation.

But the satisfaction of appetite can still make the mood happy, and you can do anything more vigorously when you are in a good mood.

Therefore, every time Bai Xingwei ends her retreat, she will invite the chef from the God of Cookery Pavilion to cook her a whole meal.

There are a total of 72 dishes in this world banquet. In addition to the 36 traditional dishes of the Tang Dynasty, there are also [-] foreign delicacies from the God Blessed Federation.

The ingredients of each dish are the best, the process is more complicated and delicate, and the taste is needless to say, there is no doubt that it is the best in the world.

At home, Bai Xingwei seldom smiles, but every time she eats the feast of the world, she is the most relaxed and happy.

"Oh, it would be great if Luo Quan was here. The conditions there are harsh, and I'm afraid I've never seen such a sumptuous food."

Bai Xingwei served herself a bowl of colorful venison soup, and sighed regretfully.

As the first friend in her life, after Luo Quan left, her heart was always empty.

When Luo Quan was next door to her before, she was very at ease when she meditated and practiced, as comfortable as drinking Enlightenment tea.

After Luoquan left, on the first day of his retreat, he couldn't calm down.

If it wasn't for his strong willpower, maybe this retreat would be completely useless.

Thinking of not seeing her for nearly half a year, Bai Xingwei couldn't restrain her longing.

It's a pity that the galaxy where Luo Quan is located is too remote, and the signal of the universe network company can't cover it at all. She has never heard of the Virgo supercluster of galaxies or the Milky Way, and it is impossible to video through the air.

"Next time Luo Quan comes back, we must let her stay longer." Bai Xingwei took a bite of the venison and made up her mind.

"Miss, I have something to report." At this moment, a maid came into the room and bowed to salute.

"Say." Bai Xingwei concentrated on eating the big meal in front of her without raising her head.

"Xu Zimo, the eldest son of Zhennan Prince, came to visit. He is in the hall now, and the housekeeper is in charge of receiving him."

"Why is he here?" Bai Xingwei frowned, "Could it be that my father is looking for a marriage for me again?"

"I don't know." The servant girl shook her head, "Mr. Xu didn't explain why he came, he just said he wanted to see you."

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei wiped her mouth: "Then call him over and see what's going on."

She knew Xu Zimo, the eldest son of Zhennan King Xu Tianheng, and his mother was the aunt of the Tang Empress who was a pilgrimage, and a serious relative of the emperor.

In addition to his prominent status, he is also the proud disciple of Li Shuwen, the spear fairy. He is extremely talented in martial arts. He has won eleven games in a row in the Martial God Trial, which is at the same level as Bai Xingwei.

Of course, in terms of strength, Bai Xingwei felt that she was going to surpass him.

But it is undeniable that regardless of his identity, background or talent, this person is a match for him.

If he really came to propose marriage, his father would probably be very happy.

So before my father knew the news, I had to send this kid away quickly.

Soon, Xu Zimo was led in by the maid.

Bai Xingwei looked up, and found that this man was quite worthy of the word Yushu Linfeng, and he was a very rare handsome guy.

Too bad it's not her thing.

"I don't know why Young Master Xu came to visit today, why?" Bai Xingwei cut to the chase and asked Xu Zimo why he came.

And Xu Zimo smiled like a young man in love, the admiration in his eyes made Bai Xingwei's heart shudder.

However, what he said in the next second made Bai Xingwei stunned.

"Actually, I'm here to look for Miss Luo Quan, but it's as if she has evaporated recently, and there is no news about her at all.

I was very worried, and I just heard that you are familiar with her, so I took the liberty to visit her and wanted to ask about her situation. "

"Are you...caring about Luo Quan?" Xu Zimo's words made Bai Xingwei unable to deal with it.

This kid was actually worried about Luo Quan's safety because he hadn't seen her for a long time, so he ran to him specifically to find out the situation.

"I know my behavior is a bit abrupt." Xu Zimo smiled shyly, "But if I don't do it, I can't feel at ease."

"Why?" Bai Xingwei looked puzzled.

"As far as I know, Zhao Ang has taken a fancy to Luo Quan." Xu Zimo's expression became extremely serious, "Miss Bai knows this man's reputation, and he has changed more than 30 girlfriends in five years, many of whom are intimidating.

If Luo Quan meets Zhao Ang one day, he will easily get into trouble. "

Zhao Ang is the person Xu Zimo hates the most.

Although they are both the second generation, he himself has never done anything to bully others.

And Zhao Ang always said: Grandpa, I want this, Grandpa, I want that.

And his powerful grandfather can always satisfy his wishes.

But Zhao Ang fulfilled his wish, which means that many people will suffer a lot because of it.

Even though there hasn't been a particularly outrageous disturbance so far, it's just that the compensation is relatively in place, and coupled with his grandfather's influence, no one dares to expose it.

But in the circle of the second generation, there is no one who would not know Zhao Ang's messy statement.

And not long ago, after Luo Quan won the first victory in the Martial God Trial, Zhao Ang said in front of everyone in the stands: "I want this girl."

Xu Zimo reckoned that he would seek help from his grandfather again after he went back. Fortunately, Grandpa Zhao Ang has been in seclusion recently, so there is no movement for the time being.

However, there has been no news from Luoquan these days, and Xu Zimo is also in a panic, for fear that Zhao Ang will plot against her.

After thinking about it again and again, he finally chose to come to Bai Xingwei.

As for Bai Xingwei, after hearing the name Zhao Ang, she immediately understood the ins and outs, and her face quickly became gloomy.

"Luo Quan is not in Huanyu now, and I don't know where she is going.

But I want to ask you, you said you were worried about Zhao Ang's idea of ​​attacking Luo Quan, don't you have any idea of ​​attacking Luo Quan? "

Bai Xingwei felt that these men didn't have a good thing, and they couldn't walk when they saw beautiful girls.

If Luo Quan is not so beautiful, can Xu Zimo be so caring?

The answer is definitely not possible.

So she didn't have a good look at Xu Zimo.

"Miss Bai, you misunderstood me. I am a gentleman." Xu Zimo quickly explained, "What is my reputation? Miss Bai has never heard of it. Over the years, have you ever heard that I have done a bully?" thing?"

"That's not true, but who knows what dirty thoughts you hide about Luo Quan in your mind?"

Bai Xingwei smiled disdainfully: "When a man becomes interested in a girl, he probably doesn't know how many times he has sexualized in his mind. Do you dare to say that you have never sexualized?"

"I promise!" Xu Zimo said solemnly, "Miss Luo Quan is so pure and beautiful, how dare I have such an idea."

In fact, I don’t know how many times I have YYed, which man is not lustful?

But the lust in his heart does not prevent him from being upright. Even if he wants to implement it, he must pursue it openly, instead of marrying and seizing by force like Zhao Ang.

And Bai Xingwei really frightened Xu Zimo's righteous appearance, and regarded him as a good person.

Although Xu Zimo is indeed not a bad person, at least his peers and the Internet have a good reputation for him.

But Bai Xingwei felt that this person was not a good match for Luo Quan.

In other words, I haven't seen anyone who is worthy of Luo Quan.

"I really don't know where Luo Quan has gone, but she must be safe now, and Zhao Ang will never find her.

As for Zhan Ang, if he dares to harm her in the future, I will definitely not sit idly by.

In addition, the Lord of the White Tiger Palace of the Martial God Palace also gave Luoquan the White Tiger Order. Unless Zhao Ang's grandfather wants to be an enemy of the Martial God Palace, he can't do anything to Luo Quan, so you can rest assured, right? "

After listening to Bai Xingwei's words, Xu Zimo let out a long sigh of relief: "I'm at ease with your words. If that's the case, then I won't bother you any more."

After speaking, Xu Zimo arched his hands and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a figure that no one expected appeared outside the door.

"It turns out that you are here for a big meal. It was easy for me to find it for a while." Seeing Bai Xingwei sitting in front of a pile of delicious food, Luo Quan walked over to say hello with a smile.

The beauty whom he had been longing for day and night suddenly appeared in front of him, and Xu Zimo's mind fell into a short-term shutdown. The real person is even more beautiful than the live broadcast!
"Why are you back?" Bai Xingwei was also very surprised, it was too early for the second round to start, why did you come back?
"I came to ask you for a little favor."

Luo Quan originally wanted to explain the specific reason, but when he saw a boy here, he didn't have the nerve to speak up, and instead asked, "Who is this?"

"I'm Xu Zimo, today I came here specially to visit Miss Luo Quan."

Now that the rightful lord appeared, Xu Zimo also directly explained the intention of coming, just as unambiguously as before.

"Looking for me? Excuse me, what's the matter?" Seeing Xu Zimo's eyes, Luo Quan already had an idea in his heart.

"Let me tell you first, I don't plan to fall in love in a short time. If you want to chase me, then I'm sorry, my answer can only be to refuse."

Let's talk about it first, then don't mess up, Luo Quan never likes hanging around people, and she is not interested in knowing who the handsome boy in front of her is.

When Xu Zimo heard this, his face turned pale immediately, and he didn't expect that his mouth would be gagged before he opened his mouth.

It is really a great tragedy in life to face rejection without even expressing the word "admiration" to myself.

"Haha, Luo Quan, you don't have to be so direct, you should save some face for the Prince of Zhennan."

Bai Xingwei was trying to smooth things over, but actually she had a snickering expression on her face, obviously amused by Luo Quan's bluntness.

The prince of Zhennan has countless admirers at school, he is the dream spouse of many girls, but in the end, his ideal person doesn't even give him a chance to confess his love, it's really funny.

"I don't have any malice towards you, Mr. Xu."

At this time, Luo Quan also felt that his tone seemed too blunt, so he hurriedly added: "Actually, I say this to all boys. If you don't reject it completely, it is easy for them to have fantasies, so we can only so."

"I understand." Xu Zimo nodded in despair, "Maybe it's because I'm not good enough, I'm too presumptuous today, but I won't give up, next time we meet, I will definitely impress you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, his back was quite free and easy.

"Is this a stalker?" Luo Quan asked Bai Xingwei after waiting for Xu Zimo to leave.

Bai Xingwei laughed undisguisedly: "He is the heir of the Zhennan Prince, and his master is Li Shuwen, the Spear Fairy. Girls who want to chase him can go around the whole world.

I think it is a good thing that such a hero in the world falls in love with you. "

Luo Quan curled his lips, and asked back: "If such a good person chases you, will you agree?"

"of course not."

"Then it's over." Luo Quan rolled his eyes and sat down angrily.

"By the way, you haven't said why you came back suddenly." After the outsider left, Bai Xingwei continued to eat, and added a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Luo Quan by the way.

"I came here to ask, what are the ingredients of the meals you gave me before, and why did my breasts start to grow again after eating?"

Luo Quan looked sad, and seemed to be very troubled by this matter.

"There is such a thing?" Bai Xingwei was very surprised, "It's just some common household food. I have eaten it for decades, but I haven't found it..."

While talking, Bai Xingwei noticed the huge gap between herself and Luo Quan.

Comparing the two of them, if one has a crescent moon, the other is a full and full moon, completely belonging to two grades.

I'm really envious, my face is already so good-looking, but even my figure is top-notch, it's so hard to live!
"But after I went back, I found that I seemed to be growing again, and there was no movement before." Luo Quan sighed, looking very helpless.

The body that was too good put a lot of pressure on her shoulders and back, but now she is still here, what should I do.

"It may be because these foods are too nutritious, and your body has a special reaction to the excess energy." Bai Xingwei thought about it carefully and made such an inference.

"I guess it's the same, so I plan to take some back to do research, is there no problem?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

In fact, the real purpose of her coming here was to pack some food back home for the ordinary Wen Xia to eat.

She has suffered from the fact that she has not had a magnificent figure for a long time. Although there are related potions in the mall, the improvement is too obvious, unlike the food of Huanyuxing, which moisturizes things silently.

In comparison, Luo Quan felt that this was better, so after filling up any energy gate with enough energy for two uses, he directly passed through it.

"What should I do?" Bai Xingwei smiled heartily, waved and said, "This table is yours, pick whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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