Chapter 937
For Bai Xingwei, it is not difficult to prepare this table of delicacies from mountains and seas. As long as Luo Quan is willing, he can eat them every day.

But just now she asked Luo Quan to eat too, but she refused on the grounds of overnutrition, and said that if she ate any more, she would lose her clothes.

Bai Xingwei took a careful look at Luo Quan. Well, she is indeed a strange woman with a big heart.

"By the way, how long are you planning to stay when you come back this time?" Bai Xingwei burped lightly, and asked while wiping her mouth.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, packed a few dishes that didn't look particularly strange: "I'll go back later, I have a lot of things to do over there, and the second competition here is still a long time away, so stay here Nothing to do."

"That's right." Bai Xingwei nodded lightly. She originally wanted to ask Luo Quan to stay for a few more days, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

That kind of tone is not her style, and it's a little too cuddly.

"Anyway, thank you for your hospitality, I'll go back first, bye!" Luo Quan said as he opened any door.

With a rechargeable battery, she can use it twice in short bursts.

However, the charging time of the battery in the earth environment is too slow. Next time I want to bring some special products back here, I guess I have to wait another half a month.

"Don't worry." Bai Xingwei stopped Luo Quan, who was about to leave, "Wait a minute, I'll go back to the room to get you a sample."

Said that the complete person disappeared in front of Luo Quan as a light and shadow, Luo Quan was stunned by this outrageous movement.

Is this the strength of the half-step divine refinement? It's really terrifying!
Before Luo Quan could finish expressing his emotions, Bai Xingwei had already returned, with an extra mirror in his hand.

"This is a mother-child telescope. It can be used for long-distance communication through the mirror. Although the name is called Qianli, the effective distance is actually very, very long."

Said, Bai Xingwei handed the mirror to Luo Quan: "If you encounter any trouble, you can also contact me through this, it may come in handy in the future."

"Why does this thing sound so much like quantum communication?" Luo Quan held the telescope in his hand and looked it over, and found that the thing was quite heavy, and its light could be seen. It can also be used as a cosmetic mirror in normal times. .

Bai Xingwei doesn't know what quantum communication is. Although Huanyuxing is advanced in technology, she is not a scientist, so she doesn't have much research.

For high-tech things, you just need to know what effects and how to use them.

After putting away the mirror, Luo Quan solemnly waved goodbye to Bai Xingwei again.

After returning to the earth, the moon is still hanging on the branch, and the computer is the next meal drama "Gentlemen of West Eighth District" that I ordered when I left.

Luo Quan went over to turn it off, sat on the bed and called for a supper.

Although I just brought back a lot of delicious food from Huan Yu Xing from Bai Xingwei, but because I have excess nutrition, I will not eat it for the time being.

Besides, she went to Bai Xingwei to ask for these dishes, which was not for herself.

"System, if this dish is eaten by ordinary people, will it cause any problems because it is too nutritious?"

To be on the safe side, Luo Quan gave these dishes to the system first.

Her body is strong enough to eat whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean Wen Xia and the others can bear it.

"It's just food, not a panacea, just give them some food."

After hearing what the system said, Luo Quan finally felt relieved.

"Dong dong dong!" After calling for supper, she came to Wen Xia's door and knocked three times.

"Who is it?" Wen Xia opened the door with a humming song in her mouth, with an aloe vera gel moisturizing mask on her face.

Cheng Nuo and Su Yu were also in the room, and they each had a mask on their faces.

More than half a year ago, Cheng Nuo was still a girl who didn't know much about anything and had no experience in the world.

After a few months, under the influence of Wen Xia and others, she also became fashionable, knew how to dress up, how to make up, and how to take care of herself.

Sometimes people change so quickly.

When Luo Quan left, Cheng Nuo was still dressed a bit rusty, but now he has integrated with Shanghai, an international metropolis, and walking on the street is a beautiful sight.

"You didn't eat supper, did you? I have good things here, and everyone has a share." Luo Quan said, pulling out a plate from behind like a magic trick, with three dishes on it.

One is like Kung Pao Chicken, one is like sweet and sour pork ribs, and the other is a dessert that tastes like sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

This is the food that Luo Quan thinks is the most suitable for Wen Xia and the others after choosing it.

The ingredients of some other dishes are slightly special in shape.

For example, roast suckling pig with eight legs, carp with antlers, duck with meat fresher than puffer fish, and so on.

In comparison, these three ways are the most normal.

"Wow, how do you know I'm hungry!" Wen Xia tore off the mask on her face, the luster in her eyes was as bright as the saliva at the corners of her mouth.

"Did you make this or did it come from the hotel?" Wen Xia asked curiously while reaching for the chopsticks.

The smell and taste of this dish is not something that ordinary chefs can make. It is full of color, fragrance and taste, so Wen Xia guessed that it was probably made by Luo Quan himself.

"Didn't you ask me what to eat in the mountains to grow?"

Luo Quan put the plate on the table, said with a smile: "Here, that's it, but I can't guarantee that it will grow where it should grow."

"So this is it." Both Wen Xia and Su Yu showed excited expressions, "So eating this will make you look like you?"

"What are you thinking?" Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's because I'm so talented that I have the scale I have today. Food is just icing on the cake for me. It's hard to say whether I can help you all."

"What do you mean sending charcoal in the snow?" Wen Xia unconvincedly puffed up her chest, which was less than C. She was quite dissatisfied with Luo Quan's words.

Su Yu didn't speak, she had already picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork tenderloin and stuffed it into her mouth.

Wen Xia also stopped arguing, and quickly joined the cooking army.

Cheng Nuo, who was standing next to him, could not understand what the two sisters were talking about.

Wen Xia was not polite, and directly squeezed a piece of muscle and stuffed it into her mouth: "I don't want to eat more of this good food, no matter how hard it is, the child can't be bitter, and I will send some to Mia later."

Luo Quan smiled: "Take it easy, I'll go back first."

Bai Xingwei's Huan Yu Quan Feast, she packed a lot, and put them all in the storage space of the system, which was even fresher than the freezer.

Eating just one meal will definitely not have any obvious effect, but the order she packed is enough to feed several people for half a month.

But if it hasn't been used for half a month, it means that Wen Xia and the others don't have this thing in their lives, and they should just be peace princesses.

Back in the room, the supper I ordered was also delivered to the room, a five-inch Orleans chicken pizza, plus a serving of French fries.

Pure high-calorie junk food is on the blacklist of Wen Xia, Su Yu and the others.

However, this was Luo Quan's favorite food in the past, but now he seldom eats it, and only occasionally orders it to enjoy himself.

Pizza restaurants are actually seven-inch or nine-inch, but Luo Quan didn't want to eat too much at night, so he ordered a mini version.

As promised to the fans before, after Luo Quan went to Hengdian to film, he still wanted to broadcast live to them at night.

As soon as the camera is turned on, all fans get a feed.

"Good evening, everyone. Anyone who hasn't slept at this time should be still asleep, right?" Luo Quan put on his gloves, grabbed the French fries, dipped them in ketchup, and then bit off the biting part.

"Will you leave it here with me?"

"Poison in the middle of the night, right? You're too despicable!"

"It makes me want to eat it too."

"Changed to eating and broadcasting?"


After eating a few French fries, Luo Quan started to eat pizza again: "It's not that I changed my career to eat and broadcast, but I just happened to be hungry when I broadcast the live broadcast to you, so I broadcast it to everyone while eating.

And I don't know how to eat and broadcast. I already have a black name with a huge mouth in the abyss. When I eat, I open my mouth a little bit and you are going to blackmail me again. "

This remark made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh:
"Haha, this is the first time I've heard Luo Quan mention this black name."

"The best way to conquer a black name is to face it, come on, Ollie!"

"Luo Bao is actually quite sensible, except when facing the huge mouth of the abyss."


"One thing to say, it's really not a nice nickname." Luo Quan said looking at the camera.

"And why is my mouth big? It's obviously the right size." Luo Quan opened his jaw as he spoke.

It is indeed a normal size, but the photo of the giant mouth of the abyss is more due to the angle.

Of course, it looks really fun.

I have always regarded it as the only stain before, and I have always been very resistant and unwilling to face it.

But now that I think about it, this photo has not been photoshopped, it is indeed my real appearance, and it is really fun.

Fans like to tease, but they are so angry that they block others. The pattern is indeed a bit small.

Just make fun of it, and you won't lose a piece of meat.

So now Luo Quan wanted to block him, so he took the initiative to mention this nickname.

"Anyway, you can laugh at the nickname of the Abyss Mouth if you want, it is indeed a photo that records my real appearance, and blocking one of them won't solve the effect.

Of course, if you let me search it out and put it on the desktop, it’s better to save it. Reconciliation does not mean self-defeating. I still prefer to be a flawless little fairy. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan has already got skinny, and completed the reconciliation with this dark history in a more joyful way.

The fans were also very happy with Luo Quan's open-minded attitude, and they all praised:

"Luo Bao is so cute~~~"

"That's why I always say that Luo Quan is a very rational girl."

"Beautiful, with a good body, an interesting and talented soul, and reasonable, she is simply the perfect girlfriend model."

"But if you encounter problems, you can't reason with her."

"Indeed, she is the number one female boxer in the world."

"I believe Lobo is not a violent girl."

"The premise is that you don't mess with her."


So the minds of netizens are really jumping, and Luo Quan can associate so much with lifting the ban on a black name.

Speaking of which, she has only seen the appearance of girls making trouble for no reason in a relationship in film and television works.

Do girls really do this in real life?
Luo Quan recalled the personalities of the girls around him, and felt that none of them were like this.

Of course, it is also possible that they are not in love.

Except for Mia, everyone is still single.

And Mia is a high-level intellectual, and she has always gotten along with Leon very harmoniously. There are very few quarrels, so naturally she can't see her appearance of making trouble for no reason.

Of course, it's also possible that she only made trouble with Leon when she was alone.

Looking at the barrage, I found that many male fans were complaining about their girlfriend's temper. Some female fans denied it, and some female fans admitted that this was indeed the case.

But it's normal, girls are emotional animals, they like to act emotionally, and when they are in a relationship, they are always on the weak side, eager to be cared and accommodated by the other party.

After all, what Huaxia has taught boys since childhood is to "give way to girls".

This is how parents educate, school teachers also educate in this way, and after entering the society, they also pay attention to the excellence of women.

And many women turn the high-quality humility of men into a rightful privilege.

Once they are not satisfied, they will even yell and feel that they have been discriminated against.

However, female boxing on the Internet is always calling for equality between men and women, which has led to some "little fairies" wanting not to assume the obligation of equality between men and women when they gain privileges.

This is a very double standard. The key point is that there are still many men who think it is quite normal, and they come out with a reasonable approach to persuade the majority of male compatriots to be magnanimous.

Luo Quan felt that it would be better to stay away from such people who call out for their generosity at every turn, because when lightning strikes, they will easily hurt themselves.

These are the true and straightforward thoughts in Luo Quan's heart, and they are all spoken to the live broadcast camera.

Privilege and equality are originally two opposite things, and it is impossible to occupy both sides.

It's like a seat in the library. You can't choose it because you are a girl, and then you have to take up several seats for your girlfriends who didn't come.

That would be so unfair.

Similar things have happened many times in schools and campuses.

Luo Quan picked some for evaluation and analyzed the right and wrong.

Most of her fans will be sensible and basically agree with her point of view.

But after all, this is Station B, and on Weibo, she has already received a lot of complaints because of these remarks.

Many well-known female boxing Vs posted on Weibo that she is a typical behavior of seductive men, which is sabotaging their efforts.

But these people have no picture at all in front of Luo Quan, and she doesn't even want to talk to them.

With her current coffee position, does she need to argue with these people on the Internet who dare not even reveal their real identities?
What's more, what she said was objective, fair and neutral, without any personal emotion.

Fans called it the radiance of reason, but Luo Quan felt that he was just speaking out of justice.

As for those who attacked her, they were not qualified to keep her attention privately, as long as they didn't exist.

(End of this chapter)

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