Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 938 The Artist's Feast

Chapter 938 The Artist's Feast
"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's remarks last night?"

The next morning, there were hot searches on Zhihu discussing last night's speech.

This kind of confrontation between men and women is generally something that few celebrities are willing to come out to talk about. They all feel that this is a puddle of muddy water, and whoever steps on it will be unlucky.

Occasionally someone speaks out, but also with emotions, and even with ulterior motives.

And what Luo Quan said last night did not talk about a specific case that happened in society. Although it was general, it was fair enough.

However, in the eyes of those pastoral female boxers who can't take advantage or suffer, her remarks are tantamount to seductive men, so they often attack her.

Compared with Weibo and Douban, Zhihu has a much better environment. At least everyone speaks in a reasonable and logical way.

Below the relevant questions, the answer with the highest praise is as follows:
"Luo Quan always likes to use the most straightforward and objective language to analyze some acute issues in society.

She dares to say what others dare not say, and she dares to touch groups that others dare not touch.

Who gave her such courage?

It is an unparalleled talent, a resume with no black spots since her debut, and her sincere heart.

Her brain is always rational, she always discusses the matter, and she will only speak after enough investigation.

So every time she talks about it, she can always get the approval of most people and become the right party.

Is this not a kind of wisdom in life?
As for those who were dissed by Luoquan, of course, because their own interests were harmed, they would slander and insult her wantonly, just because they were poked at the pain point, or stoned and barked.

To describe it in one sentence, when a ray of light shines into a dark room, then this ray of light has original sin.

Luoquan is such a beam of light, and the good news is that no one seems to be able to do anything about it. "

Such a nasty compliment, but received more than [-] approvals, Luo Quan felt a little embarrassed after reading it.

How can she be so great, she is just expressing her own opinion, after all, unlike most stars, she needs to work hard to maintain her personality.

Or, to put it bluntly, it is her personality.

But no matter what, Luo Quan's speech this time really hit the arrogance of many pastoral female boxers.

Those people didn't dare to scold her too much, because the last batch of female boxers who scolded Luo Quan too much had already been sent to prison by her.

Most celebrities are scolded by lawyers' letters of warning, and it is rare to see that they will actually take action.

But Luo Quan was an exception. She really called the police if something happened. Luo Quan took away those female punches that were more dancing before.

Another interesting thing happened after taking it away, that is, these female boxers were eager for justice on the Internet and jumped up to confrontation.

As a result, almost all of them are men, and this reversal is beyond most people's expectations.

However, in the business of female boxing, if one group of people enters, a second group will soon make up for it, and it will not disappear completely because of a temporary setback.

But they all formed a consensus, that is, don't offend Luo Quan.

It's okay to follow the trend and complain about her among the vast number of sunspots, but don't be the first bird, otherwise you will be the next one to go to jail.

It is precisely because he is too invincible that Luo Quan has already won the title of No. [-] Internet Tianzi not to be messed with.

Those who dare to jump out and fight with her now need not only courage, but also a messy nerve.


"This dress is so big?" With the help of four people, Wen Xia put on the silicone prop costume with difficulty.

Fortunately, she now has martial arts, and her physical strength and strength are much greater than ordinary girls. Otherwise, such a large silicone suit would be quite laborious just to put it on.

"The setting is an obese woman who is close to [-] catties, so that she can form a sharp contrast with her skinny husband, which is more humorous."

Luo Quan glanced at Li Fala who was wearing a superman suit next to him, and said this.

Everyone compared left and right, and they were really happy when they thought that these two people were actually husband and wife.

"How is it? Is it too tight? Can you breathe smoothly?" Luo Quan asked after seeing Wen Xia's clothes put on.

"It's okay, as long as I don't let me do strenuous exercise, it's fine." Wen Xia moved her arms and found that the suit was not as restrictive as she imagined.

"Don't worry, you won't be asked to do difficult movements, they are all literary plays." Luo Quan said and put the silicone mask on Wen Xia.

A fat man who weighs a few hundred catties, if he still has the second most beautiful face in Asia, he will definitely not be able to do it.

Therefore, Wen Xia not only had to put a silicone mask on her face to increase her bloat, but also needed Luo Quan to do her own makeup in order to restore the image of Li Farah's wife in the original book.

The trouble must be a little troublesome, but fortunately Wen Xia's role in the scene is not too much.

A scene in the car and a scene in the house can be completed in a day if the speed is fast.

Certainly not today. I just put on the silicone suit today, and I still need to get used to it. It is estimated that the filming will start in the afternoon.

Half the morning was basically spent on dressing and putting on makeup for Wen Xia. Sure enough, in a movie, special effects are the most expensive, whether it is special effects in reality or on the screen.

After tossing until noon, it was time for dinner before any scenes were filmed.

Because of the bloated clothes, Wen Xia's arms were as swollen as a man with Michelin tires, so it was definitely impossible for him to eat by himself.

She couldn't take off the clothes she had put on, so she had to let Luo Quan feed her.

"What do you want to eat?" Luo Quan brought some boxed lunches, and there was also a heated box, which contained the Universal Feast she had brought back from Bai Xingwei.

"It's all right, I'm not picky about food." Wen Xia lay on the sofa like an old man, smiling smugly.

Not everyone can enjoy the treatment of Luo Quan feeding the meals in person, that is, she and Mia who will give birth in the future will be able to receive this special treatment.

"Aren't you a picky eater?" Luo Quan seemed to have heard a joke, "Didn't you just be a textbook picky eater when you were young, you didn't eat this or that."

"You know it was when you were a child? When you were a child, you even wet the bed in sixth grade!" Wen Xia unconvincedly revealed the shortcoming.

"Keep your voice down!" Luo Quan lowered his voice, with an anxious expression on his face, "It's been so long since you still remember it so clearly, it was an accident."

Because bedwetting was too embarrassing, Luo Quan also remembered it clearly.

I remember that it was a sweltering afternoon, she took a nap and dreamed that she was urgent to urinate.

And the scariest thing is that I found the toilet in my dream.

Need I say more about what happens when you urgency find the toilet?So Luo Quan soon cooled down.

When she realized it was too late, the whole bed was covered with maps drawn by herself.

Fortunately, it was a mat, so I quickly washed it and wiped out the evidence.

Who knew that Wen Xia came to visit suddenly, and pushed the door in without saying hello, just in time to see Luo Quan whose pants and mat were a little wet.

If there was a hole in the ground at this moment, Luo Quan would definitely get into it without hesitation.

It was precisely because of this bedwetting that Wen Xia made her laugh for a long time.

It is precisely because of this humiliating experience that Luo Quan, who has learned from the painful experience, understands two truths.

One is not to drink too much water before going to bed, and the second is that the room must be locked.

Whether you wet the bed or do something else in your room, a locked room can help you avoid the embarrassment of being run over by family and friends.

Now that ten years have passed, Luo Quan himself can't remember much. Unexpectedly, Wen Xia still remembered, and even used it to mock her. The key point is still so loud, Luo Quan is also a little impatient.

Fortunately, Wen Xia just used this matter to annoy her on purpose, and didn't say it again after mentioning it once.

"Dare to expose me again next time, and see how I deal with you!" Luo Quan threatened Wen Xia viciously.

But looking at Wen Xia's smiling face, it was obvious that she didn't take her threat too seriously.

"Open your mouth!" Luo Quan didn't bother to ask Wen Xia what he likes to eat, so he just opened a box lunch.

It's braised pork rice with beautiful juice, two braised eggs and some pickles.

Luo Quan poured the stewed meat on the rice and mixed it with a spoon, then took a large spoonful and brought it to Wen Xia's mouth.

"This way of eating is too sloppy, like feeding pigs." Wen Xia pouted dissatisfied, as if she was not very happy with Luo Quan's rude appearance.

"Isn't that how braised pork rice is eaten?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "Where are there so many requirements? Only eat like this before eating, so stop talking nonsense and open your mouth."

There was no way, the food was already brought to his mouth, and Wen Xia could only open his mouth.

Luo Quan spooned a bucket and stuffed it in like making nucleic acid.

She only fed Luoxi before, and Luoxi ate a bottle, which was different from the current situation, so although Luoquan was as gentle as possible, he still seemed a little rough.

Fortunately, Wen Xia can still bear it, and the taste of the food is really delicious, so I eat it with relish.

In addition, from time to time, Luo Quan would take a piece of meat similar to fried chicken from the lunch box next to it and put it into the rice, which made the aroma of braised pork rice even better.

This meal was probably the happiest Wen Xia had eaten in a while, after all, Luo Quan fed the meal himself.

After eating and drinking enough, Wen Xia asked Luo Quan to check her phone, she wanted to check Weibo.

"You're pushing your limits." Luo Quan stared at Wen Xia, his fists already clenched.

Wen Xia replied confidently: "I'm so full that I won't be able to fall asleep for a while. I must be swiping my phone and digesting my lunch before I can rest."

"Okay, I'll get used to you again." After all, Luo Quan had nothing to do with her, so he opened the entertainment section of his phone's Weibo.

"Take a look at today's hot search number one, and click in." Wen Xia only glanced at the hot search, and immediately asked Luo Quan to act.

Luo Quan did as he did, and by the way he watched it himself.

The number one hot search today is related to a foreigner.

It was recently that South Korea’s national idol, Li Quanying, had her house collapsed. Her fans in Korea personally posted an article in Chinese on Weibo, revealing Li Quanying’s real identity.

As a girl group idol who just debuted through a talent show last year, Li Quanying's current popularity is very high in China, Japan and South Korea.

Of course, Huaxia is not yet top class, after all, men's and women's groups are no longer popular here.

But it's definitely not much worse than second-tier stars, and there are quite a lot of online fans.

As a native Korean, Li Quanying has won the favor of many Chinese passers-by because of his interest in Chinese culture.

Including that she knows many places of interest in China, can speak some simple Chinese and so on.

As a foreigner who has a meal in China, this is already quite dedicated.

But all of this ended in the hands of the fan who turned back.

This fan posted an article revealing that Li Quanying is not a pure-blooded Korean.

Her parents and grandparents are all Chinese of pure blood, and her whole family has never been a Korean citizen so far.

In other words, all the national welfare privileges she enjoys in South Korea are fraudulent. Her grandfather and father have not yet been naturalized in order to avoid military service.

But before that, all fans in the fan circle thought she was a pure-blooded Korean, but who knew she was a pure-blooded Chinese.

And how did this come to light?

In fact, Li Quanying has always concealed it very well before. When learning Chinese with Huaxia fans, she also showed a ignorant look, which made people feel very cute.

Until the most recent Lianmai.

Because the end of the year is approaching, the fans taught me: Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring the red envelopes.

Before this, Li Quanying's fans did not teach her this sentence, and South Korea does not have red envelope culture.

But when Li Quanying said this, she subconsciously made a gesture of reaching out for a red envelope.

At that time, no one had discovered this. After all, this behavior was too common for Chinese people, just as normal as clasping fists when saying Happy New Year.

But with the publication of the article that broke the news about Li Quanying, this video has also become a solid hammer to confirm Li Quanying's identity as a Chinese.

If it is a normal Korean family, it will definitely not be able to make this gesture.

As a result, Korean kpop fans completely broke their defenses.

I think they were the ones who voted for Li Quanying to debut at the beginning, but they didn't expect that she was a Chinese in the end, and she also replaced the C position of the real Korean idol.

In addition, the second one who broke the defense was not the Huaxia fans, but Li Quanying's Japanese fans.

Because of that talent show back then, the Sakura girl from Japan was also expected to make her C debut.

But because he is not Korean, he was rejected by Li Quanying.

Now it turns out that Li Quanying is not Korean, so isn't Sakura Girl more wronged than Dou E?

Therefore, Japanese fans became the second group to break the defense and turn to black.

And the third one, of course, is Huaxia's fans and passers-by.

Originally, Li Quanying was a pure-blood Chinese, but after this kind of incident, Chinese netizens can still say a few words for her from the perspective of compatriots.

But because Li Quanying described Huaxia's phoenix hairpin as a Korean style at Paris Fashion Week, this offended Huaxia's netizens again.

So far, Kwon Ying, the national idol of Hallyu, has become the second big star to be boycotted by China, Japan and South Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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