Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 939 The Artist's Feast

Chapter 939 The Artist's Feast ([-])

The last celebrity who won the honor of being boycotted by China, Japan and South Korea was Luo Quan. Because of some misunderstandings, he was scolded miserably at that time.

But the misunderstanding was quickly resolved, and netizens also apologized to her one after another.

And since then, Luoquan's reputation on the Internet has basically not deteriorated, and it has been going smoothly until now.

As for Li Quanying, this is not a misunderstanding, all the black spots are real, anyway, her reputation in Japan and South Korea is completely rotten.

Huaxia netizens didn't care about her nationality and identity, but because they said Phoenix was from Korea before, this violated the taboo of Huaxia netizens.

What netizens hate most is that their culture is stolen by other countries, not to mention that Li Quanying is still a Korean on the surface.

In a country with a criminal record like this, it is even more hateful to have similar remarks, so her domestic reputation has plummeted overnight, and she has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

But at this time, fans are still washing the ground for her, saying that this hairpin is actually not a phoenix, but a Suzaku from Four Elephants, which is not the same thing.

But netizens also have something to say, whether it is Phoenix or Suzaku, they are all Chinese things.

If you call it a Korean style, it is wrong, it is essentially stealing.

"It seems that this has not been popular for a year."

Wen Xia sighed after reading the ins and outs of the hot search.

Wen Xia had heard about this Li Quanying as a leader in the five generations of girl groups last year.

Wen Xia herself is the leader of the four-generation girl group. Although she is no longer in the girl group circle, she is still very concerned about this industry.

After all, his previous dream was to let Huaxia's girl group go to the world. Although he achieved it, it was a pity that it was only a flash in the pan, and since then, the domestic idol idol business in Huaxia has basically ceased to exist.

Regret There must be some regrets, but at least she succeeded.

As a senior in the industry, Li Quanying had interacted with her many times before.

At that time, many people were very optimistic about this cute and beautiful girl, but they didn't expect that there were so many black materials hidden behind her.

It has been less than a year since she reached the peak and her house collapsed, and the ups and downs of her life are indeed embarrassing.

It can only be said that not everyone can sit firmly on the throne of traffic, and if Luoquan is not equal in talent and morality, overturning is a high probability event.

"In this environment, it's too difficult to survive a year." Luo Quan, as someone who has experienced it, has too much right to speak.

These current popular male or female stars, when they become popular, it is really a tsunami, and her name can be seen everywhere, and the popularity is in a mess.

But either there is a lack of continuous exposure of high-quality works, and it doesn't take long for everyone to disappear.

Either they were dug up by their opponents, and fans suddenly discovered that the personal appearance of these celebrities was so different from the perfect image in the TV series.

Compared with the years when old stars became popular, the lifespan of stars in the entertainment circle is too short.

It is also because of this that Luo Quan cherishes his feathers so much.

People with slightly worse reputations and variety shows will not cooperate, just because they don't want their career to be stained.

"So-and-so has been popular for four years. Is so-and-so in Versailles?" Wen Xia glanced at Luo Quan and said sourly.

"How can this be Versailles?" Luo Quan spread his hands innocently, "I'm just expressing my personal opinion, okay?"

Wen Xia snorted, expressing her disbelief at all: "Flip to the next news."

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry." Luo Quan slowly retreated from Li Quanying's hot search, and gently swiped his finger down.

"By the way, why don't you do a manicure?" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan's fingers carved like white jade and asked, "If you do a manicure, how beautiful would it be?"

"It's easy to say." Luo Quan chuckled, "How can I cook for you lazy dogs after you have manicures? By then, your nails will look like zombies, and you can't even hold a knife steadily. Could it be that you are like Ah San's hand pilaf?"

"That's true." Wen Xia nodded, she took it for granted.

"Besides, after doing the manicure, what should I do to wipe my butt after the convenience is over? I imagined it. Isn't that equivalent to picking up paper with chopsticks..."

Luo Quan analyzed seriously, but was immediately interrupted by Wen Xia: "Okay, this picture is already vivid enough, I just had lunch, don't let me come out."

"Is that an exaggeration?" Luo Quan looked puzzled.

"Hey, you really are." Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan, not knowing what to say.

From a long time ago, she felt that her best friend is good at everything, she can go out of the living room and enter the kitchen, she is beautiful and sweet, her voice is sweet and sassy, ​​her figure is top-notch, she can be called tolerant.

Everywhere is so perfect, almost no flaws can be found.

Unfortunately, there are almost no shortcomings.

If you insist on finding it, it's that she speaks and does things too informally, and sometimes some of her speeches are simply unimaginable.

Just like before, getting a manicure can also be associated with wiping your butt.

Isn't that what I said that I kill people like hemp, and you ask me if my eyes are dry.

Besides, manicures are not limited to excavators with long nails. There are also normal-length manicures, and they are just as beautiful.

However, Wen Xia didn't plan to argue with Luo Quan, because it didn't make much sense.

"Hurry up and turn the news." Wen Xia urged.

Luo Quan gave her a blank look, and then did as he did.

The second trending search that caught their attention was "artists in China".

This is a new variety show, and more than half of the invited guests are amateurs.

The theme of this variety show is to let those artists who are preparing to participate in the Art Olympiad show their works on the show and let professionals comment on them.

Although this variety show cannot have any impact on the results of the preliminaries, it is a great opportunity to gain fame and popularity.

There are many similar variety shows, and since the news of the Art Olympiad came out, capital that sees business opportunities all want to take a share.

Just like last year's Huaxia Kung Fu, doing whatever is popular is the commonality of capital in the traffic era.

Now the flow of art is the highest, and of course everyone is willing to join in.

And compared to martial arts, which are slightly rude and difficult to get started, the threshold of art is undoubtedly lower, and it can also be arty and tasteful.

Therefore, the popularity of art this time is three points more violent than the popularity of martial arts last year, which can be called the participation of the whole people.

In addition to this "Chinese Artists" and several art variety shows under preparation, the preliminaries for the Art Olympics are also in full swing.

Although the main competition will only start next year, because there are too many participants involved, the preliminaries will start now.

Luo Quan signed up for a lot of projects this time. Classical music alone includes piano pieces, violin pieces, organ pieces and symphonies.

There are more types of pop music, rock, pop, soul, rap, country...

Having won the Grammy Award, Luo Quan almost signed up.

There is no guarantee for classical music, but the status of the Grammy Awards in the pop music industry is absolutely unquestionable, and the dream winners are all the best of the year.

Although some of the honors awarded in the first two years caused quite a bit of controversy, since he started sweeping the Grammys, there have been basically no more controversial voices.

Why?Because she is the undisputed best in pop music in recent years!
So no matter how many awards are given to her, the others will be convinced.

It is said that there is no first in writing, but when the work is so good that others cannot compare with it, then it can be reflected in which is higher.

As far as lyrical pop music is concerned, Luo Quan's "Eternal Love" and "My Heart Will Go On", which song is not the existence of a crowd of popular female singers.

There is no need to give examples of other types of songs. Luo Quan's current status in the arena is because she can produce songs on the same level as "Eternal Love" and "My Heart Will Eternal" in every musical field. come out.

And not just one!
Without this level, how can he deserve the title of best singer of the new century?
Therefore, the outside world generally believes that in the field of pop music in this Art Olympiad, Luo Quan is going to kill the Quartet.

Just like the "Flying Fish" in the Beijing Olympics back then, one person won more than a dozen gold medals.

Of course, compared with popular music, the gold content of classical music must be higher.

It’s not to say that the past is more important than the present, but that the musicality of classical music is indeed much higher than that of pop music.

A nice pop song can sometimes be composed with just one or two simple melodies.

But for a classical symphony, the complexity of the melody may be dozens or hundreds of times that of the former, and this is the gap.

Therefore, in terms of traffic, modern pop music may be even better.

When discussing historical status and influence, classical music must be much higher.

The focus of Luo Quan's competition this time is the field of classical music, which is also the task assigned to her by Director He.

She decided to use "Canon" for the preliminaries of the piano composition, which is also called the most beautiful melody in the world by fans.

As far as she knows, this song still appears on the B list from time to time.

It has been three years since it was released, and it was on the chart for 35 weeks at the longest time, which is quite rare for a piece of pure music.

But there is no way, this song is just like its creator, it is so beautiful, people just like to listen to it.

With the song "Canon" leading the charge, there should be no opponents in the preliminaries, so there is no need to worry too much.

As for violin composition, Luo Quan has never composed it before, but there is still time to do it right away.

"By the way, have you been invited to this variety show?" After Wen Xia read the introduction, she found that Luo Quan's level was enough to participate in this variety show, and she was even qualified to be a tutor.

After all, she is the only one who has won both Oscars and Grammys in China. This resume is only six words, but it is much more convincing than the long list of career awards of others.

"There should be an invitation, but I didn't check the mailbox carefully." Luo Quan blinked innocently, "You know, there are too many programs that send me invitations, both at home and abroad, but I haven't." The agent helped to deal with it, if I read every letter, I don’t know how tiring it is.”

"Tut tsk tsk." Wen Xia shook her head for a while, "Look, is this a human language?"

"Perhaps this is the so-called death of drought and death of waterlogging." Luo Quan himself pretended to get up in Versailles.

"Whose land is dying of drought?" Su Yu listened halfway, and came over to ask curiously.

Although he didn't get a role this time, he could only watch the whole process.

But both the boss and Wen Xia's acting skills have a lot for her to learn, so he also said that he will go to work with the crew, and when others are acting, she will also watch from the side and watch it very seriously.

"Where did you hear that? The boss was talking about the variety show announcement. He said that there were too many invitations in the mailbox, and he couldn't even read them. Zhengchou didn't know what to do." Wen Xia explained to her helplessly. road.

"Are you still worried?" Su Yu's eyes widened, "Boss, you are so full that you don't know if you are hungry. We all stay at home all day and don't know what to do. You have so many announcements and you still hate it."

"It's shameless, isn't it?" Wen Xia chuckled and helped Su Yu say what she dared not say.

"That's not what I said." Su Yu hurriedly raised his hand as a sign of surrender.

"Hmph, you guys are becoming more and more daring now, even the boss dares to make arrangements, be careful I will deduct your wages!" Luo Quan's expression was fierce, trying to establish his majesty as the boss.

But looking at the expressions of Wen Xia and Su Yu, it is obvious that they did not take the threat of salary deduction to heart.

After all, these two are not the ones who are short of money. The money they earned before was basically invested following Luo Quan's pace, and now they are already making a lot of money.

A while ago, the U.S. stock market took a big plunge, and many investors suffered heavy losses.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, sold most of the stocks in advance, and the two of them followed suit to minimize the loss.

Everyone regards Luo Quan's cash-out operation at a high point as a hand of God, but no one knows that Luo Quan's cash-out operation is entirely to increase his holdings of Nikola stock.

Compared with the electronic technology industry that has shrunk collectively due to the chain reaction of the mine tide, investing in new energy vehicles is the best choice.

However, if he had a choice, Luo Quan would rather put his money in the bank and earn interest.

Now that the economy is getting worse and worse, Chinese concept stocks have collectively plunged, and the market value has dropped by an unknown amount from its peak.

Blind investment, it is better to eat that bit of dead interest.

In short, Su Yu and Wen Xia have made money with Luo Quan anyway, and they have achieved financial freedom at a young age.

The next goal in life is of course to improve my status in the Chinese entertainment industry, to shoot more and better works, and to get more people's recognition.

Luo Quan said that she was holding back a big move.

So both Wen Xia and Su Yu were patiently waiting for Luo Quan's big move.

All they need to do is to hone their acting skills well, lest they can't keep up with Luo Quan's big moves because of their own reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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