Chapter 940

The filming task went much smoother than expected, Wen Xia's scene was almost finished in just one afternoon.

This is good news for her, at least it won't take so long to put on makeup and wear silicone suits tomorrow.

After taking off the silicone, Wen Xia's T-shirt was completely soaked.

The generous costumes were completely airtight, and the not-so-cool climate in early autumn made Wen Xia sweat hard.

"This one-day filming is more intense than my one-week exercise." Wen Xia wiped her forehead with a wet towel, and she felt that she had lost at least four catties.

"You can be a master only if you suffer from hardships." Luo Quan comforted Wen Xia while handing a wet towel.

"Okay, let's do this first." Wen Xia wiped off the sweat on his face, "I have to take a good shower when I get back to the hotel."

Girls are more or less clean freaks, not to mention how uncomfortable it is to be in a sticky situation like this.

But there is no way, in order to film, one should endure these discomforts.

After all, there is no job in this world that is comfortable to do.

"Then let's call it a day, everyone rest early, let's continue tomorrow." Luo Quan raised his arms and ended today's filming.

Just like what she said before, "Crazy Racing" doesn't need to rush the deadline, and the shooting difficulty is low, so it can be more leisurely; some.

In the past, the production team would not get off work until after six o'clock, and occasionally had to rush to get off work at night, but this time they can only finish work at five o'clock.

The wages are settled on a daily basis. Without overtime, of course, the sooner the better, so the employees cheered.

Back in the hotel room, the first thing Wen Xia did was to get naked, and then rushed into the bathroom impatiently.

"Pay attention to the influence, Su Yu and I haven't gone out yet." Luo Quan sat on the bed and shouted to Wen Xia helplessly.

"It's not that you haven't seen it before, what are you afraid of?" Wen Xia shouted in the bathroom with the sound of water.

In front of her own people, she has always acted so boldly.

It was like this when I was swimming at the beach, and it was also like this when I was soaking in hot springs under Mount Fuji.

But it is indeed like what Wen Xia said, they have met each other honestly for countless times, and there is really nothing to be shy about.

Moreover, she and Luo Quan grew up wearing a pair of trousers, so it doesn't matter how close they are, it belongs to the level of rubbing each other's backs in the shower.

Of course, the two of them really haven't rubbed each other much, after all, the number of times they have bathed together is one of the few.

"Then you wash slowly, and I'll go back first." Luo Quan got up and was about to leave when nothing happened around him, Su Yu followed closely behind and returned to his room.

After Luo Quan returned to the room, the first thing he did was of course turn on the live broadcast.

There are not many scenes to film today, and there is nothing to cut, so I met the fans directly.

"Wow, the live broadcast started so early today?"

"Are you not filming today?"

"It seems to be only 05:30."

"It seems that Luo Bao missed me so much, so he skipped work and came to meet me."


"Hahaha, your shameless appearance is really like me." Luo Quan couldn't help laughing when he saw the barrage.

"I told you guys before that the shooting task this time is not particularly heavy, so I have time to broadcast live to everyone in the evening. Not only is it so early today, but it may be so early in the future."

But I didn't expect Luo Quan's truth to tell the truth, which made a group of fans break their defenses:
"Ham, I thought you were reluctant to part with us."

"It seems that we thought too much, and after all, we paid by mistake."

"Luo Bao, why don't you tell a lie and satisfy my fantasy?"

"Receive the taste, don't just YY at every turn."


Faced with the sad words of the fans, Luo Quan also seemed very innocent: "The adults told us since we were young that good children cannot lie."

The explanation was so flimsy that few fans bought it.

However, they didn't get too entangled in this, but asked:
"Luo Bao, do you have any new moves for the recent Art Olympiad?"

"You must have applied for many projects this time. I don't know if you have applied for anything other than music."

"How many gold medals does Luo Bao plan to win this time?"

"The preliminaries are about to start, can you tell everyone about your competition repertoire?"


Among these questions, many of them need to be kept confidential, so they should not be asked during the live broadcast.

But when the strength is high enough, there will be no more taboos, and directly leaking the secret in advance will not have any impact on the result.

So after reading the fans' questions, Luo Quan replied directly: "There are indeed a lot of applications for this project, and besides music, I also applied for oil paintings."

Fans were shocked by this answer:

"I never heard that you can also draw."

"It's normal. My Luo Bao is famous for his versatility."

"Just take a self-portrait and call it Luoquan Lisa's smile."

"Davenlo, huh?"

"This can be. After hundreds of years, this handed down painting may be the same as the Louvre, leaving infinite reverie for future generations."

"It is suggested to hide some difficult passwords in the oil painting, and let future generations decipher them, and then set the real answer to three Chinese characters—for fun."

"Fart is still your skin, if you really do this, it's too ridiculous."

"A real master will always have a funny heart."


I have to say that this proposal from fans is really interesting.

The mysterious and difficult codes were left in the handed down works, and later generations racked their brains to answer them, thinking that they could get some treasure, but the final answer was so absurd.

Just such twists and turns, it can be regarded as an anecdote.

Of course, the premise is that the person who decrypts the decryption has a broad mind, otherwise it is easy to have a cerebral hemorrhage after knowing the truth.

However, the fan's proposal is interesting and interesting, but she has no plans to do these tasks yet.

As for the paintings she wants to copy, she doesn't intend to choose Da Vinci's.

This all-rounder has great attainments in oil painting, but Luo Quan prefers Van Gogh in comparison.

Also as a genius, Van Gogh's life was far more miserable than Da Vinci's.

When he was alive, the paintings he painted could not be sold at all, he was ridiculed and hurt by the people around him, he was poor, and he also lost his memory in love.

However, it is such a loser in life who has achieved tremendous success in art.

He turned all the pain he suffered into the talent under his brush.

With his warm emotions, he painted those handed down works that are so beautiful that they make people cry in countless nights of painstaking efforts.

This is what is called, the world kisses me badly, and I return it with a song.

Suffering made Van Gogh spur himself and bring his talent to this world.

It's a pity that God didn't miss this genius.

His masterpieces were not really appreciated until after his death.

Even if the prices of these paintings were skyrocketed by later generations, Van Gogh himself would no longer be able to know, which is undoubtedly the greatest regret.

If possible, Luo Quan really hopes that Van Gogh can sit in the time machine and come to the world hundreds of years later to see how great he is in the mouths of future generations.

Such a scene must be very touching.

The good news is that there is also Van Gogh in this world, but Luo Quan looked at his sunflowers carefully, and they are completely different from those painted by Van Gogh in his previous life.

Each has its own beauty, but it can hardly be said that it is a thing.

Therefore, Luo Quan has been thinking about reappearing Van Gogh's sunflowers to the world, so that the world can appreciate the fiery beauty born in pain and suffering.

Now that the art olympiad is being held, it is a godsend opportunity. She will meticulously paint this bright and beautiful oil painting, just as seriously as she is outlining the makeup of her beautiful face.

But now she still has to keep it a secret, temporarily hiding it from fans for a while, and then show it out after "Sunflower" is finished, to give everyone a surprise.

So she just briefly mentioned the matter of painting, and then the topic changed to music.

As I said before, there is already a piano piece for classical music, and it is the well-received "Canon of Luoquan".

And the violin music can still be revealed to fans so far. Seeing that the domestic preliminaries are about to start, Luo Quan does not intend to hide it anymore, and decided to show it to everyone today.

As a fan of Luoquan, I was naturally very lucky to witness the process of Luoquan from scratch.

"I didn't bring a violin with me when I went out, I just called the piano store to rent one.

I'll write down the tune now, and I'll play it for everyone when the piano arrives. "

As Luo Quan said, he took out a piece of A4 paper from the suitcase.

This was originally used by her to write the plot and lines of the movie, but with a ruler to draw horizontal lines, it can also be used as a stave.

"Can you tell me about the style?"

"The style is classical music, what's the point?"

"That's not what he meant. What he wanted to ask should be emotions, such as joy or sadness, affection or passion."


Facing the fan's question, Luo Quan, who had just drawn the horizontal line, replied: "The overall tone of this song is rather sad, but I think after this song comes out, many UP owners may use it in funny scenes. .

For example, those series with standard endings, and the series of foreigners who die. "

This answer aroused the doubts of fans:
"It shouldn't be. These series are the ones where people commit suicide and suffer heavy injuries. Can this be considered a funny scene?"

"Funny is opposite to sad, because people tend to base their happiness on the pain of others."

"Yes, the smile on your face didn't disappear, it just moved to me."

"Refer to the joke from hell."

"Haha, no wonder I laughed so hard watching these videos, that's what happened."

"It's broken, it seems that today's merit will be gone again."

"Knock 1 and we will deduct merit together."


Netizens who often surf can still get this point. Sometimes others' sad reminders are really something that can make people laugh out loud to themselves.

I just don't know what Luo Quan's song will look like, and she can say it so sadly.

Speaking of pathos, Le Saint Beethoven has a piece called pathos.

In addition, there is a song "Fate" with a similar style.

These are world-renowned songs that you can experience strong emotions just by listening to the beginning. I don’t know if this song by Luo Quan can achieve the same effect.

While the fans were discussing, they saw Luo Quan write the name of the piece on the stave.

It seems a bit ordinary, not as artistic as fate, sorrow, moonlight, etc., and the expectations are slightly lower.

As for the music, although Luo Quan did not hide it from anyone when he wrote the notes, there are not many people in the live broadcast room who just like to listen to classical music.

Those who can understand the staves are even rarer.

So Luo Quan wrote page after page, but no one saw what was going on, and he had to wait until the violin was delivered to find out.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly the door rang, Luo Quan thought it was the violin, and hurried to open the door.

Unexpectedly, it was Wen Xia with disheveled hair who walked in.

"Why are you?" Luo Quan said slightly disappointed.

"What's your attitude? Does my appearance annoy you?" Wen Xia felt puzzled.

"I'm waiting for someone here, so I thought the person I was waiting for came." Luo Quan closed the door and returned to the desk.

"I'm just bored and came here to brag to you. The person you're waiting for hasn't come yet, but he will come later." Wen Xia said as she sat on the bed, pulled a clean towel and wiped her hair.

After wiping it a few times, she remembered and asked, "This towel should be clean?"

"It's clean, I only wiped my feet." Luo Quan said with a smirk.

"Oh... En!" Wen Xia froze, her eyes widened.

"I'm lying to you." Luo Quan laughed triumphantly, "Auntie Cleaning just brought these here, and they are all clean."

"Cut, I know how to make some irrelevant jokes." Wen Xia twitched.

"Okay, I'm going to compose a song, please keep quiet." Luo Quan didn't talk to Wen Xiaduo anymore, turned around and continued to write the melody of the song by heart.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help but be amused by the wronged sisters of Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

When the two are together, there is almost no peaceful coexistence, and they always try to block each other with defenses.

But in the eyes of fans, this way of getting along is really loving and full of CP.

If Luo Quan looked up at the bullet screen at this time, he would definitely sneer at the fans' so-called CP feeling.

CP?The daily life between her and Wen Xia only hurt each other.

Fortunately, Wen Xia knows the importance. When she sees Luo Quan is creating, she quietly plays with her mobile phone in the room. From time to time, she enters Luo Quan's live broadcast room, looks at her face from behind, and then uses the trumpet to send some comparisons. Skin barrage.

After about 10 minutes passed like this, the violin rented by Luo Quan was finally delivered, and it was Wen Xia who got up and brought it in.

Luo Quan continued to write songs, and prepared to perform the rest to the audience after finishing the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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