Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 941 Song of the Wanderer

Chapter 941 Song of the Wanderer

"All right!"

In anticipation of the fans, Luo Quan finally finished writing the song, and then showed them the content of the stave.

"You don't have to show us this."

"Play it quickly, I don't understand this either."

"You're too overestimating the level of barrage, Luo Bao."


Netizens in the live broadcast room are playing the truth, if they don’t understand it, they don’t understand it, and they won’t look at the staves and praise the writing there.

Luo Quan didn't say anything about it, just smiled and started to tune the violin.

After tuning, put your chin against the cheek rest: "The next song I will bring to you is called "Song of the Wanderer"!"

Before, netizens were still worried whether this song could have the charm of instantly grabbing people's hearts like other famous songs.

When the military region @罗泉 played the first melody, everyone understood how superfluous their worries were.

Just at the beginning, the sad and wild tune swept over, shaking the hearts of all listeners.

Then, the weeping violin sound told a sad and desolate story, revealing the mournful and lingering emotions under the grief and indignation.

The whole piece lasted more than eight minutes, but only the first ten or so seconds had already conquered all the listeners.

After Luo Quan finished playing, he smiled and looked at the camera: "How is it? This "Song of the Vagabond" is not bad, does it have a feeling of desolation that has nowhere to say?"

At this time, the barrage has already heard a lot of praise:

"As expected of you, Luo Bao, this song is really easy to hear from beginning to end."

"Speaking of which, is this a temporary creation by you just now, or has it been written long ago?"

"If it was created temporarily, it would be too scary."

"Although impromptu composition sounds outrageous, but I think Yi Luoquan's talent can really do it, even for this level of music."

"Indeed, no matter how outrageous things happen to Luo Quan, they become so normal."


In the face of fans' questions, Luo Quan chose to tell the truth: "Although temporary creation can be more legendary, this song is actually contrived before."

Despite the confession, this did not reduce the enthusiasm of fans to praise her.

Just now the entire screen was covered by awesomeness, but now there is less awesomeness, replaced by "Luobao, you are my god" that fills the screen.

This passage is a hot word on the Internet recently, and it comes from the scene of an idol talent show.

A well-known actress knelt down and shouted "XX, you are my God" to a newly debuted idol.

Because it was too magical, it was dug out after many years and became popular on the Internet.

Of course, now this passage is usually used in ridicule, and it has a more joking feel.

But if it is used here now, it is a sincere expression of admiration for Luo Quan.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan has never composed a classical symphony since he attended his mother's wedding.

There was a piece of classical music "Bell" in the new album before, but it was a piano solo.

And this "Song of the Wanderer" is mainly composed of violins, but in Luo Quan's staff, it is stated that there must be an orchestra as a foil.

The difficulty of a classical symphony is probably only known to those who study music.

It's also fortunate that Luo Quan said that this song was written by him before, if it is true that he wrote it impromptu, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

It is true that geniuses can do things that ordinary people cannot understand, but it is really rare to see a genius like Luo Quan who does not pay attention to the basic law.

It's no wonder that fans would spare no effort to praise her. If such a talented beauty idol doesn't praise her, should they praise those fresh meats who seem to be sorry for the audience and have no skills?
Obviously, most people's aesthetics have not been rewritten to the point where there is no distinction between good and bad.

And just after Luo Quan finished playing this song, related problems soon appeared on Zhihu.

In this place where young bourgeois gather, the response to topics such as classical and art is often quite fast.

After the Art Olympiad was confirmed, the popularity of Zhihu has increased significantly, because people who are arty or really like art have found a common topic to discuss their hobbies.

Moreover, this topic is very popular, and it can be searched almost every day.

Just like online games, games with high popularity and many people will be more attractive to newcomers.

So is a hot topic.

And a topic like art, which is a little bit threshold, is too superior to talk about in front of ordinary people, it is simply a sharp weapon.

Sentences such as "I am in the United States, just got off the plane" can be used more smoothly, and then it will directly become "I am in the United States, just got off the plane, and I am going to see Monet's painting exhibition to reflect the charm of Impressionism. "

In fact, the person who said this may not know what is Impressionism, what is Fauvism, and what is Surrealism.

But as soon as this kind of expression is spoken, it seems so unusual.

In the past, the young bourgeois liked to talk like this.

But before, it was about participating in Paris Fashion Week, or other things related to fashion and the entertainment industry.

Now that the Art Olympiad is in full swing, it has naturally become an art salon.

At present, the discussions on Art Olympics on Zhihu have exceeded 8000 million.

This data is already quite high for Zhihu. In the past, only when there was an explosive international news, the popularity could reach about [-] million, and usually it could not last for a day.

And the heat of the Art Olympics has not come down for three or four days in a row.

After Luo Quan's "Song of the Vagabond" came out, another can of gasoline was added to the already burning flame.

The art of music is always so shocking. Compared with oil paintings and sculptures that require a certain level of appreciation to support, there is no particularly high threshold for the beauty of hearing melody.

Many people say that classical music is much, much more complicated than pop music, but that's only for creators.

For listeners, as long as they can calm down, they can easily feel the beauty of classical music.

Not to mention songs like "Canon" and "To Alice", which have extremely catchy melodies.

Therefore, more than half of Zhihu's art lovers are talking about music.

And Luo Quan's piece is undoubtedly a rare masterpiece in classical music.

Below the related question, the first highlighted answer said this:

"Luoquan always surprises us when we are not prepared.

When the new album "Bell" was released before, people were already surprised and ecstatic.

It is really a beautiful piece that only gods can make, it is as mysterious and crisp as a bell, and it is the best classical piano piece in recent decades in my mind.

And this time "Song of the Vagabond" is the same, everyone knows that she went to Hengdian to shoot a new movie, filming during the day and live broadcasting at night.

Even with such a busy local schedule, she was still able to find time to compose this violin piece that saddens the listener and tears the listener.

I always feel that her time is different from normal people. Others have 24 hours a day, but she may have 48 hours.

So sometimes it really makes people wonder how she squeezed out her time.

Of course, I am not saying that this song is not good, on the contrary, it is this song that is so good that the tune can make people's emotions fluctuate to this point.

"Bell" is the best piano piece in recent decades, and "Song of the Wanderer" is definitely the best violin piece in recent decades! "

Under normal circumstances, Zhihu's answer will be criticized if there is praise.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and of course there are many people who hold different views on the same thing.

But this time under the questions related to Luoquan, the comments are surprisingly consistent.

In the case that the first answer has already praised her, the second answer still chooses to make persistent efforts:
"I often say that Luo Quan is not only the hope of the Chinese pop music scene, but also the hope of the world's classical music scene.

It is said that the Chinese pop music scene is about to end, and the songs on the pop charts are not as good as those second-rate songs ten years ago, let alone those great gods at the beginning of the century.

There is no doubt that music is driving backwards. It is not that people favor the past and the present, but that people today are really not up to date.

However, it is not only the Chinese pop music scene that is driving backwards, but also the Japanese, European and American pop music scenes.

Even, the entire music industry is the same.

As far as classical composition is concerned, is there any work that can be heard now that is comparable to the masterpieces of 200 years ago?

It's rare, only Luo Quan has such skill.

Her works are masterpieces in the true sense, not to mention compared with these top existing composers, even if they were placed one or two hundred years ago, they are not inferior to those classical music masters.

Don't think I'm flattering, I really think that Luo Quan's music is really excellent, and she deserves such praise.

In my opinion, this Art Olympiad is a critical period for her to completely establish her position in the music festival.

Look, "Song of the Wanderer" is just the beginning, and there will definitely be better surprises in the future! "


Facing the live broadcast camera, Luo Quan read out the compliment word by word.

After reading it, he still looked proud: "See, the eyes of the masses are discerning, and this Art Olympiad is bound to shine."

Although the fans knew that Luo Quan was talking, but seeing her flirtatious appearance, they just didn't want to go along with it:
"Luo Bao, you're somewhat drifting."

"The hidden dragon and crouching tiger of the world, you say that now, what if the car reverses then?"

"Can't you just hope that someone will order it better? If you reverse the car, you will reverse the car. It's not bad for one or two gold medals."

"Good guy, the preliminaries haven't even started yet, and we're starting to discuss the ownership of the gold medal."

“Classic early opening of champagne.”


Facing the complaints from the fans, Luo Quan chuckled and said, "These are all your fantasies, I just thought this netizen's answer was very interesting, so I read it out.

I didn't say that the Olympic gold medal is stable every ten years. "

"Then why are you laughing so presumptuously? Those who didn't know thought you had already won the championship." Wen Xia next to him suddenly came up with a make-up.

"Laughing doesn't make people laugh?" Luo Quan spread his hands in surprise, "This is a bit domineering."

"It's normal, just be strict with Luo Bao."

"Otherwise it's easy to float."

"It is said that Luo Bao can record the songs in this competition into an album. After winning the gold medal, the lineup of songs in this album will definitely be stronger than ever."

"You still think about it."


Luo Quan's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the barrage: "This is really a good idea, and it's equivalent to releasing a new album, which means that my next new album can be justifiably postponed." It's been a long time."

Speaking of this, Luoquan hiahia laughed strangely.

Netizens immediately protested when they heard that she was so sneaky and cunning:

"How can you borrow a donkey down a slope like this?"

"Luo Bao, you have changed. You have become less and less upright."

"I really didn't expect to have such an angle."

"When it comes to being lazy, it's you, no one else can compare."

"If the song is good enough, it's not impossible."

"You must not make such an opening, or you will often see her operate like this in the future."

"Indeed, in the future, if I make a movie and write a few soundtracks, the entire movie soundtrack album, and then call it a new album, wouldn't it make her delay for a few more months?"

"Yeah, I haven't remembered it if you don't tell me."


I have to say that the minds of netizens are often so jumpy and straight to the point.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, Luo Quan really didn't think about it that way.

The reason why I said that was just to make a joke.

In order to avoid being popular with fans, Luo Quan explained: "I was just joking, please don't take it seriously.

Of course, the songs in the competition cannot be regarded as new albums. After all, many of them will be old songs from the past, and the number of new songs is very limited.

But in terms of quality, there will definitely be no problems.

However, there will be no charge for participating songs, so everyone will just need to contribute more hits at that time. "

When Luo Quan said this, the fans' hearts were finally relieved.

They were really afraid that Luo Quan would use such an excuse to be lazy.

Everyone knows that she is a rare big salted fish, who can lie down and never stand up.

Faced with such a good reason to be lazy, it is really rare to be able to resist using it.

After Luo Quan came out of the mountain this time, he really changed a lot compared to before.

Not only is it more accommodating to the fans, but also a lot more diligent, which is really gratifying.

"By the way, does anyone know when the qualifiers will start? I can't wait to watch Luo Bao fight all directions."

"At the end of November, there are not many days left, and it may be almost the time when the new movie is released."

"With Luo Bao's speed, where will the new movie be released by the end of November?"

"Indeed, at that time, the box office was estimated to have exceeded 20 billion!"

(End of this chapter)

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