Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 942 What is Large Scale?

Chapter 942 What is Large Scale?
ps. The song of the homeless in the last chapter has been sent to the easter egg chapter, you can listen to it.

In addition, the author finally figured out how to post this Easter Egg Chapter. In the future, if there are songs or related videos in the article, the author will post them in the Easter Egg Chapter in time.


"But don't open the champagne in advance." Luo Quan found that the fans had already started bragging about his movie that hadn't been released yet, so he hurriedly stopped it.

Although she also felt that "Crazy Racing" would be a great success, such things cannot be said in advance.

A movie is a very personal matter. Whether you like it or not depends on your personal feeling. It doesn’t mean that if others think this movie is good, you will feel the same way.

Take the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", which has the highest score on Douban, as an example.

Is this movie a hit now?Who can say that this movie is not good?There are also many fans who said that if it is shown again, they must go to the cinema to make up for a movie ticket.

But when it was released that year, not only did it suffer from Waterloo at the box office, it caused investors to lose a lot of money, and there was nothing to gain in terms of awards.

This shows that even such an excellent movie may not be successful when it is released, and it may take time for fans to know its excellence.

Therefore, no matter how confident Luo Quan was, he would not dare to open the champagne in advance.

It may be fun to blow up the movie now, but if the box office hits the street after it is released, it will face ridicule from the entire Internet.

So in the face of fans' flattery, Luo Quan behaved very rationally.

"By the way, Luo Bao will act in person this time, will there be large-scale shots in the movie?"

"It's my favorite part of daydreaming again."

"You don't know Luo Bao's temper? How could it be?"

"The one at the beginning of the Resident Evil crisis is already good. Wake up wrapped in a bath towel, isn't it fragrant enough?"

"I don't know if you have seen the drama Dream of Paris or Love Elixir?"

"Haha, that kind of scale, you see you are thinking about farts!"


When it comes to this kind of topic, fans become very excited.

And not only male fans, but also female fans spoke a lot, even more enthusiastically.

Just like what a fan on the Internet said before: "Luo Bao's charm is unimaginable, she is the woman of all men, and the man of all women."

Although it is a bit exaggerated, you can also read from it what kind of attitude female fans have towards her.

The only pity is that there are almost no emotional scenes in the movies starring Luo Quan, which also makes their favorite CP knocking link unsustainable.

But if it's just Luoquan herself, it's not bad, the key depends on her style.

A while ago, the fairy costume with fairy spirit was very good, especially the rare barefoot shape, which opened up a new world for many fans.

"How big can a comedy movie be?" Luo Quan felt helpless.

It’s fine to have some welfare shots in Resident Evil, after all, the original work is like this.

Moreover, Alice is set to be a big beauty. It is understandable that a commercial movie can give a big beauty a bonus, and it can also make the box office stronger.

But for a comedy like "Crazy Racing", it doesn't make any sense at all, and it doesn't fit the personality.

After all, in the plot, the main character is a slovenly young loser, with a slightly sloppy overall image, which doesn't seem like the type that can give benefits to the audience.

So there will definitely not be such a scene in this movie.

"I'm afraid you won't see any large-scale shots in the new movie."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said seriously: "After all, the first consideration of a comedy movie is to make everyone laugh.

Besides, if everyone really wants to see a large scale, didn’t I take a photo of a two-step swimsuit before? "

This remark caused a strong reaction from fans:

"No, that's too big."

"Speak clearly, what is too big?"

"Of course it's Luoquan's...the photo compression package is too big, the two lowest resolutions are dozens of G, and the highest resolution is almost half a T!"

"Indeed, the compressed package with the highest resolution is almost worth a hundred 2K movies."

"When it first came out, it took me a whole day to finish it."

"And it's a bit expensive. I spent 100 yuan to buy the seeds."

"Huh? This is completely free, the seed link is in the relevant video profile of Luo Quan's personal space."

"Damn, I always thought that this seed was a rare resource and could only be obtained by spending money."

"How old are you, and you still don't know how to find free resources?"

"Somewhat embarrassing to young people."


Luo Quan's two sets of swimsuit photo collections are probably the green resources on the Internet that Yao Mozi has edited the most.

It is obviously free, but there are still a lot of people who pay a high price to buy it.

The key point is to buy it. Luo Quan takes so many beautiful and sexy photos and videos. It is not impossible for fans to insist on giving money. She will donate all the money she gets, and it can help many needy people.

But these little clever ghosts are paying for those who sell their prostitution resources for money, and the money will never reach Luo Quan's hands.

Because of this, she posted a post more than once, telling fans not to waste money.

But not all fans pay attention to her dynamics all the time, and there are still many people who are deceived.

Fortunately, times have changed, and those resources that were popular at the beginning are now available all over the Internet, and you can find them with a search, so there is no need to spend money to buy them.

Many fans hope that Luo Quan will release the third part of the swimsuit photo shoot, and the location can be chosen in Hawaii.

The last time I went to Hawaii, I didn’t leave any film and television works. As one of the most prestigious seaside resorts in the world, Hawaii is indeed a good place to take photos.

However, Luoquan currently has no plans to go to sea at all. This refers to going to sea in the physical sense.

With so many things at hand, how can I have time to go swimming on vacation, let alone take swimsuit photos.

So when it comes to these topics, Luo Quan generally refuses.

As for the large scale, the scale of swimsuit photos is not particularly large. After all, many first-line stars in the entertainment industry have photographed them, but most of them are early works. Now that the popularity has risen, there is no need to take these eye-catching photos. .

But a while ago, in order to care for women's health, male and female stars all over the world took a few public welfare photos, just like the previous care for AIDS patients and breast cancer patients.

Luo Quan was also a participant at the time, and there was a ribbon all over his body during the filming.

I remember that Wen Xia and Mia were asked to help with the filming, and it was released together with other female stars.

Although it caused quite a stir, it was a public service advertisement after all, so everyone was a little more restrained when spreading it.

This is the most daring time when Luo Quan took pictures. As for the film, it should be the most daring when shooting "Joker".

At that time, there was a scene in the movie, that is, the thief was topless, with his back to the camera, and his bony spine reflected the inner struggle and pain of the clown.

At that time, Luo Quan faithfully restored this scene, and the final visual impact was also in place. This is one of the important shots that made her win the Oscar queen.

The superb acting skills of an actor is that not only the expression on the face is in place, but also the whole body can be used as a tool for performance.

And her back, which has been slimmed down through weight loss, undoubtedly achieved this perfectly, and at the same time touched countless judges and audiences.

This is probably the limit of her current scale.

Although many actresses in Hollywood have revealed a little bit, they feel that dedicating themselves to art is nothing at all.

For example, in "Game of Thrones", almost all the actresses who have appeared on the stage have nude shots, and the scale is so large that it is unimaginable.

And the current American dramas seem to be gradually moving closer to this standard.

But Luo Quan felt that he didn't need to do this at all.

Moreover, in those movies and TV shows with revealing points, many nudity scenes are meaningless, they are purely to increase the topic, she doesn't like it.

Therefore, the larger-scale appearance that fans desire can only exist in imagination.

Whether it is for her own reputation or persistence, she will not sacrifice for the so-called art.

Although she is currently synonymous with sexy in the eyes of netizens and fans, it does not mean that she will continue to expose a larger body area.

Swimsuits are sexy, but if they continue to develop, they will be banned.

Therefore, Luo Quan's attitude towards these topics has always been very firm.

Of course, there is no need to tell the fans the truth and mentality here, just refuse it straightforwardly.

Faced with Luo Quan's refusal, the fans' emotions were obviously a little depressed.

But they also know that the possibility of such a thing succeeding is very small.

After all, the stars in the entertainment industry, the more blurry they are, the more they show.

Those second- and third-tier stars will not hesitate to try some bolder shots when filming, and they will not hesitate to make sacrifices.

To put it bluntly, it's for art, but to put it bluntly, isn't it just to gain popularity and topicality?

There are only so few resources, if you don’t shoot, someone else will.

But Luo Quan has already passed this stage.

Speaking of which, not long after her debut, she has entered the first-line level, and her popularity and status are increasing every year.

Even so, she also took two swimsuit photos.

The first one is because the fans of the song made a bet, and the bet was cashed out after the bet was lost.

And the second one is entirely for the benefit of the big guys.

Because I went to the South China Sea for vacation, I took some photos and videos by the way.

To be honest, such behavior can be called a living Bodhisattva, which is what fans often call her.

Among the first-line stars in the entertainment industry, there is really no one who can be as bright as Luo Quan. It can only be said that the pattern is too big.

That's why fans love her so much.

Let me just ask, who wouldn't like such a beautiful woman with a bold heart, a bold personality, and a bold work style?

The only pity is that although the love expressed by the fans is so sincere, after covering the entire screen, Luo Quan is also a little tired watching it.

Since her debut, she has been confessed for countless times, and she has heard and seen how many times I love you.

At the beginning, my heart might have some special excitement because of these unusual words.

But now, there is no wave.

This is the case with many people and things. Once experienced more times, it will become dull.

"Speaking of Luo Bao, what do you think of Master Xi's recent remarks?"

Among the screen-full confessions, different tomb robbers are always so conspicuous.

Mr. Xi, this name is quite familiar to many people who like American rap.

He is a brilliant genius, but also an outspoken lunatic.

Luo Quan had an encounter with him, but the process was not pleasant, and it could even be said that it resulted in hatred.

I remember that when I attended the Grammy Awards Ceremony for the first time, she swept all the awards and became the biggest winner of that night.

And another young female singer won a leftover award and was excitedly preparing to go on stage to give her acceptance speech, but Xiye rushed to the stage, grabbed the microphone and said bluntly that another black female singer's work was even better, and she deserved this award more .

At this point, the audience fell into surprise and embarrassment.

And the young country female singer who was robbed of the microphone just froze in place with a look of bewilderment.

Afterwards, Luo Quan sent a tweet in support of the female singer, and denounced Mr. Xi's behavior as really inappropriate.

Because of this, she and Xi Ye and his wife Cassandra started a war of online sex.

As the originator of American Internet celebrities, Cassandra had the upper hand at the beginning.

But because they didn't care about this matter, and Luo Quan himself had cross-eyed fierceness, the couple soon confessed and apologized.

At this point, there is no follow-up, and there is no intersection between the two sides.

It's just that after that, the marriage between Master Xi and Cassandra came to the camera, and he himself changed his name to "ye".

It used to be called Master Xi, but now it's directly upgraded to Master.

After the divorce, Master Xi spoke even more unscrupulously.

At the beginning of the year, he even said that he would run for the president of the United States, but recently he offended a large number of people because of the Black Lives Matter incident.

Everyone knows about Black Lives Matter that the cause of the incident was that the American police kneeled and killed a black man, which led to a complete outbreak of racial discrimination.

Countless black people marched in the streets, shouting "Bliack lives matter", which translates to black people's lives mattering.

However, because the parade developed into atrocities and zero-dollar purchases, it was dubbed "Black Lives Matter" by netizens.

And Xi Ye, as a rapper who doesn't care about anyone, just likes to go against the mainstream.

He felt that these people were too bewildered now. It was unreasonable that a well-behaved protest march would turn into what it is now.

So he chanted "White lives matter", white lives matter.

So just let those who think they are being discriminated against know who is discriminating whom now.

In addition, he also bluntly said that all of this is a Jewish conspiracy, and they are the ones who instigate and manipulate behind the scenes.

And this has become the most important reason why he was banned from the whole network.

(End of this chapter)

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