Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 943 Extreme Comfort

In Europe and the United States, where political correctness prevails, if a celebrity makes some unfriendly remarks against black people, he will encounter a lot of abuse, offend many people in the circle, and have an extremely negative impact on his career.

However, as long as the remarks are not particularly extreme, then there is still a way to survive, and the star can still eat this bowl of rice, but it may be more difficult.

However, if you dare to insult the Jews, it will really pierce the sky.

It is said that the bosses of the largest media companies in the world are Jewish, and they control more than [-]% of the news and public opinion.

Master Xi provoked such a group and was sanctioned almost immediately.

First of all, the accounts of several social platforms were all feudalized, and then the many endorsement brands he cooperated with terminated their contracts, and celebrities tweeted to reprimand him for his behavior.

Overnight, Mr. Xi became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten. All social relations were severed from him, and all businesses and careers collapsed.

The only good news is that his billion-dollar trendy shoes have not been affected much.

Ordinary people probably don't care about Master Xi's scolding of the Jews, but the public opinion on the Internet seems to want Master Xi to never stand up for eternity.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is a high probability that this talented rer will die. The foreign stars have already stood up and agreed that Master Xi is an idiot and said something that should never be said.

At present, it is estimated that no one dares to speak up for him.

To be honest, the image of the Jews in China is actually not particularly good.

Although Xi Ye's previous remarks on the Internet were a little crazy, but if you take a closer look, they are not completely unreasonable.

It's just that Bai was targeted so badly because it involved Jews.

Most of the Huaxia netizens said that they don't think Mr. Xi's crime is so serious.

But it's also because they don't have a good impression of the Jews.

Thinking about it in another way, if Mr. Xi talked about some remarks involving Japan or South Korea, can Chinese netizens still maintain objectivity and fairness?
It must be impossible, and it would be good not to scold his ancestor, the eighteenth brother.

It can only be said that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the taboos of each country are different, so we cannot empathize.

Just like China has never been politically correct, no one will usually come out to accuse you of making jokes about black people.

Of course, it is a common fact that the black crime rate is high and the quality is low.

If anyone wants to refute, please look at the zero-yuan purchases that are still happening in the United States until now.

This is big news abroad, fans want Luo Quan to comment.

However, Luo Quan's work focus is not abroad, and he has no intention of getting involved in these incidents at all.

"To be honest, Master Xi and I had an enmity before, but the enmity we formed at that time disappeared not long after.

It's not very interesting to add insult to injury, and I don't comment on Mr. Xi's comments, but there is one thing that I think is very important, that is, people must keep their mouths shut.

Some words are spoken, and there is a price to be paid for them. "

A very simple non-stick pan answer, but it can be regarded as expressing his inner position, that is, he thinks that Master Xi's behavior must be wrong. …

This is also the phrase chosen by most celebrities, and there is no big problem.

Coincidentally, when the foreign entertainment circles took sides because of Master Xi's remarks, a similar situation happened in Huaxia.

The cause of the incident has something to do with the movie summer schedule that is about to end.

The box office of this summer season is very unsatisfactory, almost the lowest level in the past six years.

If the dark horse "Detective Chinatown" is not counted, then the box office of this summer is even less than 15 billion.

You know, the summer holidays in previous years were close to 30 billion.

Unexpected dark horses like "Detective Chinatown" cannot be produced every year.

Everyone has guessed that the box office of Chinese-language movies will go downhill, but they didn't expect it to come so fast, and they didn't expect the picture shown to be so tragic.

But looking back at these domestically produced masterpieces in the summer, movie fans are relieved.

These rotten movies that are more than one piece of rubbish should be called disasters if they can sell high box office.

Among these bad films, the most eye-catching is the tear-jerking comedy produced and written by the internationally renowned director Huang Jiawei--"The Ferryman".

No one knows why comedy is associated with tear gas, maybe the plot is so funny that it makes people cry?

However, the unprecedentedly strong cast of this film has made the film earn enough expectations from movie fans in China before it was released.

An international director with an actor, plus so many first-line traffic as green leaves, are all familiar faces to the audience.

So even if there are a few small fresh meat in it, movie fans are still willing to believe in its quality, and pre-purchased movie tickets early.

But when the movie was released, everyone happily came to the cinema to watch and appreciate this masterpiece.

Who knows, but saw a big bad movie that can be called the worst this year.

Some fans commented when they only watched half of it:

"This movie is as bad as the Chasing Dream showbiz. Except for the use of the camera and the better acting skills of the actors, the rationality of the plot and the three views are not even as good as the Chasing Dream showbiz!"

"I really can't stand it anymore. There is something stuck in my throat. This movie may not be bad in the traditional sense, but for such a lineup, it is bad. I suggest that people who haven't bought tickets don't go, no worth!"

"Zhi Tianyi, Ni Tian Nan, Qian Shan Niao Fei is not as good as the director and screenwriter of this movie, I don't know how he tricked such a large group of people into acting in such a big bad movie.

Congratulations to Huaxia Film History, now besides Fuchun Mountain Dwelling and Chasing Dream Showbiz, there is another masterpiece that can be compared with it, the three of you can come to Taoyuan to get married! "

"Hahaha, the crime of "The Ferryman" is not so bad, although it is not good-looking, the acting skills of the actors and some thought-provoking lines are still worthy of recognition.

But if you want to ask me if this movie is bad, my answer is yes. "

"No one's money comes from strong winds. 50 yuan is not a lot. For most people, it is a day's food expenses. It is really embarrassing to see such a thing. This time the yellow sunglasses have encountered Waterloo. .”


It can be seen from the remarks of netizens that the movie "The Ferryman" is indeed bad to a certain level, so that everyone's reaction is so intense. …

But this also has something to do with their high expectations at the beginning.

Before it was released, "The Ferryman" was almost praised to the sky with its strong production lineup. The three major film festivals are already in the bag, and the Oscars have a chance to compete.

As a result, after the publicity, the real thing is like this.

Such a huge contrast is indeed unacceptable to movie fans.

Not long after, the Douban score of "The Ferryman" also came out, which was directly 4.0 points, and this was the case when the navy received a large number of four- and five-star praise.

If nothing else, the film's rating will slip to around 3.5.

However, the producer of "The Ferryman" didn't give up. When the film received a lot of negative reviews, it spent money to hire many sailors to clean up the bad reviews in order to reverse the bad reviews.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with these operations. As for capital, the first consideration must be to make money.

However, the producer of this film used a Weibo post to push the discussion of this bad film to the extreme.

Just last night, Sunglasses Huang posted a Weibo with a hundred words, telling about his mental journey of making the movie "The Ferryman"
He bluntly said that although this movie has flaws, as the saying goes, if there is a lack of great success, there will be progress if there are shortcomings, so he likes this movie very much.

If it’s just like this, that’s all. After all, as the producer and screenwriter of the film, he may even be one of the directors. If you don’t say I like it, do you say I don’t like it?
People protect their shortcomings, and no one dares to guarantee that he will be able to deal with customers for a lifetime.

It's not that netizens can't understand Huang Jiawei's mood. This movie has been shot like this, no matter how bad it is, it can only survive.

However, it was the actions of other stars that really blew up netizens.

After Huang Jiawei posted "I like it" on Weibo last night, half of the entertainment industry supported him, and they also tweeted "I like it".

The comment area is really lively. Those big-name celebrities who gather at the top and the first-line, who are usually silent, have all come out in one breath, for fear of slowing others down. Those with a slightly lower rank will not even be able to get it. front row position.

Everyone is praising "The Ferryman", saying that they like this rare good movie.

Some netizens felt that this matter is simply a joke in the world. The movie has only been released for a while, and you big stars can take time out of your busy schedule to watch the movie and then post a review. It is really hard work for you.

The IPs of several celebrities are still abroad, and "The Ferryman" is obviously only released in China, so where did these people see the movie?Is it a pirated copy?

If they haven't seen it, how dare they come and say that I like it?
These sharp questions are asked, but no one can answer them.

In fact, everyone knows that these people are here to flatter Sunglasses Huang.

After all, this is the top batch of directors in China, and the films they filmed have been listed as one of the best Chinese-language films by foreign authoritative film review magazines many times.

Some people say that cooperating with him is equal to winning an award.

And his movies have indeed produced quite a lot of actor and actress.

With such an influential director, it is completely understandable for these stars in the entertainment industry to rush to flatter them. …

However, it is understandable that it does not mean that netizens will pretend that nothing happened.

This kind of behavior that half of the entertainment industry is saying "I like it" is the aesthetics of QJ netizens.

If you come out and say I like something that the masses don't like, what are you?
So for a while, the movie "The Ferryman" and all related personnel were sprayed bloody by angry netizens.

From the director to the screenwriter to the actors, and to the stars who supported Huang Jiawei, there is no one who has not been criticized. The intensity and enthusiasm of the public are extremely rare in recent years.

Seeing that the public opinion was so strong, many people on the fence even quickly deleted their comments.

However, the Internet has a memory.

After the support incident happened, some netizens took the trouble to flip through the comment area, recording all the celebrities who opened their eyes and told lies, and then organized it into an excel form.

This form was also popularly searched in the morning, and you can clearly see which celebrities are trying to qj netizens' aesthetics.

It's a pity that this form was removed after not being on the hot search for too long. It's normal to think about it. After all, so many celebrities are involved, the public relations must contact Weibo as soon as possible to deal with it.

But this year's netizens are not meek sheep, they are all rebellious and have a strong Nezha-like personality. The more you don't let me do something, the more I will do it.

Ever since, this form quickly spread all over the Internet.

And at station b, where the capital is temporarily out of control, many up owners have also made complaints. In addition to the movie content, it also includes those stars who pretend to be horses.

The period after the release of "The Ferryman" is definitely the period when the domestic big-name stars lost the most followers and the fastest.

Just because I like a sentence, I don’t know how much loss I suffered. The key point is that so many people have flattered Huang Jiawei, which means that everyone has not, so they have overdrawn their popularity in vain. Meter.

And in the overwhelming tide of flattery, some people also expressed their true inner feelings and bravely said that I don't like it.

This operation is very popular, but it also offended Director Huang, and I don't know if it will be banned because of it.

As for the artist group with the highest traffic in China at present, these artists from Quanshui Company have kept silent very tacitly, and have not expressed any opinions.

This is mainly due to the earnest teaching of the boss Luo Quan, that is, talk less and learn more.

Misfortune comes out of your mouth. In an event related to huge public opinion, don't rush to speak out to avoid a lot of trouble.

The employees do not lack Director Huang's goodwill and resources, so they faithfully practiced this point and successfully escaped from the rhythm vortex.

But Luo Quan, as the only celebrity on station b, was inevitably asked about this matter during the live broadcast.

"Luo Bao, what do you think of the movie "The Ferryman"?"

Fans' inquiries were very straightforward, and they wanted to hear the straight-hearted Luo Quan comment on Huang Jiawei and a group of stars.

In other words, I just want to hear her criticize others.

And Luo Quan's answer is very stupid:
"First of all, I haven't seen this movie very much, but I have seen a few of Director Huang's previous movies. They are quite good, with a unique poetic and hazy beauty.

As for "The Ferryman", I can't comment because I haven't seen it. After all, without investigation, I have no right to speak. However, the fans are so loud about it, which shows that its quality must not meet the standard.

As for those stars who support "The Ferryman", I don't know how many of them have watched this movie. It would be very funny if they came out to support it without watching it.

"The Ferryman" is a drama and comedy movie, but the plot outside the movie seems to be more exciting than the movie itself, which has to be said to be a special kind of comedy. "

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