Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 944 Extreme Comfort

Luo Quan said many things that offended people.

Fortunately, now that he's matured, his words of slander have become a little more gentle, and they don't sound so harsh.

But this doesn't stop netizens from spraying the movie into the sky.

Originally, everyone's reaction was not so strong. If you honestly get sprayed, it will be fine if the heat passes.

In the end, you insisted on fighting, and you still brought half of the entertainment industry to fight, thinking that there are many people and you are very powerful.

But how many people in the entertainment industry can compare with the masses?

So the formation of the current situation is completely self-inflicted.

This incident also taught Luo Quan a truth, that is, if you are against anyone, don't be against netizens, especially if you have done something wrong in the first place.

Today's netizens are not as good as they used to be when the information was underdeveloped.

In the past, there were not many movies that everyone could see, so some shoddy works were considered acceptable.

But to watch a good movie now, you only need to open the title of the movie in the browser, and with the accumulation of this, everyone's aesthetics has also improved rapidly.

How can a big bad movie like "The Ferryman" have something but not much to win the audience over?

If there is no sincerity or hard work, and the producer is so stubborn about the film, it is only natural to be criticized.

"Today's live broadcast is coming to an end, let me sing a song for you at the end, it's a soul song I made before

However, although this song will be used to participate in the art olympiad in the future, but now I hope that everyone will not think so far, just calm down and enjoy this music.

On a good night when the sleepiness strikes, it is a delicacy to have such a cozy song playing in my ears.

I hope it will be liked by you and be fascinated by you. "

After speaking, Luo Quan switched to the Bluetooth headset mode, picked up the guitar and stood up.

This guitar was sent together with the violin just now, and the fans wondered why it hadn't come in handy. It turned out to be used in the ending performance.

After such a foreword, the fans were all refreshed, looking forward to the song Luo Quan will sing soon.

I saw her bending over in front of the desk and clicking the mouse, her stalwart chest pressed the tightly-woven T-shirt into a heavy oval.

Although the collar is almost clinging to the collarbone, and nothing can be seen in the tiny gap, this action is enough to make fans feel extremely satisfied.

"I don't need to listen to any songs here, I already feel very comfortable."

"Sorry, I couldn't make a move just now, but now I can finally... sorry, I want to say... sorry..."

"Good guy, isn't it cooling down?"

"Luo Bao is generous, unlike other female stars, she doesn't have one, and she still has to cover it with her hands."

"It's because I don't have one, I can't hold up my clothes, and if I bend over, I'll be seen all over it?"

"Haha, it turned out to be because of this."

"Luo Bao: Blame me~~"


Luo Quan didn't watch the netizen's complaints. After the accompaniment started, she had already entered the state of performance.

In just five seconds, she completely quieted down the restless live broadcast room. …

The extremely ear-catching guitar sound jumped out from her fingertips, how pleasant it was.

At this moment, even the most critical ears are captured by this wonderful melody.

"day light
when the sun rises

i feel like you wont py right
I woke up feeling like you don't love me anymore
i usedknow but now that sh*t do
We weren't like this before but now I don't feel like it used to be

it made put aride
I feel disgraced by all this


Luo Quan's lazy voice sounded so sexy to the fans.

For a long time, Luoquan has been loved by music fans for its clear spring and crisp sound.

Listening to her songs is quite a purification of the soul and an extraordinary enjoyment.

But it is estimated that few people remember that her voice can also become extremely beautiful and enchanting.

The sound alone can make people's faces flushed, which is the state that Luo Quan showed at the beginning.

However, Luoquan sang such songs very rarely, so if you are not a die-hard fan, you may not remember them.

And when Luo Quan sang songs with such a voice again, the fans knew that the original sexy is not limited to the appearance and figure.

Sometimes singing can also make people want to stop.

Luo Quan's voice is like this, full of intelligence and charm.

That kind of feeling is like a peach that is about to ripen and is extremely round and plump by the flesh.

It hangs on the branch, its pink and tender appearance is so delicate and charming, one can't help but want to take it off, and put it on the tip of the nose to sniff her fragrance greedily.

After smelling enough, he opened his mouth and took a big bite of the meat on the belt, and then stretched the esophagus, so that the whole chest could feel the full suffocation.

"It's so beautiful, the people are beautiful and the songs are beautiful."

"This is the ultimate comfort. My eyelids start to fight when I hear it."

"It feels like Luo Bao has unlocked another way of singing."

"Why is it that Luo Bao is singing normally, but I feel so astringent."

"The legendary natural charmer?"

"No, I think Luo Bao has grown up and become more feminine."


Fans' praises and emotions rolled quickly, but Luo Quan has been concentrating on performing, her eyes are half-closed, and she herself is immersed in the world of music at ease.

This song "redbone" is a song she likes very much. It belongs to the soul and r&b style.

It may not be as simple and easy to understand as the mainstream, but it is very distinctive, and it belongs to the kind that becomes more charming the more you listen to it.

As a Grammy-winning work, its quality is definitely beyond doubt.

After Luo Quan's near-perfect interpretation, the song became popular all over the world before it was even officially released.

Yes, all over the world.

Luoquan's current live broadcast is not only watched by domestic fans, but many foreign fans will record the screen or directly broadcast it, and the number of fans can easily reach about 80 million.

This level is almost the same as the online number of the world's most popular game on Steam.

And after Luo Quan sang this song, whether it was domestic Weibo or foreign Twitter, it was also on the trending searches.

It's worth mentioning that she's already been on it just now because of "Song of the Wanderer". …

At this time, netizens were still shocked by this classical music, but they didn't expect Luo Quan to sing a new song so soon.

Zhihu has the quickest response here, and how about directly arranging someone to ask questions: "How do you evaluate Luo Quan's new song "redbone"?"

The answer this time is slightly different from the previous one.

"Luo Quan is full of talent, and I won't go into details about how excellent the songs he wrote are, everyone will get tired after listening too much.

But there is one thing I want to say, that is Luo Quan has really matured.

Speaking of which, I started Luo Quan when she first debuted. If I remember correctly, she was still a young girl at that time, young and pure, but her figure was already very good.

The moment I saw her, I was deeply fascinated, and the music released after that made me want to stop.

Probably this is the so-called beginning with appearance and being loyal to talent.

Once I met Luo Quan's mistake for life, I never talked about a girlfriend since I met her.

I'm not afraid that everyone will like it. I used to think that chasing stars was a very brain-dead behavior. Why should a good person pour so much emotion into a celebrity artist?
It was only later that I realized that I had never met someone I liked. After Fang Luoquan appeared, I could finally understand the crazy behavior of those fan circle girls.

Although Luo Quan has always called on fans to chase stars rationally, they should separate fans from their own lives and not be too addicted.

But I think she deserves the love of all fans, no matter how intense it is.

Over the years, she has gradually faded away from the little girl back then. The passage of time has not left any traces on her body. Instead, it is like a persimmon meeting an apple, becoming mature unconsciously.

In the past, I only thought it was good-looking, straightforward, playful and cute from time to time.

But now, she still maintains these advantages, without the innocence of the past, and with a little more charm.

Or rather, femininity.

Obviously she is still a Yunying girl who has never been in love, but she gives people the taste of a thousand sails.

Probably because of what she called her imagination.

In the imaginary world, she may have tasted everything, so she can have such a sexy temperament.

I really love Luoquan like this.

Another question, does Luo Quan really have to stop thinking about taking a third swimsuit photo shoot?

Now is the stage when your body, temperament, and mentality have reached their peak. If you don’t grasp the plan and record it, you will have no chance if you decline in the future. (dog head.jpg)”

Such heartfelt words full of emotion, the first half of the content really warmed the eyes of the same Luoquan fans.

Especially those old fans, they really grew up watching Luo Quan.

But the last few words also made the fans really unable to hold back:
"Good guy, this map of Yan Kingdom is too long, isn't it?"

"I made this dumpling just because of the vinegar."

"One thing to say, I really want to see Luo Bao do a third swimsuit photoshoot."

"Luo Bao has such a good figure, it's a pity that he doesn't take many photo shoots."

"Indeed, it's a waste of resources."  …

"Environmentalists express strong condemnation!"


Such inconsequential comments occupy the comment area.

This is also the first time Luo Quan releases a new song, and the style of painting turns out to be so crooked.

However, it is mainly related to the unique singing method she chose this time. I thought it was too lazy and sloppy, which would make fans feel contrived.

Now it seems that everyone seems to be quite fond of this set.

But it may also be that the song has just been released and not enough people have heard it.

After the song exploded globally the next day, this concern was finally dispelled.

Although "Song of the Wanderer" and "redbone" were released front and back.

However, the popularity of "redbone" released later completely crushed "Song of the Wanderer", and it is at the top of the music charts in various countries.

In addition, there are a large number of cover songs on both the international and domestic versions of Douyin.

Whether a song is popular or not, in fact, you will know how many people watch Douyin's cover.

It is said that Douyin ruins songs, but now if there is any music that becomes popular on Douyin, it is almost equivalent to being popular on online media, because it will appear in various channels, including but not limited to subways, streets, shops, etc. .

Viral spread will make a song gain huge popularity in a very short period of time.

Although such tossing is indeed prone to aesthetic fatigue, as long as the music is good enough, it will not be destroyed.

After the limelight has passed, it will still be pleasant to listen to.

"redbone" became popular all over the Internet overnight with its wonderful prelude and Luo Quan's unique voice.

Of course, this achievement is not uncommon for her.

The only pity is that "Song of the Vagabond" did not cause much disturbance.

Although many mainstream media have praised this song as excellent, for netizens, it is far less easy to appreciate its beauty than another song.

It seems that the convening of the Art Olympiad only aroused netizens' enthusiasm for discussing art. It may take a long time to truly fall in love with and master appreciation.

Perhaps one, two, or three Olympics will not be able to change everyone's aesthetics.

Even more sessions will not work, because art is not only related to the appreciation ability of the masses.

Who cares about art if you can't even eat enough?
So when everyone has no worries about food and clothing, then art can really stand up.

For now, with the exception of some parts of Europe, other countries seem to have a lot of work to do.

"It's really nice." Wen Xia was playing the song in Luo Quan's room, and the other girls also closed their eyes, listening to it in a very happy mood.

"It would be even more perfect if the boss put on a wine-red skirt with hips and swayed her gourd-like body." Su Yu shook his head and added something for Wen Xia.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it: "Then isn't this the same as those dancing girls who were fashionable in the beach?"

Miss Wu is a little bit ugly, and a better name is Tianya Singer.

As soon as this term was mentioned, a picture came to Luo Quan's mind:
"Ye Shanghai, Ye Shanghai, you are a city that never sleeps."

On the stage, the wavy beauties in cheongsam twisted their waists and sang loudly, while the audience were all high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

"You guys are simply outrageous, how could you describe my singing as full of prostitution?"

Luo Quan felt that he needed to correct their wrong perception of themselves: "This is a cozy and lazy song. If you suffer from insomnia, then this song will calm you down."

"It's really calm. I dozed off again after listening to it." Leon yawned long.

The dark circles under his eyes indicated that he hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

"What's wrong with you, my brother?" Luo Quan asked with a concerned smile when he saw Leon's appearance.

"Can't you see, I'm suffering from insomnia." Leon replied pitifully.

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