ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

In fact, Leon has always been a carefree person, with a big heart, he is happy all day long, and has no worries.

Even though he was abandoned by his mother since he was a child, and his father didn't take care of things, his personality is still cheerful, and he didn't form any bad psychological characteristics because of his lonely childhood.

This point is very similar to Luo Quan, the two siblings belong to the feeling that they can't tell that they grew up in a single-parent family.

But ever since he knew that he was going to be a father, Leon's heart was full of troubles.

First of all, he is extremely looking forward to this little life that is about to be born, and he is willing to use everything to take care of the mother and child or the mother and daughter.

But on the other hand, he is also very worried about his ability to be a good father.

Facing a series of problems after the birth of the child in the future, can I deal with it calmly?
For the past few nights, he has been watching the feelings of those who became fathers.

While expressing their love for their children, these people mentioned more than once the troubles and even distress they encountered in raising children.

After reading it, Leon felt a little anxious.

In fact, this is a very normal situation. Many pregnant women often suffer from prenatal anxiety, and some fathers also suffer from this disease as pregnant women.

After the child is born, the condition will gradually disappear.

As for right now, Leon may still have to worry about it for a while.

Mia also saw his state, so she has been comforting and encouraging him.

As for whether it can be cured, it depends on whether Leon's heart is strong enough.

"In this regard, you can learn from our father."

After Luo Quan listened to his younger brother's story, he immediately gave him an idea: "According to my mother, when she was pregnant, my father would touch the pillow and eat it. The mentality is quite strong. Let him do it." Tell me the secret."

"The secret?"

Leon thought of his father's cynical appearance in the early years, and laughed: "People who are heartless sleep well.

I'm not like him, what I want to do is a perfect dad. "

"Ambition!" Luo Quan gave his brother a thumbs up.

In terms of responsibility, my younger brother is indeed much better than my father.

When he was young, his father was really a scumbag, but he was not a complete scumbag. In the end, the prodigal son turned around and redeemed himself for his mistakes.

"Have you figured out what the baby's name is?" Wen Xia asked curiously.

"Adam if it's a boy, Insabella if it's a girl."

Leon smiled and held Mia's hand: "Mia and I took this together. She named it for a boy, and I named it for a girl."

Everyone praises together.

In fact, they are all relatively common names, but they are all very nice, and belong to a stable style.

It might not be particularly stunning, but it won't be particularly shocking either.

Since the post-95s started to be parents, the style of naming is almost heavenly.

Foreign Luoquan doesn't know, but domestic ones can see how outrageous these post-95 parents are by looking at the list of students posted by online kindergarten teachers.

Those surnamed Wang are named King Glory, those surnamed Zhu are called Zhu Geliang, and those surnamed Ying are called Yingxiong League. …

After reading it, Luo Quan didn't know how these names were chosen, and there were many more outrageous ones behind.

In comparison, Adam and Yin Sabella are already very good.

After being relieved by his sister, Leon's anxiety eased a lot. He drank a cup of hot milk and prepared to go back to sleep.

There is no filming this weekend, everyone stays in bed and plays with their phones.

This state of life seems to have returned to the time when I was still in college a few years ago.

At that time, as long as there was no class, they could stay in bed all the time, except for eating and going to the toilet, they would hardly leave the bed one meter away.

Sometimes a day passes, and the number of steps on the mobile phone may even be zero.

This kind of life lasted for nearly two months. Luo Quan was shocked when he found out that he had gained ten pounds, so he started to lose weight.

As for now, if you love to get fat, let it get fat.

Anyway, the weather is going to get colder, so we need to raise more fat to survive the winter.

I have nothing to do to read the news. Many of the stars who supported Huang Jiawei on Weibo have deleted their Weibo.

Under such fierce public opinion, few people dare to openly contend with it.

Capital is all about profit. When artists feel that licking Huang Jiawei can benefit, they can ignore the truth and come out to support him.

And when the benefits of licking Huang Jiawei far outweigh the disadvantages, they will abandon Huang Jiawei without hesitation and choose a new platform.

Although it's very silly, but if you want to survive in the entertainment industry, you have to be like this.

After all, a tree without its bark will surely die, but a person without shame is invincible in the world.

The hit of "The Ferryman" also reminded all film investors and producers.

Commercial movies can be imagined as before, and the days when a few big stars can perform a family comedy can sell well at the box office are gone forever.

Now the audience's tastes have been developed, if you really dare to invite so many young meat to make bad movies, they can only invite your movies to hit the street.

The cost of "The Ferryman" is 10 billion yuan, and the current box office is only 2.3 million yuan. It can be said that there are no pants left.

But many viewers still feel that the box office is a bit high, preferably only ten million or so, to make the scene look more miserable and bloody, and then remind all investors who are going to use small fresh meat to make bad movies:
If anyone uses this kind of thing to play tricks on big guys again, "The Ferryman" will be your end!

This is only the summer file, and there is still a blockbuster movie to be released in the Spring Festival file.

A few years ago, "The Wandering Earth" was born, which opened the prelude to the Chinese science fiction blockbuster, raking in 70 billion box office, second only to "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Lake" in the film history.

Many people felt that they saw a business opportunity, and announced the shooting of Chinese-language science fiction blockbusters.

What will be released at the end of the year is "Fortress Shanghai", known as the Chinese version of Star Wars.

The plot of the original book is that aliens invaded the earth, and the capitals of all countries in the world fell one after another. Only Shang Hai was still standing and became the last bastion of mankind.

The director of "Shanghai Fortress" said that they have been preparing for this film for three years, and the special effects used the best technology in the world, which is completely Hollywood level.

The actors invited are also quite rich. There are top Chinese idols from three years ago, and there are also powerful movie stars. The only drawback is that the old drama bones are a little less, but the overall lineup is still quite worth looking forward to. …

Of course, the above remarks are the views of the fans themselves.

For passers-by, seeing the familiar names on the cast list, they know that this movie will be so bad that it will shock the world and weep ghosts and gods.

As for the so-called Hollywood-level special effects, just right, "Avatar 2" will be released at the end of the year.

This is also a blockbuster with Hollywood-level special effects, and we will know what level it is when we compare it.

Sci-fi fans and people who eat melons are looking forward to it anyway. If there is a sci-fi movie with more explosive special effects than "The Wandering Earth", it will definitely be great news for Chinese-language movies.

Weibo is talking about the entertainment industry, while other platforms are discussing the plight of station b.

As a very popular website in China at present, the stock price of station b once reached a high price of 150 US dollars after its listing.

At that time, people were very optimistic about it, and felt that station b could really be made into Huaxia's Youpipe.

However, with the continuous mentally handicapped operations of the management over the past few years, after removing the content on which Station B was built and starting to make Douyin fast, its stock price began to plummet.

Now it is only $8, and the market value has shrunk by as much as 90.00%.

If this goes on like this, I am afraid that station b will have to delist in a short time.

Seeing this situation, many netizens jokingly said that uncle is really going to send it this time.

In fact, the CEO of station b has long been changed from an uncle to an aunt, but not many people know about it.

At present, the operation strategy of station b is already in charge of by the aunt. Of course, the control of station b is still in the hands of the uncle.

At present, the market value of station b has fallen by more than 200 billion yuan.

Luo Quan did some calculations, and her cash flow was even enough to buy most of Bilibili.

But after buying it, I didn't have any deposits in a short time.

Of course, if the shares of Nikola are liquidated, it can make the acquisition easier.

But she feels that the stock price of station b still has room to decline.

According to gossip, the cash flow of station b will be completely exhausted next year.

At that time, the stock price is estimated to be unstoppable, so I am afraid that it will be easy to get started with only tens of billions.

To be honest, Luo Quan never thought that he would be able to acquire Station B one day.

After all, when she entered station b, it was in its heyday, and its market value once reached 500 billion US dollars, which is already quite a huge number.

Even if she is now, she will definitely not be able to gather such a fortune to make a purchase.

But it turns out that number is full of froth.

When the transformation of station b failed, the revenue continued to be in deficit, and the stock price began to fall like a roller coaster.

In fact, the entire Chinese concept stock market is falling. The market value of big companies such as Sky Penguin, Alibaba, and has fallen enough for several B stations.

It's just that in comparison, the drop rate of station b is much higher, and 90.00% five is indeed appalling.

But for old users, it is actually good news to fall like this.

After all, when station b was still a small website, it could still maintain its operation, and there were many treasure up masters who generated electricity for love.

Even if the market value has fallen to only [-]% now, the situation is much better than that of station b many years ago. …

You just need to let the management know who gave station b the nourishment to take off.

So who gave the nourishment?Of course, they are the two-dimensional nerds in Huaxia. To be precise, they are users of two-dimensional games headed by fgo.

Without those krypton gold users spending money like crazy, how can station b become bigger?
It’s just that after becoming bigger, Station B forgot about these heroes, and started to de-Two-dimensionalize. The only game business that can generate a lot of income is not caring at all, so that the turnover has been losing money.

Luo Quan thinks that two-dimensional should do more two-dimensional business, whether it is games or games.

This is actually a huge business opportunity in China, and apart from Station B, there are no decent competitors at all.

There used to be an a, but now the a station can't afford any trouble.

So, Station B is all about playing a good deck of cards to a pulp without an opponent.

If she becomes the boss, the first thing to do is to restart the game and animation business.

He doesn't even seem to be sure of his biggest advantage. He compares himself with Douyin Kuaishou every day, live broadcast with Huya Douyu, and variety shows with iQiyi Mango.

This kind of operation, in the words of netizens, is the beauty of plastic surgery Internet celebrities and Luo Bao, which is purely overestimated.

And just when Luoquan was thinking about how to change the operation focus of station b, the system suddenly said:
"Opportunity detected!

New task released

Acquire station b and restore its market value to its peak level!

Task reward: unknown (extremely rich)

Mission failure penalty: None, but your hard-earned money may be wiped out! "

She knew that the system likes to make a mess of herself, but she didn't expect it to make a big mess of herself as soon as it made a sound without making a sound for so long.

Last time, such a difficult task allowed her to earn 200 billion US dollars in three years, but this time she was directly asked to save station b.

To be honest, the difficulty is really high.

If she just maintains the operation of station b and doesn't let it completely cool down, she can still do it with her earning power.

But now is the time to restore the market value of station b to its peak level, which is more than 500 billion US dollars.

This difficulty is not generally high.

At present, all her net worth is piled up, which is just 200 billion US dollars.

More than half of them are stocks, which need to be discounted, and the actual conversion will definitely not reach 200 billion U.S. dollars.

And suddenly let her run a listed company and raise the stock price by $500 billion.

To be honest, she has no confidence at all.

It might be easier for her to make $500 billion.

After all, she has proved that $200 billion is not as difficult to earn as imagined.

But, anyway, there is no time limit for this mission, and the punishment for the mission is almost equal to no, and it is worthless to accept it.

People always have a little dream, what if it comes true?

And she just thought of an excellent two-dimensional game, which is very suitable for the user group of station b.

If it can catch fire, then saving Station B will not be empty talk.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's heart couldn't help becoming hot.

"By the way, I have a question to ask."

Luo Quan suddenly remembered something, and said to the system: "I have been practicing this "Dou Zhan Sheng Fa" for a while, but I feel that there is no progress, what's going on?

Is this exercise too difficult, or is it because the concentration of spiritual energy around is too low? "

"Probably...maybe...maybe you have no destiny with Buddha?"

The system itself is not particularly sure, and after a while of testing, it replied: "Compared to the comparison, the host may have a deeper relationship with Taoism. For you, Buddhist exercises are too difficult to practice."

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