Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 946 Save the Market Value Plan of Station B

"how do I say this?"

Luo Quan didn't know anything about this, so he could only go to the system for help if he had any questions.

"It's very simple. Everyone has different talents. Some people are suitable for martial arts, some are suitable for cultivating immortals, and some are suitable for magic.

And you are obviously not suitable for this Buddhist practice gradually. "

Luo Quan was puzzled by the system's answer: "Since I'm not suitable, why would the golden cudgel choose me?"

"Have you forgotten that apart from the Holy Art of Fighting, there is also a great Heavenly Immortal Art?
Choose one of the two exercises, you choose the holy method of fighting, who is to blame? "

The system made Luo Quan speechless. After a long silence, she asked, "Then is there still time for me to go back and practice the Great Immortal Technique?"

"It is possible, but the progress accumulated in the previous practice of fighting the holy law will disappear. After all, Buddhism and Taoism cannot coexist in a low-level state.

If you first learn the holy method of Dou Zhan and then practice the Dapin Tianxian Jue, you will not have these troubles. "

"That can't be helped." Luo Quan sighed, and directly cleared the progress of Dou Zhan Shengfa's cultivation through the system.

All along, she has been praised by fans all over the world for her versatile talent.

In front of everyone, she is like an omnipotent superman, no matter what skill she can learn, she can master it in a while.

So much so that she herself regarded herself as an omnipotent genius, and it was only now that she suddenly remembered that most of the skills she mastered were exchanged from the system mall.

However, the system cannot provide the talent needed to cultivate the holy method of fighting, so it seems that the progress is very slow.

I just don't know how high my talent is in Daoist Kung Fu. Wouldn't it be funny if it was almost the same as Buddhist Kung Fu?

But extending the head is a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife, whether it will work or not will have to be tried.

And the system seemed to see Luo Quan's thoughts, and said directly: "In fact, you don't have to practice exercises to become stronger, isn't there me?"

"You?" Luo Quan froze for a moment.

"Before you couldn't directly improve your strength because the function was limited. Now I have completed the upgrade. Isn't that why you took me to Huanyuxing?"

"That's right!" Luo Quan slapped his thigh, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't remind me, tell me quickly, how can I become stronger?"

"It's very simple, add some."

Before the system finished speaking, an attribute panel appeared in front of Luo Quan.

This property panel is different from the previous one.

In the previous one, the attributes were all about appearance, singing skills, acting skills, etc., and had nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

And this new attribute is the four attributes of physique, strength, agility, spirit, and aura.

The abilities of the five attributes are different, and they are all relatively easy to understand.

Physique represents defense and resilience, not to mention strength and agility, spirit represents the tenacity of the soul, and aura is the upper limit of aura storage.

Her current attributes are:

Physique 1005
force 345
Spirit 101
Agile 268
Aura 337
"Wait a minute, why do I have a feeling of déjà vu." Luo Quan frowned and pondered.

"Because I showed you this attribute panel when I was on Huanyuxing." The system trembled a little speechless. …

"I remembered." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, "I was too busy with work after I came back, so I forgot about it all at once. I remember that there were still 10 attribute points that were not allocated, right?"

"Now I have saved 112 points."

"There are so many?!" Luo Quan showed a surprised expression, "How come there are so many?"

"Just kidding, if the system doesn't give you some hooks, then am I still worthy of calling the system?"

"Awesome!" Luo Quan couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Now that you have saved more than 100 points, it is just right to divide them into two parts, half for constitution and half for strength!

"Don't you plan to develop in multiple directions? It's easy to be biased if you only click on two attributes."

"The attribute points are limited, so we need to make our own advantages more prominent in order to maximize our combat power. If the rain and dew are evenly exposed, it will appear mediocre."

Luo Quan has his own set of theories, and he firmly believes in it.

And after calculation by the system, it was found that Luo Quan's pointing method was not bad, after all, it took care of the most important physique.

With an invincible body, coupled with unparalleled strength, it is indeed strong enough.

Wait until these two are almost the same, and then slowly make up the remaining three attributes, there is no problem at all.

Thus, all 112 attributes were poured into physique and strength.

After adding points, Luo Quan opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and swung forward.

"It seems that nothing has changed." Luo Quan was a little disappointed.

After all, there is no reference object. If there is a concrete wall in front of you, you may be able to see the difference.

Luo Quan glanced at the hotel's wall, but finally chose to let it go.

After the Dou Zhan holy method was emptied, Luo Quan began to practice the Dapin Tianxian Jue again.

The formula of this exercise reads like the Tao Te Ching, that is, the kind of mysterious feeling that can be said, very Tao.

Compared with Dou Zhan Shengfa, Luo Quan entered the state of meditation more easily this time.

When I woke up the next morning, I obviously had practiced all night, but I felt refreshed and didn't feel tired at all.

It is equivalent to saying that one's own cultivation can completely replace sleep.

It seems that my talent is really in cultivating immortals, and it was a waste of time to practice fighting holy methods before.

If he had practiced Dapin Tianxian Jue immediately, he would probably have already started.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, the good news is that I wake up in time.

Saturday passed and there was Sunday, everyone still played in the room, and when they were bored, they got together to play games and chat.

Only Luo Quan was relatively busy, typing on the computer for a while, and calling others for a while, so he never took time off.

"What are you so hot about?" Wen Xia sat over curiously, and glanced at the files in Luo Quan's computer.

"I'm going, are you going to buy Station B?" Wen Xia almost jumped up from the sofa, "How can you get so much money to buy such a big company, I'm afraid you're kidding me!"

"Is Station B very big?" Luo Quan asked Wen Xia back.

"Isn't it big?" Wen Xia herself was also lost in the lake.

In the past few years, station b has gained a lot of momentum in China. First of all, the New Year's Eve party crushed many local stations, causing heated discussions on the Internet.

Afterwards, major official accounts were invited to join, and it was known as the largest online learning and making friends community for young people. …

After that, it was listed in the United States, and its market value soared to 500 billion U.S. dollars in less than a year, and it was called China's oil pipeline.

When everyone followed suit and bought the stocks of station b before, Wen Xia himself joined in, but it didn't take long before they were sold.

Although she hasn't had the development of station b for a while, such a big company doesn't look like a friend can buy it.

After all, Luo Quan himself still broadcasts live at station b every day, so he is half of the workers at station b.

"Your understanding of station b has lagged behind, and its situation is not very good now."

Luo Quan opened a stock website and entered the stock code of station b.

Wen Xia went up to take a look, and found that the changes in the stock of station b in the past year were completely diving.

Even if other stocks are falling, they will occasionally raise their heads.

And at station b, it's really impossible to jump up all at once, and it's the kind that rushes to the bottom of the valley and dives, and it can't be pulled no matter how hard it is.

Wen Xia remembered that the last time he saw the stock price of station b, it was said in the news that it was 500 billion US dollars, and the growth was gratifying.

Looking at it now, it has fallen to less than 40 billion US dollars.

Those stockholders who bought at the high point did not know what mood they were in now.

"Unexpectedly, station b has become like this. I always thought it was thriving." Wen Xia shook her head with emotion.

As a young person, she actually likes to play station b, she can see a lot of interesting things, and the people here are nice to speak, which is much better than Weibo environment.

But looking at the stock price now, it looks like it is going to die, which is really embarrassing.

"The stock price has indeed fallen a little bit, but everyone is falling, and it won't be over like this."

Luo Quan closed the website, and continued: "And B Xiao actually has great potential, and only a small part has been excavated now. If it is done well, it can completely attract users from other platforms.

It just needs to adjust the operation strategy and pick up what was lost before.

But I don't have many shares in station b, and I can't influence the company's operating decisions at all.

If you want to save Station B, you must fully grasp the right to speak before proceeding. "

"Save Station B? Can it really be saved?" Wen Xia was deeply skeptical.

The stock has almost fallen to the horizontal line. If it can be pulled up again, how high is Luoquan's business skills?

"You need to be strong to make iron. If you don't have excellent products, how can you make a name for yourself and attract users?"

When facing doubts, Luo Quan is always so confident: "People used to say that Chinese music is over, that physical albums can no longer be sold, and there can no longer be kings and queens?

Later?I showed up, and my songs sold tens of millions, and there was no need to worry about sales.

This is the power brought by excellent works, even powerful enough to change the market! "

"You're right." Wen Xia never had any doubts about Luo Quan's strength.

"But, would uncle be willing to sell you his music for more than ten years?"

This is a place that Wen Xia is more worried about. Anyway, it is a website that Boss Cheng has been running for so many years. Even if he has forgotten the original intention, it is definitely impossible to say that he has no feelings. …

Is he really willing to sell station b to Luoquan?Wen Xia felt that there was a big question mark over this matter.

"It depends on the situation." Luo Quan spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "Besides, the market value of station b is less than 200 billion now, and my net worth has exceeded 200 billion. I have the advantage."

"Can you still count like this?" Wen Xia smiled.

Luo Quan also replied with a smile: "Surely we need to express our feelings. For example, tell Mr. Cheng how I will operate Station B after I take over, so that Station B can reproduce the peak period when everything was thriving." scene.

If Mr. Cheng has lost his momentum and doesn't want Station B to end, I believe he will make the right choice. "

"It's the boss's opinion." After hearing Luo Quan's words, Wen Xia flattered her directly.

"Stop flattering me." Knowing that Wen Xia was teasing her, Luo Quan waved his hand and said, "This is a big matter, and it's not enough to just talk about it on paper or make a plan. It needs detailed planning and cooperation." investigation.

In addition, now is not the best time to acquire station b. I think the stock price still has room to fall. I will take over when it really hits the bottom. At that time, no matter how it goes, it will go up. "

"I hope everything goes well." Wen Xia nodded without saying anything more.

The money belongs to Luo Quan, and how she wants to use it is her business.

In addition, this incident actually sounds quite reliable. No matter how the stock price of station b falls, the number of users is there.

If the content gets better, there is still a good chance that these people will come back.

And she also believes in Luoquan's ability to revitalize herself. Maybe she will be able to run station b even better than it was at its peak?
And just when Wen Xia was thinking about how Luoquan would operate station b.

Luo Quan has now figured out a solution.

In the beginning, station b relied on game agents, and with its unique two-dimensional atmosphere, two-dimensional games had to choose station b as the main promotion site.

Because of this, Station B also collects money on the ground, and has the capital to develop other businesses.

What Bilibili used to be able to do can definitely be done now.

The only problem is that they need to find a two-dimensional game that can dominate the market like the original fgo.

Currently, there seems to be no such game.

Even in Japan, the birthplace of Two-dimensional, it is quite difficult to find an excellent game with Two-dimensional style.

But it's not a big problem, Luo Quan didn't intend to look for it in the market from the beginning.

In the game of representing others, the big head must be given to others after all.

Now that you have a game studio at your fingertips, why not just make it yourself?

I even thought about what game to play.

"Hello, boss?"

Li Jiang connected Luo Quan's call.

Since the successful release of the few games he was making, Li Jiang's work has become much more leisurely.

When he was working on "Final Fantasy" and "World of Warcraft", he wished he could have 48 hours a day, and then spend [-] hours on games.

He also keeps a close eye on his subordinates, holding a stick in his hand, and knocking on the table a few times when he sees someone being lazy.

Although the boss has said many times that there is no need to rush the construction period, but to combine work and rest.

But looking at the work that far exceeds that of his peers, Li Jiang feels that it is too unreasonable to be lazy.

Moreover, the employees themselves are all very motivated, after all, the games they make are milestone masterpieces.

Who wouldn't be excited to be able to make money and realize the dream of joining this industry?

It's a pity that several games are now in a period of smooth operation, and Li Jiang finds that he hasn't been excited for a long time.

But this time the boss called suddenly and told him about a new project.

"Yuan Shen, right?" Li Jiang heard the name of this project, and for some reason, his whole body trembled with excitement.

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