Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 947 Miraculous Milk Powder

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

"Yuan Shen? What type of game is this, and what is the specific development idea?" After learning the name of the game, Li Jiang began to ask Luo Quan.

At present, the company's game production is divided into two steps, that is, the boss Luo Quan proposes ideas and settings, and the company employees headed by him are responsible for realizing these ideas and settings.

"This is a stand-alone open world role-playing game, and the krypton gold content is character card drawing."

"It sounds old-fashioned." Li Jiang didn't have any ill feeling towards drawing krypton gold cards, because it was just a way to make money.

But he feels that if a game has no new ideas, it would be very boring to follow other works on the market.

In comparison, he prefers interesting works such as "World of Warcraft" and "Overwatch" that define a new category.

"If it's just krypton gold drawing cards, it's definitely not interesting."

Luo Quan knew Li Jiang's thoughts, so he explained to him: "But what I want to make is a game that allows players to experience the fun of an open world on their mobile phones.

First of all, it must be able to communicate with both ends, and then the game content must be distinguished from these 2D card people currently in the world.

Manipulation, exploration, characters, puzzles, plots and elemental responses, these are the attractive points of this game.

Of course, what I say now is definitely a bit abstract, and I will send you the entire text version of the specific appearance of this game in the future, and the first thing you and the employees have to solve is to make the games made by Unreal Engine available on mobile phones, computers and It runs smoothly on ps.

Especially for mobile phones, the picture quality can be castrated, but the optimization must be good, and you can't just blow up the phone while playing. "

"Change the Unreal Engine to a mobile phone?" Li Jiang did not expect to encounter such a request.

Unreal Engine is currently one of the best game engines in the industry. It not only has top-notch image quality, but also has the undisputed No. [-] speed of modeling and rendering.

At present, Li Jiang is ready to recruit people to develop the Unreal 2 engine, with the purpose of further improving the image quality and improving efficiency.

When the development of the Unreal 2 engine is ready, the Unreal Engine can be used commercially, and this will be a considerable income at that time.

However, changing the Unreal Engine to run on a mobile phone was something he had never thought of before.

But if it succeeds, can there be any mobile games that can be compared with their works?

Thinking of this, Li Jiang finally became excited.

As expected of the boss, the boss can always come up with such wild ideas.

After receiving the instruction, Li Jiang immediately notified the R&D personnel to hold a meeting to discuss how to log the Unreal Engine into the mobile phone.

And Luo Quan also looks ambitious
If Yuanshen can reproduce its original success, then she will have hundreds of millions of cash flow for a long, long time to come!
Of course, opening the champagne in advance is definitely not a good thing. A game needs the right time, place and people to become popular. At present, I don't know how much she occupies. Everything depends on Li Jiang's research and development results.

"Is the original god you mentioned the work you plan to support station b?" Wen Xia asked curiously after listening to the conversation between Luo Quan and Li Jiang. …

Luo Quan shook his head: "It is one of them. Just relying on one game may not be enough. I still have many ideas in my mind, but it will take a long, long time to realize them one by one."

"It's too troublesome for you to earn money, right?" Leon said big words beside him.

"Hey, you are taking advantage of hundreds of millions and dare to say that." Luo Quan immediately teased.

"I'm just sighing, besides, I don't make much money myself." Leon smiled softly, "I just remembered a friend who made a fortune recently."

Luo Quan looked at him: "Which friend?"

"Fred." Leon said the name of a person he hadn't seen for a long time, "I don't know if you still have any impression."

"I know!"

Before Luo Quan could speak, Wen Xia spoke out first: "This Fred, I remember that I used to play with you and Seifert a lot, right? This man has a crush on your sister!"

Leon laughed: "Hey, Miss Wen Xia has eyesight, in fact Fred fell in love with my sister at first sight, the Lamborghini Poison was given by him, I was envious at that time.

It's a pity, my sister turned a blind eye to her love, and even wrote a song to persuade her to quit. At that time, I almost laughed out of Da Ya after listening to it. "

"What else? What song!" Wen Xia asked excitedly.

"Auld Lang Syne." Leon said with a suppressed smile, "The song is a good song, but the title of the song is too straightforward. Fred told me that he almost got internal injuries when he heard the title of the song."

Hearing Auld Lang Syne, several girls in the room all laughed at the same time.

The most common words used by girls to reject boys are:
You're a nice guy, but we're not right, so let's just be friends.

A simple sentence has broken the hearts of many boys.

I don't know if Fred shed tears at the beginning, but he must have been seriously injured. After that, Shiji rarely appeared in front of Luo Quan.

Several girls laughed happily, but Luo Quan felt very helpless: "I'm just telling the truth, it's even more immoral to hang on to others all the time."

In fact, these words are much better than many scum girls, but Fred really hopes that Luo Quan can scum him, hang him all the time, and give him hope.

Sometimes being too rational can also be very hurtful.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Fred for a long time. Is he still in the United States?" Luo Quan asked Lyon with a completely curious attitude.

"No, I went to Africa."

Luo Quan was a little surprised by Leon's answer: "What are you doing there? Doing business?"

"Hey, it's really a business." Leon smiled, and said in a deep voice: "You know that Fred's family is in the arms business, right? Thirty percent of the arms business in the United States is run by his family.

Since being rejected by you, Fred has turned his grief into strength and devoted himself to the family business.

Last year I went to Italy to discuss business with the Mafia, and this year I went directly to Africa and negotiated large orders with some countries. The money I earned was transported by trucks and planes. "

"That's it." Luo Quan replied softly.

Such behavior reminded her of a movie called "Lord of War". …

Selling arms for profit is unacceptable to her.

It doesn't matter if we don't see each other anymore, the two sides of the province have conflicting values ​​and may even quarrel.

"By the way, old lady, how is your milk powder business doing?" Leon suddenly mentioned this.

"I know this." Su Yu quickly tapped the phone a few times with his fingers, "Look, it's on the hot search today, it's called miraculous milk powder."

Wen Xia said indignantly: "I saw that many people in the comment area said that the milk powder produced by Luoquan Company can strengthen the body after eating, isn't this pure nonsense?
I think this may be a sunspot hired by the rival company, which is hacking your product in reverse! "

"Uh... Is there a possibility that this milk powder really has the effect of strengthening the body?"

When Luo Quan said a word, the big guys looked at each other in dismay.

They believe that good milk powder can make babies develop better.

But it works on adults too, which is almost unheard of.

"Sister, are you sure you're not joking?" Leon usually believed everything my sister said, but this time she had to question it.

The British royal family's special offering is actually a gimmick. He grew up in Buckingham Palace and didn't know it?
The milk powder that the royal family feeds their babies is imported from Germany and Australia. How can there be any good milk sources and pastures in the UK?

Without these two, how to produce good milk powder?
So as soon as Leon saw the slogan, he knew that this thing was unreliable.

Of course, the possibility that the royal family has really bred good cows in recent years is not ruled out.

But adults can also strengthen their health by drinking it. Isn't this purely deceiving consumers?

"Sister, are you so poor now?" Leon said worriedly.

Could it be that my sister failed to invest and owed a huge amount of foreign debt, and in order to pay off the loan, she had to use this method to make money.

But it shouldn't be, just now he was ambitious to acquire Station B, and it didn't look like he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Go away." Luo Quan was very annoyed at his brother's unreasonable speculation, "Do you think I am the kind of unscrupulous profiteer who will do anything for money?"

"It's hard to say." Leon shook his head, and was almost kicked by Luo Quan.

"Let me tell you a very simple truth, that is, an antique that is born with spiritual wisdom can absorb more spiritual energy, and then improve all aspects of the body's quality.

So will these auras have the same effect on animals?
And these animals that have acquired aura, after their meat, eggs and milk are eaten by humans, will their nutrition be better than ordinary species? "

Luo Quan stood up as he spoke, like a food giant in the era of spiritual recovery: "I have had people analyze the nutritional value of milk, and the milk powder made from this milk can make adults healthy.

It's just that this kind of thing is too shocking, so you can't talk about it.

In any case, there is no problem with its quality, and I'm not the kind of beast who will do anything to make money. "

"So, those stones you sent to the United States before..." Leon suddenly realized at this time, "I'll go, sister, you have developed a new way of making money.  …

In addition to milk powder, in the future, as long as meat products and plants cultivated with spiritual energy can have miraculous effects, wouldn't it just crush those so-called high-end ingredients on the market? ! "

"That's it."

Luo Quan smiled and nodded, and gave him a teachable look: "In fact, milk powder is only the first step, as long as this product can be made, fans will be able to trust our product quality even more.

After all, milk powder is so rich, do you need to worry about the quality of other products? "

"Cow, Luobao"

Wen Xia praised Luo Quan: "You are both on the Internet and food. This is the entertainment circle seeking defeat. Are you ready to attack the rich circle?"

"It's just that I have nothing to do, I just find something to do for myself." Luo Quan waved his hand, looking very casual.

"Pretend it." Leon tilted his mouth, imitating a recent Internet celebrity who has been quite popular on the Internet to say deadly words.

This Internet celebrity has a name similar to that of an alchemist in League of Legends, Xin Ji Hui, and what he does is also similar to that of an alchemist.

It is through various additives that the street snacks that everyone loves to eat can be created.

Because the content is so exciting, it gained nearly [-] million fans in just a few days.

Everyone is waiting for him to reveal the secrets on the market and know what to buy and what not to buy.

At the beginning, he just compiled some content such as revealing milk tea, ham sausage, fried chicken, etc., which was not targeted.

Later he began to name some brands.

The most serious loss is Haitian soy sauce.

Just because it was picked up and a lot of additives were added, the stock price of Haitian Soy Sauce plummeted in the next few days, making everyone afraid to buy it.

However, because the incident was too big this time, Xin Jihui himself was also banned for a period of time.

But his ban did not stop netizens from discussing, and food safety has once again become a topic for everyone.

The last time the issue of food safety was so taken seriously, it was caused by Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles at the beginning of the year.

However, this time the topic is hotter than the old altar sauerkraut instant noodles.

After all, there are too many foods involved, and they are all popular foods that everyone eats a lot. They are closely related to everyone's life and have to be taken seriously.

The good news is that when Xinji Hui was sealed, no one has revealed the secrets of these things for the time being.

And just at this time, Luoquan's milk powder was pushed to the forefront because of its miraculous effect.

Just like Lyon, the first reaction of most passers-by who saw the milk powder comment area was that it was outrageous.

Other people's milk powder is at most pure natural, high in nutrition and good in quality.

Luoquan is very powerful. Adults drink it to strengthen their health, but the child can still drink it?It's not just superhuman!
Therefore, people's first reaction is that this milk powder is suspected of false propaganda.

If a milk powder makes false propaganda, can its quality still be good?

This is a question that requires little thought.

So passers-by who didn't know about it directly sprayed in the comment area, scolding these profiteers for daring to falsify things like milk powder, and they should be shot.

And Luoquan had expected it a long time ago, and directly put a large list of quality inspection certificates in the comment area.

The top one is the food health certification from the European Union.

The food health inspections in Europe are strict enough. If you engage in false propaganda there, you will lose a lot of money.

Coupled with the Royal Milk Source Certification issued by the British royal family, as soon as these two certificates came out, the curses of passers-by were almost emptied in an instant.

For them who live in an information cocoon, the two prefixes EU and British Royal Family usually mean high-end, quality and excellence.

With so many certificates, it is understandable that milk powder can strengthen the body.

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