Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 948 Charity Night

"Physical fitness is the second priority. I found that since my baby drank this milk powder, the number of crying at night has been significantly reduced."

"It's really like this. My baby used to cry when I changed hands when holding her, but now she is much more sensible than before."

"It doesn't feel like crying, but it seems that I like to laugh more."

"Don't say that the milk powder is mixed with tranquilizers."

"If there were these things, they would have been detected long ago."

"I'm still assured of Luoquan's reputation,"


It can be seen that both users and most netizens trust Luoquan very much.

This is also due to the good reputation she has built on the Internet since her debut. If it were an Internet celebrity with a mediocre reputation, the milk powder would probably be scolded for being a hot search if it was a little abnormal.

Of course, this is also because no one has had an accident due to eating milk powder, and both adults and babies have benefited after eating milk powder.

The price of the key milk powder is also relatively close to the people. As vested interests, of course they support Luoquan.

However, because "Quan Shui brand milk powder" has been very popular on the Internet these days, some Internet celebrities who specialize in fighting have already set their eyes on this product, and are going to study its ingredients carefully to see if it is as amazing as it is uploaded on the Internet.

The so-called counterfeiters belonged to the same group as the well-known people at the beginning. Good and evil are mixed, and it is difficult to distinguish good from bad.

But unlike the well-known style of fighting with keyboards, the counterfeiters are quite powerful in combat whether online or offline.

After all, some fakes can only be played in reality, and even the faked people have to face each other, and come to debate from time to time.

Among the counterfeiters in the early years, the most famous one was Fang Zizhou, who made a lot of fakes.

However, those who beat people kept beating him, and in the end he was also beaten by Lao Luo, who made a mobile phone. Once he was directly blocked in front of the elevator door and questioned, unable to speak a word.

Since then, Fang Zizhou's movements have become much quieter.

However, the current counterfeiters mostly exist in the form of Douyin Kuaishou Internet celebrities, and those counterfeit fakes are often alarmist, mainly for the purpose of gaining traffic and attention.

At present, the most controversial and popular product on the Internet is Quanshui brand milk powder.

But unlike most soft persimmons, Luo Quan is notorious for revenge.

It doesn't matter if you complain about her rustic outfits on Weibo, or being charming on station b, or looking like a cow.

But if you insult your personality or spread rumors, you will be absolutely legally responsible.

In the entertainment circle for the past ten years, Luo Quan is the star who has been imprisoned the most.

When others report to the police or send a lawyer's letter, they are all thunderous and rainy. Even if they are really arrested, they will choose to teach them a lesson and not do anything wrong.

As long as Luo Quan is there, it is really rushing to make people sit in prison.

However, it is precisely because of such ruthless means that there are many people who like to blackmail her on the domestic Internet, but none of them dare to spread rumors at will like other celebrities.

Especially now that the IP location is displayed, it becomes easier to trace the identity.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is not that kind of stingy person. …

Netizens think that she must take revenge, but her mind is actually very broad.

Every time the people I dealt with spread rumors and caused a relatively large impact, I had to do this as a last resort.

If it weren't for these people who were too much, who would go to the police to file a lawsuit with nothing to do? It would take a lot of time just to go through the process, and what she disliked the most was this kind of troublesome thing.

But she can't tell others these words, and netizens can only make evaluations based on what they see.

Although it sounds a bit harsh to say that you must retaliate, it can still make many sunspots fear her and restrain their behavior.

As for how much trouble this milk powder will cause, Luo Quan doesn't know.

But she is already mentally prepared to deal with various rhythms.

It is a mediocrity not to be envied by others. When a product is ready, it will attract customers, and it will also be targeted by competitors.

But no matter who is eyeing him, Luo Quan is not afraid, because the milk powder of his company does not contain any additives at all, so no matter how many tests there are, no problems can be found.

"Luo Bao, have you been invited to the Bazaar Charity Gala? Are you going this time?"

After talking about milk powder, Wen Xia suddenly brought up the topic.

The Bazaar Charity Night is an annual grand event in the domestic entertainment industry. Every time it is held, it will be contracted and searched.

Fashion is the only way for most domestic artists to be in line with international standards.

Some fresh meat signs, endorsements of Dior or Louis Vuitton can be popular in the world, and how happy the fans in the comment area are, can even become a kind of proof of celebrity status.

It can be seen that the fashion circle is still very important to entertainment stars. Although the Bazaar Charity Night is for charity, the organizer is the leader of the domestic fashion circle and has a lot of fashion resources.

Top stars have to show face, and second- and third-tier artists have to please, so every time it is held, the scene is very lively.

The last time Luo Quan heard about the fashion industry was the Dior fall show not long ago.

At that time, Dior invited a large number of celebrities to be models, which attracted quite a lot of attention.

Originally, I thought it would become a big news in the entertainment circle, but who knew that the star's catwalk show was so ugly that it was ridiculed by the crowd and became a trending search.

Facts have proved that most of the reasons why domestic stars are popular are because of their faces.

His posture, temperament and even figure are completely incomparable with models.

Wearing a coat and walking catwalks on the stage, the appearance of one deep foot and one shallow foot is comparable to that of Nicholas Zhao Si. At first glance, he looks like Wu Er Er who has a cerebral thrombosis. In short, he does not look like a model.

There is no doubt that Dior's spending money to invite celebrities to walk this time is completely negative publicity.

I usually shoot an advertisement, if only a few posses are enough, after all, the face is good-looking enough.

But if you walk on stage, without professional training, it will appear nondescript.

It is estimated that after this time, Dior should no longer spend money to invite celebrities to embarrass him.

I just don’t know if other luxury brands will learn a lesson from it. If they have such an embarrassing show when they are dead, it is a marketing strategy. …

After all, these brands sell clothes, and the figure and posture of most customers cannot be compared with the models. The way these stars walk, they probably look like themselves.

It may be more conducive to sales if you have a bottom line in your heart in advance.

As the saying goes, if you compare people, you will die, and if you compare goods, you will throw them away.

As Chanel's global brand spokesperson, Luo Quan was not originally a professional model.

When she was on the runway before, many people ridiculed that Grandma Liu was visiting the Grand View Garden, just waiting to see her make a fool of herself.

As a result, the steps she walked out were comparable to those of the Victoria's Secret supermodels back then, which directly shocked everyone.

From then on, everyone knew that Chanel had found a treasure.

However, since then, the intersection between Luoquan and the fashion circle has decreased a lot.

I remember that the place where I walked the runway was at Paris Fashion Week. I designed two sets of clothes to slap people in the fashion circle, but I ran away after pretending to be aggressive.

Since then, the only intersection between myself and the fashion circle is to shoot a promotional video for Chanel's new clothes.

At the beginning of the year, she took the girls in the company to a global hot search. At that time, the whole world exclaimed that her company should be renamed Heaven, because all the girls in it looked like angels.

Although it was a little exaggerated, I have to say that this kind of exaggerated praise really made people feel quite comfortable, and their vanity was satisfied.

Seeing the end of summer, Luo Quan thought that the only thing he had to do with the fashion circle this year was the shooting of the autumn clothing promotional video, but he didn't expect that there would be a Bazaar charity night.

As the domestically recognized traffic queen, she must have been invited to the Bazaar Charity Night.

If it was her before, she would probably refuse, too lazy to join in the fun.

But now, in order to increase the popularity and increase the popularity value faster, this kind of extremely popular party must be attended.

Even if it's not for himself, at least let Wen Xia, Su Yu, Lin Ruoli show their faces. After all, they are not like themselves, they are already popular enough to decide their itinerary as they like.

Some trips are a must, such as this Bazaar Charity Night.

With so many big brands, such high popularity, and doing charity, if you show your face, you can gain a good reputation for being charitable, why not do it?

So facing Wen Xia's question, Luo Quan replied directly: "I'm going even if I'm not invited. It doesn't matter if it's fashionable or not, but I love charity the most."

This is a big truth. According to incomplete statistics, Luo Quan has donated more than [-] million people to the country alone. For most celebrities, this is a figure that is completely unattainable.

Except for a few stars who have established charitable foundations, the donations of other stars are not even a fraction of Luo Quan's.

Of course, doing charity can’t be morally kidnapped.

Da is to help the world at the same time. These few are simple to say, but not many can be made, and more of them are independent regardless of whether they are poor or rich.

This is human nature, after all, everyone's money does not come from strong winds.

Those who donate money are worthy of praise, and those who don't donate should not be blamed, even if he has a lot of money. …

Of course, this is based on the perspective of absolute rationality, but can people be absolutely rational?

Obviously impossible.

Therefore, in the face of this kind of person, the public often denounces him as rich and unkind, and some radical ones are even directly included in the list of hanging street lamps.

Luo Quan is very fortunate that he is not a member of this list.

Although she is rich, she still has a pretty good reputation online.

In the future, if the company grows bigger, if you donate a little more money, the reputation of the entire national entrepreneur will be quite good.

"Luo Bao, how much should we donate this time?"

Wen Xia asked Luo Quan a question, his tone was as if he was leaving relatives but didn't know how much bride price to bring.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Just do what you can. If you want to donate [-] million, you have to have this much."

"Did you underestimate me, don't you really think that the top class in the country can't spend [-] million?" Wen Xia's mouth curled into a smile, revealing her financial resources in a subtle way.

If she was still at the Zhou Papi company in South Korea, let alone top-notch, she would not earn [-] million even if she was top-notch.

After layers of exploitation, [-]% of the money you get is not bad.

And after signing with Luoquan's company, they would directly share [-]% to [-]%, and the company would pay [-]% to her. No one would believe it if they told it.

And it's not because she has a good relationship with Luo Quan that she can be treated so comfortably.

In fact, the other artists in the company also share the same amount. Newcomers like Cheng Nuo and Shen Xingyu, who are not yet able to make money, even have a fairly reasonable basic salary.

With such wonderful treatment, if it weren't for the words Quanshui Entertainment in front of the company, no one would think it was an economic entertainment company.

Which brokerage company does not exploit artists, the difference is only the degree of exploitation.

It is precisely because the company's share is so high, relying on her own traffic, Wen Xia has made hundreds of millions of fortunes over the years.

But in the entertainment circle, this is actually a normal level.

After all, a female celebrity who went to the United States earns several million a day, which was once reduced to a unit of measurement.

After the news of this incident came out, the entire Internet was in an uproar, because netizens knew that celebrities make money very fast, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

With such an embarrassing acting skill with bad lines, he earns so much money in a day.

And most of them are exhausted for a day, which is even less than one ten-thousandth of hers.

This drop can almost break the defense instantly.

The most important thing is that there are still many stars in the entertainment circle who earn more than her level.

And Wen Xia is one of them.

Of course, she knew the reason to make a fortune in silence, and she never showed off the money she made, but quietly bought real estate in her hometown in Yuzhou and the capital city of Shanghai.

Housing prices in Yuzhou are slightly cheaper, so I bought five houses, but the sum is not as expensive as one house in Beijing and Shanghai.

This is her biggest expense at present, other than some daily expenses and collection of clothes.

Wen Xia understood the role of money better, and never spent it recklessly. She either deposited it in the bank or invested with Luo Quan.

So Luo Quan said that she could really get the [-] million deposit.

Of course, she would definitely not do charity like Luo Quan did if she could really show it.

Although she made money quickly, she was in a different realm compared to Luo Quan.

The latter's money-making speed is really outrageous. Helping to write a song costs nearly [-] million, and it's the kind that has a price but no market.

For Luo Quan, writing a song is probably easier than farting.

In Wen Xia's impression, Luo Quan seems to seldom do such nonsensical things.

As for writing songs, isn't that just opening your mouth?

So she is not surprised that the boss can donate so much money.

"By the way, can the money donated this time be reimbursed through the company account?" Wen Xia said with a smile.

Luo Quan rolled his eyes straight away: "It's a pity you figured it out!"

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