Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 949 Charity Night

Chapter 949 Charity Night ([-])

"Just kidding, it's not like I can't even get this little money out." Wen Xia said to Luo Quan with a smile.

To participate in a charity gala, donate money is certain, but in fact, the amount donated is usually not particularly large, 200 million is the top, and few people will donate more than 500 million.

For Wen Xia, one or two million is nothing, and it is quite a bargain to spend money on fame.

As for Luo Quan, how much she donated this time depends on the specific situation.

Although she is passionate about charity, she has always distrusted other people's charity projects.

For example, a while ago, there was a celebrity charity organization that said it was completely open, but after netizens wanted to see the specific whereabouts of each sum, it became very difficult.

Leaving aside who it was donated to, some of the purchase bills within this organization look quite outrageous.

Such as tens of thousands of laptops, hundreds of thousands of computer disks, video equipment and the like.

Netizens don't know what brand these things are, and why they have to buy such expensive ones.

But that's how it was billed, and it must have been reported that way.

This is only a small part of the purchase list. I believe there are many similar purchases in the list.

With so much money spent on maintaining the daily expenses of the organization, how much is left to go to real charity, I am afraid that only the founder of the organization knows.

From then on, Luo Quan knew that eight out of ten of these charities were unreliable, so she generally seldom participated, and every time she participated, she had an extra purpose.

Like this time, she went just for traffic.

Of course, the vast majority of celebrities are actually similar to her, but even if it comes with a donation, this behavior is commendable.

Looking through the mailbox, Luo Quan found an email from Harper's Bazaar editor-in-chief Shu Mang, inviting her to participate in the Bazaar Charity Night held in Shanghai tomorrow night.

"Sister, I've also been invited." Leon heard the discussion between Luo Quan and Wen Xia, and checked his mailbox himself, but he didn't expect there to be one.

Many people know that he has lived in Huaxia for almost a year. During this period, he has appeared on variety shows twice, and his fans have exceeded [-] million.

It can be said that in Huaxia, he can be regarded as a very popular star.

However, missing the Hundred Flowers Awards last time made Lyon feel that he was not big enough, and he couldn't even participate in this kind of entertainment event.

Unexpectedly, in the past six months, Bazaar Charity Night offered him an olive branch. This kind of promotion of status made Leon quite happy.

"Is it possible that they invited you because of your sister's face?" Mia suddenly poured cold water on her.

"Not Kuo (kuo, three times) can."

Leon imitated his old sister's Trump accent, and swung his right hand violently: "It must be because of my reputation in China. After all, the two variety shows that I was the main guest this year have exploded, okay?"

The variety show that Lyon talked about, one is that China has rap, and the other is called this is hip-hop.

These are the skills that Lyon relied on for survival in the early days, and being a mentor is still no problem.

"Hahahaha." Mia laughed again, "I don't know about hip-hop dance, isn't rap in China as outrageous as Beijing opera in the United States?"

Leon immediately retorted: "I don't agree with your point of view, rap is a kind of music that can be sung in any language, mastering the rhythm and rhyme is the key.

As for Peking Opera, accent and singing skills are the most important. If it really can be popular abroad, it is not impossible to write an English Peking Opera.

Just like singing Italian operas in Chinese, wouldn't English Peking Opera suck?
I have seen some foreign people use Peking opera to sing "The Revenge of the Prince", and the response has been quite good. "

"Okay, you have a sharp tongue, I can't tell you."

Mia decisively chose to admit defeat, against Leon's old line, she has no chance of winning, so she plans to change the angle:

"But I have to ask you a question, are you wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Leon looked puzzled.

"Talk to me, are you wrong?" Mia asked with a smile.

"Is this also called Stubborn Mouth?" Leon jumped up from the sofa in a hurry, spreading his hands, and his eyebrows were almost crowded together.

"You don't love me anymore, you have learned to yell at me." Mia stroked her belly with a sad face.

But from Lyon's point of view, it seemed like he was coercing the emperor to order the princes.

After thinking for a few seconds, he squatted down: "I'm sorry wife, I was wrong.

Although I don't know where I am wrong, but since you think I am wrong, then I am wrong. "

Luo Quan put his hands in his pockets beside him, shaking his head and laughing: "Tsk tsk tsk, our fearless little rap king will eventually be smoothed out one day."

Hearing this, Mia finally couldn't pretend anymore, and quickly hugged Leon in her arms: "I was just joking with you, I didn't expect you to really spoil me so much.

In fact, I still prefer your rebellious look. "

Leon also breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with a smile: "I said that you are usually quite rational, but now you suddenly become unreasonable. I thought it was because of your pregnancy that your mood changed drastically."

"No, I just browse Weibo and Xiaohongshu a lot." Mia shook her head lightly, "I see it says that you have to train your husbands in this way to make them obedient."

Leon said angrily: "Stop watching these things in the future, it's not sure whether those idiots are in love or not."

"I'm just doing an experiment." Mia whispered softly, "And I also think that many of those people's remarks are outrageous."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and smiled, and they were getting closer and closer, and they were about to kiss.

"Cough cough!"

At the very moment, Luo Quan coughed heavily twice, interrupting the two people's spellcasting: "Go back to the room to make love, don't sprinkle our dog food here."

"Let's go." Leon pulled Mia up and went back to his room with a smile.

"It's really a deep love between husband and wife." Wen Xia shook her head and sighed.

"I only smell the sour smell of love." Luo Quan replied sourly.

"Are you jealous?"

"Fart, if I was jealous, wouldn't I find one by myself? Shout out online, and the person who responds can overwhelm the server of station B!"

This is true, after all, she can sometimes overwhelm the Penguin server when she releases new songs.

If a marriage advertisement is really sent out, I am afraid that the server of station B may not be able to bear it.

Of course, these words are just jokes, and no one will take them seriously.

The Harper's Bazaar Charity Night will be held tomorrow night. I don't know who will be invited, but there will definitely be many celebrities.

This kind of competition gathering occasion is also related to fashion elements, both men and women will definitely dress themselves up to be more eye-catching.

But compared with those red carpet actresses abroad, the looks of domestic actresses are too well-behaved. Eight out of ten are in evening dresses.

The few ones that are more maverick are just wearing a women's suit, and these are routine operations abroad.

Foreign actresses can really wear any fancy clothes in order to attract attention.

Someone directly turned waste plastic bottles into clothes for the sake of hugging, and walked into the camera. Those who didn't know thought it was marine garbage salvaged from where.

Some directly strung CDs together as skirts, and the radiant appearance was comparable to that of flashlights.

And these weird clothes are usually the product of a certain fashion show.

In the words of the fashion circle, this kind of design that ordinary people can't understand is called avant-garde.

It may not be popular now, but who knows that it will not be popular after many years?

It looks like rubbish, and ordinary people can't understand it, but it doesn't mean it really is rubbish.

Interlaced lines are like mountains, and it is difficult to explain the beauty of these designs clearly to outsiders.

However, Luo Quan used to think that these people were playing tricks, using small groups and experiments as excuses, and doing some designs that insult people's IQ.

Even now she still holds the same point of view, the real fashion is popular with the public, and has a certain practicality.

Without practicality, how can it be popular?Doesn't it become a completely self-proclaimed thing?

The best example is silk stockings, which were originally worn by men and were only popular among European aristocrats.

In the words of the fashion circle, this kind of design is relatively avant-garde and niche, and only dignitaries can use it, which is quite compelling.

Over the past few hundred years, silk stockings have flown into the homes of ordinary people, and have changed from exclusive for men to exclusive for women.

What's even more rare is that although most men don't wear this thing anymore, it is still one of the most popular clothing for men.

This is the best example of going from minority to public.

Good things are good things, and they will not deteriorate due to changes in regions and time.

This is Luo Quan's opinion on certain people in the fashion circle, but she doesn't mix in this circle, so she never says such easy-to-reach words.

As for Bazaar's charity night, it's a sure thing to dress well.

As for makeup, take it easy.

Although she has earrings given by Bai Xingwei to conceal her temperament, if she looks too good-looking after makeup, it is still prone to problems, so she can't be too indulgent.

Of course Wen Xia and the others don't have this trouble anymore, no matter how beautiful they are.

This time, a total of five of them are going to participate in the Bazaar Charity Night, including Leon Mia, her, Wen Xia and Su Yu.

The three of them are considered to be the most popular in the company in China, and Lin Youli is also eligible, but she has gone on a trip and has no time to come back to participate.

After buying the air tickets, everyone went to bed early to rest, preparing to take the morning plane back to Shanghai.

Although the Bazaar Charity Night is held at night, they certainly can't last long to make an appearance.

Finding clothes, putting on make-up, styling, it all takes a lot of time.

In order to avoid the lack of time due to unexpected circumstances, everyone decided to go early.

"Brother, which brand of clothes are you going to pass on?" Luo Quan asked Leon after getting off the plane.

These few of them all cooperate with Chanel, and they can borrow clothes casually. In addition, she and Wen Xia have a lot of limited edition high-end Chanel at home, so they don't have to worry about clothes.

But Lyon doesn't seem to have signed an endorsement with any brand yet... She remembered that Lyon had endorsed CK's underwear.

"I just wear Baleno." Leon's answer surprised Luo Quan, because this brand is one of the unpopular brands in China.

In fact, in the early years, Baleno was actually pretty good in China.

But since a movie was released, the sales have been half-dead, and now they are dying.

It's kind of funny to say that.

The director who made this movie was once sponsored by a Uranus superstar, and got the precious start-up funds for making the movie.

In order to repay the king, the director made Baleno, the clothing brand endorsed by the king, appear in the movie.

But because the brand appeared in the mouth of a rustic and stupid thief, it seems that the brand of Baleno is also very low.

So even if the thief once said "Baleno, the brand", it could not save the sales of this brand.

This can be said to be revenge.

Lyon doesn't know much about the ins and outs of this meme, but he chatted with netizens about clothing brands during the live broadcast.

Everyone agrees that Baleno is the real brand.

Leon knows that everyone is joking, but he just likes this kind of atmosphere, so he plans to do the whole thing at the Bazaar Charity Night.

As for why not endorse luxury brands.

He said it was because he felt that most of the girls who were fans of him were not that good financially. If he saw the luxury goods he endorsed and made unnecessary excessive consumption, then he would be a failure as an idol.

So he turned down these endorsements that could make a lot of money, and the three views can be said to be quite correct.

"Baleno is here." Luo Quan chuckled, but he didn't expect his younger brother to be so down-to-earth.

But considering his character who likes to work hard, it is estimated that it is entirely for the effect of the show.

When the time comes for the live broadcast, the fans can show off again: You see how good I am, I wear this at the Bazaar Charity Night.

Of course, that doesn't mean it can't be done.

In today's troubled world, a capable person is called a maverick with personality and full of personal charm.

Those who are incapable of following the actions of the masses will also be complained about not having their own opinions and not knowing how to think independently.

Fortunately, Leon belongs to the kind of people who are more capable.

Compared with his sister, he must be much worse than him, but if compared with his peers, it is much better than him.

As a singer, he won a Grammy, and as an actor, he won an Oscar.

In the five years since his debut, he has experienced so many storms.

Looking back suddenly, I realized that I was not yet 22 years old.

Of course, compared with a certain child actor who debuted at the age of 13, his life is not full of ups and downs.

After all, that person had been in prison before, and was never seen by the whole network.

Relatively speaking, his life went smoothly more often.

So he likes to work hard.

The reason is also very simple, that is to make everyone happy, and I am happy too.

As for whether the host of Bazaar Charity Night will be happy, it is unknown.

Anyway, I've already reached his position, so is there any difference in what I wear?

A real emperor, even a commoner can wear a dragon robe!

(End of this chapter)

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