Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 95 Take the initiative

Chapter 95 Take the initiative
"Boss, didn't you just meet this girl a few days ago, and you forgot it so soon?" A younger brother asked curiously beside Yamamoto Masao.

"I want you to remind me!" Yamamoto Masao slapped him on the forehead, "It's not easy to mess with the Americans, but the Chinese people are easy to mess with? Use your brains, don't we want to kill ourselves by doing this?
Besides, Luo Quan has donated so much money to the earthquake-stricken areas, encouraged the people, and helped the stock market recover. After all, it is someone who is beneficial to Japanese society. It is not moral to move her! "

The words "moral and righteous" came out of the mouth of an H Dao boss. It's a bit ridiculous. It can only be said that he is not a pure villain, which is why he can only be the head.

The real H Dao bosses never reason with anyone, nor do they have any morality in their hearts. Such people do everything they can and do all kinds of evil. An "extremely evil and outrageous" is the truest portrayal of them.

If Iwasaki Eiji can find the chairman of the Sumiyoshi Society, as long as the price is sufficient, he may get a satisfactory answer.

It's a pity that although he is the noble son of the Iwasaki family, he is only the second young master after all. He can only meet with the second-in-command like Yamamoto Gangao. If he wants to meet the chairman of the Sumiyoshi Association, I am afraid that his eldest brother is enough.

In any case, Luo Quan not only escaped without noticing, but if H Dao decides to intervene, she may not be able to use her skills.

The next day, Luo Quan, who had a gloomy face, went to another gathering place of Iwasaki Inishi and his gang of sons early in the morning.

The venue shared with the Philharmonic Club is where they usually recommend karate. On the upper floor of the cafeteria, there are a lot of entertainment rooms. The boys rented one to serve as their usual leisure base.

Luo Quan only found out about this news after inquiring from various sources. No wonder Iwasaki Yoshi has not been seen before, and it is estimated that he has been staying in the leisure room.

It's not Luo Quan's style to be bored after suffering a loss. Since Iwasaki Eiji has already started, then she doesn't need to pretend to be a "fair lady" anymore...  

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

There was a knock on the door outside the lounge.

"Who, is it that guy Abe who didn't have the key?" Shuichi Sato tilted his head and glanced, then twisted back to stare at the white ball in front of him, his right hand constantly aligning the club in his hand, "This time I'm going to score in one. Hole!"


The white ball bounces out and hits crookedly.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

The knock on the door rang again, and Sato Shuichi said angrily, "It's all because it's too noisy outside, which affects my performance!"

"Come on, there are so many excuses for the lack of technology, hurry up and open the door." Inoue Qingkong teased Shuichi Sato mercilessly.

"Who is it?" Shuichi Sato took the cue and opened the door.

"Luo Quan, how did you find this place?" Sato Shuichi was taken aback when he saw the person standing outside the door.

"Is Iwasaki Eiji in there?"

"Wait...wait, what are you doing!" Before Hideo Sato finished speaking, he felt his hand sink, and Luo Quan dragged his club away!

Luo Quan, who had the cue in his hand, pushed Shuuichi Sato away, and after breaking into the lounge, he quickly found the position of Iwasaki Eiji.

He was chatting and laughing with a female student on the sofa by the wall, holding a wine glass in his hand, which was very pleasant.

Luo Quan stepped up quickly and swept past from right to left.

Iwasaki Eiji, who was flirting with his junior, only felt his neck being scratched lightly. When he came back to his senses, there was only a glass handle left in his hand, and red wine was sprinkled all over his body.

Luo Quan put down the club steadily without accidentally injuring the girl next to him. He swept away Iwasaki Inishi's wine glass at the extreme distance, and left a barely noticeable shallow mark on his neck by the way.

Beichen Yidaoliu is so precise and elegant.

"This is just the beginning. If you dare to disgust me in such a rude way again, it will not be a club that will cut your head next time."

"You bastard!" Iwasaki Eiji was instantly out of anger. It was the first time he had been threatened like this when he was so big.

"Inshi-kun, calm down! Calm down!" Sato Shuichi quickly stepped forward and hugged Iwasaki Inishi to prevent him from doing anything impulsive, and was then beaten to death by Luo Quan.

Others in the leisure room were quickly attracted by the movement here, Jinggong Masaku also put down the book in his hand, left the rocking chair and walked over.

The young masters also discussed the scene in front of them:
"What's the situation? Is it the love debt that Ying Shijun left outside?"

"This girl is the best. If Yingshi-jun doesn't want it, I'm willing to take it."

"Can't you see that you still have this hobby?"

"How could Ying Shijun always be able to deceive these pretty girls? I'm really envious."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Inoue Qingkong coughed twice, stopping the gossip of his companions, and at the same time stepped forward to separate Luo Quan and Iwasaki Yingshi: "Your name is Luo Quan, right, and I am also about you and Yingshi-kun. I know a little bit, but he's been here these days, hardly ever going out, and hasn't continued to trouble you."

Luo Quan sneered: "It didn't bother me personally, but his subordinates are probably not very safe."

Iwasaki Eiji said bitterly: "You don't want to spit people, everything must be evidence!"

"Evidence?" Luo Quan took out the piece of paper from his trousers pocket. Yesterday, I was attacked by two men at the Fan Appreciation Festival. Someone gave me this piece of paper afterward. How dare you say it has nothing to do with you?
"What piece of paper?" Inoue Qingkong took the piece of paper from Luo Quan and took a closer look.

"This is just the beginning, it's still written in Chinese." Inoue Aokora stared at Iwasaki Eiji and asked, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Iwasaki Eiji scoffed: "If this kind of thing counts as evidence, the police don't have to handle the case!"

Although Luo Quan had misunderstood a good person because of his irritable temper, but this time, her intuition told her that she definitely did not find the wrong person!
But she really has no evidence other than this piece of paper at present. If Iwasaki Eiji bites to death and never did it, then she is making trouble unreasonably.

Just when Luo Quan was in a dilemma, the door of the lounge opened again, and a man wearing sunglasses and casual clothes walked in.

Luo Quan turned around and looked over, the man was obviously stunned when he saw Luo Quan here, and then saw that she was holding a club in her hand, and Iwasaki Eiji had red spots on his body, and his face changed greatly.

"Master!" The man's shout was three-pointed anxious and seven-pointed angry. He mistakenly thought that the "blood" on Iwasaki Inishi was all brought out by Luo Quan who came to the door.

Before Inoue Qingkong could explain, the man in sunglasses rushed towards Luoquan, kicking with a kick.

Luo Quan suddenly felt something wrong with this aggressive kick, this man in sunglasses should be a master!

With all the people behind him, Luo Quan had no choice but to retreat. At this time, he could no longer care about his image, so a donkey rolled around to the left.

The black and bright leather shoes of the man with sunglasses swept away, and only hit the bookshelf next to the sofa, and sawdust suddenly flew.

Luo Quan looked at it with lingering fears, if this happened to her, would she still be able to survive?It's too hard to start!

"If you don't want me to live, then don't think about it!" Luo Quan got up in a low voice, raised his thighs, and broke the top of the club.

Snooker cues are generally 1 meters, and most Japanese swords are around 5 meters, which is too long and affects the feel.

When the man with sunglasses just landed and turned around, Luo Quan hurried forward and chopped off with a stick!
The man with sunglasses is like a dexterous cat, and he narrowly escaped this blow.

But everything is not over. Luo Quan's slashing is still going on. Before, she and the Sword Saint Liusheng Yanzhai could fight dozens of sharp swords in a row. This amount of exercise was simply a piece of cake for her.

And last time it was a sparring session, this time it was all desperate, and the speed of the slashing was faster and faster again and again. Although Luo Quan was already blushing, the man in sunglasses was also scratched by the stubble of the wooden stick in the continuous dodging. Second-rate.

The collarbone, T-shirt, arms, and trousers all had cuts of various traces. Although there was not much blood left, the condition was still precarious.

"Stop all of them!" Inoue Qingkong couldn't bear it any longer and let out a loud shout.

Everyone also swarmed up, completely separating Luo Quan and the man in sunglasses.

Sato Shuichi urgently persuaded: "What are you doing? You are all from the same school, so why are you so ruthless?"

Inoue Qingkong also said solemnly: "It's all a misunderstanding, everyone calm down."

Luo Quan frowned and looked over: "Senior Inoue, do you really think this is a misunderstanding?"

Saying that, she walked to the bookshelf, pointed to the terrifying crack and said, "How much harder do you think my bones are than this bookshelf? If I hadn't hid quickly, think about my current fate!

Also, as soon as this person sees me, no one will look for trouble with me. Who would believe that he didn't know me beforehand?Still talking about misunderstanding, in my opinion, there is no misunderstanding in this matter, it is all deliberately done by some people! "

Iwasaki Eiji was obviously in a hurry: "I still say that, everything has to be evidenced. If you continue to speculate so arbitrarily, be careful I will sue you for slander!"

"Sue me?" Luo Quan laughed, "You really know how to sue the wicked first. If that's the case, then I don't have to worry about the impact. The Huaxia Consulate in Japan is in the port area. Seek their asylum, and then post everything you've done these days on Weibo, hold a press conference by the way, and invite all the mainstream TV stations in Japan.

In a word, as long as I want, I can make this matter known to the whole of Japan. If it really annoys me, I will smash it all out. If this matter becomes an international dispute, I would like to see it. How did you end up! "

Eisei Iwasaki is obviously already a bit stern: "Do you think you can scare me? Is the Mitsubishi consortium a vegetarian!"

Luo Quan said disdainfully: "Your Mitsubishi Consortium is powerful, but at best you are just a second-generation ancestor who enjoys the success, and the first heir of the consortium is your brother, so don't involve the Mitsubishi Consortium in everything, it will only make you appear incompetent. !
I still say that, if you are not convinced, you can immediately notify the lawyer to sue me for defamation, and I will immediately call the Huaxia Embassy to see if the court will find me first, or your family will find you first! "

At this point, Iwasaki Ino's color changed in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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