Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 96 Temporary Announcement 1 Paragraph

Chapter 96
The Iwasaki Consortium is Iwasaki Yoshi's biggest reliance. His greatest achievement in his life is to become the second young master of the Iwasaki family, although this is not determined by his subjective consciousness, it is purely luck.

But in the same way, the Iwasaki family is also his biggest constraint. The bigger the family, the stricter the management of the children, not only because their behavior outside directly affects the image of the consortium, on the other hand, it is also for their sake, after all, they all It is possible to become the first heir of the consortium, and only with more restraints can he become a talent.

The Iwasaki family is a prosperous family with many talented young people in both direct and collateral bloodlines. Even if they cannot obtain the ownership of the Mitsubishi consortium, they are definitely other important and one-sided competitors. Iwasaki Yoshio is the one who is Iwasaki Yoshio. Of course, the more things I want, the better.

It's a pity that his talent is a bit mediocre compared to his cousins ​​and cousins ​​of the same generation, and it is visibly suppressed, far less bright than his brother Iwasaki Hideo.

Therefore, as he grew older, Iwasaki's father's requirements for him became more and more strict. He often scolded him at home, and if he made any mistakes, he would be scolded. Psychological shadow.

No, just after being scolded by his father not long ago, Eise Iwasaki simply stayed at school and didn't go home, and his ears were clean.

But now Luo Quan actually planned to burn a jade stone with him to make things bigger.Not to mention what will happen to her, she will definitely be in big trouble.

Iwasaki Eiji's back couldn't stop sweating when he thought of his father's face like a yaksha evil spirit, but even so, he didn't confess to Luo Quan like a coward. shame.

But it's not a solution to stay so stiff all the time. Luo Quan has already taken out his mobile phone and is about to call the Huaxia Embassy. If he really gets through, it's hard to say what the consequences will be.

"Luo Quan!" At the critical moment, Inoue Qingkong stood up and pressed Luo Quan's cell phone, preventing a disaster for his good brother, "They are all classmates from the same school, why make a big deal of it, spread it out to the two of you, yes Schools don't do any good."

Luo Quan chuckled: "Senior Inoue, it's not that I have to bite him tightly now. I kind of want him to let me go. After all, he is the young master of the Mitsubishi Consortium. Is it easy to deal with me?"

"Inoue-kun, in front of everyone here, you promise that you won't be in trouble in Luoquansang again in the future!" Inoue Qingkong turned his head to Iwasaki Inishi and said in a stern tone, while blinking his eyes.

At this time, Iwasaki didn't know how much he was grateful to Inoue Aokora, but his expression still didn't fluctuate: "Since the president has come forward, this is the end of this matter, and I promise not to shoot you again!"

Luo Quan laughed: "Haha, you finally admit that you did it?"

Iwasaki Eiji was taken aback: "I didn't..."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't get hurt anyway." Luo Quan waved his hand, expressing that he didn't want to listen to Iwasaki Eiji's weak excuses, "I also give Inoue-senpai a face, I hope you can be like a man this time. At least keep your promise."

At the end, Luo Quan looked at the mess in the room, and curiously said to Qingkong Inoue: "Senior Inoue, the decoration in this room is probably not cheap. Estimate the loss and go back and I will transfer the compensation to you."

Inoue Qingkong hurriedly smiled and said: "These are small money, I will just pay for it myself."

Luo Quan smiled: "That won't work, after all, I broke in on my own initiative today and caused trouble for everyone, what would I do if I asked you to pay?

Don't worry about me bleeding out, my albums are selling pretty well recently. "

Not to mention Luo Quan, everyone has forgotten that the girl in front of me is probably the richest among them. She has sold more than 800 million albums in two months since her debut, and the share alone is an astronomical sum. In the selection of the youngest female billionaire in Asia, Luo Quan is definitely on the list!

"Since you insist so, then I will go back and send you the loss." Inoue Qingkong nodded and agreed to Luo Quan's request.

The matter was settled satisfactorily, Luo Quan bowed again and apologized to the brothers who were disturbed, and then quietly left the room.

"Although the spring water is gone, I seem to be able to smell her body fragrance..." Someone arched his nose hard and took a deep breath.

"Do you want to be so perverted?" The companion next to him looked disgusted.

"But if you can marry the spring water back home, it must be a wonderful thing."

Iwasaki Eiji said bitterly: "Such a tigress can't kill you if you marry him and go home!"

When he said this, everyone laughed, and the awkward atmosphere was relieved a lot.

Sato Xiuyi smiled and said, "I think Luo Quan is pretty good and reasonable. If I get bullied outside, he can help me get ahead!"

"It's already recorded, I'll take it to Suzune-chan later." A friend behind Sato Shuichi shook his phone with a gloomy smile, and he didn't know if it was a real recording or just joking.

"Hey, you guy!" Hide Sato was shocked, and quickly stepped forward to entangle with him, vying for his "evidence".

"These guys..." Inoue Qingkong covered his forehead, shook his head and sighed, "By the way, Inshi, take Nishihiko to treat the wound, so as not to get infected."

"It's all minor injuries, I'll do it myself." The man in sunglasses stood up, walked to the depths of the leisure room, pulled out a white first aid kit, found a bottle of disinfectant spray, and sprayed it on his wounds.

Jing Gong Yasaku watched this farce silently from beginning to end, without saying a word, his eyes changed from impulsive to calm, and finally seemed to have made up his mind.

The next day, the Philharmonic Society Activity Hall.

"So, Iwasaki Eishi just reconciled with you?" Yun Jingxiao and the others looked at Luo Quan with surprised expressions.

"It wasn't him who reconciled with me, it was me who reconciled with him." Luo Quan corrected the master-slave relationship, "It can only be said that Senior Inoue is a better man, and he gave Iwasaki Eiji a chance to go downhill."

Amuro Yu showed a rare smile: "Anyway, it's great that this matter can end like this."

Kamiya Suzune looked at him curiously: "It's strange, why are you so happy today, I've seen you giggling from time to time in the morning."

Amuro Yu blushed, and hesitantly said: "Haruko...she replied to my message last night."

"You're still contacting her?" Miyano Natsuko sounded angry.

Amuro explained weakly: "You just sent her good night as usual..."

"Then what?" Kamiya Suzune was curious.

Amuro Yu showed a satisfied smile: "She said good night to me too, and sent a smiley face."

What an infatuated licking dog, Luo Quan said in his heart.

Yesterday, she saw a female student sitting next to Iwasaki Eiji. She looked very coquettish, and probably did not match the lovely and pure Haruko that Amuro Yu was in love with.

Mostly Iwasaki Eiji has a new love, and Haruko, who has lost her goal, can only come back and continue to fool Amuro Yu.

Yun Jingxiao hesitated for a while, but still looked at Amuro Yu and said, "I don't know if I should say it or not."


"I think love should be paid to each other. If it is only one-sided, the two are not equal in terms of status. Most of this kind of love will end in tragedy."

Amuro Yu hurriedly explained: "But Haruko has also contributed."

Kamiya Suzine shook her head: "I only saw that you bought her a lunch box at noon, gave her milk tea in the afternoon, gave her an umbrella on rainy days, and helped her with her homework on weekends. Where is her contribution."

"Her smile is the greatest sacrifice."

Everyone was like petrification in an instant, froze in place for a long time, unable to say a word.

What an ultimate tool man!Luo Quan couldn't help roaring out. This Amuro Yu had her style back then. It seemed that licking dogs looked the same no matter which country they were in.

Although most of the licking dogs are not allowed to be housed, there are also very few who are able to lick everything they need. Judging from Amuro Yu's posture, it is estimated that he will not be able to persuade him to come back. He can only hope that he can become the latter.

"Everyone is here." A gentle voice came from behind everyone.

Amuro Yu was shocked and stood up immediately: "Haruko, you are here!"

Kamiya Suzune and Miyano Natsuko both looked a little unhappy. The two girls were relatively decent, and they hated green tea like Haruko very much, but since they were both members of the same club, it was not easy to attack in front of them.

Luo Quan also looked over curiously, wanting to see what the girl who fascinated Amuro Yu looked like.

Hmm... It's really pretty, and she's quite good at makeup, and a little Fendai makes her appearance look pure and lovely.

Several members of the Philharmonic Club looked at her with a hint of admiration in their eyes, but the only one who could talk to Haruko was Yuu Amuro.

"You are Luo Quan, right?" Haruko saw Luo Quan who was looking at her, came over, and stretched out her white and tender hand: "I like listening to your songs very much, and I'm your fan!"

"Thank you for your support." Luo Quan held Haruko's hand and showed a professional smirk.

Haruko also showed a smile: "I heard your song before and thought you were a very gentle girl. Yesterday, I accidentally heard a karate senior talking about you. I didn't expect you to have such a tough side."

Luo Quan raised his brows, is this scolding her as a woman-in-law?
"How do you say this?" the surrounding members asked curiously.

"Don't you know?" Haruko pretended to be surprised and covered her mouth, "Yesterday Luo Quan found Inoue-senpai and their restroom alone and beat up both Iwasaki-senpai and Kobayashi-senpai. I heard that they were both covered in blood. , looks very miserable."

"Is there such a thing?" Yun Jingxiao and others looked at Luo Quan in surprise. They only knew that Luo Quan solved the trouble, but they didn't expect it to be solved like this.

"Well..." Luo Quan pursed his lips, "I did beat them up, but it wasn't as serious as being covered in blood."

(End of this chapter)

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