Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 951 Charity Night

Chapter 951 Charity Night ([-])

The girl who came was Guailing, and her English name was Erin.

Why did you say the English name, because she, like Luo Quan, is of mixed race.

However, apart from the fact that they are both of mixed race, there is still a big difference between the two.

First of all, Luo Quan is a Chinese-English mixed race, and Erin is a Chinese-American mixed race.

In addition, Luo Quan grew up in China, while Erin grew up in the United States.

However, according to Luo Quan's analysis of the melons he ate on the Internet recently, Erin's popularity has been higher than hers in the past few months.

Just a few days after the Tokyo Olympics, countless media and marketing accounts promoted her like crazy, but she is good at snow sports, and it will take another two years to start the competition.

Now that there is such a high traffic volume, won’t it take off if you win a few medals in the Winter Olympics?
Speaking of which, Luo Quan also had the opportunity to enjoy such treatment, but after she won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics, she returned to China without stopping, and turned down all interviews and endorsement invitations.

At that time, fans wondered why Luoquan won the gold medal, and the popularity abroad was higher than that in China.

In fact, it's not that there is no publicity in the country, but that there is really no one to find, because Luo Quan has already arrived at Huanyu Star at that time.

So there is no way, the Winter Olympics will be held soon, this is another great opportunity to show the world the achievements of China's development since the Beijing Olympics.

The whole world was amazed by that time in more than ten years. Countless people shouted that China completed the modernization that other countries took hundreds of years in just a few decades.

Now, there is a further opportunity, and by the way, it has to be compared with the embarrassing Olympic Games next door, so the country still attaches great importance to it.

Su Shen, who successfully broke into the [-]-meter final, was the athlete representative of the Tokyo Olympics.

And the Winter Olympics also had to find a representative. After searching and searching, Erin became the best choice.

First of all, her identity is quite a gimmick. The wanderer living abroad still yearns for China. After learning a lot of skills, she resolutely returns to China to participate in the Winter Olympics, vowing to win a gold medal for the country.

Of course, marketing belongs to marketing, and Erin's own strength is also very strong. At the beginning of the year, she had won several international championships as a Chinese athlete, and she has been in the top three for a long time in the rankings of her own events Location.

With more than a year to prepare, she is quite confident in winning the gold.

So it's no surprise that such a capable athlete, who is heavily publicized by the media, can gain such a high degree of popularity.

Of course, the main reason is that her status is quite special. If she is a domestic athlete, she may not be able to have such a high popularity.

As a mixed-race person, Erin is not actually a great beauty, but because the media filters are well-lit, and the post-production retouching will also make up for her facial defects, people will think that she is a mixed-race beauty across the screen.

But in fact, her appearance is average, but her figure is still very good. There are many photos of her attending pool parties in high school on the Internet, and she was already quite slim at that time.

After becoming an athlete, Eileen's figure has also improved. Tonight, she appeared in a black evening dress, which immediately attracted the attention of reporters.

Capital is for profit, reporters are for enthusiasm, and whoever has traffic will definitely go to shoot, so Luo Quan, who was about to enter the venue, suddenly lost many people around him.

"Let's just look at the sky in the distance, old lady." Leon gave Luo Quan a hey look, and spoke abstract words.

Luo Quan stared at his younger brother dumbfounded: "Don't be weird, it's not good to be photographed."

But as soon as the words fell, Erin walked over quickly after signing, and raised her hand to greet her, looking very enthusiastic.

"Do I know you?" Luo Quan pondered in his heart, but still nodded with a smile on the surface.

If other celebrities encountered such a familiar situation, they would probably ignore her overtures as if they hadn't seen them.

But this kind of behavior can easily embarrass the other party, and the colleagues seem to have no structure.

Therefore, in most cases, Luoquan will respond to strangers' overtures.

Just nodded and smiled, and didn't delay anything.

But if you want to have a deep chat with her, I'm afraid it won't work.

Just like now, after seeing Luo Quan's response, Erin stretched out her hand and wanted to hold her, and walked in together.

But back Luo Quan waved his hand and declined politely: "I'll wait for someone."

Wen Xia and Su Yu were still being interviewed by reporters, and she had been standing at the entrance waiting for them both.

Erin also smiled when she saw this, then turned her head and entered the venue.

Probably girls who grow up in the United States are more enthusiastic, outgoing and familiar with themselves.

Half a minute after Erin went in, Wen Xia and the others finished their work and came over.

Five people walked in side by side.

Because the Bazaar Charity Night was broadcast live, the interaction between Luo Quan and Erin just now became a hot search.

Several of the most popular people on the Internet gathered together, and one can imagine how high the discussion was.

"Oh, isn't this Erin, why are you standing with Luo Quan today?"

"Mixed races are really beautiful, Erin is so beautiful today, she is a beauty among the world."

"With all due respect, is there any comparison between her and Luo Quan?"

"Today's bazaar charity night scene is full of death, and many people have revealed their true colors. Do you think there is Erin in it?"

"I don't understand why a foreigner with no grades and an ordinary appearance can boast so much."

"She said she is a Chinese, right?"

"Huaxia does not recognize dual nationality."

"Let's take a look at Dingzhen from far away, my family. It is said that Dingzhen will give a speech tonight."

"1! 5! Dude is here to rap with you!"

"Haha, why don't you take a puff of e-cigarette here?"


In the first half, the fans are fighting each other, and in the second half, the abstract NPC gathers. It can be seen that the popularity of the Bazaar Charity Night tonight is really high, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts are attracted.

But many people have probably forgotten that the focus of tonight is to raise charitable donations for poor mountainous areas, and everyone is busy eating melons.

After walking into the venue, Luo Quan found that the layout here was slightly different from the usual awards ceremony.

At the award ceremony, everyone sat in rows next to each other, while at the charity night, many tables were set up at the venue, and everyone could choose to sit at a table with people they knew better.

Of course, whether you can sit in the front is related to the coffee seat. Those with a high coffee seat can sit anywhere they want, and those with a low coffee seat can only choose the few rows behind.

Fortunately, Luo Quan didn't need to think about this kind of thing for a long time.

I still remember that when she first debuted, she participated in the Weibo night for the first time, and she was relatively late, like a coward. She looked at the top performers on the stage and vowed that one day she would let everyone see her she.

Originally thought that one day it would take many years to achieve it, but she didn't expect that when she went to Weibo Night for the second time, she would already be in the first row, and she could choose the position at will.

It can only be said that the facts of the world are impermanent.

"Just sit here." Leon picked an empty table with good lighting from an angle, and sat down directly.

Although there were eight stools around the table, when Luo Quan and the others sat down, hardly any celebrity would come over and ask for one.

It's not a circle and it's hard to get together. It's a trivial matter to put a hot face on a cold butt. If it is photographed and let the netizens see it, it will really be ridiculed by the netizens for a lifetime.

But there is also a situation where Luoquan and Leon are enthusiastic and talkative. When they see someone coming over, they start chatting, and they have a good conversation, and then they become friends smoothly.

Luo Quan is famous for her bad temper. Normally, she is very easy-going and friendly, and she is quite enthusiastic, just like a good old man.

But if anyone really thinks that she is a good old person who can be bullied at will, then she will let these people know what it means to be cruel.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Luo Quan still enjoys the lively atmosphere of the charity night, with a wide smile on his face.

However, the celebrities are busy dealing with their acquaintances, and few are willing to come to Luoquan to try their luck.

In fact, after sitting down, Luo Quan wouldn't say much, but it was true that it was easy to make the atmosphere dull.

Soon, the charity night officially began.

First, Shu Mang, editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar, took the stage to give a speech, mainly to express thanks to the guests.

The Bazaar Charity Night has been held for more than ten years, and the stars and celebrities who come to participate every year change, but Shu Mang has stood up from the beginning to the present.

As a godmother-level figure in the domestic fashion industry, it is quite handy to deal with such a big occasion.

After Shu Mang finished speaking, Ding Zhen spoke next.

Tonight's theme is to raise funds for poor areas, and Dingzhen is the first to explode in traffic, and he is also from poor areas, so let him speak.

As for the relationship between it and fashion, to be honest, few people know. Probably in the eyes of some people, fashion and traffic are synonymous.

"Hi everyone, I'm Dingzhen."

This innocent and handsome boy, who became famous on Douyin, looked quite energetic after changing into a suit.

The skin that looked a little dark due to the growth environment has become fair after a long period of maintenance and recovery.

I don't know if it's the effect of the whitening skin cream, or the foundation is too good.

Dingzhen raised her head and stared straight at the screen behind everyone, where there was the manuscript he wanted to read.

For a Jiulouyu who hasn't studied for a few days, being able to speak Mandarin fluently is already pretty good. As for whether the accent is not standard, whether it can be written or not, it is not considered.

"This is what, why is Mandarin not as good as my crooked Chinese standard?" Leon struggled to listen in the audience, and laughed and complained.

Ever since his father brought his sister home, he has been working hard to learn Huaxia.

At the beginning, he was really overwhelmed by this complicated language, and his tongue curled up because of the flat tongue and front and back nasal sounds.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and it becomes much easier to learn after mastering the rules.

As a top student who can be admitted to Harvard, he has never lacked learning ability and patience.

It is precisely because of his diligent study over the past few years that he can speak Chinese quite fluently.

Although it is not as standard as the announcer, it is enough to make people amazing.

Originally, Leon felt that his Mandarin needed to be strengthened so that he could appear in variety shows in Huaxia in the future.

But after watching Dingzhen, he found that he didn't seem to need it anymore.

In comparison, it is enough for him as a foreigner to be able to speak to this level.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this idea was still unacceptable.

After all, my sister said before that she wants to form a group with him to sing Chinese songs. If the Chinese is not good, it will look strange when she sings it, so you still have to learn it.

As for Dingzhen, because the content of the manuscript is relatively large, and he speaks slowly, it took a long time.

But while it was hilarious to hear him talk, few stars smiled.

As for whether it is because of high quality or other reasons, it is not known.

"Don't say a few words." Luo Quan said his brother, and at the same time he looked helplessly at Ding Zhen standing on the stage.

She felt that this situation was a torment for both parties.

Dingzhen spoke with torment, and everyone in the audience also suffered from hearing it.

But netizens who eat melons probably made a profit, because they usually don't see such fun.

"Haha, I can already imagine what kind of Sima's face the celebrities in the audience have."

"Top torture, Dingzhen has done a good deed."

"The stars who can still laugh in the audience are all kind-hearted and high-quality."

"For example, Luo Quan, look at her professional smirk, it hasn't changed for a few minutes."

"Looking at Leon next to him, confusion and doubts are written all over his face."

"Lyon is probably thinking, this guy is also a rapper from the United States? Or is he from the East Coast?"

"Haha, I really can't hold back on this."


Not to mention that the work done by netizens has already been trending on the Internet. With the prayers of countless stars, Dingzhen finally finished.

Although it sounds more laborious, the content of this manuscript is quite constructive. It tells the current situation of poverty-stricken areas and what aspects need to be raised as soon as possible to solve them.

If a person with a clear tongue speaks, the effect will be much better, and it will not look like a comedy stage.

Fortunately, after Shu Mang took the stage, he repeated the key parts again, and the charity night was back on track.

Tonight's charity night is divided into two stages, one is auction and the other is fundraising.

During the auction stage, Bazaar Charity Night will take out some treasures donated by charitable collectors for bidding, and all auction proceeds will be donated.

As for the fundraising stage, the stars are free to play, donate more and donate less, and donate as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that besides celebrities, this charity night also invited many bosses.

So the auction stage is actually prepared for them. After all, only these rich people have the ability to conduct charity through auctions.

Ordinary celebrities, at most, can donate a million or so, which is quite good.

If the entire auction, as long as the collection is better, I am afraid that it will cost more than one million casually, and few people are willing to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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