Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 952 Charity Night

Chapter 952 Charity Night ([-])

ps. There are easter egg chapters later

"Sister, we don't have anything to do with this link, right?" Leon didn't know that there was an auction link beforehand, he only knew that he would donate tens of millions and it would be over.

When it comes to auctioning things, the upper limit is not easy to say.

Sometimes even if it is an ordinary treasure, if you get angry with a rich man, you have to pay a sky-high price to buy it.

For these rich and wealthy, more money and less money is no longer important, the important thing is to save face.

However, he has never done anything to fight for wealth. Unlike his father who spent money like water in the early years, he has received strict education from his grandfather since he was a child.

The old man has always been bitter about teaching his eldest son to be so cynical, so he is even more aggressive towards his eldest grandson.

So earlier, Leon trembled when he saw his grandfather's legs.

However, it is precisely because of such strict education that Leon did not get attached to the bad habits of too many playboys, and his three views were very positive.

"If you have something you like, you can also take it. Auctions, anyone with money can participate." Luo Quan replied with a smile when he heard his brother's question.

How can there be so many taboos at the charity gala? Is there still a scene where I make an offer and others will offend me if they do it again?
Luo Quan pondered for a while, and it was not impossible, after all, she had encountered similar things before.

And it's not just her, some of the top people here have also had this experience.

For example, the golden horse actor Wang Bo, who was two tables away, almost offended the boss of a big entertainment company because he said a wrong sentence at an auction a few years ago.

I remember that it was also at a charity auction, Wang Bo bid 300 million for an antique, but soon the boss of the big company bid 350 million to buy it.

Originally it was over here, but the host invited Wang Bo to speak a few words.

Wang Bo, who has always been known for his high emotional intelligence and good speech, overturned his car this time.

Originally, he might have wanted to say that as a film assistant guest, he thought of an effect of attracting jade, so that more money could be raised.

In the end, he didn't know if his mouth didn't keep up with his brain or what. He said that he was actually a bait.

You are the bait, so the boss with a very high level will become a fish?
So before he finished speaking, he himself realized the problem, and then he grinned awkwardly. The host on stage responded quickly and immediately asked him to stop talking.

Because it was a live broadcast, the camera was immediately shown on the boss.

The originally smiling boss also restrained his expression and looked at the stage calmly, not sure if he was angry or not.

Fortunately, Wang Bo's friend Xu Zheng was very loyal, and immediately showed his sign and bid 500 million yuan to say that this antique was auctioned, and he became a real fish instead of the boss.

Because at that time, the boss had a very high status in the entertainment industry, had many superstars under his command, had abundant film and television resources, and held the life and death power of half of the entertainment industry.

So when Wang Bo said this at the time, the people around him really sweated for him.

Fortunately, Xu Youzheng came forward to give it a step, so that no more serious consequences occurred.

However, Feng Shui takes turns, and no one can have smooth sailing.

A few years after this auction, the boss who controlled half of the resources in the entertainment industry and his company had already disappeared.

But Wang Bo's career is still booming.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan, the boss, also knew each other. He was Hua Yi's boss. The two had fought in the ring before.

Hua Yi was able to fall so quickly, Luo Quan had made great contributions.

After the local emperor disappeared, the capital tycoons in the entertainment industry have restrained a lot.

Compared with the past, the lives of celebrities are much easier, but those who are relatively famous will set up their own studios and be their own bosses, no need to look at anyone's face.

Of course, for most people, it is easier to enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree.

Luo Quan is so popular now, she has her own credit, and part of the credit is because of the in-depth cooperation with Penguin Entertainment, both of which are indispensable.

My thoughts gradually drifted back, and four collections have been auctioned in the auction.

Because it is a charity auction, the atmosphere at the scene has always been relatively harmonious. Everyone is friendly, and the rich give money, while the poor... there is no such thing as a star in the entertainment circle, one of the most lucrative professions in China. up.

Luo Quan looked at a dozen or so collections, all of which were of average quality.

Originally, she thought that she could pick up the leaks like before, but it seemed that she was thinking too much.

However, the prompt from the system immediately revived her already yawning state.

"It is detected that the income of the host's heat value has increased by [-]% compared with the normal level, which should be the effect of the charity night!"

Along with this message, there is also a rapidly increasing popularity value.

Usually there are dozens or dozens of ones, but now it has directly become more than 100, and the frequency has also accelerated a lot.

"It's finally here!" Luo Quan immediately showed a joyful expression.

She came to participate in the charity night this time to increase her popularity. Like this kind of high-profile gathering, as long as she attends, her popularity will usher in an explosion.

Looking at the popularity of the live broadcast room on Weibo, it's just the beginning, and the popularity is only ten million.

You know, the popularity of the Bazaar Charity Night in previous years was around 6000 to [-] million, and it is far from reaching its peak now.

Luoquan is not satisfied with the current enthusiasm, and it can become even more lively tonight!

"System, if I do something in this situation, once the attention on the Internet increases, will the speed of popularity continue to increase?"

"of course."

The systematic answer made Luo Quan feel relieved, and he began to think about what he was going to do.

Do you want to wait for the donation session later, and directly come up with [-] million to cover the audience?

Although the money is a bit more, as long as it is really used for charity, it is a win-win situation.

And the wool comes from the sheep, she donated money to gain popularity, and then the popularity can be exchanged for black technology to sell money, isn't it flattering?

Just as Luo Quan was thinking, the host on stage announced loudly that the auction session was over, and the next stage would be a performance session to soothe everyone's mood.

There are three performances, two singing and one dancing.

The singers are all powerful male singers from the mainland, and the dancers are a recently popular Saine River girl group.

Although online auditions are no longer available, women's teams still have a considerable market. Sainahe is a company that focuses on cultivating women's idols, and it is also the company that is least affected by the draft ban.

Because they all made their debut offline, had close contact with fans, and performed in theaters.

Although the popularity is lower than that of the online talent show, the fans are very fixed, and the company is relatively professional, which has achieved real industrialization.

This form is very similar to Japanese idols, and even though they are performing in offline theaters, if they are really good enough, they can also become popular on the Internet. Senahe has already trained two first-line actresses and is currently working on them. Cultivate a third.

And the third one was among the nine girls who were singing and dancing on the stage in front of them.

"The level is not bad." As an old senior, Wen Xia nodded frequently when she saw these back dances, obviously getting her approval.

I originally thought that the Chinese idol industry was in a slump, but I didn't expect that there would be so many outstanding seedlings.

It's a pity, if they catch up with a few years ago, their popularity will definitely be even higher than they are now.

As for now, if you want to be popular, it probably depends on your luck.

The three programs ended soon, and the host Shu Mang walked onto the stage with a smile:
"It was a wonderful song and dance performance, thanks to the sisters of the girl group.

I don’t know if you enjoyed it or not, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t. Next we will have a special performance session.

The guests at the scene today can be said to be star-studded, who is willing to come on stage and perform a show for the audience who are watching the live broadcast? "

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the stars looked at each other in dismay.

It's a star-studded night indeed, but no one told them they were going to be on stage.

The guests present this time are all very popular, but their professional abilities are uneven.

Those with high abilities and relying on their status will definitely not want to go up.

Those with low abilities may feel embarrassed to go up and sing and dance rap basketball.

So it fell into a cold spot for a while.

"No one wants to go up?" Luo Quan looked around and raised his white arms high.

However, there were a few young male stars from a company who lifted it up with her.

This youth group has been very popular on the Internet recently, and it is said that each member has multiple skills.

Some have high martial arts skills, some have the strongest brains, and some can play many musical instruments.

Because of its level and appearance, it is quite popular.

Seeing that they also raised their hands, Luo Quan murmured in his heart.

Well, there is going to be a volunteer-style performance, isn't this a performance opportunity specially arranged for them by Bazaar Charity Night?

If I raise my hand, wouldn't it ruin their good deed?
However, the status of the entertainment industry is here.

After Luo Quan raised her hand, no matter whether this session was arranged for that boy group or not, she must be allowed to perform first.

"Thank you Luo Quan, let Luo Quan sing two songs first."

Shu Mang was quite surprised, probably because he didn't expect Luo Quan to join in the fun.

"Actually, I haven't sung for a long time, so just now I was a little anxious to watch the audience, so I came up and sang two songs."

After Luo Quan took the stage, he didn't pay attention to the boy group anymore. After all, he could let them come after she finished singing. It's still early tonight.

Although I didn't do any rehearsals, I didn't even do lip-syncing recordings.

But Luo Quan never needs to record his singing, just play the accompaniment directly. If it sounds different from the studio album, it only means that the microphone sound is not good.

Because there is no preparation in advance, so I will sing my debut work for the first song. This song "Lemon" is for everyone, I hope you will like it.

Because wearing an evening dress, it would be unrealistic to sing and dance like the girl group before, so Luo Quan chose a quieter song.

The song "Lemon" is her maiden debut, and it has been enduring in Japan and China for a long time. Whether it is on video sites such as Douyin B station Youtube or on music players, it will be on the hot list from time to time.

For many old fans, this song represents Luo Quan's youthful appearance.

At that time, she was like a lemon exuding a delicate fragrance, sour with a little bit of sweetness, taking a sip lightly, people would unconsciously show a happy smile.

Even though she is more beautiful than before, her temperament and makeup have changed a lot.

People like nostalgia, and many old fans prefer the pure and ignorant Luo Quan.

Of course, do you like Luo Quan in swimsuit?

That's definitely what I like, and the two don't conflict.

People like nostalgia, but they are also lsp.

But Luo Quan is not wearing a swimsuit tonight, after all, this is the Bazaar charity night, not the recording site of the leopard music disc.

The elegant and sexy evening dress outlined her plump figure, making people daydream.

But when she opened her voice, everyone's attention was on the singing.

She has already perfected her singing skills, and when she sings these old songs again, the sense of hearing is really different from that of the past.

But it's not worse, but more flavorful.

As a song discussing death, Luo Quan didn't put too much emotion into it at the time, so it has been criticized for not being so meaningful.

But now Luo Quan made up for this meaning, and there was a hint of sadness in the melodious melody, which moved people.

Luo Quan's singing voice is like the brushwork of a great writer, gently writing a prose poem about the deceased in the air.

Most of the audience sitting off the court could not understand the lyrics, but the emotion in the song can be fully felt.

Just after the main chorus was sung for the first time, everyone couldn't help applauding.

It was in stark contrast to the scenes where everyone played with each other during the performances just now.

At this time, Leon also ran off the stage.

But he didn't come to perform with Luo Quan, but acted as a fan and sent Luo Quan a bouquet of flowers.

Everyone was still wondering where the flowers came from at the scene, but when they turned their heads to look at the table, they found that everyone had a bouquet of plastic flowers on the table.

The audience suddenly burst into laughter, thinking that a big star like Leon would be so good at working hard.

He forced the charity night into Luo Quan's solo concert.

However, being able to sing so well and perform so naturally under the watchful eyes of so many stars is indeed not something ordinary stars can do.

The only pity is that it would be even more perfect if the two siblings could really perform together on stage once.

For Shu Mang, if this scene happens once, the popularity of Bazaar Charity Night will definitely break through the sky, although the current popularity is already terrifying.

After receiving the flowers, Luo Quan glanced at his younger brother dumbfounded, then held them in his hands, directly entered the concert state, and began to sing the second half of the song.

After the audience finished laughing, they quickly quieted down and began to appreciate the wonderful performance of the queen.

ps. There are easter egg chapters later

(End of this chapter)

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