Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 953 Donation of 5

Chapter 953 Donation of 500
After the first song was sung, Luo Quan immediately sang "Blue and White Porcelain" again.

This is not her favorite among fans in China, but she must be the most well-known, because she has attended the Spring Festival Gala, and it is also the prime time of the Spring Festival Gala.

For a long time since then, this peak Chinese style song can be heard at almost any party.

"Thank you Luo Quan for the wonderful performance."

After Luo Quan's performance was over, Shu Mang stepped onto the stage to express his thanks loudly.

However, the performance session did not end here. The boy group who had raised their hands before came to the stage to sing and dance rap at the invitation of Shu Mang.

He Luoquan's guess was right, this stage was originally reserved for them, but no one expected that he would raise his hand.

But no matter what, the purpose of performing on stage has been achieved.

Just after going on stage and singing two songs, the popularity of Bazaar Charity Night has skyrocketed again, approaching 6000 million, and it is no longer close to the highest popularity in history.

And after all the performances are over, tonight's main event finally begins.

The previous auction did not raise much money, only about 3000 million RMB.

When it came to the formal fundraising stage, the program team did not just use the empty words "for charity" to ask the stars to donate, but came up with a specific donation plan.

First of all, the rescued people in impoverished mountainous areas are mainly the elderly and left-behind children.

The problems faced by this group of people are actually very simple. The health and food and clothing of the elderly, and the health and nutrition of the left-behind children are whether they can study with peace of mind.

Of course, spiritual needs are also very important, but it is not something that can be achieved with money alone, so it is usually not considered.

For the above-mentioned problems, after Bazaar officials raise money, they will use all of it to purchase supplies, and then send people to distribute them to the needed areas.

From procurement to delivery, the whole process is videotaped, completely transparent, and can withstand the supervision of everyone.

In addition, the list of people who donated this time will also be made public, so it will be clear at a glance who has donated and who has not.

The list would not have been announced before this, but perhaps because Bazaar Charity Night has become more influential and has begun to be supervised by the higher authorities, all data must be disclosed clearly.

For Luo Quan, if it is this kind of disclosure of the specific accounts of the donations throughout the process, then it is still worthy of trust.

Moreover, Shu Mang also clearly stated that he would broadcast live and shoot videos. Although there was suspicion of rubbing the heat, Luo Quan hoped that everyone would have the conditions to rub the heat.

She hopes that those who do good deeds can get more publicity, so that everyone knows that doing good deeds can have a good reputation.

It is indeed noble to do good deeds without leaving your name and donating anonymously. Luo Quan also admires such kind people, but doing so is actually not conducive to charity.

Because not everyone has such a noble consciousness.

As the saying goes, getting rich and building products, people often start to care about reputation after they have money, and the simplest thing is to do charity.

If everyone calls for anonymous donations, it will greatly discourage those who want to pay for fame.

Therefore, Luo Quan felt that whoever donated money to charity should make it known to the public and be praised by everyone.

However, Luo Quan was a little surprised that a lively charity party became a little deserted when it came time to donate money.

It's not that the stage is deserted. For this important link, Shu Mang specially invited Mr. Guo, a cross talk master, to take the stage to preside over the overall situation.

As the most influential cross talk artist in China, it goes without saying that Mr. Guo has a sharp tongue. He has hardly suffered a lot in front of the camera.

The only time when he was a little embarrassed was when he was in a dispute over the interests of his apprentice.

There was a lot of trouble, and finally ended in a mess.

But a few years later, Team Leader Guo and his club have become an important force in the Chinese entertainment industry.

The change of the times has proved that traditional cross talk can no longer be justified, but if cross talk is combined with idol idols, then maybe another way can be found.

As a result, there are more young and handsome cross talk rookies in the Guo Banzhu club, and they frequently appear on variety shows, and their makeup looks a bit like a handsome Korean boy.

The appearance is still acceptable, and two golden sentences pop up from time to time in the variety show, making the audience laugh out loud.

But when it comes to the level of cross talk, it is a matter of opinion.

Luo Quan himself doesn’t watch cross talk, but he watched some clips of cross talk when he was on Bilibili. It’s really funny, but many of them are old memes.

But generally speaking, Banzhu Guo and his group of people are currently in full swing, and the company's business is booming. Objectively speaking, it has indeed injected new vitality into the declining cross talk.

And this time Lao Guo came to Bazaar Charity Night to host the show. On the one hand, he was invited by Shu Mang, and on the other hand, he wanted to make a good contribution to charity.

Today, Lao Guo talked about stand-up comedy, without the content of the three vulgarities, and talked about how difficult the lives of people in poverty-stricken areas are.

In addition to being funny, Lao Guo is also good at sensationalism, and he has moved the audience with just a few words.

After listening to the plight of these people, the next step is to show love.

It's not mandatory, it's all voluntary.

But it's a charity night, and everyone knows what they are here for, and it would be too strange if they don't donate some money.

But it turns out that there are a lot of weird people in the world.

During the donation session, everyone will get a love card with their own name written on it, write down how much they donate, and Lao Guo will read it out in his loud voice after sending it to the stage.

"Wen Xia, how much do you plan to donate?" Su Yu asked about the situation of the people next to her, but she had already written 100 million on it.

It seems that I have been busy with work this year and have not done anything related to charity. If I catch up this time, I will donate more.

"All of your 3000 million fans donated 100 million, so I said yours is more than double, why don't you give more?" Wen Xia wrote 200 million on the sign with a smile.

Both Leon and Mia are good money owners, but because they are foreigners, they are not so relieved about charities in foreign countries, so they are not so generous, and each only donated 50 US dollars.

"Will it be a little less?" Mia asked Leon in a low voice after finishing writing the numbers.

"50 US dollars is not much in the United States, but converted into Huaxia currency, it is more than 300 million, which is already quite high." Lyon understands the market and does not feel inappropriate about this figure.

Of course, if the charity organization can be more reliable, he doesn't mind donating more, just as a blessing for the unborn baby.

As for Luo Quan, she thought about it for a while, and by the way, listened to the celebrity donation amount shouted out by Lao Guo on the stage.

Most of them are hovering around 70 yuan, and very few have reached 100 million yuan. The highest one at present is 280 million yuan donated by Lao Guo himself.

And there are many top-tier, first-line, direct zero donations.

"Could it be that this charity night is tricky?" Luo Quan fell into conspiracy theory.

But it has been running for more than ten years. If there is a problem, she should hear some rumors. She has never heard of any problems with the Bazaar Charity Night.

At most, the host Shu Mang's life is a bit extravagant. For example, the food cost is less than [-] a day, and he feels uncomfortable. He has to spend a lot of money on food and clothing every day, and his speech is a bit artificial.

But these are people's way of life, she is not interested in meddling.

Moreover, this charity night is not over after the donation is completed, and there will be a live broadcast of the whole process in the follow-up. Any problems will be picked up by netizens, so there is a high probability that most of the money donated this time can be used when needed on people.

Luo Quan said he couldn't understand that these people were still indifferent and indifferent.

But if you don't understand it, you don't understand it, and there is no need for her to comment. After the charity night is over, the hot searched melon eaters will comment.

As for her, just follow her heart.

After swiping three times, Luo Quan wrote "500 million" on the card.

If nothing else, this should be the highest bid in the audience.

But compared with the amount of her previous donations, this can only be called sprinkling water.

After all, she was a big philanthropist who had donated [-] million US dollars.

But the experience of donating [-] million US dollars was actually quite magical.

Originally, she had no idea of ​​doing charity at that time, and fans kept asking her to give out benefits during a live broadcast.

Luo Quan got tired of hearing it, so she set up a flag, and if you pooled up [-] million dollars, she would take a swimsuit photoshoot.

In her view, this was originally an impossible task.

Who knew that with the hard work of fans all over the world, they could really raise enough money.

Luo Quan had no choice but to fulfill his promise and went to the Maldives to take his first swimsuit photo shoot.

As for the [-] million US dollars raised, she didn't take it for herself, but donated it all to save her reputation that had been somewhat collapsed due to crowdfunding for swimwear.

It's also fortunate that the flag she set up was only for taking photos of swimsuits. If there were any other large-scale behaviors, the consequences would probably be very serious.

Since then, Luoquan has never set up any false flags.

Charity has been sitting on it all the time, with donations ranging from millions to tens of millions each time.

If it weren't for such a strong donation, how could her film and television works in China pass the review so easily?
Movies and TV shows made by other people have racked their brains in order to pass the review, and they can't wait to get rid of all the controversial scenes.

As for her, she just needs to be careful not to go too far, and in most cases she will not be reviewed by the card.

This time at the Bazaar Charity Night, Luo Quan thought he would be the number one in donations, but he didn't expect it to be so easy, only 500 million won.

Soon, the sign was sent to Team Leader Guo, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he looked at Luo Quan and said loudly:
"Ladies and gentlemen, so far in the donation link, there has been a figure that is quite exciting for the people in poor areas, that is, 500 million yuan donated by Luoquan!"

"Thank you, thank you Luoquan for your strong support." Shu Mang echoed loudly.

The stars in the audience also applauded vigorously. After all, applause doesn't cost money.

As the highest donor in the audience, Luo Quan got a chance to speak.

If it is Lyon, it is estimated that there will be some rap at this time, such as:
"Donation is a good thing, it shouldn't be high.

"But you earn more than me, and the payment is not as good as one-tenth of mine.


As soon as these words come out, it is estimated that many people will have black faces.

But Luo Quan didn't say it so bluntly, so he put it in a more euphemistic way:

"If you are poor, you will benefit yourself; if you are rich, you will benefit the world. This is a famous saying that I have grown up since I was a child.

As an entertainer with a small fortune, the 500 million does not fully represent my earnest concern for the people in poor areas. I have also donated through other channels. I believe that everyone here is as enthusiastic as I am.

I remember when I was in elementary school, the teacher often told me that it doesn't matter if you have more money or less, what matters is this kind of love.

I believe that as long as everyone gives a little love, tomorrow's world will be better, thank you. "

The same words have different feelings in different people's minds.

Some people feel that they are acting strangely, and their faces are not natural.

Some people think that this is the heartfelt words accumulated by Luo Quan in charity for a long time, which is touching.

But no matter what mood they were in, they all applauded after Luo Quan's speech.

Immediately afterwards, Squad Leader Guo revealed the amount of donations from Leon Wenxia and the others.

Although not as many as Luoquan, but compared to some of the artists present, it is much higher. After all, some of the present did not even donate.

After 10 minutes, the donation session ends.

Counting the proceeds from the previous auction, tonight's Bazaar Charity Night raised a total of 5000 million.

That's a heartening 9 for the impoverished who live in the midst of the heat.

If it can be implemented, the lives of at least tens of thousands of people will be improved.

After the donation was over, it finally came to the most anticipated and most exciting part of the group photo session.

Hundreds of guests were present today, and everyone can take part in the group photo, and the wide stage is enough to accommodate so many people.

But the focus of the lens can't take care of so many people. The most central position can only be occupied by the group of people with the highest coffee position and the largest traffic.

Before that, Luo Quan had no intention of grabbing the c position, because now she no longer needs to use these illusory things to show her status.

But after donating the money, she felt that it was too bad for her not to stand in the c position.

This time, their company donated the most, and they are not the industry leaders in terms of popularity or works.

Is it reasonable to stand in the corner and be robbed of the limelight by those low-level stars who have not paid a penny?
Obviously unreasonable.

The host Shu Mang also felt that this was unreasonable, so when she saw Luo Quan on stage, she asked her to bring all the big guys over.

The momentum of the team composed of Oscar winners and best actresses is quite terrifying. Just now, several top female stars were fighting openly and secretly. After seeing Luo Quan and Leon's group, they all gave way out of the way.

For the position C tonight, these people can only be chosen first before they can get their turn.

And Luo Quan was not polite, and he took Wen Xia Suyu to stand in the center of the group photo without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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