Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 954 Crazy Racing

Chapter 954 Crazy Racing

Probably because there are people in charge this time, the grab for the C position that netizens were expecting did not appear.

Luo Quan is firmly in the center, and other stars have no intention of competing with him.

On the one hand, the status is a bit poor. Although Luo Quan seldom sells such vain things as coffee status, but with so many titles at home and abroad, he already stands out from the crowd.

Not to mention her good looks, tonight's Bazaar Charity Night is another death lighting, exposing the female star's facial flaws.

If you dare to lean over at this time, wouldn't that be a stark contrast?
So in Luoquan, except for Wen Xia Suyu and others, no one dared to push through with courage.

But Luoquan didn't dare to squeeze, and other people's seats can still be squeezed.

The top actresses are still fighting hard in the crowd for a position relatively in the middle, but it is not as intense as before.

After everyone was seated, Shu Mang finally shouted "Look at the camera, eggplant".

With two clicks and flashing lights, the group photo was completed, and this charity gala, which included most of the top entertainment circles, was frozen.

After the group photo was over, the sleepy stars put away their smirks and went home.

The stars who still want to develop their interpersonal relationship still stay on the scene to talk.

But basically it's female celebrities chatting with female celebrities. In this era where anything that is speculative can be brought into rhythm, as long as a male celebrity and a female celebrity speak a few words, they can be programmed into a relationship.

"Go back, Luoluo, I'm a little hungry." Wen Xia rubbed her belly with an aggrieved expression.

Although he ate some bread to use as a cushion when he came here, several hours had passed, and Wen Xia was also a martial artist, so the bread had already been almost digested.

"I've already ordered takeaway, six dishes and two soups, I think it will be delivered just in time when we get home." Luo Quan was actually hungry, so he made preparations in advance.

As for the interview session after the Bazaar Charity Night, none of them had much interest and just wanted to go home and fill their stomachs.

For those reporters who have been waiting for a long time, it is a pity that they were not able to watch Luoquan's exclusive interview tonight.

But for Harper's Bazaar, today's charity gala is undoubtedly very successful. Not only has it contracted nearly half of the hot searches on Weibo, but the popularity of the live broadcast has also hit a record high.

This is crucial for Harper's Bazaar, which continues to expand its influence.

And tonight's popularity is so high, Luo Quan can be said to have contributed a lot. First, the two famous songs attracted countless fans to watch, and then the 500 million donation caused heated discussions across the Internet.

The flow area is considered full.

However, fans of Luoquan couldn't hold back after seeing the amount of celebrity donations compiled by the entertainment official account, and they joked in the comment area:

"I didn't expect to be able to win the first place with 500 million yuan."

"Luoquan donated relatively little this time, but it turned out to be so generous compared to others."

"Although donations are all voluntary, are these celebrities who have millions of dollars every minute really indistinguishable?"

"In this way, it seems that those who are willing to donate 50 yuan are already considered moral models, and most of them are penniless people."

"Don't talk about it, if you say it again, you have to blame our moral kidnapping."

"It is said that celebrities doing charity is superficial, just for the sake of fame, but if you don't even want to do superficial..."

"Dingzhen and Guailing both donated 50 yuan."


Obviously, netizens have quite a lot of opinions on this list of donation stars.

Ever since the celebrity's daily income of more than 200 million yuan became known to the public, everyone finally had a concrete idea of ​​how much money a celebrity makes.

The one earning more than 200 million is actually not even a first-tier star, at most a second-tier star, but because he is very good at acting, the traffic is higher.

As far as income is concerned, it is definitely not as good as those first-tier or even top-tier ones.

The second-tier top can earn more than 200 million a day, so what about those who are more popular than her?Isn't the monthly income going to [-] million?
If they are all as capable and ethical as Luo Quan, it's fine to earn more.

But how many Luo Quans are there in the entertainment industry?

Most of them are morally corrupt, and they break the law and discipline.

Just this year, how many first-line and top stars have been arrested?

This is just what was revealed, and there will only be more hidden in the dark.

So netizens are very angry, why such a person can earn wealth that they will never earn in a lifetime, and even enjoy it all with peace of mind.

There is no room for reasoning about this kind of thing. Only after it is on the hot search and let everyone see it, can we criticize it heartily.

It's a pity that language criticism alone has no effect.

So far, those cool artists have been exposed because of their violations of law and discipline, not because of criticism from netizens.

The only good news is that they can fend off these uncoordinated traffic stars through the box office.

Let them hit the street with every rubbish movie and TV series, and they will naturally get confused.

After it is muddled, there will be no capital to support it, and of course it will not pop up from time to time to disgust everyone's eyes.

After returning home for dinner, Luo Quan booked a plane ticket back to Hengdian.

Since she practiced Dapin Tianxian Jue, her mental state is getting better and better. She basically doesn't dream at night, and it only takes three or four hours to replenish her mental state.

She felt that if she continued to practice, she would probably be able to reach a spiritual state that did not require sleep.

Without falling asleep, Luo Quan turned on the computer live broadcast, ready to chat with everyone.

"Hey, you've been working so hard tonight. After the party, you want to live broadcast again when you get home?"

The fans obviously didn't expect to see Luo Quan in the live broadcast room. According to her past habits, she must have been playing with her mobile phone on the bed at this time, so how could she find time to live broadcast for everyone.

Facing the ridicule from the fans, Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Why don't you come to broadcast live at night if you can't sleep, don't you guys sleep too?"

"It's just twelve o'clock, and the nightlife has just begun for me."

"I'm on the night shift tonight, I just finished punching my card."

"You came to watch Luoquan's live broadcast just after punching in the card, right? Immediately arrested!"

"Since everyone can't sleep, let's have a chat, let's talk about your opinion on the amount of celebrity donations tonight."

"To be fair, Dingzhen and Guailing both donated 50 yuan. Do those who donate zero yuan really care about their reputation?"

"Probably these people know that they are bad, and we know that they are bad, so they just put it bad. Anyway, we don't necessarily praise her."

"Makes sense."


The fans’ thoughts were very insightful, and Luo Quan replied after watching it: “Actually, I have already talked about this topic at the Bazaar Charity Night.

After all, everyone has their own way to do charity. It doesn’t have to be donated through the Bazaar Charity Night. Maybe they donate tens of millions of good people in private, and they donate anonymously. We don’t want to donate. It's normal to know. "

As soon as these words came out, the fans couldn't hold back:
"Haha, it has to be Luo Bao, you will be eccentric."

"A lot of people were blackmailed this time, but they didn't name them. We just waited for these people to check their seats."

"A celebrity: I want to sue you for slandering me!

Judge: Luo Quan, what did she say?
A celebrity: She told me everything I did, it's so insulting! "

"That is to say, if Luo Bao dares to speak like this, if other people are not blocked, they will be warned by a lawyer's letter."

"Is there any power in the celebrity's lawyer's letter now? I don't think it's much different from the confession."

"Indeed, seven out of ten celebrities who sent out lawyer's letters are cold, and one has been stepping on a sewing machine in prison for almost a year."


Emotions always need to be vented, and Luo Quan is the best mouthpiece for fans.

As a celebrity with huge influence, she is never afraid of offending people, and she speaks out when she sees something wrong.

Because of its great influence and being seen by more people, netizens feel that Luo Quan's discounts sometimes really relieve their anger.

After all what they say, those "over the top" stars don't care at all.

But Luo Quan clarified these things, not only could those celebrities see it, but they would also know clearly that they were scolding them.

Moreover, he dared not fight back when he was scolded, and he could not threaten him with a lawyer's letter, so he had to endure it.

Not to mention how cool this feeling is.

The only pity is that it's almost enough to do one thing at a time, and there's no way to hold on to it all the time.

In the final analysis, it was just that the charity gala did not donate money, which was not harmful, so the fans began to change the topic of chatting.

A while ago "The Ferryman" was scolded miserably, but we have already talked about it, and now the biggest hit in the film and television industry is Waterloo at the box office.

The summer season has completely ended, and compared with previous years, it has dropped by a full 50.00%, which is so large that it is rare in ten years.

Obviously last year, China's movie box office was still thriving, and even surpassed the United States to become the world's largest box office, but it turned out to be like this this year.

Many people are wondering whether this is an accidental phenomenon, or it indicates that China's box office has begun to decline.

"Luo Bao, can you talk about the recent plummeting box office in China's summer vacation?" Luo Quan read out the question in the barrage.

After thinking for a while, she looked at the camera and said, "Actually, it's normal. In my opinion, a sharp drop is the state that the entire market should be in. It's a big problem if it goes up all the way like the previous few years."

This novel statement really exceeded the expectations of the fans. Originally, they thought that Luo Quan would say that it was because of more and more bad movies, bad money driving out good money, and too strict censorship.

At present, most of the up masters who talk about this are turned off like this, but Luoquan is completely different from the mainstream view.

Facing the screen full of "why", Luo Quan took a deep breath and said, "First of all, the following opinions represent only my own, and they are all nonsense without any basis."

Before expressing his point of view, Luo Quan first gave himself a few exempt buffs on the market, and then explained:
"Think about it carefully, everyone. The movie box office market is declining all over the world. Many movie theaters in developed countries have closed because there are no customers. Only our side is so prosperous, and the box office hits new highs every year.

But apart from a limited number of blockbuster movies every year, other movies seem so mediocre, but the box office is still more than 20 billion, including those recognized bad movies, which can also earn hundreds of millions of box office.

Don't you think there is a big problem in this situation? "

Some things are not spoken out, and no one thinks there is a problem.

But when I think about it carefully, I really feel that something is not quite right.

Now that the global economy is in recession, it seems that the situation on the eve of the economic crisis is about to be discovered. The business of movie theaters has long since deteriorated, and box offices around the world have generally fallen sharply.

And this kind of decline has existed since a long time ago, only Huaxia seems to be completely unaffected, and has been advancing all the way.

Is it because domestic movies are so good-looking that foreigners are attracted to watch them in China?

This is obviously nonsense.

So here comes the question, where did the money for these increased box office come from?

This is a question worth pondering.

Luo Quan saw that many fans still didn't understand, so she put it more bluntly:
"It's normal for the first movie to attract a lot of box office, and those who can earn 50 billion are indeed outstanding.

But those shoddy and bad movies can also get four to five billion, seven to eight billion at the box office.

Compared with those more than 20 billion box office, such results are of course a hit, because their investment is almost the same amount, if the box office is similar to the investment, they will lose a lot of money.

But in the final appearance of the movie, is there an advertisement that is worthy of the hundreds of millions of investment and several years of preparation?
It cost [-] million yuan to shoot special effects for [-] cents, so where did the money go?
Not to mention the box office stealing and black soldiers booking out from time to time.

Everyone thought that the investors spent money on publicity for the sake of the movie's box office.

But have you ever thought that they spend money just to spend money? "

Speaking of this, if you still don't understand it, it means that you are still in school and haven't had much contact with society.

Anyone who has seen several Xiangjiang movies knows what kind of behavior this is.

Very simple, it is "washing rice".

Many fans also posted directly on the barrage.

It has to be said that after Luo Quan's analysis, everyone felt a sense of enlightenment.

"So, the previous prosperity was actually fake, because someone else was injecting money, so it seems that the box office exploded?"

"Then why is it starting to decline now?"

"Stupid, last year the entertainment industry started to take action, and the investigation was extremely strict. Whoever cleans up this will not be arrested immediately?"

"Damn it, it's no wonder the box office plummeted so quickly this year, it's all right now."

"So, the current summer file is what our movie market should look like?"

"should be."

"Then what about Luo Bao's new movie, isn't it going to be a box office hit?"


Luo Quan smiled unexpectedly when he saw the barrage.

(End of this chapter)

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