Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 955 Crazy Racing

"It's a shame that you still care about my new movie." Luo Quan said happily, "But don't worry everyone, I am quite optimistic about the performance of the new movie, even in this declining box office market. .

You ask me why I am so confident, of course it is because my movies are good enough. "

"Didn't you say that the previous prosperity was all an illusion?"

"Schrödinger's Illusion."

"I don't really understand your reasoning."


Luo Quan saw that the fans seemed a little puzzled, and explained: "The market is indeed a false prosperity, but we have 14 billion people, and we are the second largest economy in the world. Even after the false prosperity is exposed, the box office that can be contributed is very large. Astonishing.

Just like those movies that hit the box office a few years ago, their results are solid, and even if they are released now, they will still achieve very good box office.

"Crazy Racer" is such a movie. "

"I can't wait to see it hearing you say that."

"Up to now, no news has been released, and the mouth is too strict."

"Indeed, I haven't seen a single still photo."


"I know you are impatient." Luo Quan chuckled, "Now the filming is more than halfway done, I guess I can meet you soon."

This is probably the most exciting news for fans tonight.

Although we all know that Luoquan makes movies quickly, and a movie can be seen with everyone in about two months, but before knowing the specific progress, this kind of waiting is actually the most difficult.

If there is a countdown to the release, the effect is estimated to be better. Fans will always have hope in their hearts when they see the numbers decreasing bit by bit.

However, such things as the countdown can only be done by Luo Quan after the film is finished and submitted for review, because when filming, there will always be delays due to various reasons.

For example, when filming "Under One Man" in Hengdian before, who would have guessed that a martial idiot came halfway through, disturbing half of Hengdian.

These are emergencies beyond human control.

Although "Crazy Racing" did not encounter a similar situation this time, I went to social gatherings outside of filming several times, which would also affect the progress.

The good news is that this movie does not have any special effects shots, and it is almost equal to the completion of the filming. Now that the special effects are emphasized, it is indeed possible to meet the fans who are looking forward to it more quickly.

In short, Niu has now blown out, and has also attracted the attention of fans and passers-by.

The next thing to do is to be serious and make this movie well.

The next day, the family flew back to Hengdian.

Luo Quan's movie has entered the finishing stage, and Leon is going to promote the filmed "Dawn Era" with Director Guo.

This was picked up when he came to Hengdian last time. Luo Quan knew it was a bad movie, but he didn't interfere with his choice in the spirit of losing money.

So at Director Guo's kind invitation, Leon accepted the film.

To be honest, the role of a domineering president with a paralyzed face that doesn't need much acting skills, not many roles, and a high salary, is really an invitation that I can't think of a reason to refuse. …

In fact, after reading the script, Leon knew that the movie would most likely be a bad movie, full of money worship and ordinary people's exaggerated fantasies about the rich.

In addition, the plots of several heroines are true and bloodless, so he still hasn't figured out what it will look like?

However, which actor hasn't made a few bad movies?
A celebrity who has no scandals is not a celebrity. Similarly, an actor who has never made a bad film is not a good actor.

Leon felt that it was appropriate to pick up an easy job to complete, but in fact it was not a big problem.

Secondly, Director Guo is offering too much, which is really an irresistible price.

After the movie is released, it will be criticized, but it will also be very popular.

And he just needs to do his own thing well and ensure that his acting skills are online.

After all, he is not the leading actor, but a supporting actor who exists to promote the plot, no matter how bad the movie is, he cannot be blamed.

With such thoughts in mind, Leon has been actively cooperating with Director Guo's propaganda work.

And Luo Quan's hope of teaching Leon a lesson is probably going to fail.

In the evening, Leon returned to the hotel with a tired face.

"What's the matter, you look like you've been dusting the construction site for three days?"

A group of girls were watching movies on the sofa. Mia looked up at her husband and asked about the situation.

"Huaxia's fans are so fanatical. Today they heard that I'm coming to promote a movie, and they blocked the venue immediately."

Lyon collapsed on another sofa, opened a bottle of Chitose Mountain and drank it.

Foreigners usually drink bottled water bought in the supermarket. In their eyes, drinking boiled water is as strange as drinking unboiled water in the eyes of Chinese people.

As for the raw water abroad, it is not as clean as the public knowledge, and it will cause diarrhea if you drink it directly.

Moreover, tap water in foreign countries lacks some softening processes, resulting in a very high mineral content in most tap water, and scales often appear after boiling.

Therefore, most foreigners directly buy bottled water from supermarkets for drinking, and if they are not afraid of trouble, they will use devices such as tap water softeners.

As for boiling, there is no such concept abroad.

After all, it is only in the past few decades that the Chinese people drink boiled water leaves, and there is a unique historical background here.

However, after Lyon came to Huaxia, although his living habits have changed, his drinking water has not changed much from before.

Drinking water is still bottled mineral water, and occasionally a whole bottle of iced Fat House Happy Water.

After drinking the water, Leon continued to complain: "No one expected that there would be so many fans this time. I didn't expect that I had become so popular in China. You didn't see the scene. That was really a red flag waving, and there was a sea of ​​people."

"I see." Luo Quan has already found related hot searches on the hot site, "Haha, you were scolded for disturbing public order."

"Then you can't blame me." Leon looked aggrieved, "Let me see how they scold me."

In fact, for a foreigner like Leon who has no bad behavior, the language of Chinese netizens is relatively gentle, and they only use some common words such as "white skin" and "ghost old man".

Fortunately, Leon is white, if he is black, it will be miserable. …

At present, the anti-gangster sentiment on the Internet is quite high, not to mention that it is because of bad things that are popular, even if it is because of good things that are popular, they will be scolded by Ni Ge.

In fact, there are good people and bad people in any race, but the ratio of black people to bad people is too high.

And because the ancestors were framed by white people, so now in Europe and the United States, with the help of the white left, relying on political correctness to run amok.

Just like a biologist who won the Nobel Prize and is known as the father of DNA.

Just because he found in his research that the average IQ of black people is the lowest among all races, he was insulted by all circles of public opinion as soon as he announced this discovery, and was finally banned.

Perhaps his research is really purely scientific, without any racism.

But if you say that blacks have the lowest IQ, that is discrimination against blacks and they must die.

However, with the development of the times, more and more cases came before people, and people discovered that the research of the father of dna was too well-founded.

Whether the IQ is the lowest is not difficult for the time being, but it must be the highest crime rate.

In the United States alone, blacks account for 20.00% of the criminal records with less than 50.00% of the population.

And not only in the United States, but also in Europe.

There are no similar records in Asia, it is entirely because the number of black people is relatively small.

Therefore, although the quality of black people is generally low, you are not allowed to say it, and you will be accused of discrimination if you say it. This also makes many locals feel very upset.

Lyon is not considered a native of the United States, but because he often raps underground in New York and has been with many black people, he knows what kind of people they are.

Irritability, loyalty, greed, lawlessness... etc., can all be labeled with these labels.

Relatively speaking, he does not discriminate against blacks.

But if he hears the song "Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse", he will be very happy to hum along with it.

This song is currently the most popular Chinese song abroad. The melody sounds like a cheerful nursery rhyme, but the lyrics have a hidden reason.

In its chorus, there are a lot of "in-in-in-in-in-in", which sounds similar to the most hated name of black people, "Nige".

This title can only be called by black people among each other, and outsiders can only call it a quasi-deep hair.

The reason why the song became popular was because some troublesome Chinese netizens tricked them into playing this song while watching foreign anchors.

When the chorus sounded, let alone how funny the scene was.

Then this song became popular, and many anchors played this song specially to gain popularity.

Because the song isn't insulting, people who don't like it can't report it to remove it.

Lyon also heard this song by chance, and then became a member of his playlist, and he usually plays it to adjust his mood when he has nothing to do.

However, these are limited to mobile phones, not on the web.

Let him play this song in front of a bunch of black people, he doesn't have the guts.

Although he has learned the miraculous dismantling of Niscoff, it is still impossible to deal with pistols. For the sake of his own life, it is necessary to distinguish between online sex and real sex.

Similarly, this can also be applied to those Chinese netizens. …

Although it is quite cheerful to call him "white skin" every bite on the Internet, but when you go offline, you may ask him for one of the autographs at the venue.

The Internet is originally a platform where almost any speech is not required to be responsible, so they can release their inner negative emotions to their heart's content.

Leon himself often visits the post bar, and has a very thorough understanding of these.

So when I saw these words that humiliated him, I didn't feel too much trouble in my heart.

If you scold, just scold, can you save a piece of meat?
Besides, he has no good way to stop this kind of behavior, after all, even my sister can't make everyone like her.

So Leon just laughed off the netizens who abused him in the news.

As for the negative news about too many fans, there is nothing to do about it. It is true that there was no preparation in advance, which caused the scene to be a little chaotic. Lyon also sincerely apologized.

My sister once told him that if you do something wrong, you must not be stubborn or pretend to be dead, just admit it directly and promise to correct it next time. Those who dare to fight against netizens usually end badly.

Leon seldom obeys anyone, but he admires his sister very much.

As a perfect star, she has too many shining points worth learning.

It's a pity that it has only learned from its elder sister's laziness so far. In terms of fishing, the siblings really have a fight.

After the apology, the popularity of negative news has decreased a lot.

Obviously, netizens still have a relatively high tolerance for a powerful faction like him.

In addition, it was really not a big deal. Although it was a bit chaotic and crowded, no one was injured. Moreover, Lyon was trying its best to maintain order at the time, and the fans were too fanatical.

Speaking of which, he is also considered a victim, cheated by fans who love him too much.

After thinking about it, Lyon posted another Weibo message calling on fans to pursue stars rationally, and attached a song "stan" written and composed by the old sister and sung by the two together.

The story told in this song is that irrational pursuit of stars has caused serious consequences.

When it was released, it was hailed as a masterpiece that opened a new chapter in rap, and it directly won the Grammy Award for Rap Song of the Year that year.

Now that the popularity has subsided a little, Lyon promoted the song again in Huaxia, where the popularity is relatively low.

That night, "stan" was on the hot song list and aroused unanimous praise from the domestic hip-hop circle.

This is not a new song, and more or less domestic hip-hop players have heard it.

Now to like it, mainly to gain popularity, and by the way, come to Lyon to pay homage to the mountain.

After all, he had been the mentor of two rap variety shows before, which made a lot of underground rer popular.

Although there is no news about the new variety show, but if you get to know each other now, you might get preferential treatment when you appear on the show, so it will take off?
This is called the flower shelf everyone lifts, and the cake is bigger and eaten together.

As far as Leon is concerned, he is still willing to share this cake with other rer.

After all, he is an outsider and cannot eat the biggest piece of cake like his sister, so it is better to share it with others and gain a good reputation.

But there are many people who are popular, and there are those who lick him and those who diss him.

Ever since he came to Huaxia, there have been rer dissing his behavior in various ways, saying that he was trying to make money or something.

Leon couldn't refute this, because he was here to make money.

But, isn't it right to make money?

It's just that Lyon felt that his rer level was too low for these diss, so he didn't want to get involved with them at all.

The turmoil gradually subsided like this.

Luo Quan then didn't get distracted to join in the excitement of other places, and started filming movies at full speed.

Before the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the film was finally successfully completed and sent to Dai Ying for review.

The whole family also left Hengdian and returned to Shanghai to watch the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

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