Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 956 Crazy Racing

"This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is a bit interesting. Internet celebrities are all there to perform."

Wen Xia was eating walnuts on the sofa, and her tone couldn't tell whether she was joking or mocking.

In order to save the ratings of the gala, which fell rapidly after a slight improvement, this Mid-Autumn Festival gala not only invited many Internet celebrities, but also invited a lot of fresh meat, just to firmly grasp the young people's market.

However, I originally hoped that the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala would not have such a strict review, and I would not come to teach the big guys at this reunion moment, so the sketch might be more funny.

As a result, the effect presented is still so bad, not to mention fake singing, and the cooperation between Internet celebrities and traffic stars is also really hip-pull, which is not interesting at all.

It can be seen that they have tried their best to bring everyone happiness, but unfortunately their ability is limited and they are really unable to do what they want.

The only highlight of the entire evening was probably the mix of songs from Xiangjiang and mainland singers on the same stage.

The scene was very lively, full of memories, but there was only such a bright moment.

Only at this time did the audience realize that these gala shows have been going downhill, but that year just happened to be better than before, so it gave everyone the illusion of getting better.

Now this is returning to the normal level, so it looks very hip.

But everyone understands the truth, but such a hip-pull Mid-Autumn Festival party still caused dissatisfaction among netizens.

Fortunately, it was only the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, which was far less important than the Spring Festival Gala. There were not many people who usually watched it, so the voice of complaints was not particularly loud.

And because last year's operation was actually okay, everyone's endurance is still relatively high.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone also began to think about the Spring Festival Gala:
"It's okay to stretch your hips at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, as long as you don't stretch your hips during the Spring Festival Gala."

"I heard that this Spring Festival Gala has invited many old artists, and they plan to have a big event."

"I only know that Wang Mian is going to the Spring Festival Gala, and he will cooperate with Da Zhangwei."

"Who is Wang Mian?"

"The champion of this year's talk show conference, a man who combines music and funny, his talk show is really wonderful."

"Teacher Da Zhangwei is also a very funny person, the two plus one must be greater than two!"

"Then it seems that this year's Spring Festival Gala is still very interesting."

"The Spring Festival Gala is still too far away. By the way, are there any good movies for this year's National Day?"

""My Father and My Hometown", "Eight Hundred", "Four Seas", "Crazy Racing""

"The first part, the name sounds like a hodgepodge where several directors each shoot a section and then cut it together."

"It is indeed the case. I tasted the sweetness last year, and I will do it again this year."

"You can tell by the name that it's not very pretty."

"Lobo's movie is not bad, it's worth looking forward to."

"Didn't you say that "Avatar 2" is coming, can it be released on National Day?"

"What, they are going to compete on the same stage with "Shanghai Fortress" on New Year's Day."

"Hahahaha, this is really interesting. I think just reading the movie reviews is already very exciting."

"The pressure is all on the side of "Shanghai Fortress". If Lu Han's film is even colder, probably no crew will come to him in the future."…


Obviously, the hip-pull Mid-Autumn Festival party did not affect everyone's mood.

Because the National Day is approaching, in addition to celebrating the birthday of the motherland, most people can have a small seven-day holiday.

This is really precious for modern social animals under increasing pressure.

These seven-day holidays are very good, whether they are used to rest at home with family members, or go out to accompany girlfriends to travel and watch movies.

Because there is more time during the holidays, the National Day file is the peak box office season after the Spring Festival file, and the competition is often particularly fierce.

Like this year, "Father in My Hometown and Me", "Eight Hundred", and "Four Seas" are all big-budget productions, and there is no shortage of fresh meat, veteran actors, movie stars, and great directors.

In comparison, "Crazy Racing" seems too shabby.

The director and actor Luo Quan is the biggest star of the crew, and the salary of [-] million is definitely a lot of people rushing to hire her.

But because it is a movie invested by myself, all costs are zero.

The second most famous star is Wen Xia who is the only female supporting role, but because there are not many roles and well-known reasons, the salary is not high.

The rest are a bunch of supporting actors from all over the world.

These supporting roles have their own characteristics, and they have also acted in many works. The acting skills are excellent and the price is low. Even if the salary is raised after receiving the blessing of the actor rating, each person's salary is only about 200 million.

As for the others, they are basically small heads. There are no big scenes in this movie, and the special effects shots are only a few seconds. The production cost is quite low.

After the film was submitted for review, Luo Quan also specially posted the production cost of the film on the news, which was only more than 800 million, which was lower than the cost of Luo Quan's previous "Resident Evil".

Netizens didn't believe it when they saw the news headline, thinking that Luo Quan was talking nonsense.

In the past five years, how many Chinese films have cost less than 2000 million?

If such a small amount of money is used to hire Xiao Xianrou, it is estimated that only one leg can be hired!

But after clicking on the feed, and seeing the details of the crew's accounts listed by Luo Quan, netizens finally understood that it turns out that it really doesn't cost much to make a movie.

Although everyone knows that this is a small production, no matter how small the production is, it will not be shoddy, because it is produced by Luoquan.

The quality is definitely guaranteed, and the cost is still so low, which makes netizens have to ask a question:
Those big productions that cost hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn, where did the money go?

Luo Quan actually said the answer to the question during the live broadcast before, but it may be because there were too many mistakes, all the videos of the live broadcast that day were deleted, and now they can’t be found online, so most netizens don’t know Luo Quan What the hell was said that day.

After the live video was deleted, Luo Quan didn't bother to make it up. Anyway, whether the movie market is bad or not has nothing to do with her.

She just needs to make sure that the movies she makes are good enough, and the population base in China is so large, enough to feed her well.

As for the peers, I can only wish them good luck.

"Crazy Racing" passed the review smoothly as always, and it was marked with the dragon mark without any effort.

Although she didn't make any contribution in the Huaguoshan secret exploration this time, the strong gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics still earned her a lot of impression points. …

It's a pity that the Winter Olympics didn't add an ice fighting event, otherwise she could have won another gold medal.

As far as she knows, ice hockey is the only sport that can fight on the ice in the Winter Olympics. If there is any conflict between the two teams, they can directly fight on the field. The referee will only watch from the side, waiting for the two fighting to decide the winner. .

It can only be said that it is a pity that she is very good at fighting, but she has never touched ice hockey.

"Sister, how much box office do you think you can get this time?" Leon asked his sister curiously.

He has not seen the finished film, but he has been present during the filming process of the film. Just watching those filming clips, he knows how many jokes and reversals are hidden in the film.

As a comedy, it is really a masterpiece, but whether it is the best in recent years will not be known until it is released.

After all, Happy Sweet Potato has made many excellent comedy works, and some of them are masterpieces in the minds of the audience.

Compared with the previous comedies, it can be seen that the tastes of the audience are changing.

Whether the taste of "Crazy Racing" can match the audience depends on the effect on the day of the release.

Therefore, Luo Quan could only jokingly say to his brother's question: "I definitely hope to reach the box office of 50 billion, but this is not the Spring Festival, so it is estimated that it will not be reached, so let's lower the requirement and come to 30 billion." Enough."

"30 billion is not low." Wen Xia checked and said: "This is also a good result that can enter China's historical box office rankings."

Luo Quan waved his hand: "It's useless to predict these things now, just wait quietly for the movie to be released."

As he spoke, he turned on the phone and sent out a countdown to watch the movie.

After passing the trial, she can control when it will be released, and she will be able to log in to theaters across the country as soon as the National Day arrives.

Although it is a low-budget film, because Luo Quan wrote, directed, and acted in it, this label is almost synonymous with box office hits, so the theaters do not dare to slack off at all, and the number of films scheduled will definitely not be small.

Netizens were also ecstatic after seeing the countdown finally came out, and immediately pre-purchased movie tickets online.

I have to say that the fans are also really strong. With the blessing of the god-level preview, the pre-sale box office has directly reached [-] million.

According to this trend, the box office may reach one billion directly before the movie is officially released.

Only a small number of movies in China can enjoy this kind of treatment.

As for the trailer, it doesn't mean how good the filming is. In fact, it's just a mixed cut of a bunch of characters. Among them, there are a lot of shots of cycling and driving, which echoes the title of the movie.

But this is not the point, the point is bgm.

Careful netizens discovered that this is a new composition by Luo Quan, and its name is "In the Palace of the Mountain Demon King".

The melody of the song is weird and crazy, and at the same time, it is extremely brainwashing. The last part is even more brilliant in the endless chaos.

At the end of the song, a "crazy racing car" remained on the screen.

The lingering sound lingered, and the barrage was full of bullshit.

"You call this riding a horse a small cost?"

"This song alone is worth 1000 million! I said it."…

"Haha, Luo Quan said that this song can be written in 5 minutes, free of charge and no money."

"I wrote, directed, acted and added my own soundtrack, no wonder the cost was not controlled so low."

"It's normal. Luo Quan's albums are all made by herself, and she doesn't let others have the opportunity to make money at all, that is, the filming conditions do not allow it. Otherwise, she might come to a big package."

"As expected of Luo Quan, a movie worth less than 2000 million can be turned into a Hollywood blockbuster."

"Is this really a comedy? It doesn't look like there are too many hilarious scenes."

"What can you see in 2 minutes?"

"Looking forward is over. I have already bought the movie. If you can't buy it for 50 yuan, you can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled."

"I saw Luo Bao's tight-fitting racing suit in the preview, and his figure is still as good as ever. Not much to say, pre-order support first-hand."


"To clarify, I'm not old!"


The trailer has successfully completed its mission and filled the expectations of netizens.

Many directors in the industry are also staring at this movie. They want to see why Luo Quan spent 2000 million yuan to make a movie that everyone applauds.

With such a small investment, other crews can only get a shoddy evaluation.

But Luo Quan has always been known for being good at creating miracles, so can she create miracles this time?
No one knows, but Luo Quan's fans feel that she will not let everyone down.


On October [-]st, the first day of the National Day holiday comes.

The long-lost long vacation has finally arrived, and office workers may still be sleeping late, wanting to recover their devastated bodies.

The student party members were even more energetic, and they had already called friends and friends and ran all over the street after nine o'clock.

Of course, only for students in high school and below.

College students in this era have become a little prematurely aging, and usually they are sleeping at this point.

However, although it is the National Day holiday, many people still choose to go to work for the high overtime pay.

If everyone is on vacation, how can those who enjoy the vacation come out to play?

This is an unresolvable contradiction.

In the movie theater, there was an endless stream of guests who came to watch the movie.

It is said that the Chinese film market is a false prosperity, but judging by the appearance in front of you, where there is a little false appearance, this is the real traffic. Cong has sold a lot of tickets since he opened the store.

So far, it's unclear which movie will be the biggest hit.

The blockbuster movies featured on the National Day show are watched by people. "Eight Hundred" has enough stars and the publicity effect is quite good, so slightly more people watch it.

But "Crazy Racing" and "Four Seas" are not far behind, and each has its own advantages.

And as the first batch of audiences poured into the theaters, the true face of these movies was finally shown to everyone.

In order to control costs, Luoquan did not even hold the premiere ceremony, and many film media people have only seen the finished film until now.

Zhao Yang was one of them. He even thought about asking questions, but Luo Quan didn't hold the premiere, which was simply too crude.

But after sitting in the seat of the cinema, all his thoughts were focused on the big screen in front of him.

The dragon logo and the exclusive bgm appeared in the opening credits, followed by the list of investors and main creators of the film.

Crazy Racing is different. There is only one production company, Quanshui Entertainment, and Luo Quan is also responsible for half of the credit list. It seems that she thought this movie was created by herself.

However, because there are too few units that need to be thanked, the title of the movie is much shorter than other movies, which is a very comfortable point.

Soon, our protagonist Geng Jiao kicked off the scene.

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