Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 957 A Real Comedy

Geng Jiao was lying on the bicycle, and her tight sportswear outlined her figure like a storm. Because of her posture, her already plump buttocks seemed to be a little more warped.

Starting from "Resident Evil", as long as the movie starring Luo Quan seems to give the audience a lot of benefits at the beginning of the title.

Before, I still stayed in the relatively superficial way of waking up from the bathroom, using the illusion of the lens to create an atmosphere.

And now she has learned more advanced ways, knowing that sometimes it is more interesting not to show than to show.

It's a pity that the highlight of this movie is not the temptation of uniforms. Luo Quan's good figure just appeared for a few seconds before the starting gun rang.

All female cyclists immediately kicked up vigorously and sprinted towards the finish line.

As the protagonist, Geng Jiao easily established an advantage and took the lead to the end.

With a flamboyant personality, she thought she was sure of winning, and raised her hands to celebrate before reaching the finish line, while No.2, who followed closely behind, fell off the car at the last moment of crossing the line, looking very embarrassed.

After crossing the finish line, everyone thought Geng Jiao was No.1, and congratulations, interviews, and gold medals followed one after another.

But before she was happy, her grades changed suddenly.

It turned out that when crossing the line, the No.2 who fell off the bicycle reached the finish line with a slight advantage, so Geng Jiao was the runner-up.

In an instant, all the flowers and clusters arrived at the real No.1. Holding the silver medal, Geng Jiao couldn't accept the result for a while.

When Geng Jiao was sullen all by herself, Li Fala approached him. He was well dressed, but treated Geng Jiao very respectfully, straight to the point and wanted to ask Geng Jiao to take an advertisement for her products.

Geng Jiao told him in authentic Yuzhou dialect: "You are looking for the wrong one, the gold medal is there."

After speaking, he turned his head and was ready to leave.

"Silver is good." Li Fala held Geng Jiao back, with a sincere look on his face.

As soon as the camera turned, the two came to the corridor to shoot the advertisement.

Then, the first famous scene of the film appeared.

"If a man wants to have a good kidney, he should drink Shenbao.

Baiyin deer antler kidney treasure, one bottle of refreshing, two bottles of never fatigue, three bottles of immortality. "

After reading the advertisement, Geng Jiao finally knew why Li Fala wanted to find her, because the name of this product had a silver in it, so of course the silver medalist had to be the endorser.

But it seems ridiculous to let a woman endorse aphrodisiacs.

And after Geng Jiao finished reading this passage, Li Fala asked her to drink the kidney treasure.

For the endorsement fee, Geng Jiao didn't think too much about it, and just swallowed it.

Then, her pretty face became extremely distorted, as if she had eaten large intestine sashimi cooked with canned herring as a soup base. After a long delay, she squeezed out the last advertisement with a sad expression:

"Baiyin Deer Antler Kidney Treasure, it tastes great."

As soon as the words fell, Geng Jiao saw the master coming over, and scolded her head and face: "I'm looking for you everywhere, hurry up and do a urine test for me!"

Geng Jiao, who was beaten up by her master since she was a child, did not dare to disobey at all. She didn't even have time to ask Li Fala for the endorsement fee, so she put down her kidney treasure and ran away.

But it was this kidney treasure that caused the next urine test to fail. …

A three-no aphrodisiac, the ingredients in it don't even need to think about it, it will definitely contain a lot of stimulants.

After Geng Jiao finished drinking, she tested positive immediately. Not only was her medal confiscated, her results voided, but she was also banned for life. The culprit, Farah Li, has long since been found.

In the pouring rain, Geng Jiao's master couldn't bear such a blow. After kicking his apprentice a few times, he fell straight down.

As soon as the screen turned, the camera came to the sea.

A fierce battle was taking place on a fishing boat from Treasure Island. Ajie, who was covered in tattoos, was so brave that he easily killed all the crew members.

In the end, the dying boss was brought onto the deck, and Ajie's boss sat down on a small bench weighing nearly [-] kilograms, and asked him anxiously where his money was.

Obviously just now a group of people were still playing mahjong, and the money was pressed under his bench, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The boss of the boat was dying, and picked up a piece of Nanfeng: "Change...change the wind."

The boss of the gang froze for a moment, then patted his head: "Damn it, I forgot to play mahjong to change the seal."

Sure enough, under the stool he sat on for the first time, the box containing the money was still lying there.

After the boat boss finished speaking, he also swallowed his breath.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to sail to the mainland.

Next, the main supporting roles appeared one after another.

A businessman with a fierce face, a professional killer saving money to marry a wife, Li Fala, the boss of aphrodisiac who wants to hire a murderer, Li Fala's wife, who is fatter than the gang boss, and a smooth-talking cemetery to promote the economy.

Each supporting role has its own characteristics, and it only takes a few words to make the audience firmly remember their image and personality, and everyone also has golden lines that can be called famous scenes.

Together with the protagonist, these people weave a comedy that makes people laugh and cry.

Moreover, the plot has twists and turns, and the multi-line narrative can finally be merged into one, which is not lost to any drama movie at all, and the degree of excitement is amazing.

And the ending of the story is not the same as most of the current comedy movies, there is a drama of fan love to deepen the theme or something.

Creating content and artistic value is not the purpose of "Crazy Racing", its mission is simply to bring happiness to everyone.

There are no inscrutable lines in the movie, nor are there any thought-provoking philosophical speculations. There are only truths that even elementary school students understand, that is, good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.

The story also revolves around such a theme.

The entire film is only [-] minutes long, compared to the two-hour plots of current movies, "Crazy Racing" is slightly shorter.

But the audience seemed very satisfied after watching it, because this movie is very complete, everything that should be said has been finished, and all the foreshadowings that have been planted have been filled in. Hyending, everyone likes this ending very much.

After watching the movie, the audience immediately started a lively discussion, some with their companions who came together, and some with netizens on the Internet.

Before noon, "Crazy Racing" was on the top of the hot search, and even suppressed "Eight Hundred", which had already reserved a hot search position. …

As a National Day tribute masterpiece, there are as many as 20 stars who starred in the Eight Hundred, including many capable actors and actresses, and there is no shortage of traffic.

Originally, this was a movie that was full of topical stars and rushed to the top of the box office on National Day, but now the popularity is suppressed by a movie that costs less than one-tenth of it, and even the ratings are exceeded. The truth is unexpected.

The current Douban score of "Eight Hundred" is 7.9, while that of "Crazy Racing" is 8.1.

Although Douban doesn't want to see the main theme movies, it actually doesn't want to see domestic comedy movies.

Except for the masterpieces of childhood memories of Master Xing, it is quite rare for other comedy movies to score 7 points.

And "Crazy Racing" can score 8 points, one can imagine how high people evaluate it.

Although this is just the score, the number of people scoring is a bit small, so the score is inflated.

But it was 8.0 as soon as it came up. Unless this is the navy bought by Luoquan, no matter how much it falls in the future, it will not fall below 7.5.

In terms of word of mouth, "Crazy Racing" has achieved great success.

As for the box office, don't worry at all.

In China, as long as it is a movie with a good reputation, the box office will skyrocket. In the current situation, "Crazy Racing" is already invincible.

Soon, the first batch of professional film critics came out.

It is said to be professional, but in fact there are not many well-known professional film critics on the Internet at present, and most of them are talkers with money.

For example, the previous "Lion Dance Boy" was scolded all over the Internet, but a group of film critics could open their eyes and talk nonsense, and came out to recommend this "the pinnacle of domestic animation" to everyone.

Since then, netizens have known that these so-called professional film critics are neither professional nor serious about film reviews, and the number of people involved is somewhat low.

Fortunately, this time, they still managed a personnel matter, and the comments on "Crazy Racing" were mainly boastful.

But in comparison, they still prefer to watch some post-watching videos of the up masters of station b.

At present, the most popular related movie viewing volume has reached more than 100 million, and the title is "True Comedy".

The up master said again:
"It's a real comedy that slaps the director in the face with a plot that everyone can expect.

A successful comedy should make people laugh from the beginning to the end. It doesn't mean that the audience cannot be taught. The director can express his own insights through the mouth of the characters, or rely on the plot to set them off.

But remember one thing, that is absolutely not to usurp the host's role.

It's a pity that these current directors don't understand and don't care what the audience wants. They just instill those fake and big truths into the audience, thinking that they have connotations.

The resulting film is neither commercial nor literary, neither funny nor serious, and it is completely different.

Even the style of the movie cannot be unified, can a good movie be made?This is obviously a fool's dream.

And Luo Quan is many times better than this kind of director with half a bucket of water. The most important point is that she knows what the audience wants and what she should shoot.

She said that she doesn't like badending movies and likes happy endings.

But when making literary films, she will not create for the reunion. …

"Farewell My Concubine" is so miserable, only the dead are left, but did some people say that she didn't do a good job?
In the same way, "Resident Evil" doesn't give you all those bells and whistles at all, just watch the heroine show off her plump figure and big white legs, and then kill the zombies to death, one word, cool!

This is the advantage of Luoquan, I would like to call it pure.

Some directors want everything and end up with nothing.

Some directors deliberately disgust the audience in order to carry private goods. They make commercial movies, but they hate the smell of money.

So I said that Luo Quan slapped these people in the face hard, because she told these embarrassing things, how to make a movie to be successful! "


This is just an excerpt from the movie, the main up's tone is excited, it is obvious that he has endured those outrageous directors for a long time.

Now that there is a positive teaching material like Luo Quan, it is natural to use her for moping in the first place.

Although Luo Quan appealed not to use her for comparison, what netizens like to see most is to use Luo Quan to kill those directors and stars who don't like it.

Anyway, it's not breaking the law. Can those directors and celebrities who have been cueed still send lawyers' letters?
Besides, the up master didn't name his name, if someone really couldn't wait to take a seat, he would only get ruthless ridicule from the netizens.

Of course, netizens are busy praising "Crazy Racing" at present.

Not only its excellent comedy effect, but in addition to the jokes, its shooting technique is also very good.

The movie is a multi-line narrative from the beginning, and even reached four lines at most.

Seeing so many story lines did not make the movie look messy, and it was also logical when they were merged at the end, without a sense of deliberate splicing at all.

This is the embodiment of a director's skills.

There are not many people in China who can handle movies to this extent.

Because many directors in China also like to complete multi-line narratives, but the effects they shoot often appear extremely fragmented, which is completely incomparable with "Crazy Racing".

In addition to the director's skills, the casting of this film is also just right.

Those supporting roles are not well-known on the Internet, but because they have performed enough works, the audience has a sense of intimacy as soon as they appear on the stage.

And in this movie, almost every actor is speaking his native dialect. This hodgepodge of dialects from all over the world makes the movie look more down-to-earth.

And I have to admit that some dialects are really very joyful, and the audience can't help laughing as soon as they are spoken.

The first thing that bears the brunt is the part where Luo Quan recites "Kidney Treasure", and the audience in the movie theater laughed out loud.

Everyone never dreamed that this great beauty could have such a good effect after deliberately acting ugly and acting in comedy.

In addition to this, the film also contributed many famous scenes, such as the passage of the cemetery sales promotion.

What kind of underground cbd, the garden behind life, the [-]-year-old send a water black, can't wait to get a set for myself, the audience never stopped laughing.

But the funniest thing is the pair who blamed the killer. They contributed the most and most exciting golden lines in this movie, such as:

Not burning or not being professional, doing what you want to do, loving what you do, talking all you want, you have to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and you will die if you do many unrighteous actions...

Every sentence is poked at the laughter of the audience.

All of the above have been on the hot search one after another and become independent entries.

A movie can have so many stalks on the first day of its release, one can imagine how popular it is.

And these are all concretely shown through the astonishing [-] million box office results on the first day.

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