Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 958 3 ignorant real fire

"Hahaha, this movie is too interesting, Luo Quan is really a genius."

"The world line is closed."

"Cross-server chat is the funniest."

"Am I the only one who thinks that Luo Quan is still pretty despite being ugly?"

"The appearance can be reduced, but the body cannot be shrunk."

"Are you all paying attention to this? My attention is all on the plot. It's really exciting, and there is no peeing in the whole process."

"It's really good-looking, I've already bought a ticket and I'm ready for a second brush."


Along with the high box office of the movie, there are also high evaluations from netizens.

A movie cannot just look at the evaluations of professional film critics, nor can it only look at the evaluations of the public.

But if both are rated very highly and the box office is a smash, then there's a 90.00% chance that it will be a good movie.

In just two days, "Crazy Racing" left behind all the movies of the same period with a box office of nearly 20 billion.

This growth rate is so fast that it has even surpassed the hit movie "Hello, Mother" at the beginning of the year.

The final box office score of "Hello, Mother" is close to 70 billion. It is also a comedy. Countless netizens feel that "Crazy Racing" is better than "Hello, Mother", whether it is a plot or a joke.

If it is also released during the Spring Festival, the box office champion may be "Crazy Racing".

Of course, this does not mean that the racing cars released on the National Day file can get more than 70 billion box office.

Record-breaking movies like this all need the right time, place and people. It doesn't mean that you can be old if you have a high evaluation.

None of Luo Quan's previously released films received high reviews, but none of them broke box office records, whether domestic or foreign.

The world box office record is directed by Carnathan's "Titanic," though it's likely to be overtaken by the upcoming "Avatar 2," also directed by him.

As for the domestic box office record, it is held by "The Lake", which is as high as 106 billion. This is a movie that occupies the right time, place and people. It is estimated that no one can break it in a short time.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't think about it from the beginning. It's a low-budget comedy, and there's no big reason behind it. A box office of 50 billion is already very good.

This was Luo Quan's initial idea.

Speaking of which, none of the movies she has made so far has achieved a score of more than 50 billion in China.

If you count the box office worldwide, there are quite a few, but if you only count the domestic box office, there is not one that has reached 50 billion.

So what she wants more is to break her own record.

And just as her movie hits theaters, her issue of "Longing for Life" finally arrived.

Originally, when Luo Quan agreed to participate in the program, the director team was ecstatic to think that Luo Quan would be a resident guest, but after chatting, Luo Quan informed the program team that she could only appear as a flying guest for one episode.

The main reason is that she has a lot of things at hand, and it is impossible to take two days out every week to shoot variety shows, so she can only be on one issue.

But for the program group, even just one episode is already very good. Luo Quan hasn't appeared on a variety show for a long time now. With such an episode of "Longing for Life", the ratings will definitely skyrocket. …

So this matter was settled so happily, the show was filmed as usual, and Luo Quan only needed to wait for the time to go to the scene to film.

After more than a month, there are still four days left before the recording of the program, and Luo Quan is also preparing to pack his clothes and go to film the program.

However, the night before the departure, Luoquan's system ushered in a bumper harvest.

This time, "Crazy Racing" exploded across the country, bringing her more enthusiasm than donating at the Bazaar Charity Night.

In addition to the fact that her popularity soared by tens of millions overnight, her attributes also increased by dozens of points out of thin air.

Luo Quan did not expect that he would gain so much this time.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, "Crazy Racing" is so popular that it directly crushed all the movies in the National Day file. During this time, as long as you mention going to the cinema to watch a movie, you can't avoid "Crazy Racing".

It is conservatively estimated that such popularity has reached tens of millions.

Don't look at the peak popularity of Bazaar's charity night live broadcast reaching more than 8000 million. It sounds awesome, but the actual number of viewers will be greatly discounted. I'm afraid I don't even know if I divide it by [-].

The number of viewers of "Crazy Racing" can be calculated, at least twenty times that of the former.

And that number is still rising.

She doesn't know the specific algorithm of the system's popularity. Anyway, she has received so many rewards in a daze.

In addition, the "Da Pin Tian Xian Jue" that he practiced seriously every night also had movement.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully breaking through the first layer of Dapin Tianxian Jue, increasing all attributes by 200 points, gaining 600 points of freely allocated attributes, and obtaining a random magic power draw that suits you!"

It can only be said that it is worthy of the skills left by the Great Sage, and her attributes have been almost doubled at the first level of entry.

What if it was upgraded to the seventh and eighth floors?
But this also shows that he really has no relationship with Buddha and is suitable for cultivating Taoism.

Before practicing the holy method of fighting and fighting for several months, there was no movement. It took less than half of the time to get started with "Da Pin Tian Xian Jue", the contrast is already very obvious.

Looking at the [-] points of attributes that can be distributed freely, Luo Quan still adhered to the usual idea, divided them into two, and then added them to physique and strength.

In this way, her physique has reached 1800 points, and her strength, which was relatively far behind, has also caught up to 1200 points.

Luo Quan didn't know the concept of her current strength, but she felt that she was already strong enough to wrestle with the Hulk.

After adding attributes, Luo Quan looked at the reward of magical power extraction.

After the system upgrade, this is the first time that magical powers have been extracted, and I don't know what good things can come out.

Gently blowing on the palm of his hand, Luo Quan clicked to extract.

A halo of light flashed in front of her eyes, and then exploded with a bang.

"Congratulations to the host, you have won the supernatural power Samadhi real fire!"

"Emm... this thing sounds familiar." Luo Quan was lost in thought.

"I remembered, isn't this the skill that the red boy can release by hammering his nose?"

As soon as Luo Quan's words came out of his mouth, he suddenly felt that the force was a little low.

"You can put it another way, for example, this is a kind of fire in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun." After the system added this, the force went up in an instant. …

"You still have a trick."

Luo Quan chuckled, and looked down at the introduction of Sanmai Zhenhuo:

The heart is Junhuo, also known as Shenhuo, and its name is Shangmei; the kidney is Chenhuo, also called Jinghuo, its name is Zhongmei; the bladder, that is, the sea of ​​qi below the navel, is called Minhuo, and its name is Xia Ambiguity, such samadhi, is called samadhi real fire.

Continuing to read on, Luo Quan found that the true fire of Samadhi was not as powerful as he had imagined, and it was said that gods with great supernatural powers could develop this ability.

"It doesn't seem to be particularly powerful." Luo Quan thought in his heart.

"The combat effectiveness of supernatural powers is indeed mediocre, but it is actually quite important to you." The system suddenly corrected, "This must be a supernatural power that is very suitable for you."

"How do you say that?" Luo Quan suddenly became interested.

If it was a system before evolution, it definitely didn't know how to explain it at all, but now after evolution, the knowledge reserve has increased by an unknown number of times.

"The first thing to be clear is that what you practice is Daoist Kung Fu, and the highest goal of Dao Sect Kung Fu is to become an immortal.

There are many ways for mortals to become immortals through the ages, such as accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, taking immortal herbs, dissolving corpses and making alchemy to become immortals.

The first two methods are hard to come by. The celestial grass is almost extinct, but do good deeds. Do you think you have done a lot of good deeds? "

"Damn it, I donated so much money, isn't it counted as doing good deeds?" Luo Quan retorted angrily.

Although she doesn't donate money to do good deeds, but if you say she did such a little, she will be unhappy.

"The host donated a lot of money, but it is still far from the merits required to become an immortal.

Those good people who become immortals by this method don't actually spend a lot of money, but when they are poor, they can spend most or even all of their wealth to help others, even their own lives! "

"Understood." Luo Quan nodded lightly, "So these people are not only doing good deeds, they are also cultivating, practicing with the behavior of sacrificing themselves for others."

"Yes." The system recognized Luo Quan's understanding, "If you are willing to give up all your property and go to various places that need help to do good deeds, then you have a chance to become a fairy after you die."

"There is a chance..." Luo Quan suddenly lost interest.

Of course, she just lost interest in becoming an immortal in this way, and charity should still be done, after all, she didn't do this to become an immortal.

"Corpse Jiexian is more complicated. In short, you need to practice pills to a certain level, and then let the soul escape from the body through death. It is not suitable for you."

The system quickly skipped over the method of becoming an immortal, and then said in a deep voice: "I will focus on refining alchemy to become an immortal.

First of all, alchemy is divided into inner alchemy and outer alchemy. Zhang Daoling, the celestial master, first refined the outer alchemy in Longhu Mountain. If the materials are good enough and the technology is high enough, it is possible to refine the elixir that makes people immortal.

But as I said just now, it's hard to find that magic herb these days.

As for inner alchemy, this is the most common and most feasible way to become an immortal. "

Hearing this, Luo Quan became thoughtful. …

In order to quickly digest the medicinal power of the golden elixir, she had studied a lot of Taoist knowledge.

Although the golden elixir belongs to the outer elixir, she also knows a lot about the inner elixir of the same elixir.

The so-called inner alchemy is actually using the body as a cauldron to cultivate the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit in the body. After reaching the extreme, you can condense the elixir and become an immortal.

But to refine the elixir well, both the cauldron and the fire are very important.

Combined with what the system said just now, Luo Quan immediately understood why it said that Samadhi True Fire is very important to her.

This supernatural power may not be particularly powerful in combat, but it is very suitable for alchemy!

"Part of it, but not all of it."

The system read Luo Quan's thoughts, and added: "Inner alchemy cultivation is also called dual cultivation of life and soul, sex refers to mind, and can also be understood as spirit, which is the furnace for your alchemy.

Fate refers to the body, which is your alchemy furnace.

In the attribute column, physique and strength are life, and spirit is sex. I don't know if I can make alchemy into immortality if all three are added, but it is absolutely no problem to let the combat power skyrocket.

And the emergence of Samadhi True Fire can perfectly solve your current problem of partial spiritual attributes. With its help, your only shortcoming can keep up with your physique and strength, even if you don't add attribute points to it. "

After listening to the system's supplement, Luo Quan suddenly felt enlightened.

If you want to be top-notch in combat effectiveness, it is impossible to develop in an all-round way if you say that you must make the attributes partial.

If she wants to be a hexagonal warrior, she has to spend a long time accumulating attribute points. She doesn't have such time at present, so she chooses to take a slant.

And the price for this is that the aspects of spirit, energy, and agility have hardly been touched, and all attribute points have been added to physique and strength, in order to be more resistant to beatings and have higher output.

This kind of addition is definitely enough to deal with ordinary warriors, but if you encounter someone who is good at mental attacks, you will easily suffer a big loss.

But still the same sentence, this is a method with no other choice, I can only pray that her koi-like good luck can always be online, so that she will not encounter such an opponent who can't beat her.

If you really encounter it, there is nothing you can do but admit it.

But with the Samadhi True Fire, the spirit field can also be steadily improved in the day and night refinement, making up for her biggest shortcoming, and achieving the most ideal state of dual cultivation of life and soul.

As the system said, it doesn't know whether this state can cultivate inner alchemy and become immortal, because there are very few successful people throughout the ages.

But this kind of training method can improve the combat power very amazingly, one day of training can beat others' ten days of painstaking training.

A genius, isn't it just relying on a far faster cultivation efficiency than ordinary people to gain stronger combat effectiveness?
Of course, Luo Quan's talent on Earth was unmatched before, but after arriving on the big stage of the universe like Huanyuxing, it seemed mediocre.

Regardless of how many games he has won so far, the opponents are actually citizens from outside the universe, not the real top talents in civilization.

If one day they meet the natives on Huanyu Planet, it's hard to say whether they can take advantage of it.

After all, their resources are n times that of their own, and their genetic bloodlines after multiple optimizations are far more talented than themselves.

The good news is that she has now unlocked the dual cultivation of life and life, plus the card bug has quickly collected a large number of talent points on the earth, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the improvement of combat power is rapid.

According to the most conservative estimate, she is now estimated to be only one step away from the Blood Tempering Realm.

And the strength and physique must be far superior to the average bone-making realm warrior.

If one breaks through the realm, the attribute will definitely usher in another skyrocketing increase. In addition, there is also the Dapin Tianxian Jue that has found its direction, and these are playing a huge role.

Thinking of his extremely bright future, Luo Quan couldn't help being so happy that he wanted to jiojio.

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