Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 959 The Benefits of Being Energetic

Huanyuxing, the Bai family.

Bai Xingwei ended the seven-day retreat, because her cultivation base has improved again, and she has done enough retreats during this period, so she will not practice again in a short time.

A lot of things are happening on Huanyu every day, and if you don't touch this ever-changing society for a day, you will feel a sense of strangeness.

In order to ensure that she didn't miss too much important information, Bai Xingwei opened her personal mailbox first after leaving the customs.

Most of them are from mom and dad, asking her how she is doing recently, has she found the boy she likes, they are busy with work and can't go home, let her take care of herself.

Words like these made her ears callous more than ten years ago.

At the beginning, she still felt lonely and sad, thinking that her parents didn’t care about her at all, envied those students in school who could invite their parents to attend every parent-teacher meeting, and also envied those students whose parents were invited by the teacher because of mistakes naughty child.

At least, they still have parents to invite.

And she had excellent grades in school, and the teachers and school leaders all praised her, but after returning home, there was no one to announce the good news.

Because my parents are only able to stay home for a few days throughout the year, most of the news of contacting them on their own initiative is nothing.

As time passed, Bai Xingwei's initial resentment finally turned into indifference now.

Note that it is indifference, not understanding.

In her opinion, no matter how busy the parents are at work, it is not the reason for ignoring the growth of their children. She cannot understand her parents, but it doesn't matter whether she understands her parents or not, and she doesn't need this care now.

And the parents don't know whether they have finally finished their work in the past two years, or they have realized the lack of emotion for her, and the frequency of communication is increasing day by day.

But this communication came too late, she was already past the age of the youngest daughter who wanted to talk to her parents about everything.

Now she has enough strength and skills to solve most of the problems she faces.

Therefore, Bai Xingwei took a cursory look at these emails from her parents and threw them all into the trash can, so as not to take up space.

Soon, Bai Xingwei saw a really important email.

It was from the school she was studying at, saying that Daoist Immortal Martial Arts had left the customs, and because he had some insights, he had to give a lecture for seven days
The lecture will be held next Tuesday, the day after tomorrow.

Daoist Xianwu Daoist is one of the best lecturers in the school. He created a book of Xianwu Dao that almost explained the true meaning of the path of Taoism. Any cultivator can benefit a lot from listening to him.

When Bai Xingwei saw the news, she immediately became excited, because this is a grand event that must not be missed!
I remember that it was six years ago that I heard the lecture given by Daoist Xian Wudao last time. At that time, her cultivation was stuck at the peak of the blood quenching realm, and she hadn't made any progress for a long time.

As the first hurdle for a cultivator, getting rid of the mortal body is easy to say, but it is actually troublesome to actually achieve it.

If she practiced step by step, even if her talent was far superior to ordinary people, it would take at least two years to successfully enter the mortal state.

But it happened to be at that time that Daoist Xianwu gave a lecture, and it was also a seven-day lecture.

But she only heard the blessing on the fourth day, and successfully broke through to the mortal transformation state, saving at least two years of hard work. …

The lecture this time might allow her to directly step into the realm of divine refinement and become a true master.

But apart from herself, Bai Xingwei immediately thought of a person who couldn't miss this lecture, and that was Luo Quan.

The current Luoquan is estimated to be in a period of confusion in cultivation.

After all, she came from a barren world, and she didn't have any high-level cultivation system. If she did it by herself, she would take quite a lot of detours.

But if you can listen to the lectures of famous teachers, the benefits you can get are almost endless, so Luo Quan may need such a chance of epiphany more than himself.

Of course, she doesn't need to give qualifications or anything. This lecture is open to students from all schools, and I have already registered for Luoquan, so I can go to listen directly.

So Bai Xingwei activated the Consonant Mirror, wanting to cross the Xinghai to inform her of the news.

"I don't know what Luo Quan is doing now." Bai Xingwei muttered.

There is a time difference between Huanyuxing and Luoquan's planet, maybe she is sleeping at this time.

As soon as this thought was over, a picture appeared in the mirror of Consonance.

However, the lens seems to be filled with misty water vapor, and nothing can be seen clearly, only the sound of splashing water can be heard.

Then the mirror automatically refreshed, and everything that appeared in the mirror made Bai Xingwei almost faint.

In fact, she had already realized that something was wrong from the moment she heard the sound of water.

"You... What are you doing, Luo Quan." Bai Xingwei held back her trembling hands and asked knowingly.

"Taking a bath." Luo Quan raised his head and rinsed the shower gel on his face.

She thought that the Consonance Mirror only had a call function, so she took it out and put it on the shelf after feeling the vibration.

Little did they know that there was a live broadcast now.

After rinsing his face, he looked down and found that it wasn't himself that appeared in the mirror, but Bai Xingwei's face that was about to twitch from laughter, Luo Quan froze immediately.

According to Luo's theory of relativity, she could see Bai Xingwei on the opposite side of the mirror, so Bai Xingwei must have seen her too.

That is to say...

"Damn, there's no one else over there."

Luo Quan quickly turned the mirror around, and then accelerated the washing speed.

"Yes, I was broadcasting live just now." Bai Xingwei said pretending to be serious.

"Hehe, you don't have any talent for deceiving people." Luo Quan didn't like this at all, "It's okay if you don't tell me this sooner, and I will make a big fool of myself."

"I remember I told you, it must be because you didn't take it seriously and forgot."

Bai Xingwei rubbed her chin lightly, remembering the dazzlingly white skin in front of her just now: "And it's not ugly, it's pretty pretty."

"Nonsense, do you know what is the gold content of a nine-level beauty?" Luo Quan's embarrassment didn't last long, and soon he became complacent again.

They're all girls, it doesn't matter if you look at them a few times, she and Wen Xia are taking a bath together.

And Bai Xingwei also had a similar idea, and didn't tease too much.

"Speaking of which, you didn't call to watch me take a bath, did you? Is there anything important?" Luo Quan asked while wrapping a towel around his body after washing. …

Bai Xingwei asked back: "I can't find you if I have nothing to do? As a friend, can't we chat to relieve boredom?"

"According to my observation, you are not such a responsive person."

Luo Quan picked up the mirror and faced himself: "But it doesn't matter, I just happen to be free tonight, I can accompany you if you want to talk about anything."

Hearing these words, Bai Xingwei's heart warmed up, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily: "Forget it, how can I have so much time to chat with you, this time I really have a business to look for you.

Huanyu Public University, which is the school I signed up for you, will have a very important lecture the day after tomorrow, which is held by one of the best teachers in the school.

When he gave a lecture last time, he helped me solve a lot of doubts on the road of practice. I think you must also learn more knowledge.

So if you have time, go back to Huanyuxing. Listening to such a lecture will benefit you for life. "

Hearing Bai Xingwei say so much, Luo Quan didn't have the slightest intention to question it.

After all, she herself has spoken out, which proves that this lecture is indeed very important. It just so happens that her current cultivation has just entered a new stage, and she just needs a master to preach and teach.

"Okay, I'll come over when I'm done with the things at hand, and it won't take more than 48 hours at most." Luo Quan didn't joke with Bai Xingwei again this time, but made an appointment in a serious manner.

She is currently recording the sixth episode of the fifth season of "Longing for Life".

The show will be recorded for a total of three days, and she has already finished recording for one day. After taking a shower with her not too tired body, she got the good news from Bai Xingwei.

After finishing the recording the day after tomorrow, you can fly home in the evening, say hello to Wen Xia and the others, and say that you are going to retreat in the house for a few days, and then you can go directly to Huanyuxing through any door to listen to the lecture.

The timing is perfect, but I don't know if 48 hours is enough for Bai Xingwei to arrange the rest of the itinerary.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back at home and then go to school together." Bai Xingwei replied very simply, "That's it, I'll hang up first, and there are still some emails that I haven't processed."

"Okok." Luo Quan said subconsciously.

The screen of Consonance Mirror disappeared, and Bai Xingwei was stunned for a moment: "What is ok?"

This question can only be asked face to face after Luo Quan comes back.

On Luoquan's side, the important news that Bai Xingwei told her did not disrupt the arrangements she had already made.

After all, the movie has already been released, and the variety show can't be filmed for a few days.

As for the Art Olympiad competition, there is no need to be present in the preliminaries, just send the entries, and her works are all ready-made, and there is no need to re-record them.

The only thing I'm sorry about is that I won't be able to broadcast live to fans for a few more days.

Fortunately, this time it is estimated that it will not take as long as the first time to Huanyuxing.

How long can one lecture last?
Luo Quan thought so, then lay down on the bed and began to practice.

After obtaining the true fire of samadhi, her cultivation has become a real practice.

As long as the Dapin Tianxian Art is used, a bright red flame will rise around the dantian of her body, burning her energy and spirit. …

Every time the training ends, she can truly feel that she has become stronger.

In terms of attributes, it means that the physique, strength, and spirit have all improved a few points.

Although it is not much, it will be very considerable after a long period of time. This makes Luo Quan very excited. There is nothing more satisfying than watching yourself become stronger every day.

In addition, Luo Quan also found that he could completely replace sleep with practice.

After waking up after the Samadhi real fire was burned, she was very energetic.

I am getting stronger every day, and of course I am full of air every day.

From now on, I can work wholeheartedly during the day and sleep and practice at night, which is simply a perfect cycle.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is that I practice lying down, unlike those serious cultivators in novels who are full of enthusiasm, which doesn't seem very serious.

In fact, she can also turn her heart to the sky, that is, the palms, the soles of the feet, and the top of the head, but this is too tiring, and the bones are not comfortable after waking up, and it is far less comfortable than lying down.

Therefore, Luo Quan chose to lie flat without hesitation.

After all, for modern young people, the most important posture is to learn how to lie flat.

It's just that when others lie flat, that's how they like it.

And she lies flat because this posture is more comfortable, but it does not hinder the work. There is an essential difference between the two.

The only fly in the ointment is that, with practice instead of sleep, there is no way to dream anymore.

If there is a chance to learn the technique of lucid dreaming in the future, it must be combined with cultivation, and then she can have beautiful dreams every night...

At six o'clock the next day, after Luo Quan woke up, he left the bed without even stretching his waist, trying to make a complete break with the contemporary bedridden youth.

After washing up, she went downstairs and started preparing today's breakfast.

The fifth season "Longing for Life" is set in a rural area.

Last season, because the homestay was by the sea, netizens scolded me badly.

Because living by the beach is completely like taking a vacation, everyone who comes to this variety show is to watch the stars suffer.

What they want to see is the more down-to-earth side of the stars, instead of carrying a deck chair all day like a three-day trip to the Maldives, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze on the beach, chatting about what everyone can do. Comprehensible philosophy and poetry and distance.

In the last season, I didn't figure out the positioning of the show, turning "Longing for Life" into a dream life.

For celebrities, seaside vacation is of course the life they yearn for, and it can be easily realized.

But for ordinary people, not to mention going to the beach for vacation, even if they can invite themselves to rest at home for a few days, they are already very happy.

go to beach?How can there be such a good condition.

So the fourth season, which broke away from the masses, became the season with the lowest ratings. More than one old fan said that the show has gone bad.

In the new season, in order to restore word of mouth, "Longing for Life" returns to the farmhouse.

It is still a few acres of fertile land, with a dozen chickens and ducks, for the guests to cook by themselves.

The first batch of guests who came here could only grow vegetables and raise vegetables, but Xiang Luoquan and the others who came later were very comfortable and could directly enjoy the fruits of other people's hard work.

As soon as she arrived yesterday, the resident guests unanimously decided to kill two chickens to cleanse her up.

But here comes the problem, several of the resident guests are the kind who don't touch the spring water with their fingers.

Don't talk about killing chickens, it doesn't matter if you beat eggs

And Luo Quan also took this opportunity to behave well and volunteered to prepare dinner.

Then, the guests tasted what may be the most delicious whole chicken dinner in their lives.

In addition to not using chicken to make soup, every cooking method of frying, frying, and frying was used, and the guests were full of praise.

It is a rare opportunity to taste the culinary skills of a female chef, so everyone unanimously decided to let Luo Quan handle the breakfast the next morning

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