"Everyone didn't sleep or got up early."

Luo Quan walked down, and found that the staff had already taken their positions. After checking the time, it was only fifteen past six.

The place where the staff lived was a little far from the place where the guests lived, so they had to get up at least five o'clock to pack everything up.

"I remember that the recording of the program didn't end until after eleven o'clock last night. Didn't I only sleep for less than five hours?" Luo Quan went to the drinking fountain to get some water, while talking to the staff.

"No, we are in two classes." The staff also enthusiastically answered Luo Quan's question.

"That's okay, it's too difficult to sleep only five hours a day."

"You also woke up very early." The assistant director said with a smile.

"Isn't this going to make breakfast for everyone?" Luo Quan tied up his hair, took a basket and money and went out.

She was going to make meat buns for this breakfast, because it was a temporary idea, so she planned to rush to the morning market to buy two pieces of meat.

This was also agreed by everyone. After all, the money was exchanged by the two teachers He Wang and the crew with vegetables grown by the crew.

In fact, this mode did not exist in the previous seasons, and it was added after the broadcast of this season.

The first three seasons of "Longing for Life" have the best reputation, because the stars farm and eat by themselves, and enjoy the joy of harvest after hard work, which brings the audience a very relaxed and natural feeling.

But in the fourth season, the guests are a little bit drifting.

It doesn’t matter if you choose a seaside resort as the shooting location, and you bring your own food, and each one is more expensive than the other, such as steaks worth several thousand, seafood with ample portions, and luxury yachts to take everyone out to sea.

This kind of treatment is not called longing for life, but longing for vacation.

So after the fourth season was aired, the program crew was miserably appointed from top to bottom. Netizens even said that they might as well go to Europe for the next season to film. Anyway, they are all paid vacations, and it would be more comfortable to watch if the scenery is better.

Of course, if the program group really listens to these words and implements them, the reputation of "Longing for Life" will really collapse.

After learning from the pain, the program team is ready to return to the original intention and learn from similar variety shows in Kimchi Country.

That is to limit the food and money brought by the guests, so that they will not have so much financial resources during their stay in the mushroom house.

Only in this way can they return to the period when they relied on farming and labor to get paid.

Sure enough, after changing the program planning, the word-of-mouth of the fifth season of "Longing for Life" immediately changed from the decline of the previous season, and reached a level slightly lower than the first three seasons.

In fact, the show should have been filmed like this.

The selling of this type of variety show is hard work and authenticity, and fans also come to see how celebrities live under tight conditions.

It's a good thing for you to directly arrange so many resources, so that everyone has no sense of substitution at all. Netizens don't criticize you.

In short, after this word-of-mouth reversal, the pressure on all personnel has been relieved.

Of course, the pressure on the two teachers, He Qiong and Wang Lei, is a bit greater. After all, you need to work hard to improve your life, and you have to urge other guests to work together. The workload is indeed greater than before.

Fortunately, these two are idlers now.

Mr. Wang Lei has not filmed for a long time. Since the remake of the Japanese TV series "Midnight Canteen" failed, Mr. Wang has put aside the actor industry as if he had given up on himself, and turned to become a variety show star.

There is one thing to say, the evaluations of the variety shows he has been on are not bad, and they are also the big brothers among the guests, who often come out to lead the direction when there are differences of opinion.

In "Longing for Life", he also used his skills as a teacher, often teaching those young artists the principles of life.

But what is most commendable is his cooking skills and love for food.

Because I love it so much, I even filmed the epic bad drama "Late Night Canteen".

Of course, it’s not all because of him that this drama became one of the lowest-rated domestic dramas on Douban.

As for how good Mr. Wang's culinary skills are, it's a matter of opinion. Anyway, it must be better than ordinary people.

But after Luo Quan came yesterday, Luo Quan was basically in charge of the mushroom house's food.

"The Chinese kitchen gods are here, so I won't show my ugliness." Teacher Wang joked with a smile, and then set his hands on Luo Quan with peace of mind.

However, Mr. Wang is quite easy to learn. When observing Luo Quan's cooking, he often asks questions about the processing of ingredients, marinating, and heat.

As for Teacher He Qionghe, last year was quite difficult for him.

First, a star fan broke the news that he hinted at giving gifts to fans, and then a large number of people came out to confirm that he started receiving gifts several years ago.

As a host with a public position, this kind of behavior is definitely very inappropriate, so it immediately became a target of public criticism on the Internet.

In the past ten years, Mr. He has been known for caring for the younger generation, having a clean record, and not having any enemies with anyone.

At his peak, half of the stars in the entertainment industry wanted to send him blessings on his birthday.

And after the accident, there are only a handful of celebrities who celebrate their birthdays and send blessings.

Within this year, I deeply tasted what it means to be cold and cold in the world.

And just at the beginning of the year, the domestic ace variety show Kuaiben announced its end, and a group of hosts left this variety show platform, which can be called the traffic king, and they haven't found a better job yet.

Mr. He is an exception. Although it is not right to receive gifts, there is no problem with his business ability accumulated over decades of hosting, and some programs allow him to appear.

In "Longing for Life", he and Mr. Wang Lei are also partners, welcoming every guest who comes here.

Since they didn't engage in their former main business, variety shows became their main business instead, so they treated them with more care. It can be seen that the performance of the two teachers in this season is better than in previous seasons. it is good.

The basic process of each issue is that during the day, the two teachers lead the guests to work. After the work, Mr. Huang is responsible for cooking. After dinner in the evening, Mr. He is responsible for talking with everyone and deepening the theme.

I didn't talk for too long last night, because everyone was exhausted and tired, so they went to bed early.

This is the current situation. As the first guest to wake up, Luo Quan bought two pieces of pork in a market that was not particularly lively.

Because of limited funds, Luo Quan did not spend as much money as usual.

But she can actually live on a budget, after all, the freedom of wealth is only a matter of recent years.

In order to buy the best meat with the least money, she walked around the market twice, asked the prices of four butcher shops, and finally bought two pieces of good meat for 50 yuan.

"Hey, are you awake?"

After Luo Quan returned to the Mushroom House, he found that Mr. He and Mr. Wang had both woken up and helped her wake up.

"You woke up earlier than the two of us, and you haven't even bought the meat." Wang Lei was even more surprised when he saw Luo Quan who had returned from buying the meat.

According to the planning of "Longing for Life", the guests generally will not interact with the film crew, and they will live their own lives as if they do not exist.

Just now Luo Quan was able to speak a few words because he got up too early and there was no one else.

After Luo Quan left, no one interacted with the two teachers when they went downstairs, so they didn't know that someone got up earlier than them.

Teacher Wang Lei took the meat and said with a smile: "Nowadays young people don't get up until eight or nine o'clock. It's really rare to get up at six o'clock."

"Actually, I don't usually get up so early, but I promised to make breakfast for you."

Luo Quan looked at the dough while talking, it seemed that there was a lot.

But it doesn't matter, you can make fried dough sticks if you can't finish the buns.

"What are you going to do with these two pieces of meat for breakfast?" He Qiong asked Luo Quan, holding the meat in his hand.

"Chop one piece into meat stuffing and make buns, and save the other piece for braised pork at night."

As he spoke, he took a piece from He Qiong's hand and prepared to cook it to remove the fishy smell.

She plans to make two kinds of meat stuffing, fresh meat and sauced meat.

The most troublesome part of the whole cooking process is the minced meat stage.

Luo Quan held two kitchen knives and quickly landed on the cutting board, making the crisp sound of horseshoes kicking tarts. It didn't take long for the meat to become fine minced meat.

Wang Lei looked at it for a while and then walked away, saying that this skill cannot be learned.

In fact, many techniques in cooking are only familiar.

It may be very difficult at first, but as long as you practice for a long time, you can basically master it.

It's just that Wang Lei doesn't have a serious chef to teach him, so he finds it very difficult.

The next process of making buns is also similar.

What two teachers can do for one, Luo Quan can do five or six.

Although the efficiency was lower, it helped anyway.

After the fritters were fried and the buns came out of the cage, the other guests also went downstairs one after another.

A few of them obviously just woke up, and they still looked sleepy.

Zhang Zifeng, Guo Qilin, Peng Yuchang, Cheng Feiyu, four young people, and the long-lost Qin Yi.

Ever since he starred in The Gentlemen of the West Eighth District, Qin Yi seems to be more decadent than before.

Probably because he was completely overwhelmed by the endless abuse on the Internet, so he was a little slovenly.

But slovenliness does not mean lack of confidence. Although there are not many female guests in this show, he still looks like a domineering president when he speaks.

However, Master Wang has already demonstrated this before, that is, I don’t want me to think, I want you to think, and after I finished speaking, I was ridiculed by netizens.

Qin Yi continued to do this, probably as a result of being scolded on the hot search again.

But he seemed to be trying to break the can, so he kept going his own way.

In comparison, Cheng Feiyu was very cautious.

Like Guai Ling, he is also a returnee who was born and raised abroad.

However, his parents are both Chinese, and his father is a famous director in China, with a fairly high status.

Therefore, under the influence of his parents, Cheng Feiyu chose to give up his American citizenship as an adult, became a Chinese citizen, and officially entered the Chinese entertainment circle.

And his first work was to star in the unit drama "Day Meteor" filmed by his father in the National Day gift film two years ago, which was widely criticized.

However, as a resource guy, Cheng Feiyu did not receive too much attention from trolls, but instead made netizens sympathize.

At the beginning, the sentence "Arthur, please sit down" directly made the whole network laugh out loud, and also let netizens know how much his famous director dad is pretending in life.

It's not a rich and powerful family, just like the European blue-blooded nobles, who are so poor and particular about eating a simple meal.

The most outrageous thing is that he can actually talk about the philosophical and aesthetic issues contained in a bowl of diced meat. It really makes people don't know how to complain.

In the end, the finishing touch, Arthur, please sit down, became one of the most popular memes in the entertainment industry last year.

Because of this, netizens sympathized with Cheng Feiyu.

It is really not easy to get along with such an old man in life.

After Luo Quan arrived yesterday, it was originally a joke that Zhang said to Arthur, please sit down during the meal.

But after thinking about his father's narrow-minded character, he gave up this idea.

After all, this famous director doesn't even allow negative comments from netizens for his own bad movies.

After the bloody case caused by a steamed bun became popular, he was immediately brought to court by him.

And if anyone still makes an issue of this until now, they will start to hate you immediately.

In view of this, Luo Quan felt that it was better not to make this joke.

And Guo Qilin and Peng Yuchang, who are out of character, are very active, get along well with every guest, and are the funny roles in the show.

If there is a cold scene, the two of them will go up and make jokes, which can make the scene lively.

As for Zhang Zifeng, she is also a carefree girl. Because she is the only girl, she talks to Luo Quan the most, but the topic is not very speculative.

After chatting for a few words, Luo Quan discovered that this carefree girl is actually a literary girl who likes photography and writing some fresh short sentences rich in life philosophy.

And what Luo Quan hates the most is the literary youth.

Of course, it must not be a literary youth like Zhang Zifeng, and such words must not be said.

In short, this lineup of young and old guests get along very harmoniously.

Except for Qin Yi occasionally saying some shocking words, he is basically in perfect condition.

"Everyone hurry up and wash up, after washing up, let's eat steamed buns and fritters."

When Luo Quan spoke, he was stirring the soy milk in the large glass.

This is made with soy milk powder, and it tastes great just by adding a little sugar. Drinking a cup at breakfast will warm your stomach.

But don't drink too fast, or the whole esophagus will be a little hot.

"Oh my god, it smells so good." Guo Qilin imitated the tone of a fat old man in his club, and expressed surprise.

The others also sucked in big gulps, and kept boasting after they finished.

Luo Quan's craftsmanship, just smelling it, already makes mouth water three thousand feet.

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