Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 961 Luoquan is under my cover!

Chapter 961 Luoquan is under my cover!

Amid endless praise, everyone finished their breakfast.

A new day began, and everyone carried their tools and followed He Qiong to work in the fields.

Autumn has just arrived, officially the busiest time of the year.

Fortunately, we didn't grow too many vegetables before, so everyone chatted while picking them, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

"Do you still grow rice?" Luo Quan saw the yellow rice in the farmland, which was obviously almost ripe.

"It was planted in summer, and it will be harvested in a few days." Wang Lei put his hands on his hips, looking at the gratifying rice in front of him with relief.

In fact, they only participated in a small part of the rice planting, mainly digging fields and diverting water, and the other parts were transplanted by local farmers invited by the program group.

It's not that they don't want to insert it, it really won't.

When it was plugged in for the first time, everyone was very clean, and the work was completed in one afternoon.

As a result, I went to the field the next day to see that almost all the planted seedlings had floated to the water.

At this time, they realized that not every kind of crops they can handle in farming.

Although rice sounds familiar, it is one of the most familiar crops for Chinese people, but it is not that simple to grow it well.

I don't understand it at all, and I thought that transplanting rice seedlings means gently inserting seedlings into the soil, but I was completely wrong.

After this kind of trouble happened, the guests didn't try their best again, and obediently asked the nearby farmers to plug it in again.

Now the rice harvest is about to be bumper. Although they didn't plant it with their own hands, they dug the field and fertilized it anyway. The sense of participation is still there, which is why they are so proud.

"So have you found the threshing machine?" Luo Quan asked, looking at the two or three acres of rice.

"There doesn't seem to be a threshing machine in the town." Wang Lei smiled awkwardly, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I actually don't know how to thresh the grain."

Mr. Wang’s family is wealthy and has a profound background. He has never been in contact with farm work since he was a child. When he was planting rice before, he had Baidu how to plant it, but he had not Baidu how to harvest it.

"It's actually very simple. It doesn't have much technical content, it's just hard work."

Luo Quan pointed to this paddy field and said: "If there is no threshing machine and harvester, the guests can only cut it off one by one with a sickle, and then separate the rice grains from the rice stalks by smashing them. .

These two steps are the most tiring. If you want to be more convenient, I suggest getting a machine. "

He Qiong laughed: "If you are tired, you should be tired. Aren't all farmers so tired?"

This is a truth.

Although science and technology are advanced now, there are many machines that reduce the burden of labor.

But in many areas, farmers are still harvesting crops in the most primitive way.

The stupid way is of course tiring.

But for He Qiong, Wang Lei and the others, it might be a good thing for the guests to be a little tired.

Because what the audience wants to see is suffering and suffering?
So, neither of them was particularly worried.

As for Luo Quan, the flying guest, he was glad that he would leave tomorrow after filming. If he stayed here to accompany the guys to thresh rice in a stupid way, how tired would he be?
Luo Quan, who had escaped the catastrophe, was secretly glad in his heart, and at the same time quickly picked up a small fish from the rice field.

These are all put in by the program group, specially for the guests, to increase the jokes when recording the program.

Because every guest will become clumsy after going to the field, and if they are asked to catch fish, if they don't knock themselves down, they will already be burning incense.

But Luo Quan's strength is obviously unmatched by others. Isn't it easy to catch a fish by bending over and reaching out?
Seeing the lively grass carp in Luo Quan's hands, several other guests showed surprised expressions.

"I'll go, how did you catch it? I chased him all day yesterday but didn't catch it." Peng Yuchang said in disbelief.

Guo Qilin immediately continued: "Just kidding, I, Sister Luo, am the number one female boxer in the world. What's the point of catching a fish?"

"I have fish to eat tonight." Zhang Zifeng smiled happily.

Hearing this pure foodie's speech, everyone laughed.

After laughing, everyone bowed their heads and continued to work.

"Longing for Life" is like this, there are no ups and downs in the plot, and there are no exciting games, and some are just day-to-day labor.

Plain and simple, but full of emotion in simplicity.

As a slow variety show, it is the ceiling in China. Those who like it like it very much, and those who don't like it just feel bored and have no passion.

Farm work-eating is the main direction of program shooting.

And the "truth-telling session" at dinner time can be regarded as a summary of the first episode of the program.

Compared with last night, tonight's meal will be even more abundant.

Just a pot of braised pork and a pot of spicy boiled fish has already made the youngsters unable to stop digging into Wang's kitchen.

There's no way, the two dishes made by Luo Quan are too fragrant and tempting.

It’s hard to wait until the meal is ready, everyone, I’m not polite, just stretch out the chopsticks and start eating.

Although Luo Quan himself doesn't like fish, he still knows how to cook boiled fish.

It seems that other people are quite satisfied with this dish, a piece of fish meat can cover nearly a third of a bowl of rice.

And she herself only sandwiches braised pork and fried shredded lettuce.

Because the food was so delicious that everyone's mouths couldn't rest at all, and even the truth-telling session was delayed until they were full.

Originally, this link was to be carried out while eating, but it obviously couldn't work today.

Everyone ate more and more full, and in the end they were all half lying on the sofa, and they didn't want to blink their eyelids.

"Everyone, let me click on the title handle."

He Qiong ate a little less and was able to speak, but it was quite laborious to look at his expression:

"What is the life you yearn for? Some people may say that it is hard work, full food and warm clothes, but this is just the most basic life.

What makes people yearn for is good food and good clothes. After eating the dishes cooked by Luoquan today, I finally understand that this is the life I yearn for! "

"Haha, it's a pity that Sister Luo is leaving tomorrow." Guo Qilin laughed.

He Qiong nodded lightly: "So, from today onwards, I plan to devote myself to culinary arts. I don't want to be able to have the level of Luo Quan, but at least I have to be able to cook whatever I want, and I have to Delicious level!"

"That's not easy." Wang Lei turned over on the sofa, lying on his right side, trying to relieve the pressure on his stomach as much as possible.

"That's why you have to study hard." He Qiong clenched his fists, as if he had made up his mind to add one more skill to himself.

In this way, the "truth" session that was supposed to be talked for a long time ended hastily.

Everyone didn't expect to have no intention of continuing to do the show because they were too full. After lying like this for a while, everyone went back to the bed in the room and lay down.

Fortunately, there is enough material, otherwise this episode of the program would not be complete.

Luo Quan, who basically finished recording the program, booked a flight ticket back to Shanghai on the bed, and set off early tomorrow morning.

Peng Yuchang and Guo Qilin are also going to the airport, but their destinations are different. One is flying to Beijing to film a movie, and the other is going to Jinmen to talk about cross talk.

Everyone's itinerary is well-arranged. Don't look at the farm work in "Longing for Life", but it's hard to say who is more relaxed than the other side.


Early the next morning, Luo Quan and others got into the car amid the farewell sounds of the film crew.

When she got off the plane and arrived at Shanghai, it was already four hours later.

The first thing I did when I returned to Shanghai was to go home and cook two dishes, one with fish-flavored shredded pork and one with twice-cooked pork, both of which are very, very home-cooked dishes.

The reason for this urgency is because she didn't have enough to eat during the two days on the show.

Ever since she broke through the first floor of the Da Pin Tian Xian Jue, her appetite has also skyrocketed. The previous small amount of food can no longer fill her stomach at all. Less than two hours after eating, her stomach will be rumbling. Come.

The key lies in the program group. Three meals have to be filmed, so she dare not open her belly to eat.

If the picture of him eating more than a dozen bowls of rice in one go was exposed, wouldn't the nickname of "The Great Mouth of the Abyss" never be taken off for the rest of his life?
So Luo Quan has kept it away for the past two days, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has tightened his belt to live.

After returning home, Luo Quan could finally have a full meal.

"You just cooked the rice in the rice cooker, can you finish it?" Wen Xia saw that Luo Quan had brought the rice cooker to the dining table, and it was almost full of rice, so she asked.

"Don't worry, I can finish eating." Luo Quan said, directly filled a big bowl of rice for himself with the usual iron basin, and then picked up the chopsticks.

"Damn it, when did you switch to eating and broadcasting?"

Wen Xia and Su Yu were stunned. In their impression, only those gourmet anchors would use pots for meals.

And not everyone is so tough, you have to be a food anchor with the label of Big Eater to dare to do this.

And out of ten big stomach kings who said this, eight were fake food.

But looking at Luo Quan's battle, she is ready to come for real.

No, it should have come for real.

She picked up a large ball of shredded fish-flavored pork with her chopsticks, dripped a drop of oil on the rice and stuffed it into her mouth, then lowered her head and planed a big mouthful of rice, filling her entire cheeks.

But I didn't see her chewing a few times, and the food wrapped in her mouth was swallowed directly.

Seeing this wild eating scene, the necks of the two girls tightened, and they immediately sat over and asked with concern: "Luo Bao, did you not eat in the mountains, why do you look like you have been hungry for three days and three nights? "

"It's not for this reason." Luo Quan shook the chopsticks in his hand, "After I broke through the realm of martial arts a while ago, my appetite suddenly became extremely large. I guess it should be because my physique has become stronger, but the consumption of my body has also increased, so It takes a lot of energy to replenish.

In addition to spiritual energy, food is also a source, so my appetite has also increased a lot. "

"Scared me, I thought you had some sort of bulimia." Both Wen Xia and Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

High physical fitness and high energy consumption, this statement is tenable.

Just like those athletes, they tend to eat a lot, and they have to eat several meals a day.

Luo Quan's physical fitness is stronger than that of the strongest athlete in the world, so it's not incomprehensible that he eats so much.

"By the way, I'll be in seclusion for a while after I finish eating. I won't go out during this time, and you won't use it to deliver food to me." Luo Quan took another big mouthful of food, then turned his head and said to Wen Xia.

"Understood." Wen Xia made an ok gesture, "If anyone comes to see you, just say that you are doing art creation, and no one will see you."

"Good excuse, that's all." Luo Quan praised.

But because he ate too fast, he choked, coughed twice, and his face turned red.

Seeing this, Wen Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said: "You better stop talking, it will be troublesome if you choke into the air pipe later."

"It's okay, I'm made of steel and iron." Luo Quan took a deep breath, expressing that he was fine.

Indeed, as she said, her body is already very strong, even the seemingly fragile inside is as strong as the outer skin.

It's just that Wen Xia and the others don't know.

After no one spoke to him, Luo Quan also lowered his head and began to eat intently, and the rice in the basin bottomed out after a while.

Just when Wen Xia thought she was full, she saw that she poured all the rice from the rice cooker into the basin, and filled another half of the basin.

"Yo, your appetite is so good now?"

Leon came over at this time, saw the old sister eating in a basin, and said with a smile.

"You may not believe it, but if Luo Quan finishes this bowl of rice, she will have already eaten a rice cooker full."

Wen Xia stared at Luo Quan at the dinner table, feeling that the girl had gone farther and farther towards the abyss.

"A rice cooker?!" Leon was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth, "I've only seen people using a rice cooker to eat on station B, but ours is much bigger than others'."

"So your sister is amazing. She said that this is a side effect brought about by the improvement of martial arts. The energy consumption is high, and the appetite will naturally increase."

"Correct you a little."

Luo Quan's mouth was stuffed, he looked at Wen Xia and said: "This is not a side effect, but a behavior that must be performed to meet energy needs. How can things like eating and sleeping be called side effects?

And when your martial arts level increases in the future, you will become more and more edible, and you will not be able to escape. "

"This is good." Leon was quite excited after hearing this, "I usually like to eat, but my appetite is limited, so I can't try everything. If the appetite is really big to the point where you are, it will definitely be heaven for me Great news."

"Then I won't get fat, right?" Wen Xia's expression became a little worried.

What she fears most is getting old, in fact, getting fat.

"If you don't exercise, you will." Luo Quan waved his hand, "Don't worry, how can you get fat if you replenish your basic energy? Unless you don't practice kung fu and eat and drink all day long."

"Caught me a false alarm." Wen Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

While speaking, Luo Quan had already finished all the rest of the food, except for the vegetable oil and spices, he basically ate everything.

When she was full, she covered her mouth with a tissue and burped loudly.

Amidst everyone's laughter, she hurried upstairs, intending to avoid the limelight first.

(End of this chapter)

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