Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 962 Luoquan is under my cover!

Chapter 962 Luoquan is under my cover!

"I don't know if I will really become a big eater in the future."

Luo Quan rubbed his slightly protruding belly, feeling quite worried.

You already have to eat so many things on the first floor. If you go up a few more floors, wouldn't you be able to eat more than pigs?

She speculates that this may be due to the low energy contained in the earth's ordinary food. If it is replaced by Huanyu star's food, it may become a normal meal again.

Specifically, you can ask Bai Xingwei later to find out.

After returning to the room to pack and change clothes, Luo Quan opened any door leading to Huanyuxing.

Before going, it was still the same as before, telling Dahei Xiaoyu to take a good look at the house, and not to go out for a stroll if you have nothing to do.

Seeing the two little things nodding quickly, Luo Quan finally entered the door with confidence.

"Are you there? I'm back."

On the other side of the door is the room that Bai Xingwei prepared for herself. After arriving, Luo Quan sent her a message immediately.

After a few seconds, the door of the room opened.

"If you don't come here again, I'll have to use the mirror again to see what you're doing."

Bai Xingwei's slightly anxious expression finally relaxed: "Hurry up and take a shower and change clothes, and get ready to go out."

"I just washed it in the morning." Luo Quan expressed helplessness, "If you don't know how to attend a lecture, you should also dress up?"

"Of course!" Bai Xingwei's eyes widened, "What kind of person is Daoist Immortal Martial Arts, even if he doesn't care about trifles, we junior students should not lose our manners, not to mention how grandly we dress, at least we should dress ourselves up Is it clean?"

"You mean I'm dirty now?" Luo Quan raised his sleeves and questioned her with arms as smooth as snow.

It's all about asking, but Luo Quan felt that what Bai Xingwei said made sense, and it was nothing more than another bath.

Unlike ordinary girls, because there is no need to apply so many skin care products on her body, she takes a bath much faster than ordinary girls.

Ten minutes later, Luo Quan came out of the bathroom, wearing the clothes Bai Xingwei had prepared for her.

The moment she put on the clothes, she finally knew why Bai Xingwei was so eager to ask her to take a bath. It turned out that it was for her to change into this set of clothes that looked like jk's uniform.

"Don't tell me this is our school uniform."

Luo Quan walked in front of Bai Xingwei with a speechless face. The suit she was wearing made her feel several years younger.

"Hey, how do you know." Bai Xingwei smiled slyly, "The first-year freshmen must wear school uniforms when they come to school."

Luo Quan expressed embarrassment: "Then why don't you wear it?"

"Because I'm a third grader." Bai Xingwei spread her arms and said confidently.

"I've convinced you so much." Luo Quan sighed and didn't argue with her any more.

Once you wear it all, just forget it.

But after wearing JK, it does feel a little weird.

In my impression, only middle and high school students, cosplayers, and some female Bodhisattvas wear this kind of clothes when they are on Twitter.

I just don't know if the jk uniform has these special meanings in the eyes of Huanyu people.

"Okay, don't worry about it, let's go to school." Bai Xingwei supported Luo Quan's shoulders with both hands, and pushed her out the door impatiently.

For the children of the rich family, the means of transportation is the most convenient portal. No matter where you want to go, you just need to enter the destination on the portal and walk over.

Luo Quan himself has similar props, and he has a deep understanding of the convenience it brings.

The two passed through the door, and the bright sun shone on them immediately.

Luo Quan's long golden hair was mischievously lifted by a passing wind, and the reflected light was as gorgeous as flowing gold.

Bai Xingwei looked enviously after seeing it, and said quietly: "Your hair color is so beautiful, even in the Holy Federation, there are very few people who can have such beautiful blond hair."

Luo Quan smiled: "You won't believe me when you tell me, but I like your jet-black hair better."

"Everyone is like this. They don't cherish what they have, but yearn for what they don't have." Bai Xingwei suddenly felt emotional, quite philosophical.

"Same... classmate, are you a first-year freshman?"

At this time, a timid voice sounded.

Luo Quan turned his head to look, and found that it was a handsome little milk dog.

The temperament of this little milk dog is really similar to the boy who played a band together at Dongda University.

By the way, that boy's name is Yu Amuro, and he used to be a licking dog.

In fact, she hadn't heard such a confession for a long, long time. Ever since she left the campus and entered the society, there was no stunned young man who expressed his love to her again.

Of course, the group of fan brothers who are as good as wives in the live broadcast room are not counted.

Although they like themselves, they also like many wives at home and abroad.

"Why, do you have any plans?" Bai Xingwei was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so she burst into flames with a half-smile.

The boy blushed and quickly denied: "No, no, I just saw that my classmate was wearing the school uniform of the first grade. He must have just come to school not long ago. I probably don't understand many things, so I want to ask if there is anything I can do to help."

Probably because all the attention was on Luo Quan, the boy didn't even recognize Bai Xingwei.

As a prominent figure in Huanyu Academy, her popularity is not low.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, but I already have a good guide."

Luo Quan smiled slightly, in the eyes of boys, he was really attractive, his eyes almost straightened.

Although she has been sexy for a long time, many styles need to be set off by clothing.

Just like if you wear a cotton jacket with large flowers in the style of rural credit cooperatives, it will have nothing to do with your personality.

But now she is wearing a JK uniform with a white dress and blue skirt.

The skirt only reaches the knees. Although the pair of white legs wearing small leather shoes underneath are really good-looking, the overall style is quite pure, and it belongs to the dream of returning to school days.

However, this style is really lethal to the little boy who is also a student and is in love.

Ever since Luo Quan appeared on the square of the academy, at least dozens of pairs of eyes noticed her, and they couldn't move away.

The seemingly weak boy in front of him is actually the bravest one so far, and he took the lead in striking up a conversation with Luo Quan.

But like all the boys who approached her before, he was politely rejected.

It wasn't even a rejection, because the reason he struck up a conversation was just to be a guide, and he didn't even say a word that contained unreasonable thoughts.

Perhaps in his opinion, if he told a girl how beautiful you are so directly, he might frighten her directly.

Therefore, the boy who was rejected turned around and left in a hurry after leaving a sentence of "I won't bother you then".

"Speaking of which, he didn't even recognize me." Luo Quan showed a very surprised expression, "It should have been popular on the Internet some time ago, right?"

Bai Xingwei laughed: "It's just been on a few hot searches, how can it be popular all over the Internet, the Internet is very big, there may be many people who know you, but there are definitely more people who don't know you. "

"That's it." Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully.

Maybe it's been too long since she was a household name on Earth, so her way of thinking didn't change immediately.

Now she is starting from scratch in Huanyuxing, and her popularity is really not particularly high.

"By the way, you stay here for a while, I'll get you a Wisdom Fruit, that thing is very beneficial for learning, enlightenment, and cultivation, and it's a good treasure that only third graders can get.

If you eat the fruit of wisdom in advance, when you listen to the preaching of the Taoist priest later, you will be able to understand faster. "

Hearing Bai Xingwei's words, she was planning to go alone, Luo Quan hurriedly said, "Can I go with you?"

"Can you fly?" Bai Xingwei asked.

"..." Luo Quan jumped a bit, just duang and duang, but did not fly up.

"Haha, since you can't fly, just stay here honestly. The Wisdom Tree is in the Hall of Stars in the sky. You can't go up if you don't know how to fly."

Said Bai Xingwei patted Luo Quan's shoulder: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon, 10 minutes at most."

It's really fast, that is, a break time between classes.

But Luo Quan wasn't worried about anything, he just didn't think it was necessary to make an exception for her to get the wisdom fruit.

As a top student in Huanyu Academy, Bai Xingwei must have enjoyed a lot of privileges.

But this wisdom fruit sounds so effective, even if you have the privilege, it doesn't mean that you can get it by giving it to others, and you will definitely pay a big price.

That's why Luo Quan seemed so hesitant.

But Bai Xingwei didn't understand, maybe she understood but didn't care.

In short, after she finished speaking, she jumped up and disappeared into the sky.

After Bai Xingwei left, there were more students staring at Luo Quan beside him.

The first boy who struck up a conversation didn't recognize Bai Xingwei, but it didn't mean that the other boys were as ignorant as him.

For this genius sword fairy, most people are quite jealous, and did not dare to act rashly at the first moment.

But now that Bai Xingwei had left, she naturally didn't need to have any scruples, so they all summoned up the courage to walk over.

Of course, it wasn't the past that robbed civilian girls in the street.

Anyway, he is a top student of the world's number one university, and he still has the most basic qualities.

As the saying goes, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, and a gentleman loves wealth and beauty, so of course he should pursue it in a proper way.

If you see something you like, you can go up and knock it out and take it home. Isn't that the same as uncivilized primitive people?
As a result, Luoquan encountered high-quality pursuits from several high-quality talents.

They introduced themselves in different ways, asking her her name and which class she was in.

The name can be said, but she really doesn't know which class, because she also just came to the school today.

"Luo Quan?" A high-pitched voice suddenly rang out, "This is really hard to find, it's easy to get here!"

Luo Quan looked for the sound, and immediately frowned.

The owner of the voice was a young man who didn't look serious.

Wearing a flirty pink long gown, his face was slightly pale, combined with two dark circles under his eyes, this was obviously the result of excessive sexual indulgence.

The most important thing is that his eyes kept rolling, never leaving Luo Quan's body for a moment.

Luo Quan was no stranger to this kind of look. When she attended parties before, she always met many people staring at her with this kind of look.

She didn't dislike this look, but she definitely didn't like it either.

"It's Zhao Ang."

"Fuck, why is he here?"

"What do we do now?"

"It's okay, this is the school palace."


The surrounding discussions made Luo Quan roughly guess what kind of virtue this young man with the appearance of Huahua Taisui is.

Those boys before were all high-quality civilized people, but this one in front of him is probably the kind of barbarian who knocks out whoever he likes and takes them home.

But Luo Quan was confident, not to mention Bai Xingwei, he still had a token token from the Lord of the White Tiger Palace on his body.

The spokesperson of the Martial God Temple is not so restless.

However, Luo Quan was thinking this way, but Zhao Ang had already stepped forward:

"Luo Quan, be my girlfriend!"


For three full seconds, the audience was silent.

Luo Quan herself was also a little confused. She had been confessed many times, but it was the first time she had encountered such a straightforward one.

"Sorry, I don't have any plans to fall in love at the moment." Luo Quan's refusal was also straightforward.

"It doesn't matter if you don't fall in love, then be my female partner." Zhao Ang didn't get angry after being rejected, and came to the next best thing.

The so-called female companions are actually **.

Luo Quan has seen this kind of thing a lot in the entertainment industry, but he never expected that someone would dare to say it in public.

This kind of person either has a background that has no limit, or is hopelessly stupid.

Luo Quan felt that Zhao Ang belonged to the former, but the latter was more or less involved.

"You'd better find someone else, I don't like being a female companion."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned around and left, not wanting to talk any more nonsense with this person.

However, Zhao Ang did not intend to let her alone just like that, and immediately went around to her and said, "I know, you think you can dismiss me because of Xu Zimo's favor, but I have to remind you, he is a prince." Shizi, you can only marry someone who is in the same family as her, and it can't give you the happiness you want.

But I am different, I can decide my marriage, and I am wholeheartedly for you. "

After Luo Quan heard these words, he felt overwhelmed.

How is this a routine with third-rate female video novels?
"Sorry, I have nothing to do with Xu Zimo. I have told him the same thing, so you don't have to worry."

Luo Quan's expression gradually became indifferent, but in the eyes of a group of boys, he was still so charming.

Especially Zhao Ang, because he is the closest one.

"Don't resist Luo Quan anymore, if you tell the real relationship with Xu Zimo like this, it is tantamount to abandoning his protective umbrella.

If you don't find another one, what will you do in school later? "Zhao Ang looked at Luo Quan fascinatedly, with a look of color on his face.

Just as Luo Quan was about to answer, a figure descended from the sky, knocking Zhao Ang back ten steps.

"Who told you that Xu Zimo is the umbrella?"

Bai Xingwei looked at Zhao Ang with cold eyes, and said loudly: "Listen up, Luo Quan is covered by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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